The truth Part I

The New Boy

Xiumin POV

So, the next day, I walk out of the classroom after Kris walk out of the classroom in a hurry. He is making me curious, I follow him secretly behind him until he meet up with Sehun at the school's backyard where students weren't allow to go and they start going together. I want to follow them despite Luhan but before I can move from where I am hiding, a handkercheif from behind cover my mouth an another cover my eyes. I try to shout but the handkercheif make me soundless, someone is holding my both hands at the back, two people is holding my shoulders and they lead me somewhere that I couldn't guess. I think I am push inside a car since I was asked to bend down and sit. After a while, the car start moving, where am I going? I am suppose to meet Luhan . The person that I feel sitting beside me open the handkercheif that is covering my eyes. I look at the person's direction, it is Luhan. What I expected in some way.

Can you use a softer way to get me inside your car? I say half shouting.

Sorry man, I can't. You should see your serious face as my driver asked you to sit inside, you have NO idea how I tried to hold back my laugh.

I roll my eyes as Luhan finally lt go of his laugh

So, why do you want me to meet you?

Oh yeah, almost forgot.

He click on his phone and call his house. 


This is Luhan, when I get home, I want two profesional stylist already waiting. All the stuffs are set and no one is allow to come into the house except for the one who I allow. Oh, don't allow any of my friends to come in, including Sehun. No excuses I am in a hurry. Bye.

Luhan end call it before a sound from the other side s heard. I am confuse of what is he going to do. I think he read my mind.

You may be confuse by now, don't worry, you won't like this. So do I.

What? You are forcing me to do things that me and you won't like to do?

I risk everything to do this man. I wish this works or else

I just nod. Not long after, We arrive at his house. Two security guards is guarding the door, the driver open the car window and let the car in. The main gate is shut behind us, there were no guards when I first came to his house. Luhan lead me to the main door, there are again guards, there are a lot more guards as I come in the house. The enourmous living room that used to be lighted up with beautiful decorative lights is now dark and quiet. The only light that allow us to see is the sunlight from the window. The house looks  like they are out of power, abandoned for a few years. He lead me to the escelator, the waitress that have been waiting for him beside the escelator, shhe open the door for the both of us. Luhan bow to her slight;y and come in. The door close as both of us come in. It is a total darkness in there, I am trying to ask Luhan what is going on but Luhan put his pointer on my lips to tell me not to talk a single word. A few seconds later, there is a beeping and some sound come out.

Preparing to fall.

What? I can here some mechanical noises and finally I realize the escelator is falling ! I am going to faint but Luhan press a button that lights up the whole escelator suddenly and make the escelator stop falling. 


Code excepted.

The escelator start going down slowly like a normal esceltor would. I am so relief that I am alive, my body is all tense. Luhan look at me again his eyes widen and his is smiling wide.

Pretty tense huh?

Is this his trick again?

Oh my gosh you seriously....

Luhan laugh again but stop in a few while.

Sorry, this is how to prevent visitors from coming to my secret room.

Your secret room? 

We arrive finally at a floor, the escelator didn't say anything about the floor. Once the door open, evverything outside is pitch black. Luhan hand me over a glasses and wear one that looks the same with the one he give me. 

Here, wear this. If you don't want to scream all the time.

I slowly take it from him and nod in confusement. From what I see trough the glasses, the area is not that dark when I see with my bare eyes, things that is large like machine is left at the corner untouched. I wonder what am I going to see if I don't use the galsses. My hand is already on the glasses ready to take it off but Luhan stop my hand.

Don't you ever think of putting that glasses off.


I put my hand down. I wear the glasses until we reach the end of hallway, there is a door and Luhan open it. Inside, there is a lot of things and stuff is really busy. A maid come to us.

The stylist are here sir. 

Good, let's get started, We don't have much time.

The maid nod and lead us the way half walking, Luhan walk behind her half walking too. I need to jog to keep up. Finally, we arrive in front of two mirors and two chairs. The maid pull both chairs.

Please sit down.

I sit down and Luhan sit down at the chair beside me.

What are you going to do?

He smile.

You'll see.

Not long after, two guys walk towards us. They shake our handsand they start talking in Chinese.I don't understand Chinese so I can't nderstand what the guy just said, so he need to go to Luhan and talk. I bet the man ask Luhan someting connecting to me since I hear my name in their conversation. After finish talking, the man smile at me and walk away, so as the guy that talked with Luhan earlier. Luhan and me just sit there in silence for a while.

Hey, do you know SoHee?

SoHee? Yeah I know. Why?


Luhan is smiling and trying to hide his laugh, is something SoHee connected is going on?

Both men that shook our hands earlier come back and the one that shook my hand drop his bag beside the chair that I am sitting on.

等一下,我看看您的头发吧。( I am so sorry for the one who can't read chinese) < not the translate 

Emm... ok...

He look around my hair, he touch my side hair and he seem to examining it. He comb my hair in many diffrent kinds of direction, some of them is quite of uncomfortable but he fix it back anyway. 

为什么您的头发太长? 您是男子不是一个姑娘阿 !( anyway, my chinese is not perfect so please bare with me if Itype it wrong or whatever )

Emm... yes..?

He cut a litte bit from the edges of my hair, once he reach down to get me something, I look at Luhan, he is talking with his stylist, in chinese. My stylist get up and take out a pin from his bag, he give it to me.


Emmm.. 我不说华文, 他说华文。( I don't speak chinese, He speak chinese ) > yeah, I translate it.

I wave my hand to tell him that I don't speak chinese and point at Luhan telling him that Luhan speak Chinese. He seem to understand and move to Luhan and then they murmur things to each other. When they finish talking, he come back to me.

He want you to stand up and walk to the place over there, he need to wash your hair.

Oh ok.

I stand up then Luhan stand up and we both walk to the place where the salon usually use to wash our hair and with our stylist walking behind us. I can feel the cold water as my stylist turn on the shower. I turn to look at Luhan, he look kinda pale.

Tell me specificly why a haircut have a connection with sneaking in Kris's and Sehun's secret place.

Well, think further.

I look straight up, the light bulb thay shines above my eyes, I close my eyes since the light blinded me. I keep thinking as my stylist take off my glasses. Maybe I keep thinking for some time already when Luhan suddenly break my silence

Already ?


Ok, I give you a clue.


The guy that is washing your hair right now is your stylist.

Emm.. obviously, I knew that. Give me more clues, more specific one.

Ok, he is in charge of your looks later.

Looks? What do you mean? Are we going to a party or sneak in into someone's building?

You know what? You will find out later.


We keep quiet since now on, I shiver a little bit as the cold water run behind my ears.[ So, have anyone figure out? Xiumin have no idea at all ] After a while, I sit at the same chair that I sit earlier. He dry my hair, straighten my hair ( even though it is already straight). He ask me not to look at any side and keep lookign front, so I do what he says. He apply a little bit of powder lightly on my cheeks, then around my face. He apply eyeliner and fake eyelash that is not so long but longer than my natural eye lash. I feel kinda confuse during that time, I am really shock once my stylist take out a lipstick from his bag.

Whoa ! What are you doing? I am not a girl.

为什么? 有什么时后?

I think I am too shock until I turn my chair 90 degree to the left, I can't see how is Luhan going.

Emm.. Luhan... I say, still not facing him.


I think my stylist is going to puut lipstick on me. What should I say to him?

Oh just say, ke yi ba, wo jiu yao zai wo de zui chun shang.

Emm.. ok. Ke yi ba, wo jiu yao zai wo de zui chun shang.


He come closer opening the lipstick cap, it reveals a pink-cream lipstick. 

Emm.. Luhan, it is not working... he keep coming closer.

Of course, you are suppos to put that on.


Yeah, I mean, it is pin-cream anyway, it will not be that visible to the public.


I stay still as my stylist apply the lipstick on me. I look into the mirror, I really looks like a girl now, honestly, I look kinda cute. But why do I look like a girl? The chinese man suddenly speaks english.

Please go to that rooom.

He point at the room at the corner of the room. Confuse, I stand up and go to that room. Inside, it is not that large but 3 girls is inside and they immediately go to me as the man leave me. 

Wow, you may be the easy one.

Yeah, why did Luhan call us on sudden?

Whatever, since it is easy lets get going girls.

They each open a cabinet that is seperated at the corner of the room. One girl take out a short sleeves T-shirt, another put out a short shorts that matches with the shirt. Both clothes are hang at the end of the room. The last girl, she come to us with diffrent kind of tools. They ask me to sit down at the small chair that is the size of primary students. As I sit, I am ask to open my clothes, so I do it. The three girls examine my body, I feel a litttle embarassed but I try my best to pretend that I am not gay. Finally, they give me a pill.

You have muscles, this thing will lower it down, Drink it, don't worry, you will get it bacck once you do 5o push ups.

We are just doing what Luhan told us to do so please coperate with us.

Confuse, I drink the pill, nothing prettty much happen but they ask me to sit as they shave my leg hair. I feel really uncomfortable but they keep telling me it Luhan's order. Once they are finish, they give me the clothes they take out before and fake s. They ask me to change .

What? are you kidding me? I am a boy.

Well, yeah. We knew that, don't you know that you are cross dressing?


Yeah, don't you know? Did  Luhan told you about that?

No, I think we are just gonna.... OMG I hate you Luhan.

I come inside the changing room and change. I go out after quite a long time. I look at the mirror, my body is now small and skinny, I am hairless than I am used to be. Not long after, the girls give me a wig, the wiig is a long-hair one. I look at the mirror again as I put on the wig. Now, I looks like exactly like a girl, a girl perfection. I bet Kris won't know it is me. Honestly saying, I look really cute, young and pretty. I look similar to SoHee, wait, SoHee? As I wear the girl's shoes that now fit my tiny toes, I walk out of the room. My stylist widen his eyes but he try to look normal.

Emm.. Luhan over there, near the lift wait for you already..

Emm.. Xie xie ...... (?)

I go to the place where my stylist point at, I arrive at the room that looks pretty small. As I open the door, I see Luhan..... my heart beat faster when I see him and I open my mouth wide. 

Luhan is also crossdressing, He wear a sleeveless short black shirt that reveals a little of his body that is decorated with beads and glittter which is transparent. There is a 88 in the middle that is big enough for  someone in a distance could see. He is wearing a short black shorts and aneakers which is balck and white. He wear a wig too but he tied his hair.His body is skinny and smooth like girl's, he must have drank the pill too. He dont seem to be happy with my impression to him.

What? You look like that too.

Emm.. Thanks.. I mean you look bettter without your wig tied.

I know, it is just hot here, I will take it off later.

Ok, anyway, why do we need to cross dress to sneak in that building?

I heard that some night club girls went in there earliest at 5 every friday.

What? That doesn't make any sense !

I know, but it is just the right opportunity to come in, you look like SoHee anyway so you just need to stay calm.I am the one who should be worrying about.

Yeah true.

I look at the mirror wall.

So, do you think I am pretty?

I try to joke around fix my hair. Luhan look pretty serious and joking at the same time.

Well, SoHee is really pretty.

I laugh, I look at the time, it  is 5.14 p.m. .

We don't really take a long time.

I know, by the way, drink this.

Luhan hand me over a pill. I examine it and see that Luhan have one for himself.

What is this?

Pill to change your voice. You will need these.

I drink it then Luhan. My shoes is quite tight but I can run well in these. 

Let's get going.

What? It's quite early.

So? We re allow to come in there now anyway, how long do you think we need to know the coomplete information? We can evene stay there until Sehun nand Kris go home.


Luhan hand me a bracelet, it look kinda nice like a fashionable girls like to wear, but this bracelet don't look that normal.

That is a gadget instead of an original bracelet. It is a detector so I can know where are you and you can know where am I .

Luhan touch the screen which used to show me the time but now it change to a map and a red dot is shown.

That is me, we can talk to each other just talk on the tiny metal ball righht there.

Luhan point at the tiny metal ball that is beside the screen on my bracelet. 

Oh yeah, please be good at acting.

Luhan pull me towards the back door, I wear my black glasses as I reach the car. 

I put some detector on Sehun earlier, I know where is he now, he choose a good hiding spot.

Luhan give his phone to the driver and ask him to follow it.


I nod.

Ok, please go to that place.

The car start moving, I can feel my heart beat beating faster. What will happen if we are caught later?



















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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 3: It's really difficult to read
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 30: xiuhan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 30: This is sooooo sweet. I cannot!!! Im sorry if i didnt comment before because im lazy? Hahah but i NEED to comment on this last ep.
thunderfrost #4
Chapter 30: Silent reader until now. Ok, this story has one of the worst grammar mistakes ever, the way you choose to tell the story using colors is hideous. BUT THE STORY IS SO ING GOOD I SENT EVERYTHING TO HELL BECAUSE I JUST COULD NOT NOT READ IT!

I highly HIGHLY recommend you to change te coloring thing to real conversations.

Longer updates.

Better grammar.

But please, keep with your ideas because they are too damn good.

CONGRATS for your ending, it's sweet
Chapter 30: *claps* I love the ending! I am a little sad that it has come to the end. This was a very cute story. I hope to see more of your stories ^^
Chapter 28: Have I ever commented? I don't think so but anyway I am so happy Onew appeared!
jongtaexiulu #7
Chapter 27: what just happened???????
Did luhan accidentally drink that "love" potion??
jongtaexiulu #8
Chapter 22: Im so curious yeah!!!
(shinee randomness........)