Tarot Card

“Will she forget about me?” Taeyeon asked anxiously.  Jessica squeezed back when she tightened her hold on her girlfriend’s hand, probably feeling the same thing.

“No. We’re only going to channel her past and suppressed memories. With this procedure, I’ll make Jessica sleep and I’ll dig into her subconscious mind, that way her brain will have no power or whatsoever with her recollection.” Their psychologist, Dr. Phillis, informed as she scribbled onto Jessica’s personal data sheet. “And I may have to look into the Hwang’s files as well, anything that could actually help us to relate with Jessica’s amnesia, considering with everything that happened, emotional trauma could add up to her prolonged condition.”

“So you mean, the recent incidents could affect today’s session?” Taeyeon asked as she turned to Jessica who was fidgeting next to her.

Its obvious that the girl was still in no condition to face anyone right after what happened the day before, but with Taeyon’s insistent, Jessica agreed to see the Psychologist who was scheduled to leave after a week.

“Probably, yes. But we wouldnt know that unless we try it now. But just to give you guys a head’s up, our session could be either a success or not. It really depends on the patient, herself.” The psychologist and Taeyeon both stared at Jessica, expecting for any objection or whatsoever.

Then Jessica turned to Taeyeon, eyes confused and curious at the same time. “Earlier, when your friend hugged me..”


“I felt like Ive known her all my life and really, I tried so hard to remember her but I got nothing, only that familiar feeling and longing.”

Taeyeon almost forgot about that.

It was awkward and weird, seeing her bestfriend hugging her girlfriend and calling her a name Taeyeon knew she heard Sooyoung told her before. And then she remembered, Sooyoung’s only family was her two cousins and their parents who had become her parents, supporting her all throughout her elementary and highschool days.

Fate never let them meet each other though.

And it was months ago when Sooyoung cried to her about their accident that had caused her Uncle and Auntie’s lives, younger cousin in a coma and older cousin, missing.

And earlier, she somehow thought about Jessica’s accident and there was this feeling she cant quite wave off, like it was somehow connected.

Sooyoung’s cousin is missing from an accident and Jessica has amnesia from an accident, and it just happened that Jessica looked so much like Sooyoung’s cousin.


That’s what Taeyeon wants to know too.

“We’ll risk it Doc.” Jessica answered.

Two hours after, Taeyeon almost jumped from her seat when the psychologist called her back to her office. “You might want to approach her lightly Dr. Kim. “

“She still remembers me right?” Taeyeon asked immediately, fear probably was written all over her face that the Psychologist patted her shoulder a second after. “I told you, we only channeled her past, current memories wont be affected, although her past might jumble up with her current present.”

Taeyeon wanted to ask exactly what does the doctor meant but that can wait, she needed to see Jessica first.

Worry soon washed over her as she saw Jessica hugging her knees to her chest and crying.

“Jessica?” She reached out to caress her girlfriend’s head.

After some time, the sobs quiet down.

“Jessica? Are you..” Taeyeon stopped midway. Obviously, her girlfriend was far from okay. Jessica is crying,  and obviously  devastated over something.

“Sooyoung.. I need to see Sooyoung.”




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Chapter 4: interesting!
Chapter 23: Taeng still kinda a jerk in this one though, who did that to sisters? Even if one turns out to be crazy, you're still a jerk for two timing them
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 23: I can't believe this story slipped right under my nose how in the world did i just find this?!! Haha well I love it thanks for this! Till next time indeed!!
Chapter 23: Aww it ended already.. Please comeback with a new taengsic fic please....
Icecream013 #6
Idk why i just found this fic but still i'm going to read this all
Chapter 23: hey! glad that you were able to finish this.. thanks so much for this story and hope to read some taengsic from you again :)
Chapter 23: Haha I thought that was the end but you never confirmed it. Please come back with taengsic soon. Not many authors out there writing that pair these days so I'm very deprived ><
Chapter 22: Hi, Authornim and fellow Filipino citezen. Omg, I love this story. Bakit ngayon ko lang nabasa 'tong napakagandang story? I'm so proud of your wonderful work ^0^ I'm hoping na ma-update mo'to dahil srsly, ang ganda ng takbo ng story. Love lots Authornim.
Chapter 22: please update soon