Eyes, Nose, Lips

... HEART ...

                The mob princess seems to be distracted ever since she came back from her ‘errand’ a few days ago.

                The boss was curious as to the bloodlust that his daughter seems to be emitting lately; it is all over the place. Even the animals in his home seem to get scared by her mere presence.

He called for the men who were with her and have them tell him what happened.

The boss cannot believe his ears. Who is this Taeyang? He wanted to break one of his arm or leg. But most importantly, he wants him to take good care of his daughter’s heart. It must be one of the new recruit, he thought. The princess does not interact with others besides his men.

The boss called out the new recruits and asks for Taeyang to step out. But none step up. The boss was getting impatient. He asks his senior men to start beating the men up until they fesses up.

                After some gruesome three and a half hour, the boss ordered the senior men to stop. Half of the men were already beaten up; the rest was flocking together confused. They don’t know whether to just fight back.

                The boss asks again, but no one seems ready to step up to the plate. Then the mob princess came in, walking across the blooded floor. Everyone froze, her eyes looked intense. She was looking straight at the other side of the room where she is headed to, her eyes barely straying. She might not even be seeing them at that moment.

                The men waited for her shadow to vanish from their sight before finally breathing. They all sighed in unison, including boss.

                The boss looked at the men disgusted by their fear, though he was one of them who hold his breath. But no one is going to call him on that.


                L-O-V-E… L-O-V-E… the words keeps ringing in my ears. What the hell does that even mean?

                I kept walking with really nowhere to go in mind. I just needed to keep my body moving or else, I might get devoured by this emotion that is starting to grow inside me. It is like some seed that was planted inside my chest, and it is ‘un-killable’

                His eyes that seems to dance when he smile … that nose… that lips…


                this feeling…

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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!