
Free of Charge

Chapter Twenty-One: Sincerity

sincerity: honesty; free of deceit


Because he lost in rock-paper-scissors, Chanyeol found himself pushing through the cluster of eager students to get to the bulletin board. Being tall had its advantages as he managed to see above the mass of dark haired high schoolers in search for his name on the white pieces of paper. Recognizing the names -- Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Kim Jongdae, Byun Baekhyun -- Chanyeol held out his phone and snapped three photos, disappointed he wasn't in the same class as any of the other three. Upon realizing neither was Baekhyun, Chanyeol tsked to himself before shoving his way out of the crowd.

Well Baek's not going to like that.

Chanyeol rejoined his group of friends that stood off to the side away from the horde of students. Baekhyun leaned forward, "Well?"

Chanyeol responded with a grimace, "I'm in class 3-A. Jongdae and Kyungsoo are in 3-B and Baek, you're--"

"Oh my god," Baekhyun held up a hand to stop Chanyeol from continuing any further. "They're telling me I'm stupid? Sure, why not just dump all the idiots in one class? I hate this ing school. Why couldn't Sooha burn down instead?"

Jongdae and Kyungsoo blinked in confusion. What the two didn't know was Sooha High's different class standards for its third year students. Third years were assigned classes based on their academic performances. Class 3-A was reserved for the higher intellectuals, hence Joonmyun's placement in Class 3-A previously, class 3-B for the above average to average, Class 3-C for the average to below average, and--

"You're in 3-D, Baek," Chanyeol said hesitantly.

Not even C but D.

"The I am," Baekhyun snapped. He pounded a fist against his chest, "I am a good person. I don't deserve this. How the are you in A?

Kyungsoo whispered to Jongdae, "I think there's a ranking system here."

"In 3-D the teachers don't give a what happens. They assign stupid work because they think we're all mindless heads. They have no faith that they slap us in the face with preparing for the SATs thinking that would solve the solution," Baehkyun said. "Who else is with me?"

Chanyeol let Baekhyun look at the photo. Baekhyun recognized a couple of names from the Well business but no one Baekhyun desired to talk to during class. Baekhyun felt so upset and insulted. Not only was he practically alone in the tiest class of Sooha High, but he could no longer turn around in his seat to talk to Chanyeol or Jongdae.

"What about lunches?" Baekhyun asked urgently.

"I don't know about that," Chanyeol responded. "We'll have to see."

Baekhyun had his friends walk him to his classroom like he was child going to kindergarten for the first time. He waved the three away before stepping into the classroom where several other students were already inside. A few glanced up at Baekhyun's entrance, surprise evident in their reactions. Baekhyun was known for a lot of things by his peers even if he didn't know them.

Baekhyun was the Well -- nearly everyone knew, even the first years. Baekhyun's mother was a prosecutor so don't mess with him or Mama Byun was going to send their asses to juvie somehow. Papa Byun was a bouncer, though he may not have looked like it he could overpower a man twice his size and not to mention how hard he could throw a punch. Baekhyun's brother dealt with drugs and alcohol during his middle and high school years but Baekbeom was extrememly kind and possibly the nicest angel in the world. Of course those who didn't know Baekbeom assumed he was a thug or a gangster and deserved to rot in prison for 15 years.

People didn't mess with Baekhyun, with the exception of s like Noh Raehyuk and a few others, because they had no reason to. Baekhyun's family could hunt them down. The Byuns looked harmless but they had the spirit of a dragon ready to roast an entire village. Baekhyun knew he had admirers after helping with their favors, but he underestimated the number of students that looked up to him. Either students loved Baekhyun or they hated him, there wasn't much in between.

Perhaps his repuation was the reason why everyone directed their teasing and insults toward Kim Jongdae. Then watching as the two, Baekhyun and Jongdae, become friends that shared smiles and laughter, they stopped. Those who knew how difficult it was to befriend Byun Baekhyun were baffled. Obviously there was something about Kim Jongdae that appealed to Byun Baekhyun.

But what wouldn't there be?

"There's a seating chart on the blackboard," a female student said to Baekhyun. He thanked her and found his seat all the way to the left of the classroom -- or would it be the right? -- near the windows. At least he was beside the windows... even though he was in the middle of the column. Baekhyun always preferred the back or near the windows or a door.

Baekhyun anxiously shook his right leg as he awaited for class to begin.


Baekhyun's shoulders sagged in relief. He wasn't aware of how stressful he felt about the whole 'different classes and possibly lunches too' ordeal. Thank god he and Jongdae had lunch together. Jongdae smirked the moment he saw Baekhyun. The happiness was all too evident on his boyfriend's face. Baekhyun sat down beside him with a sigh, "Where's Kyungsoo?"

"Getting lunch. Are you?"

"Are you?"

"I'm not really hungry."

"I'll be right back then," Baekhyun got up despite the fact he just sat down seconds ago. He went to fetch some food and returned with a tray of food which he set on the table top between him and Jongdae. "You're going to get hungry later so I'm going to feed you if I have to."


"Here. I know you love chicken, who doesn't? Oh right, vegetarians but whatever. You can have all of it, the rice too," Baekhyun picked up a piece of the chicken with his chopsticks and held it close to Jongdae's lips, the other hand underneath preparing to catch the chicken should it fall.

"As if you couldn't be more obvious," Kyungsoo muttered as Jongdae accepted the meat.

Baekhyun smiled before feeding Jongdae some rice. Jongdae tried holding in his laughter as he leaned away from Baekhyun. Heat blossomed in Jongdae's cheeks and ears as he chewed on his food. Baekhyun turned to Kyungsoo, "Maybe I'm trying to be obvious."

"I miss Chanyeol and Joonmyun."


"...Byun Baekhyun?"

Jongdae's ears perked at the mention of his boyfriend's name. His eyes still closed as he sat back in his chair, he eavesdropped on the trio of girls a few desks behind to his left.

"Baekhyun? He's cute."

"He's an . He's so arrogant thinking he's better than everybody else."

"What makes you say that?"

"He chooses who gets to hang out with him like he's so special."

"I think he's nice. I'd love to go out with him, I think he's got a sweet and romantic side."

"You deserve better."

"Well that's your opinion. We like him."


"Don't lie, I know you like him."

"She did before he rejected her."

"Shut up. I thought we agreed that never happened."

"You hate him because he rejected you? Wow. Not everyone you ask is going to say yes."

"You don't think he started the rumor about Kim Jongdae do you?"

"He probably did it as revenge or to show he's the head of their little gang. Baekhyun must have hated Jongdae."

"You're obviously being biased. Haven't you seen him and Jongdae--"

"Obviously Baekhyun successfully made him his ."

Jongdae pushed himself upright and pulled out his ear buds when Kyungsoo's voice rang into the classroom from the back door, "Jongdae!" Kyungsoo approached Jongdae's side and nervously smiled at him, "You mind if I borrow your gym pants? I accidentally spilled water all over, look." Kyungsoo embarrassingly gestured to his pants where a dark area formed around his inner thigh. "And I'm not going to wear to my gym shorts the whole day."

The startled girls turned their attention to the brunet that had his back to them. One girl's face paled remarkably as it dawned on her that the brunet sitting by himself was Kim Jongdae.

Hidden from the girls' view, Kyungsoo firmly grasped Jongdae's elbow and subtly shook his head. Jongdae nodded and Kyungsoo handed the brunet the fallen ear buds before he left with a quick pat on Jongdae's back. The brunet leaned forward on his desk and propped his head up with his left hand. The girls crowded closer to another and began whispering in hushed voices. Jongdae couldn't hear them nor did he want to. How unfortunate he caught all that... were others thinking the same? Those type of people, Jongdae could yell at them til he was blue in the face but they still wouldn't believe him. They'd simply think he was attempting to save what little pride he had.

Jongdae still wore a deep frown when Kyungsoo returned wearing Jongdae's gym pants. He looked funny because his whole outfit mismatched but Kyungsoo only cared about not looking as if he peed himself. Kyungsoo squatted down beside Jongdae's desk and tilted his head up at the frowning brunet. "You okay?" Jongdae gave a pathetic nod.

Kyungsoo had only caught the last bit of the conversation earlier. He could only guess what was discussed prior to his arrival had been bad as well. Had it been Baekhyun who overheard rather than Jongdae, the girls and Baekhyun would have made an ugly scene. Knowing Baekhyun, the boy would have slammed a fist on the desk and demand them to shut up and apologize. Knowing the girls who had been in the same class for 11th grade, one in particular Oh Chaeyoung, she would have insulted Baekhyun to his face. There was no telling if Baekhyun would have gotten physical with her or not because not only was she a girl but the best forward in the girls' soccer team.

Unlike Baekhyun, Jongdae didn't get mad in a split second. Hell, Jongdae was more patient than Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo liked to think himself as a patient person. For Jongdae to get fired up, either he felt truly hurt or angered. And knowing Jongdae, he was likely more upset at the girls for talking bad about Baekhyun rather than because Chaeyoung called Jongdae Baekhyun's .


"I'm doomed," Baekhyun groaned. He rested his head on his desktop, the cool surface chilling his left cheek. It wasn't fair his class, Class 3-D, had to remain in school an extra hour longer than everyone else. While his two friends and boyfriend were dismissed at 4 pm, Baekhyun had to study for one more hour. Was the school allowed to discriminate like that?

"It's cause we're the stupid ones in our year, according to our placement tests," the female student to Baekhyun's right sighed. Lee Raena was one of Jaehwa's friends that Baekhyun hung out with when they were younger but didn't necessarily know or talk to.

"We're not that lacking but compared to the other third years..." another girl responded.

Baekhyun tuned out the girls as he lazily tapped his phone screen to tell the others not to wait up for him. The moment he sent the texts he realized that mean he would have to go home alone. Although it happened months ago Baekhyun was still afraid to be out alone in the dark. As long as he had his bike he wasn't as paranoid but the thoughts still lingered in the back of his mind.

"Hey Baekhyun."

The named boy looked up from his phone to a familiar young man. It was the American-Korean boy that several rudely nicknamed 'Halfling'. Baekhyun found the kid nice and quiet but they didn't really talk. Whenever they had to pair up during class in 10th grade -- because Chanyeol was in a different class at that time as well-- it was he Baekhyun chose. Baekhyun liked Jang Owen.


"I was wondering if you're ever opening the Well again."

Baekhyun hadn't thought about the Well in awhile. It wouldn't hurt to resume his old job would it? The nearby classmates who overheard broke into a clamor of excitement.

"Yeah are you?"

"I have a thousand things to ask you."

"No one can get the job done right except you."

"This charged me 100,000 won to copy a single page of notes."

"One hundred thousand?" Baekhyun blinked in surprise. It shouldn't have been a surprise that people would take advantage when the original Well from Sooha was on a hiatus. Without Baekhyun to grant favors everyone else jumped at the opportunity and began competing with one another.

Okay not original...

"I'll have to think about it," Baekhyun replied.

"I'm not pressuring you, I'm just wondering. Have you ever thought about appointing anyone as the next Well? After you graduate?"

Baekhyun never thought of that. Really, anyone could be a Well. They didn't need a special license or anything. "Anyone can do it, they've already started."

"But they're all fakes," Raena commented. "They're generics; you're the real deal."

"You do know that Cho Yonghwa was the first Well right? I'm just a kid who followed in his footsteps."

 "You're good at what you do," Owen smiled. "You don't take advantage of people who need help."

Baekhyun couldn't resist a smile. Baekhyun wasn't one to care and obsess over what people thought of him, but it felt extremely flattering his peers thought of him in such regards. It got him wondering as to how he started doing favors for people. It wasn't for money, not entirely. He felt good helping people and taking over the odd jobs asked of him. There were several he had to turn away but the majority of the favors were reasonable.

"I'll think about it but with the SATs this year I'm not so sure," Baekhyun replied. He already felt upset not being in the same class as his lovely boyfriend, what precious free time remained he wished to spend it with Jongdae, especially with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo becoming trainees and whatnot, who else was Baekhyun supposed to spend his time with?

Baekhyun's phone began buzzing in his hand as he received a few text responses.

soovenir: for you

yeoloser: will you be okay?

my sun: i'll see you tomorrow then


The next day Baekhyun decided to drop by Jongdae's place, after asking for permission of course. Jongdae had been patting himself dry when he heard the doorbell. Baekhyun's excuse was studying together but Jongdae knew his boyfriend missed him. In Jongdae's opinion, Baekhyun needed to get away from him more often before Baekhyun came to rely too heavily on him. They weren't going to always be there for each other... but for now, yes.

Jongdae ruffled his wet hair, droplets of water flying all over the floor and counter. It suddenly reminded him of Jongdeok. Once on a very rainy day many years ago, the brothers were running through the mud with their knee-high rain boots. Jongdae felt himself slipping and automatically reached out for Jongdeok. Hoping to prevent an accident, Jongdeok tried keeping his kid brother up on his feet but Jongdae ended up dragging Jongdeok along in the mud. After laughing, the two stepped into the house covered in mud and all. Jongdeok helped wash Jongdae in the bathtub and afterwards, Jongdeok told Jongdae to shake his head like a dog. He missed his brother, he missed those days.

When asking Jongdeok about the car keys and testifying that Baekbeom wasn't at Yoonkyu, Jongdae had also asked about Seohwa. Jongdeok tried dodging the question by asking about Jongdae's own personal love life. But Jongdeok did say, "She and I dated for a while but it turns out she wasn't even interested in me but my friend. I wish I could take back the time I wasted with her. You be cautious too."

Jongdae saw no insincerity with Byun Baekhyun. Although Jongdae may not have expressed it as outwardly as Baekhyun, Jongdae absolutely loved his boyfriend. But that didn't mean he wanted to spend every waking second with him. Not that Baekhyun was annoying the living daylights out of him but Jongdae had his moments where he wished to bash his head against the wall. Baekhyun was smothering him. He actually feared for White Day. Would Baekhyun go overboard or slap something out at the last second? Even Jongdae wasn't too sure.

Jongdae invited Baekhyun into his bedroom, the latter grinning while clutching his backpack against his chest. Baekhyun set the bag down on Jongdae's desk, "So which subject are we tackling first? Literature? Language? What language are you taking again? Are you still taking Chinese or something else?"

"Whatever suits you Baek and yeah, still Chinese." Jongdae responded. "Which reminds me -- my friend from China, the one I stayed with while I was over there, he wants to come visit Korea. I'm thinking of letting him stay over."

Baekhyun paused. He didn't know much about the guy Jongdae stayed with, not even the guy's name. But it wasn't hard to miss to the shimmer in Jongdae's eyes when he mentioned about the guy. "Oh?"

"His name's Tao," Jongdae smiled at the confusion on Baekhyun's face. "I'd love for you two to meet."

"I don't want to," Baekhyun muttered. From what Jongdae had told him, Tao was energetic and playful and he did martial arts and sports. They were complete opposites.


"Sorry, I meant that I don't think we'd get along."

"Well you can just meet him once and never again," Jongdae patted Baekhyun's back. "We're still talking about it, haven't decided yet. If he did come it would be around the end of June maybe."

With Baekhyun seated at Jongdae's somewhat messy desk and Jongdae on the bed, the two started working while randomly initiating and slowly killing conversations. Jongdae grew tired from the constant focus that his eyes began wandering while his fingers randomly flipped through his textbook. Poems from all over the world laid out on every page.

"An extra hour each day, how lovely," Jongdae glanced at his boyfriend. Baekhyun's eyes were glued to his cell phone. "Baek?"

The older boy slowly looked up, "Yes?"

"How long were you on your phone?"

"Uhh, I don't know. But yeah, an extra hour. It beats having school on Saturdays like some other unfortunate souls. Our sh-- school knows what it's doing."

"It's amazing really," Jongdae agreed. "Back at Yoonkyu, school went from 7 in the morning to 6 in the evening, Mondays through Fridays and 7 to 3 on Saturdays. But here at Sooha school ends at 5 and there are no classes on Saturday. That extra day of rest works wonders."

Baekhyun chuckled as he recalled Baekbeom's first week at Yoonkyu. Baekbeom almost made the cut that would enable him to graduate with his fellow classmates at Sooha High, if it weren't for his foreign language class and community service requirements. Baekbeom had no desire to repeat 12th grade at Sooha so he transferred to Yoonkyu.

Baekhyun had always been jealous of his older brother who had no school on Saturdays, but Baekbeom made it a tradition to pick up Baekhyun from school every Saturday. Depending on how either of the brothers felt sometimes they went to the nearby candy or stationary shop, walk around the park, or head over to the Cho's. A sad smile found its way on Baekhyun's lips. The days when he and Jaewha walked to the front gates where Yonghwa and Baekbeom stood waiting for them felt ages ago. It was fun spending time with the three of them and occasionally four if Seohwa decided to join, or even if Chanyeol did too, but Baekhyun loved it best when it was just him and Baekbeom.

"Rest improves performance," Baekhyun said, "and the people who run Sooha knows this. I wonder how they get away with it but I'd rather not dwell on specifics. I like how things are... except what they do with the third years. That's just plain ing stupid." At Jongdae's look of disapproval, Baekhyun sheepishly apologized. "Give me more time."


The days passed by angonizingly slow yet quick. It was already the 6th of March, a week before his mother's birthday. Baekhyun had been so focused on school he'd momentarily forgotten the presents for his mother and his boyfriend. Chanyeol hadn't gotten back to him about a shopping date since he was occupied with his own self. As if Chanyeol read Baekhyun's thoughts that morning, Chanyeol asked his Baekhyun if he was up for the mall the next day.

So the afternoon of the 7th, Baekhyun dressed himself in his ugly and oversized black turtleneck and pair of his old jeans. He would have given more effort in his fashion if Jongdae were joining them but it was just him and Chanyeol. Because Baekhyun had yet to purchase a gift for Jongdae, he went with Chanyeol to the mall without mentioning it to his boyfriend.

Chanyeol suggested Baekhyun bake some cookies or write a love letter but Baekhyun felt it wasn't enough. Baekhyun needed something creative like Jongdae had done on Valentine's with the plastic rose.

"Are you... getting anything for Jaehwa?"

"Should I? We're still kind of... ugh right now."

The two entered the clothing shop that Chanyeol loved, Baekhyun following behind Chanyeol like a duckling waddling behind its mother. Baekhyun would become so immersed in his thoughts he'd accidentally bump into Chanyeol. After the fourth collision, Chanyeol took Baekhyun by the shoulders, "Why don't you go sit down outside and wait for me, okay? I won't take long."

Baekhyun left after patting Chanyeol's shoulder, but instead of sitting down somewhere -- everywhere was crowded so he wouldn't have found a seat anyways -- Baekhyun entered the shop a few shops down on the opposite side. The person in the giant bear costume had caught his attention and before he managed to get inside the bear a flyer at him while joyously shouting, "Buy sweets for your lovely sweetheart! We're having a huge sale!"

Mentally rolling his eyes, Baekhyun walked up and down the crowded isles but nothing appealed to him. He didn't know what to get Jongdae.

What would Jongdae like? What kind of candy does Jongdae even like? I don't even know.

Baekhyun knew to avoid anything too expensive or else Jongdae would yell at him. Baekhyun had probably walked around the entire shop twice before he spotted Chanyeol entering through the front. "You getting something here?" Chanyeol asked.

"I was just browsing. Maybe you can get something but I'm not."

"You aren't?"

"Yeah I'm just going to take your idea. I'll write a nasty love letter and bake cookies full of nuts," Baekhyun smirked before stepping out. He stood off to the side away from the shouting bear and searched for cookie recipes. What about a cake? Baekhyun had always wanted to try baking a red velvet cake. Did Jongdae like red velvet? Nah, Baekhyun would bake the red velvet cake for his mother since she loved it so much. As for Jongdae... a giant cookie. Yes. He'd made giant cookies using their pizza pan one time with Baekbeom and Chanyeol. Jongdae would like it and if he didn't then Baekhyun would keep it for himself and re-evaluate his relationship with Jongdae.

Chanyeol now had two bags, one large one containing his pants and a small pink one that obviously contained his gift to Jaehwa. "We haven't talked recently, I wonder if she'd even take this," Chanyeol sighed heavily as he dropped the smaller bag into the bigger one.

"Better safe than sorry. You mind if we stop at the grocery store for my ingredients?"

"Can I go home first? I don't want to carry all this around," Chanyeol lifted the bag up. "The grocery store is near my place anyway." Baekhyun slowly nodded. He couldn't wait to get out of the mall where there were too many bodies around for his liking. It was getting too hot even though it was cold as Antarctica outside. Not that he'd know since he'd never been there.

The ride to Chanyeol's place was rather quiet. It seemed everyone on the bus had earphones plugged in or were busy occupied by the little devices, large as well, in their hands. Chanyeol suddenly elbowed Baekhyun's side and with a giant grin nudged his chin to the front. Baekhyun looked and saw what made Chanyeol so excited -- a little baby.

The baby grinned toothlessly back at the two boys, her -- at least Baekhyun thought it was baby girl -- hand scratching the air before finding its way into . Chanyeol leaned forward and wiggled his fingers and the baby started laughing, burrying her face in the crook of the man's shoulder. The man turned slightly around to look at Chanyeol. While the man and Chanyeol began talking, how Chanyeol started a conversation so easily with people Baekhyun would never know, Baekhyun stared at the tiny dark eyes and the tiny dark eyes stared right back at him. Baekhyun cracked a smile and waved, a toothless grin forming on the baby's face once again. Baekhyun wasn't a fan of little children but they were cute to look at, same with animals. He was good staring and smiling for a few minutes before he got tired.

"Oh, I go there sometimes with my wife," the man laughed as he set his daughter on his lap. "I knew you looked familiar... from the family portrait."

Baekhyun waved at the baby again. She wouldn't take her eyes off Baekhyun and it made him rather nervous.

Stop looking at me.

As if the baby heard his thoughts, her eyes began wandering around. But then she stared at him again and outstretched her arms. It looked like she wanted Baekhyun to...

"Hey, she likes you," the man smiled. "You want to carry her?"

Before Baekhyun could reply, the man held out the baby whose mouth hung open wide and arms flapped around in excitement. Baekhyun held the little girl, hoping she wouldn't drool too much on him. "What's her name again?"


Baekhyun held Heejin in front of him, "Hi Heejin. How are you? Oh." Baekhyun's eyes followed the drool from to his lap. It was only drool but still it was disgusting. From Baekhyun's left, Chanyeol snickered before leaning toward Baekhyun's face and smiling at Heejin. Baekhyun didn't understand how Chanyeol could love babies so much. Chanyeol was always so distracted by them whenever they went out. They were just babies. Mini-sized humans.

Heejin's arms closed in as she let out a sneeze, her tiny body trembling from the action. A second sneeze came out, followed by a third. Baekhyun wished someone would take the germ bomb away from him. Fortunately there was no snot dripping from her nose but the drool was enough to drive Baekhyun bonkers. "Aww, bless you little one," Chanyeol cooed before wiping Heejin's face with a cloth her father handed him. Baekhyun held Heejin out to Chanyeol but Chanyeol didn't take her as he'd expected. Baekhyun tried signaling to Chanyeol but Chanyeol was completely oblivious.

"You want to carry her?" Baekhyun asked but Chanyeol didn't respond. He kept making faces and being cute to Heejin who kept laughing and encouraging him to continue. Baekhyun glanced out the windows to see where they were in hopes that they could escape the seducer who had them -- just Chanyeol really -- completely under her control.

Watch Chanyeol have 10 kids.


Baekhyun's mother loved her cake. Baekhyun had baked it secretly the night before her birthday while she was at work. The morning of her birthday before Baekhyun left for school, he carefully snuck inside his parents' bedroom to put a sticky note on the door informing that a surprise awaited in the fridge. During one of his breaks at school Baekhyun received a message full of hearts and 'I love yous'. He wished she would have taken the day off, it was her special day after all. He wished he could have seen her reaction when she opened the box and saw the cake her son made from scratch. But it felt good to know she loved it. He even received a picture of his mom holding the cake and another one of his parents enjoying it... without him.

Once he arrived home he found a note addressed to him that the rest of the delicious cake was in the fridge for him. With a smile, Baekhyun ate the leftovers before trudging upstairs to his parents' bedroom. He put the birthday cards from his friends on the nightstand and retreated to his own room where he anxiously awaited for tomorrow.

Baekhyun struggled with sleep that night. Not knowing what to do, he reread the stupid letter he'd written about a hundred times the evening after he came home from shopping with Chanyeol. It sounded cute and gross like how Jongdae would like it before, but now that Baekhyun was about to give it to Jongdae... the letter felt so stupid and embarrassing. Maybe he would ditch the letter and just give Jongdae the cookie he was planning to bake the next morning.

Why was Baekhyun so nervous? Was he ever this afraid? He didn't like the confusion and the uneasiness swelling in his chest. Why was he doubting himself and Jongdae? Of course Jongdae would like whatever Baekhyun gave him. Eventually Baekhyun settled on giving Jongdae everything and crawled back into his bed but he remained awake. After a couple of hours of trying to fall asleep, Baekhyun hopped off his bed and began baking the cookie for Jongdae.


Pop music played in the background while Jongdae and his mother cleaned the kitchen. Jongdae was washing a frying pan when the water traveled along the handle and began spilling onto the floor. His mother yelled at him and threatened to jab at his feet with her mop.

"Why can't you wash the dishes?" Jongdae whined as he respositioned the frying pan.

"Because you don't know how to mop," his mother rolled her eyes. "The floor's never clean when you do it."

Jongdae brushed against his nose with the back of his hand, "Did I tell you Baekhyun is coming over today?"

"Why? Are you dating? Are you his girlfriend?"

Jongdae nervously laughed while trying to hide the fact that his mother had never been so right about something in his life while she was joking around. "Why are you saying that? Do we have to dating to hang out?"

"You know I'm teasing you.Today is White day after all. But what about that box of chocolates you bought during Valentine's Day?" Mrs. Kim paused to look at her son. She had been vacuuming her son's room when the box sitting on the mini bookshelf caught her eye. She wondered if that were for himself or a lucky girl, but seeing as the chocolate was in plain sight Jongdae must have had a sweet tooth. But the box disappeared after the 14th...

"What chocolate?" Jongdae's face paled. He kept his attention on washing the pan and prayed his mother wouldn't approach him.

"Before Valentine's Day there was a box of chocolates in your room. Who were they for?"

Does she know? Do I tell her? How will she react?

Jongdae decided to be bold. He went for the truth, "Baekhyun."



"What? Couldn't he have bought his own?" His mother rolled her eyes before continuing her task. "I like Baekhyun, but he shouldn't ask his friends to buy chocolate for him. He should do it himself. Unless you lost some kind of bet?"


She doesn't get it.

Jongdae remained silent; he didn't want to explain himself. The music continued playing, mixed with occasional humming from his mother but the atmosphere felt completely different. He wasn't comfortable yet. No, not yet.

Less than an hour later Baekhyun called saying he was coming over. It felt too late and sudden to suggest a different place to meet up so Jongdae let it slide. He opened the door and greeted a grinning Baekhyun whose teeth chattered together and body shivered from the cold. They retreated to Jongdae's bedroom where Baekhyun set his bag down on the dresser before shrugging off his coat. "It's so nice and warm inside." Jongdae nodded in agreement as he hung the coat on the door rack, always secretly pleased whenever Baekhyun wore the olive-colored coat.

"Did you walk here or?" Jongdae asked when he noticed how pink Baekhyun's face was. He cupped Baekhyun's cheeks and leaned forward, but Baekhyun flinched and pulled away before their lips could meet. Disappointed, Jongdae dropped his arms to his sides, "Your face is cold."

"Yeah. Go sit down." Baekhyun removed his gloves and cupped his hands over his mouth and blew into it, the warmth carressing his skin for a quick moment.

Jongdae obeyed with a frown, "Why are you bossing me around in my own room?" He plopped down on the edge of his bed and blinked up at Baekhyun who was taking something out the bag. Baekhyun was getting right to the point; he wasn't even going to ease into it like Jongdae did. Jongdae laughed and hid his smile behind his hand when Baekhyun came over and set an enormous cookie on his lap.

"Here you go sweetie." Jongdae looked down at the cookie that read 'I'm sweet too but not like you.' Jongdae laughed again and Baekhyun smiled in embarrassment, "I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm sorry if this is lame." He held out a white envelope to Jongdae.

"No this is cute," Jongdae reassured Baekhyun as he took the envelope. "You put in your time and effort to make this. Thank you."

Baekhyun's legs jittered in excitement and he scooted closer to Jongdae. "A little warning," Baekhyun said nervously, "I'm not all that romantic. I tried my best, I really did." Baekhyun averted his eyes away from Jongdae in embarrassment, his hands resting over his knees as if he were prepared to take off the second Jongdae pulled the letter out the envelope.

"Can I read it now?"

"Y-Yeah, if you want. And I wrote another but changed a couple of words cause I know how much you don't like me swearing. This is the uncensored one that accurately depicts my feelings. Please don't read it out loud it sounds ridiculous."

To my sweet boyfriend,

whose eyes crinkle when you laugh (it's adorable)
whose smile is too bright for the world (but not enough for me)
whose lips are perfect for kisses (even though I don't kiss them enough)
whose voice makes me swoon when you say my name (say it more often please)
whose neck I love kissing and leaning into (it's really soft and comfy)
whose chest contains the heart that loves me (thanks, really)
whose arms are strong and perfect for hugs (hug me more)
whose hands are gentle and fit perfectly in mine (I like it when you play with my fingers)
whose is always beside mine (I might develop a slapping habit, beware)
whose legs carry you to me (you've got firm thighs too, nice for sitting on)
whose feet I love playing footsies with (I secretly enjoy it, don't stop)

To my other half who puts up with all my ,

I ing love you.

Your Byun Baeby

Jongdae's smile never faltered. By the end of the letter he swore the smile could never go away. His cheeks ached but his boyfriend was absolutely adorable and lovely. "Thank you Baekhyun."

Baekhyun took that as his cue to copy Jongdae's actions from earlier. It was for that moment why Baekhyun dodged the kiss. He wanted to kiss Jongdae first that day. Plus, he needed his lips to thaw before they were kissable. Baekhyun took Jongdae's face in his hands and leaned in close, "I do love you."

Did I say it too soon?



I'm sorry if it seems like the story is dragging :(

I tried to end this chapter with lots of fluff because I need it right now 

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Hey guys, not sure if this is necessary but I just want to let you know I'm still (slowly) working on this fic. I decided to hold off any new chapter updates until I finish writing the rest of the fic in its entirety or until I feel I'm ready. Thanks for reading and being patient with this fic!


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Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
lorsaab #6
Chapter 30: the story is so good can’t wait for the next update ❤️
Chapter 30: Miss this...