... HEART ...

By nighttime, news of Taeyang being admitted to the hospital has spread.

Fans were already gather to do some prayer rally for Taeyang’s health. Some were crying, fearing the worst.

“How did the news escalated to this extent?” Taeyang muttered. Fans are already dreading that he is going to die.

The rest of the big bang member was laughing it off while they gather in the dorms living room. “But seriously, young bae, what happened? The manager said you actually use your head to break the cars window? What did it ever done to you?” Top asked.

Taeyang ignored Top and just kept his eyes shut as he lays himself over the sofa. He don’t even know what is going on himself. How the hell did that manage to take so much space inside his head? Why is he even thinking about her? Taeyang was not able to suppress his own thought and started kicking his frustration out.

The rest of the member looked at each other and then at Taeyang who seemed to be throwing a tantrum over the couch.

“It’s a girl!” Seungri said in a matter-of-fact tone.

The three nod their head in agreement. But Taeyang just turned his body upside down and slump his head on the cushion, maybe if he suffocate himself to date it will all stop.

The four member were secretly laughing behind Taeyang’s back when Top’s phone rang.

Top answered while still laughing.

“Okay, got it.” Top said. After the call ended, Top looked at the member and said, “He will be coming to take her,” he told them.

GD, Daesung and Seungri nodded, “I vote Youngbae,” they exclaimed. Taeyang did not even hear s, he was busy trying to not breathe and die.

Top laughed, “Youngbae it is.”

“When will he be coming?” Seungri asked.


“Hey, are you dead yet?” GD asked the still busy Taeyang while giving him a nudge using his feet.

Taeyang sat up, and sighed heavily.

“Are you done with all the theatrics?” Daesung asked Taeyang. Taeyang just wave his hands at him.

“There is a VIP coming tonight to get her,” Top told Taeyang. Taeyang just nod… and then realize something. “Why are you telling me?”

“You will be escorting him to her,” Daesung said

“We all voted,” GD immediately added before Taeyang can even protest.

“What the !? Why me?”

“You seem to be the most free out of all of us,” Top said, “Getting a girl and all,” he added as if sulking.

“What?!” Taeyang exclaimed, where the hell did that came from?



Taeyang cannot believe that he was standing in some deserted field waiting for some mobster to come in. They said he was some big shot but the hell? s gang up on him, why is he the only one there in the ing cold.

Taeyang’s thought was halted by the sound of incoming jet.

Taeyang threw his smoke out as the plane landed across the field.

Taeyang waited for the VIP guest to come down from the plane.

10 men in black suite came out and by the looks of it, the 11th man is the head honcho. But the 11th guy does not give off the same deadly aura as the 10 men who glared at him as if they want to bury him alive.

The head honcho with his gray hair and lose coat smile at him sadly while brushing his hair back before holding his hand out to Taeyang.

Taeyang shook his hand and gave his a slight bow before opening the car door for him.

The old man got inside the car with Taeyang, the other men got in the other cars following their boss. They were all furious, gritting their teeth. They wanted to hang him upside down and watch him bleed to death before feeding his insides to some wild animal leaving no trace of him. Sh!t! One of the man hit the wheel on the car he was driving with his jaw clenched. They were all willing to suffer the consequence of torture and death… but the boss has specifically ordered not to touch him. He was the who took her away from them. That ing bastard. The men naturally cried their eyes out remembering her…


Taeyang got out of the car with the head VIP guest, his men started to flock behind them. When he saw two of the men, their eyes were red as if they just… cried? What the heck?! Taeayng thought, what the hell was he thinking… why would mobster cry? Is it because they didn’t ride with the head? That would be so ridiculous, he will definitely tell s. Taeyang chortle unintentionally. All head him with eyes ready to crush even his soul, their hand fisted. Whoa! They are so intense, Taeyang thought. Why was he left by the members to handles this kind of meeting? He might start shooting with the way they kept glaring at him, as if provoking him.

The head boss started walking toward the abandoned factory before them, the rest followed.

Inside was a large chest type freezer.

He walked towards where the chest type freezer is, with see through top. He sighed as he looked inside it while slowly putting his hand on top of it. His eyes full of sadness.

Taeyang thought that bloody mary must have been really precious to the head honcho. A bounty for her head was sent out to all assassins of the underworld, additional reward if they catch her alive and turned her over to the organization where she escape from. But the head of that organization have contacted their president… and made arrangement to immediately kill her. Her body should have been chopped to pieces but… instead they were ask to send another body. They have done everything to falsify the DNA of the chopped corpse they sent to the organization. Taeyang even heard rumors that some members actually feasted on the corpse’s meat.

“I’m sorry,” the head boss whispered.

Taeyang noticed the men who was standing behind him was all line up and was bowing their head to the freezer. Why did they want her dead if she was that important to them? Taeyang wondered and then suddenly remembered the look in her eyes and the smile on her lips as he took another shot in the head. For some reason, its making his heart sink somehow. The atmosphere the mobster are giving off may be brushing onto him.

Taeyang walked out… he needed to breathe some fresh air.


 Taeyang leaned on the wall while waiting for the mobster to finished whatever they are doing inside, mourning for the death of someone they ordered to kill, how ludicrous.

He looked up and notice how dark the sky is… not even a single star showed up.

And then, from the corner of his eyes he notice something running towards him… and someone is running after it.

His jaw literally dropped with his mind screaming WHAT THE ING HELLLLLL ?!!!!!

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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!