... HEART ...

The footstep running towards my room woke me up. There was shot coming on top of my bed, though it seems the shooters were using silencers. One… two… three … three men surrounded my bed. There was another one coming from the door.

In a moment’s breath, I unsheathed my sword and swing it to my right from under the bed. I immediately slid through the right and hold my gun in the guy’s head point blank when he fell down. The other men were caught off guard as they were still checking the cover of the bed just to realize that there was no one there. I immediately slid back to the left and my sword upward; the tip went smoothly in the guy’s throat and 90 degrees straight out of his head. While my gun pointed at the guy at the foot of the bed, one shot hitting him right in between his eyes. The fourth one was already shooting as I slid entirely out of the bed.

I can hear number of footstep coming. I ran towards the guy shooting in my doorway with the dead guy in my sword and use him as a shield. When I was a foot away, I jerk my sword from the dead man’s chin and swing it 360 degrees across cutting the guy in my doorways head off. His blood spurts all over.

I was drenched with the enemy’s blood. I kicked the man’s head and step over his body while I was heading out.

Blood was dripping all over me… and it was not my own. When I got out, the boss’s men were already cleaning up the corridors. There were few enemies that are still breathing. One of them looked my way, when our eyes met he smirk like there was something happening still unknown to us.

My feet moved on its own in a hurry towards the boss’s room. I kicked the door open without a moment’s hesitation.

It was raining blood as three men fell on the floor. The boss was standing in the middle with his sword unsheathed, tobacco in his mouth. He was grinning as the dead body of the men who tried to kill him hit the ground. It is like seeing a devil in its playground.

The boss notices me standing at his doorway. He suddenly laughed like an innocent child and scratches the back of his head like he was embarrassed.

One of the men on the floor managed to survive. I walked toward the body and kicked it ‘Who sent you?’ I asked. The body keeps in agony, I kicked it even harder ‘Who se…’ I was going to ask again but my phone alarmed. Oh! It’s that time… 1AM. I turned around… started walking out, holding my phone. I needed to gather my thoughts… I wonder… today? What should I say? I headed towards the garden… seeing nothing. Not the men beating the enemies, or the dead bodies inside the mansion I keep stepping on one after another.

@RealTaeyang … Goodnight!

It’s been three months… and I have been sending him the same thing every 1AM, but this butterfly feeling every time I type the same word… it never grows old.

I looked up at the night sky, there was not a single star and yet… there is this light only I can see. I must be out of my mind. I let my body lay down on the grass, even the smell of blood sticking in my body seems to disappear. I close my eyes with the thoughts of him… one day I am sure… our path will cross.



The boss cannot believe that these men tried to attack him head on. It’s been a while since he fought, but it was not because he was old or has gone weak but mainly because his daughter has been doing all the fighting leaving nothing for him to take care of.

He is the organizations head for a reason. It has been a while and he cannot contain his excitement. With one swoop he was able to bring down three men. Though, they were being careless… had they shot him from afar instead of cornering him in close range they could have killed him.

Then boss notices a shadow from his door. Ah! He laughed seeing his daughter… embarrassed that he can only do this much now-a-days. One of them even manages to survive.

His daughter may be a reincarnation of Bloody Mary, the boss thought as his daughter started kicking the guy already half a breath away from death, merciless. There was not a scintilla of remorse showing in that blank face of hers… until her phone alarmed and for a moment there, the boss thought he saw his daughter smiled. It may just be for a second but he thinks he saw the corner of move then it vanished in a blink of an eye like magic. Without a word she left… and the boss cannot help but follow behind her incognito.

He was peeking through the glass door … his daughter was in the garden looking up like there was something there. He wonders whether it has something to do with this fellow named Taeyang. He knew there was nothing he can do… the guy his daughter fell for turn out to be a Korean idol. He would have ordered his men to bring this fellow before him so he can offer him to his daughter… but it may just cause an international incident, the organization is already under the feds surveillance. Doing what he please might bring in more heat.

When the boss turned around, he was startled to see the rest of his men also peeking through behind him.

His eyes squinted and his hands moved immediately giving them a whack in the head. There is quite a handful of garbage inside the mansion that needs to be cleaned up.




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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!