The Anonymous

The New Boy

Luhan POV

Before going home, I realized that Sehun was talking to Kris. What is he doing? Both of them looked to serious with the conversation. I wanted to interrupt by telling the both of them that it was time to leave, both of them said their goodbyes and asked each other's phone numbers. Ok, that was just really strange, but I am glad that Sehun made new friends. I am always hoping to have Sehun a ' Luhan-free-day ' but I am going to think that he wouldn't like it. Yeah, he don't like it. The strange thing was that Sehun don't bother to leave when I asked him too becuase he used to stay with me even after the party. But glad he was actually gone, Xiumin can help my maid cleaning up. So, I made him clean up. Ok, no one told me that Xiumin look so attrcative when he is cleaning up. He should be one of my helpers. So, without realizing my sense, I kissed him on the forehead. It feels so wrong, really wrong but his lips. No, no,no I can't, it shouldn't be him. I am not ready for Sehun, then what about him?So, I end up warning him to not kiss anybody when I am still around and miracleously ( is that even a word ? ) he nod. I let him leave due to akwardness. After I can't see him anymore, I slap my face . What is wrong with me?


The next day..


I check my phone, Sehun hasn't reply my message yet when I arrive at school. I have been waiting for it since lat night. When I reach my classroom, he just text me back. What took him so long? He apologize so badly but I know that he will still do this in the future. On the lunch table, he start the conversation but he end up texting with his phone all break long. I try to look at the name that was written on the top of the screen. When i finally see it, it was written ' anonymous '. Well, good job Sehun. I see some of the text that he write and receive and it is something about meeting on the school park or something because the way he type relly don't make any sense it was more like ( Right: anonymous , Left : Sehun )

Y! S, school garden td?

YY, bow blind this

bow blind left?

should up, him no read when see

no speak? SGINTHBB

Kman . jdi man?

yy, btonorulb

Sehun suddenlu look up at me. 

Hyung, want to come to my house? 

E,mmm.. sure..


He continue texting, is he giving me a life lesson for being with Luhan?

After school, Sehun beckon me to come inside his car. I used to think that he is going to meet someone at the back of the the school garden but maybe I am wrong so my mind calm down. I play with him as usual and I go home at the usual time and I am happy that he don't text the 'anonymous' during at our time together. Xiumin is getting nicer these days, he is nice and I don't know why when I was around him I always feel that I am free. I feel comfortable and nice when he is with me. Why can't I feel the same way with Sehun??


The next day


During lunch, Sehun ask me to go and take a stroll in the school garden together. I agree in order to kill some time. So, after school, I take a stroll with Sehun, when he walk for like 20 minutes, we sit on a bench to talk to one another. Then,Sehun give me a binoculars

Hyung, you see that tree?

Sehun point at a tree that is really tall and it is located far from us but we still can see thhe silhoutte.

Yeah, what about that?

I bring the binoculars for you to see the tree better. It is nice to see the tree up close in a far distance.

I look throught the binoculars and look at the tree, I scan it and stop once I reach the bottom of it. I see two boys, I try to see who it is, it take me quite a long time to finally realize that ... it is Xiumin?? I zoom to the maximum to get a better view, I am correct, it is Xiumin. I move my binoculars to the right and see Kris, talking to him and Xiumin trying to avoid his eyes. Kris is talking with hand gestures and Xiumin looking down makes me know that they are not having a happy chat, they are having a serious converstion.




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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 3: It's really difficult to read
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 30: xiuhan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 30: This is sooooo sweet. I cannot!!! Im sorry if i didnt comment before because im lazy? Hahah but i NEED to comment on this last ep.
thunderfrost #4
Chapter 30: Silent reader until now. Ok, this story has one of the worst grammar mistakes ever, the way you choose to tell the story using colors is hideous. BUT THE STORY IS SO ING GOOD I SENT EVERYTHING TO HELL BECAUSE I JUST COULD NOT NOT READ IT!

I highly HIGHLY recommend you to change te coloring thing to real conversations.

Longer updates.

Better grammar.

But please, keep with your ideas because they are too damn good.

CONGRATS for your ending, it's sweet
Chapter 30: *claps* I love the ending! I am a little sad that it has come to the end. This was a very cute story. I hope to see more of your stories ^^
Chapter 28: Have I ever commented? I don't think so but anyway I am so happy Onew appeared!
jongtaexiulu #7
Chapter 27: what just happened???????
Did luhan accidentally drink that "love" potion??
jongtaexiulu #8
Chapter 22: Im so curious yeah!!!
(shinee randomness........)