Card IV

Tarot Card

“Just drink this once a day and Im sure you’ll be better after a week. Youre cough isn’t that bad but if you don’t stop smoking it’ll get worst.” The teenage village boy Taeyeon was giving prescriptions to widen his eyes as the words left the doctor’s lips. “Dot worry I wont tell your mom, now off you go.” The boy thanked Taeyeon before another patient walked towards her. The doctor was busy scribbling something in her paper that she didn’t realize who it was.

“I think there’s a problem with my head doc.” Taeyeon took a prescription form without looking at her patient.

“Why, whats wrong with it?”

“Cause it kept thinking about you.” The doctor slowly raised her head a bit; her brows were creased and she has this funny look in her face.

“Hi Doc.” A girl with the most bright eye smile she had ever come to know greeted her.

“Hi Tiffany.” Taeyeon greeted back as she tried to mirror the girl’s eye smile but obviously failed. “Wait, what are you doing here? Are you sick?”

Tiffany shook her head. “Nope. I’ll be Dr. Cho’s assistant from now on.”

The doctor’s mouth formed an “ohh” but no sound came out from it; disappointment was evident on her face though as she remembered what Yuri told her about the things she missed from the orientation on their first day. And having a volunteer assistant from the village was one of them.

“Well, I got to go now, duty calls. Too bad I didn’t get to be with you.” Taeyeon gulped; she knows when a girl flirts to her and man, Tiffany’s words said it all. She doesn’t know though if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Yeah she likes Tiffany since the first day they met and now the girl’s showing her some interest, but…

The card.

The reading.

The words written at the back of the Tarot card.

Even though she’s decided that she wont let it affect her love life, still, she cant help but sometimes think that what if it came true? Then whoever she chose to be with will only end in tragedy or atleast that’s what Yuri made her think so.

“Right. Well, I’ll see you later then?” The doctor smiled at the younger girl who just left but not without replying “Ohh you will Doc.”

“Im in trouble, am I?” Taeyeon was talking to herself when someone tapped her shoulder. “Ohh hey Jessica.” The doctor’s smile fade away when the girl standing next to her only gave her a blanc look.

Taeyeon gulped, she doesn’t know why she suddenly felt scared by just looking at Jessica’s blank face. “D-do you need anything?”


“Ohh, ahmm she’s with Dr. Cho. Ahh wait..”  Taeyeon looked around and spotted her Junior Nurse talking to Tiffany. “She’s with your sister.”

There’s a sudden change in Jessica’s facial reaction as soon as she saw the tanned girl talking to Tiffany and it didn’t left unnoticed by Taeyeon.

“They seem close.”

“Yeah. Yuri always gets her way with girls, I mean, I know she’s hitting on you but I assure you its just you she’s hitting on right now..” Taeyeon stumbled upon her words. She doesn’t understand why she needed to explain everything to Jessica, she just doesn’t want her to misinterpret her friend’s intention and that also, Tiffany is hers or atleast she’s thinking of making Tiffany hers.

“Hmmm.” Was Jessica’s only response and Taeyeon only heaved a sigh. Sometimes, she just want to smack Yuri’s head for being too much friendly with people and not to mention touchy, just like right now, Yuri was slapping Tiffany’s arm as they laughed together.

“Wait Jess..” The doctor was just as shock as the girl who’s about to walk away with the nickname suddenly thrown out of nowhere. Theyre not even close in the first place so Taeyeon doesn’t know why the pet name came out so naturally, as if Taeyeon was calling her that for so long now which is very unlikely since their interaction was very limited to “Hi” and “Hello”. And not to mention her hand that was holding Jessica’s wrist, realizing that, she retracted her hand back and tucked it in her pocket.

“Ahmmm, do you want to have lunch with me and Yuri? I’ll ask Tiffany too later. That is if you want to eat with us.” Taeyeon felt a bit stupid for suddenly suggesting a lunch double date out of nowhere. She just feels like she needed to help Yuri out and ofcourse, she has her own intentions too, and it comes with a name of Tiffany. Its like hitting two birds with one stone. She knows that Yuri is having a hard time with Jessica so she’ll play the cupid for today and as she does that, she can get to know Tiffany more.

“No but thanks for the offer.” And there goes the birds; it flew away.

“Ahmm okay.. “ Taeyeon was left scratching her head as she stared at the girl’s retreating back. “Weird girl, very weird indeed.”







Cold palm struck hard against her pale cheeks and her neck almost got twisted by the strong slap she had just received. Tears flowed freely, like an endless waterfall and blood tasted iron against her tongue.

“Why?” Was always her question.

“You think I didn’t saw you?”

“But Im not doing anything..”  She reasoned out but a push was what she got in response.

“Oh you never did, did you? But we both know that’s not true. I see how you look at her. You think Im stupid?” She pulled her hair when she tried to run. “You think Im going to let you take whats mine again?”

“But I never did take anything from you.”

“Everything. You took everything away from me.”


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Chapter 4: interesting!
Chapter 23: Taeng still kinda a jerk in this one though, who did that to sisters? Even if one turns out to be crazy, you're still a jerk for two timing them
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 23: I can't believe this story slipped right under my nose how in the world did i just find this?!! Haha well I love it thanks for this! Till next time indeed!!
Chapter 23: Aww it ended already.. Please comeback with a new taengsic fic please....
Icecream013 #6
Idk why i just found this fic but still i'm going to read this all
Chapter 23: hey! glad that you were able to finish this.. thanks so much for this story and hope to read some taengsic from you again :)
Chapter 23: Haha I thought that was the end but you never confirmed it. Please come back with taengsic soon. Not many authors out there writing that pair these days so I'm very deprived ><
Chapter 22: Hi, Authornim and fellow Filipino citezen. Omg, I love this story. Bakit ngayon ko lang nabasa 'tong napakagandang story? I'm so proud of your wonderful work ^0^ I'm hoping na ma-update mo'to dahil srsly, ang ganda ng takbo ng story. Love lots Authornim.
Chapter 22: please update soon