
Free of Charge

Chapter Seventeen: Frailty

frailty: physical or moral weakness; the condition of being weak or delicate


"Jongdae! Get the door," Mrs. Kim said without tearing her gaze from her tablet. Mrs. Kim clicked her tongue with a shake of her head, "I wish there was something I could to do help." Jongdae stared at his mother for several seconds, slowly blinking at the woman who gave birth to him. She was closer to the door, but if she said to get the door, then get the door he must. The door bell rang once more and Jongdae sped to the door.

Baekhyun grinned excitedly at him, almost leaping into his arms. Baekhyun opted to cling onto Jongdae's left arm, "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Jongdae pulled his boyfriend in before shutting the door.

"Didn't you get my text? You didn't get my text. Aren't you always on your phone? What are you doing, fanboying over your idols?"

The brunet lightly whacked Baekhyun in the back of the head, "Hey, I was busy doing chores and my phone is charging in my room." Jongdae left Baekhyun's side to retrieve his phone.

Mrs. Kim approached Baekhyun with a wide smile, arms outstretched, "Oh Baekhyun! How nice of you to drop by. What brings you here?"

Baekhyun embraced his future mother-in-law, the scent of Mrs. Kim's vanilla jasmine perfume filling his nostrils, grateful her perfume wasn't as strong as Joonmyun's mother's. "Jongdae and I were going out for ice cream."

"Ice cream?" Mrs. Kim asked, eyes wide. "In this weather?"

"It's never too cold to have ice cream," Baekhyun insisted, "only too hot to have... hot stuff." Baekhyun finished with an awkward grin.

"Just you two?"


"Well," Mrs. Kim began adjusting Baekhyun's coat, "I hope you stay warm. This really suits you, dear. Is it keeping you warm enough?"

Baekhyun nodded eagerly, catching Jongdae's eye from the hallway. Jongdae threw his jacket over a chair, "Let me finish up my chores real quick."

"How long is that going to take?" Baekhyun pouted.

Baekhyun ended up waiting on the couch, discussing about a possible family brunch or dinner later in the near future. Mrs. Kim wanted to prove to her husband there was nothing to worry about. It wasn't as if the Byuns were complete stranger and noticing how much time Jongdae spent with Baekhyun, Mrs. Kim would hate to separate such a pair.

"Is your mother doing all right?" Mrs. Kim hesitantly asked. She didn't want to intrude on family matters, but she wanted to reach out to Mrs. Byun to show she cared. Baekhyun automatically nodded even though he wasn't sure himself.

Jongdae soon walked into the room, trying to zip his jacket, "Okay, I'm... almost ready." Baekhyun mentally rolled his eyes, preparing to assist his boyfriend when Mrs. Kim beat him to it.

"Jongdae, you're going to rip the zipper pull off," Mrs. Kim tsked before lightly slapping her son's hand away. "Gently."

Baekhyun frowned, making his way to the door in defeat. He slipped on his shoes, securing his shoelaces while waiting for mother and son to finish their little chat. Baekhyun stole a glance at the two before standing up and shoving his hands into his coat pockets.

It makes it less obvious if she does it, so...


Baekhyun puffed his cheeks out as he scanned the menu. He couldn't choose a flavor to save his life and he only took his sweet time because no other customers were in line. From beside him Jongdae sighed impatiently, but that didn't phase the raven-haired boy. If he wanted, he would make Jongdae wait five whole minutes. Baekhyun leaned his head close to Jongdae's, "Which one should I get?"

"I don't know, just choose one."

"Maybe the caramel one."

"You sure?"

"No wait. The fudge brownie one sounds good too."

"Fudge the Brown then?"

"No no no! The strawberry shortcake one."

"Okay, Strawberry--"

Baekhyun tsked before changing his mind, "No wait, I'll just get the-- !"

Jongdae turned to Baekhyun in annoyance only to see Baekhyun leaping toward him. Jongdae flinched back, throwing his arms out to protect himself. Baekhyun desperately took a hold of Jongdae's arm and staggered away from the kiosk.

"What is it?" Jongdae asked. Baekhyun's eyes seemed glued to something Jongdae couldn't see. Did he see a ghost? An old enemy? A celebrity?

"You don't see that bug?" Baekhyun began dragging Jongdae side to side as the large black bug flew toward him. "Even the kiosk lady sees it." True to his words, the woman behind the kiosk had flinched away as a black bug flew in her direction.

Feeling discomfort and wishing to keep his arm intact, Jongdae blindly slapped the bug with his other hand. He cringed as he felt the contact.


"Don't attack it! You're antagonizing it!" Baekhyun continued tugging onto Jongdae.

"You're embarrassing us," Jongdae whispered. His cheeks and ears burned so hot he swore smoke rose from his head. Baekhyun was too comfortable around him.

Baekhyun buried his face against Jongdae's arm, "I'll get the same thing as you."

Jongdae dragged Baekhyun along with him and smiled at the woman behind the kiosk, "Can we get a large Orange Villa?"

"What?" Baekhyun gasped but Jongdae was already paying for the dessert. Baekhyun's lips twitched at the thought of sharing ice cream. Baekhyun didn't share food, especially not ice cream. How little would he get to eat if they were sharing?

Jongdae thanked the woman when their order finished. Still clinging onto Jongdae's arm, Baekhyun nervously wet his lips as he eyed the ice cream. When he felt assured no one could hear them, Baekhyun took one spoon and scooped up a bit of the dessert, "So you really think no one will assume we're dating if we share that?"

"Does it matter?" Jongdae pursed his lips. "Cause the last I checked we are. People share all the time. Kyungsoo and I do frequently, it's just you that doesn't enjoy sharing."

"Because germs!" Baekhyun responded as he firmly held onto Jongdae's hand to gain better access to the ice cream. Oh, it was absolutely delicious. Baekhyun stabbed the ice cream with his spoon as far as he could and quickly shoved the spoon into his mouth. He whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut as his whole mouth screamed in pain, shooting icebolts to his brain. He slapped one hand over his mouth and hopped from one foot to the other, "Ah, it's so cold!"

"Baekhyun--" Jongdae gasped in alarm, watching helplessly as gravity stole their ice cream. "Look what you did."

Baekhyun heard the fall. He opened his eyes and stared down at the messy orange and white goop on the floor, silently grateful it hadn't landed on his shoes. His eyes shot up to Jongdae as he stuck his spoon in his mouth and meekly uttered an apology. Responding with only a glare, Jongdae snatched up the cardboard cup and tossed it into the nearest trash bin before returning to the ice cream kiosk. Baekhyun quietly followed behind Jongdae.

Baekhyun found Jongdae's silence unnerving. After they were halfway through with their second purchase of a their new large Orange Villa, Baekhyun blurted out, "Are you mad at me?"

"No," Jongdae replied calmly.

"Then why aren't you saying anything?"

"I'm eating."

You sound mad.

Baekhyun stopped walking and took the ice cream away from Jongdae, "Then say ahh."


Baekhyun held out a spoonful of ice cream and grinned brightly, "Open wide or no ice cream for you." When Jongdae remained stone-faced, Baekhyun frowned, "See you are upset." The two stood in the middle of the sidewalk blinking back to each other, Baekhyun's arm still in mid-air. Baekhyun gulped nervously as the seconds ticked away. His arm was starting to feel heavy but he wasn't going to back down.

Finally the brunet parted his lips, "Ahh." Baekhyun felt so happy he almost forgot to feed Jongdae.


Baekhyun and Jongdae cuddled together under a blanket as they surfed the TV stations. The clock was approaching midnight yet Baekhyun's mother had not returned from the office. He had Jongdae to thank for keeping him company.

"There's nothing to watch," Baekhyun muttered as he continued changing the channels.

"Don't you watch dramas? Isn't there one on that you watch?"

"No, what about you, huh?" Baekhyun ended up leaving the TV alone, that is, until an actor he disliked came on screen. With a digusted groan, Baekhyun punched the arrow on the remote. Baekhyun set the remote down and scooted closer to Jongdae.

"You're very clingy. I didn't expect you to be so touchy and grabby," Jongdae commented. At first he believed it was due to the cold and Baekhyun was just trying to share body heat but even at home when it was warm, Baekhyun seemed to always be holding him. Baekhyun wasn't the type to call unnecessary attention unto himself so Jongdae leaned more toward an unconscious behavior that Baekhyun probably didn't even realize.

Baekhyun blinked in response. "I am?" Baekhyun sped through memory lane to all the times they've been together and Jongdae's words rang true. He'd been making himself too obvious. "You don't like it? I can stop."

Don't make me stop.

"No I don't mind, it's kind of cute," Jongdae grinned, ruffling Baekhyun's hair. "You're just like a baby."

"You should have seen me before, me and Chanyeol were stuck like glue," Baekhyun laughed. His laughter sounded so forced he stopped and replaced it with a smile. He hoped Jongdae wouldn't notice how much of a wreck he was inside. Jongdae couldn't know how much Baekhyun needed him.

I'm afraid I might lose you too if I don't hold onto you.

Jongdae almost asked Baekhyun what happened with Chanyeol but backed out at the last second. Instead, Jongdae rested his head against Baekhyun's, "Just don't suffocate me, okay?"

Baekhyun's stomach churned as he suddenly thought of Baekbeom for the first time after getting together with Jongdae. How blinded Baekhyun became to neglect Baekbeom, to act as if nothing else mattered but Jongdae and him.

"Baekhyun? Is something wrong?"

Baekhyun forced a smile, "No, nothing. Why?"

Jongdae saw through the raven-haired boy but decided it best not to press further. Baekhyun would only deny and become antagonized. Jongdae didn't want to ruin a good time together, not when a new year was right around the corner.


"I'm going to get some food, you want any?" Jongdae paused at the door, one hand on the door knob, the other against the door frame. Without bothering to look up, Baekhyun shook his head.

Peering over his shoulder to check if Jongdae was gone, Baekhyun snatched the brunet's phone and quickly tapped the screen to prevent the phone from going to sleep. Baekhyun just wanted to play a harmless prank, that was all.

Afterwards, Baekhyun went through Jongdae's gallery, expecting to see pictures of idols. He wasn't disappointed. But the further he scrolled down, he came across a picture of the two of them, one he hadn't seen before. Baekhyun chewed his lower lip as he slid his thumb across the screen to another similar photo.

The photos dated back to the 19th of August. Jongdae had snuck a couple of pictures of him while he was sleeping and never told him, but Jongdae looked so cute and happy and Baekhyun didn't know how to feel.

Well, he wasn't supposed to be on Jongdae's phone in the first place...

Baekhyun hastily returned home and pressed the power button, gently setting the phone back on the bed.

Jongdae entered the room with two sandwiches. He held out the plate toward Baekhyun, "I made you one anyway. Sometimes when I'm doing homework I forgot to eat. Here."

"I'm not hungry," Baekhyun pouted as Jongdae continuously shoved the plate toward his face. "Stop it. I'll eat it later." With a soft sigh, Jongdae set the plate down and began munching on his sandwich.

Baekhyun returned to reading his textbook when Jongdae's phone vibrated. A smirk formed on Baekhyun's lips as he stole a quick glance at Jongdae's phone. It was the perfect person.

: i have exciting news, do you want to hear about it?

: say yes

Jongdae stopped chewing, his brows furrowed in puzzlement. Who in the world...?

Baekhyun glanced up from his lap and feigned innocence, "Is something wrong?"

Jongdae remained silent as he checked the phone number, recognizing it as Kyungsoo's. He slowly eyed Baekhyun with a look of disapproval. "Very funny, Baek. I can only assume you changed everybody else's too?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Baekhyun scrunched his face in disgust. "I couldn't help it. You had him under DKS."

"You went through my phone?"

Baekhyun unlocked his own phone ed it at Jongdae, "I'm sorry, you can go through mine. I really didn't check anything other than your contacts and... your photo gallery." Baekhyun hesitantly retracted his arm when he suddenly remembered what he had in his own photo gallery, but Jongdae had already grabbed his phone.

Ah .

"W-Wait," Baekhyun nervously said. "Jongdae, can I do something first? Please..."

But Jongdae was already scrolling through Baekhyun's photo gallery. Jongdae wanted to be upset at Baekhyun for going through his phone without permission, but Baekhyun was such a cute idiot.

"You're embarrassed because of this?" Jongdae held up the phone so that Baekhyun could see. Jongdae slid from picture to picture, "Look, it's you. And this one too. Look how cute you are. What are doing in this one? Looks like you're about to sneeze. Oh, this one is so cute." Jongdae held the phone beside his face and smiled, "Don't we look cute together?"

The whole time Jongdae was speaking, Baekhyun had covered his face in embarrassment, peeking through his fingers to watch as his boyfriend . Jongdae laughed before setting the phone on Baekhyun's lap.

"I'm jealous," Jongdae pouted. "I have no confidence in my face."

Baekhyun blinked at the brunet as if he had just said the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Why? You've got the perfect jawline, the perfect lips."

"Lips you're afraid to kiss."

Baekhyun scoffed, arms folding across his chest. "Excuse me? You had your chance but you went for the peck. That was your loss."

Jongdae smiled before he began to clear the bed. Alarmed, Baekhyun reached for his textbook but Jongdae snatched it away. "Why? What are you doing?" Baekhyun demanded. "I don't like your smile. Why are you smiling--"

Baekhyun froze as Jongdae pushed him back against the bed and hovered over him. "What the are yo--"

Loud screams filled the room, mixed with pained laughter. If Jongdae wasn't sitting on top of his legs, Baekhyun would have kneed the brunet in the gut. Tears began springing from the corners of Baekhyun's eyes as he tried to grab Jongdae's hands to stop the brunet from progressing any further, "STOP! OH MY GOD!" Once Jongdae ceased tickling him, Baekhyun wiped away his tears and panted weakly for air. He angrily hit Jongdae's chest with his fists, knowing that Jongdae probably couldn't even feel it, "What was that for?!"

"For going through my phone," Jongdae said. He retrieved his phone to reply to Kyungsoo's text.

"But I let you go through my phone!"

"It doesn't work like that."

Jongdae: what is it?

: a talent scout from cgent contacted me and chanyeol. he wants us to come to audition on the 17th

Jongdae: that's amazing, are you actually going to do it?

: i actually don't know

: i'm scared tbh

Jongdae: hey let's talk in person later

"What did want?" Baekhyun asked, still struggling to catch his breath.

"He and Chanyeol have an audition, on the 17th of this month apparently," Jongdae replied, reverting everyone's names back on his phone, except for Baekhyun's.


It bothered Baekhyun to no end. Two days later and Chanyeol still hadn't mentioned to him about the audition. It bothered Baekhyun so much, to the point of obsession. Baekhyun expected Chanyeol to say something whenever the tall brunet opened his mouth, but Chanyeol kept disappointing him.

Kyungsoo noticed how tensed Baekhyun seemed. His thumb in his mouth, Baekhyun kept throwing furtive glances at Chanyeol. Even from across the table, Kyungsoo could feel Baekhyun's leg shaking. After finishing the last of his orange juice, Kyungsoo said to him, "You're going to chew your thumb off."

Baekhyun's eyes shot to Kyungsoo's and he immediately lowered his hand and ceased the leg shaking. "Sorry." By now everyone's attention had to the raven-haired boy.

"Is something bothering you?"

Baekhyun couldn't help but look at Chanyeol when Kyungsoo asked him the question. Shoulders sagging, Baekhyun frowned, "Chanyeol, can we talk alone?"

Surprised, the tall brunet nodded and walked off with his best friend.

"What is it?"

Baekhyun waited until the group of students ahead walked past them before replying. "I heard you and Kyungsoo have a chance to be musical performers."

"Ah, yeah. Our audition is set for next Saturday. But what's eating you?"

Baekhyun remained quiet, not wanting to reveal his jealousy, but it was eating him alive. "I heard from three people -- Jongdae, Kyungsoo, and Jaehwa. Did it never cross your mind to tell me?"

The disappointment was all too evident in Baekhyun's voice and a sudden wave of guilt washed over Chanyeol.

Baekhyun continued, "It's not that I'm upset you told Jaehwa first because she's your girlfriend. I understand you'd want to tell her first."

But you never mentioned a thing about it to me.

"I assumed you'd know since Kyungsoo nearly told everybody. I know he told Jongdae and I just assumed that Jongdae would tell you. I know how much you hate it when people repeat stuff to you."

The only thing Baekhyun grasped from Chanyeol's words was that he wasn't important enough. And that hurt Baekhyun farther than he expected. Because Chanyeol was his best friend and they always told each other news first...

Suddenly the guilt passed from Chanyeol to Baekhyun. Who was Baekhyun to get mad when he was keeping a huge secret from Chanyeol?

Baekhyun swallowed the lump in his throat before laughing and punching Chanyeol's shoulder, "I hope you become super famous. Just don't forget us. And always remember to thank your family and your fans and whoever when giving your award speeches. Don't do anything that will get you into some sort of scandal."

Chanyeol knew his best friend all too well. Baekhyun's constant blabbering as a defense mechanism. It always raised red flags when Baekhyun started to say more than what was necessary. He threw an arm around Baekhyun's shoulder and changed their route, "Why don't you audition with us? We could be a duo or a group."

"Nah, I'm good," Baekhyun replied instantly. "Once you become a public person your life gets complicated as . I'm not about to get into that." Being the Well was as close as Baekhyun would go, nothing further.

"Wow, thanks," Chanyeol muttered. He patted Baekhyun's shoulder before dropping his arm back at his side, "You're talented too, Baekhyun. Don't forget that."


Baekhyun tossed his phone onto his bed before changing out of his PJs. After digging through his closet he threw on an old sweater he borrowed from Joonmyun but always failed to return for some reason, along with a pair of sweats. After a second thought he slipped on a pair of socks to keep his toes from freezing off. What should he do now while he waited for Jongdae?

Baekhyun went downstairs for a bottle of water when he saw an envelope addressed to him from... Baekbeom. Baekhyun froze, eyes glued to white envelope. He swore his heart was going to fall out his , it was an indescribable feeling. Forgetting his thirst, Baekhyun frantically snatched the envelope and tore it open while he ran upstairs into his bedroom.

With shaky fingers, Baekhyun unfolded the paper.

Hey Little Poop,

Don't worry too much about me, I hope by now your arm has healed? I'm sorry things turned out like this. I heard that Jongdeok told you what happened, please don't be upset. Until she finds the real arsonist, I know Mom won't stop so please take care of her Baekhyun, you know how she can be.

You are graduating right? I know your math skills are a bit below average but you could always geting tutoring. Joonmyun's been helping you right? Focus on your grades, you've got just a little over a year left of high school, don't mess up now. The SATs will be upon you before you know it. Don't slack off but at the same time don't over pressure yourself.

How's your new friend? Is he treating you nicely? Are you treating him nicely? Last I remember you got into an argument over your dumb phone. Be nice to each other, I feel like you two would get along and not just because I got along well with Jongdeok.

I'm sorry I couldn't spend Christmas with you, but don't worry. I wasn't alone for Christmas, I had Bohye. I didn't accept any other visitors because I wanted you, Mom, and Dad to spend time together with friends and other family. I knew if I declined Bohye's visitation she'd probably break off our marriage haha don't tell her I said that.

It's not that bad here, really. The guy I share bunk beds with is pretty entertaining and I've made other friends, and I actually know a couple of guys prior to coming here.

I'm okay Poop, don't stress about me. Stress about your math grade. I love ya.

With lots of love, Baekbeom.

The tears streamed down his face before he even got halfway through. Baekhyun hated Baekbeom so much but he hated himself even more. Here he was preparing to forget his cares and worries with Jongdae while Baekbeom was stuck in captivity. It wasn't fair. Baekbeom didn't deserve this and neither did Baekhyun.

Reluctantly, Baekhyun called Jongdae.

"Hey I'm just getting ready to leave."

"You don't have to," Baekhyun immediately said, running his free hand through his hair. He tried his best to keep his voice from shaking, "I'm fine on my own. It's about time I faced the world anyway, I mean what's the harm in staying home alone for awhile? I've done it plenty of times before."

"What? Are you sure? You're the one--"

"I'm fine."

"But earlier--"

"Just leave me alone!" Baekhyun shouted, his voice breaking. In frustration, Baekhyun threw his phone at the wall not caring if it broke. His phone was replaceable. Baekhyun screamed and kicked at his nightstand, grabbed his pillows and blankets and threw them off the bed. He picked up whatever he could and began throwing them across the room until there was nothing left.

Defused, Baekhyun slumped to the floor in misery, draping his blanket over himself. He allowed himself to cry and cry, knowing deep down that Jongdae would arrive by his side. And that knowledge was what made Baekhyun mad. Baekhyun and Jongdae got together at the expense that Baekbeom and Bohye set apart. It wasn't fair.

The Christmas part tore him up. Baekhyun was having such a blast with Jongdae and the others, it never occurred to him what Baekbeom was doing. Yes, he knew Baekbeom wasn't there, but was Baekbeom able to eat a delicious home-cooked meal?

Baekhyun laid on the floor and stared up at the ceiling.

Why are you punishing me?


Baekhyun sat upright when he heard his name.

Jongdae is here. Jongdae--

"No," Baekhyun whispered as he bolted to the door but Jongdae beat him to it. Baekhyun tried shoving the door shut, "No! Get out! I told you to leave me alone!"

"Like hell I am!" Jongdae shouted. He managed to slip right through the door before the door slammed shut on him. The brunet's eyes widened at the state of the room, but even more so at Baekhyun. "What happened?" Jongdae reached out for Baekhyun.

"No! Don't touch me!" Baekhyun blindly swung out to keep Jongdae from coming closer. "I don't..."

The tears rolled down Baekhyun's cheeks again. Just the sight of Jongdae was enough to break his dam. He ached to throw himself at the brunet but he felt worthless. He didn't deserve the wonderful human being that was standing right in front of him.

"Baekhyun! What's wrong?" Jongdae demanded for an answer. Disheveled hair, puffy eyes and lips, cheeks coated in tears -- Baekhyun looked like a fragile little child lost and confused in the huge world. "Baekhyun," Jongdae softened his tone, "are you okay?"

Baekhyun shouldn't have but he found himself running into Jongdae's arms. Baekhyun desperately held onto him, afraid that if he fought back too hard he could actually lose Jongdae. He held mixed feelings as he felt Jongdae's heart beat against his own chest. Baekhyun wanted Jongdae but... how could he be so selfish and greedy?

"Hey, it's okay," Jongdae gently patted Baekhyun's head. His eyes wandered about the room for several seconds before he led Baekhyun to the bed. He grabbed a roll of toilet paper from the bathroom and offered it to Baekhyun, "Hey, tell me what's wrong?"

Baekhyun wiped his face and blew his nose before answering, "I don't deserve you, Jongdae. I don't deserve the happiness I feel from you."

"What makes you say that?"

"My brother," Baekhyun broke into a sob. "He... and Bohye were... there were going to get married back in October. But then Baekbeom got thrown into prison and we still haven't found the ." Baekhyun signaled for more toilet paper.

Jongdae listened to everything Baekhyun had to say without interruption After venting about his brother and how worthless he felt, Baekhyun finally stopped crying. Baekhyun handed the letter to Jongdae and the brunet quietly read it. Together they sat on the empty bed, the ticking and tocking of the clock the only noise keeping them company. Baekhyun rested his head on Jongdae's shoulder, his eyes staring off into the distance. Jongdae leaned his head against Baekhyun's, his nose buried into Baekhyun's hair. There was no need to speak anymore but to sit and keep each other company.

Of course it couldn't last forever. After he felt enough time had passed, Jongdae sat up and squeezed Baekhyun into a tight hug, "Come on, let's get you and your room cleaned up." Together, they rearranged the fallen furniture and variety of objects. Jongdae knelt down beside a wooden box, gathering the items nearby. He glanced over his shoulder at Baekhyun, "Do all these go inside here?"

Baekhyun's eyes widened for half a second before he nodded, "Yeah."

Jongdae carefully placed the items inside the box until he came across a silver band. He never knew Baekhyun to care for jewelry or accessories, save the watch from Baekbeom. Jongdae was just about to put it away when the inner ring caught his eye. His brows furrowed in confusion as he inspected the ring. "Hey, where did you get this?"

Baekhyun crawled over to where Jongdae knelt beside his bed, the brunet holding up the silver ring he had almost forgotten he had. "From the shed near Yoonkyu. I was hoping it would lead me to more clues--"

"I know who this belongs to," Jongdae interrupted.

Baekhyun paused unexpectedly, "What? How can you be so sure?"

Jongdae tried to angle the ring in a way where the light shone on it to reveal the inscription to Baekhyun. "Look here. It looks like OK or an a and k mashed together."

Baekhyun took the ring and squinted his eyes, rolling the ring between his fingers until he spotted it. How could he have missed that? "Who's is it?"

"Do you remember Taemin? From the Christmas marathon? In Dongbin's group of friends, they call him Ace and Jongin, Kai."

Baekhyun gasped in realization as he connected the name to the face. He also remembered the list of names Joonmyun gave him and Ace was definitely listed. "I need to talk to him. Do you have any contact info?"

"What are you going to say to him?"

"Come on, Jongdae. He might be able to help me find the person responsible for the Yoonkyu Fire. Plus he might want his ring back."

"How is going to help?"

Groaning in frustration, Baekhyun explained about the list of names provided by Joonmyun and the items he recovered. He trusted Jongdae to keep everything a secret and left nothing out. After all, Jongdae also heard Jongdeok's story so already he knew more than most.

"Why was it at the shed?" Jongdae asked, more to himself than to Baekhyun. "Wasn't everyone drunk at Yoonkyu? I'm surprised they all managed to get home safely. The most intoxicated I've been is from taking night cough syrup. I can only imagine it would be hard to drive under the influence in the middle of the night."

Baekhyun's mouth hung open and his eyes were wide in disbelief, "Oh my god." He looked Jongdae in the eyes, "Oh my god Jongdae."

"What?" Jongdae asked defensively. "I'm not--"

"Jongdeok said someone put his car keys in the bag. ing car keys. How the are you going to drive back home if your keys were in the ing fire? Kim Jongdae, you're a ing genious."

Before Jongdae could react, Baekhyun grabbed the brunet's face and crashed their lips together. It happened so suddenly Jongdae didn't know what to do. Luckily for the brunet, Baekhyun took his sweet time. Jongdae managed to slip his fingers through Baekhyun's hair and pull him closer into their first real kiss.

Not what he expected, but since Baekhyun was the one initiating the kiss -- and had yet to pull away -- Jongdae wasn't going to allow an opportunity to go wasted.

Baekhyun had to push Jongdae away for air, but only slightly. Their foreheads pressed together, the tips of their noses touching, Baekhyun gasped, "How long can you hold your damn breath?"

Jongdae chuckled before nibbling Baekhyun's lower lip, sneaking his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth. Jongdae cupped Baekhyun's cheeks to deepen their kiss. Baekhyun tried to scold the brunet but only ended up incoherently into Jongdae's mouth.

Baekhyun could feel Jongdae's lips curling into a smile. It sent butterflies flying in his stomach, it made his heart beat into his ears and almost made him lose control of his arms. Baekhyun wasn't too keen on kissing, especially not one lasting that long and with so much saliva swapping and tongue, but... Kim Jongdae.

Baekhyun felt the thump-thump of Jongdae's heart beat against the palm of his hand, heard Jongdae's small gasps for air. How gentle Jongdae was with him, the tender and loving manner in which Jongdae caressed his face, the fiery traces Jongdae's thumb left on his cheeks.

It was no wonder Baekhyun didn't stop Jongdae.

He's too ing beautiful. I really don't deserve him.



I think I'm trying to mash too many things together in one chapter. Am I confusing you guys... I confuse myself honestly xD

So I meant to update a few hours ago but for the life of me I could not find a fitting chapter title. I'm just going to settle for Frailty even though I already have a chapter that means basically the same thing. Yeah. Sorry for that and for the last scene, I at writing what I imagine TT~TT

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Hey guys, not sure if this is necessary but I just want to let you know I'm still (slowly) working on this fic. I decided to hold off any new chapter updates until I finish writing the rest of the fic in its entirety or until I feel I'm ready. Thanks for reading and being patient with this fic!


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Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
Chapter 30: It has been more than a year since February 2019 you sent a notification that you will still send updates to this fict.
I read on the wattpad from the last chapt 1 until chapt repeatedly.
I am really waiting for an update.
This story is very good.
I even imagined jongdae and baekhyun here for those who were genuine in their youth
lorsaab #6
Chapter 30: the story is so good can’t wait for the next update ❤️
Chapter 30: Miss this...