During Our Time Together

The New Boy

Xiumin POV 

Ok, this is getting creepy, Luhan just texted me to meet him at the back of the garden after school. But I thought we were friends ? He even told me not to bring anyone along. What am  going to do? So, I arrive at school late just because I need to find a wood just in case Luhan's gang gonna beat me up again. After school, I walk slowly to the garden. OMG I just wish that Kris is here with me ! I put out my wood so that I can just randomly hit somebody when I am approaching just hoping it is someone from Luhan's gang. I arrive at the same exact spot where I was used to be beaten up. It is cold there, I still can imagine Sehun's face, smiling. I shiver, why did he ask to meet here? Then again, the plants around me shakes . I am getting ready to hit someone on the head by being in a baseball's start position but now my wood as my bat. Then, that person just immediately appear without shadows to signal me so I just swing my wood when I realize that It is Luhan, he catch the wood I swing. 

Hey, Chill, are you still afraid?

That is a pretty hurting memory you know.

Sorry man, I am just out of my mind.

Ok, what are we doing here?

Oh, lets chat.

What? you told me to come here because you wanna chat?


What?? why here?

This is the only place Sehun won't be finding me.


That is when suddenly someone toucches my shoulder. I look at both of Luhan's hand, It is straight down, not touching me at all. My body turn cold, I gather my courage and look back. OMG it is Kris, he don't seem to be happy.

Oh, Kris.

Hyung, what is this?


Is it true? His gang beat you up?

Oh... emm... 

I give him a forced ssmile, so as Luhan but mine is even more obvious.

Why don't you tell me? When is it?

Oh, long time ago.

What? you are barely 6 months here.

Emmm... yeah.... em..

You hesitated



Ok, I hesitate.

Kris roll his eys and from behind of Luhan, now I can see Sehun, He touch his shoulder. As Luhan turn back, his face show that he is really happy to see him because he hug him tightly but I am pretty sure that he is not too happy too see him.

What are you guys doing?


Oh, really

Yeah man, you don't believe me?

Of course I believe you.ó

Good, why don't we 4 chat together?

Emmm.. okay i guess?


Luhan sit in the ground and then pat on the ground next to him, beckoning Sehun to sit next to him. Sehun sit next to him and then Kris sit between me and Luhan and Sehun sit between me and Luhan again.

So, what are you guys chatting from just now?

Oh, we hasn't started yet.

Oh really?

Sehun, we hasn't started yet,

Oh, ok so.

Hyung, , I thought you are suppose to go to my house today.

I look up in order to concentrate, oh yeah, I should go to his house to see how to make a card. I force a smile at him for guilt while he just roll his eyes. I must be too panic and forgoten to go to his house.

Let's go.

Kris pull my hand and force me to stand up. I stand up and once I did, Kris pull me hardly so I walk behind him.

Luhan POV

So, to countinue my ' Xiumin trolling time ' and I really want to continue my conversation with him, I asked him to meet at the back of thhe school's garden wall where he is beaten there. I kneew he don't like that place, he really have bad memories... . I am not hoping to see him there but amazingly he went there. Lol, I think he is still afraid of that thing because he brought a wood with him and he nearly hitted my head. Honestly, If he couldn't hear anything, I would laugh my off. I smiled and calmed him down, good thing it worked because I think he might explode. After maybe a few minutes , Kris just appeared and touched Xiumin's shoulder. I could tell Xiumin was surprised , his emotions is so readable. Then, someone touched my shoulders, I looked back and saw Sehun. Good, now he knew that I would be here. I hugged him as usual and asked him to sit beside me. That don't took too long for Kris to asked Xiumin to leave . What the heck, seriously, already. Kris seemed forceful, I am not sure if Xiumin was happy either.



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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 3: It's really difficult to read
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 30: xiuhan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 30: This is sooooo sweet. I cannot!!! Im sorry if i didnt comment before because im lazy? Hahah but i NEED to comment on this last ep.
thunderfrost #4
Chapter 30: Silent reader until now. Ok, this story has one of the worst grammar mistakes ever, the way you choose to tell the story using colors is hideous. BUT THE STORY IS SO ING GOOD I SENT EVERYTHING TO HELL BECAUSE I JUST COULD NOT NOT READ IT!

I highly HIGHLY recommend you to change te coloring thing to real conversations.

Longer updates.

Better grammar.

But please, keep with your ideas because they are too damn good.

CONGRATS for your ending, it's sweet
Chapter 30: *claps* I love the ending! I am a little sad that it has come to the end. This was a very cute story. I hope to see more of your stories ^^
Chapter 28: Have I ever commented? I don't think so but anyway I am so happy Onew appeared!
jongtaexiulu #7
Chapter 27: what just happened???????
Did luhan accidentally drink that "love" potion??
jongtaexiulu #8
Chapter 22: Im so curious yeah!!!
(shinee randomness........)