
... HEART ...

I was already off the ground when I realized that I have been hit by a bus. Shouldn’t I at least panic? But I don’t feel it.


My head was clear as it sends an order to my body that reacted instantaneously. I did a somersault in mid air and landed on my feet. The bones on my right shoulder that took the impact from the bus seem to have been dislocated. The pain is excruciating… at least I know I feel it inside. But why am I not crying out in pain.


I put my left hand over my lumping dislocated shoulder, breathe in and out before forcefully pushing my shoulder back and up to reallocate the bones correctly. Did I take lesson on chiropractic? How am I knowledgeable on treating joint dysfunctions?


I turned around and saw the bus driver gaping, frozen stiff beside the bus’s door. The bus driver was startled when our eyes met. He seems to want to say something but I dont have time to listen. I turned  and started walking where the strange man were. There was no longer any sign of him or boss.


I clenched my fist while I stood still, I stare blankly up the dark clouds ahead. It’s going to rain.


I took a deep breath before turning around to head back home. Mother would be furious.




Taeyang was about to run to save the that has blackmailed him. He stopped and stood frozen as he watched her executing a summersault in such a small amount of time. She landed on her feet. Is she hurt? Taeyang shook his head vigorously. Why should I concern myself with that ? I wished she died. Taeyang talked himself out to not caring about his blackmailer. He will eventually kill her anyways.


Taeyang immediately run away with boss in his arms.


As he was running away, he took another peek over his shoulder. She was standing still holding her shoulder. He saw her forcefully pushing her shoulder back as if to realign the broken bones correctly but what surprises him the most was her blank expression.


Taeyang kept seeing her dull eyes bereft of any emotion as he run towards the plaza where he parked his ‘Mr. Bean’ car.


He immediately slid himself inside the car while taking his time to catch his breath. If Seungri dislocated his shoulder like that, he would probably cry out in pain with heavy rainfall of teardrops. He would probably cry out too but definitely without the tears, Taeyang thought.

He rested boss on the passenger’s seat and started his engine.

He looked behind, left and right then before driving away. She was not able follow him *sigh*. Taeyangs eye dilated, what the hell am I thinking? He angrily asked himself. He furiously stepped on the pedal; he is not even sure where the anxiety is coming from. It’s because of the lost opportunity to kill that , Taeyang told himself. Who am I trying to convince?  Taeyang kept pressing the cars honk even though there was no traffic. He is irritated by his own ambiguous feelings… whatever!




I sat over the window in my room after telling mother that I lost boss. I didn’t want to worry mother so I kept the information about the stranger a secret. The news almost made her faint; she must really love that mutt.


Retrieving boss is not an easy task. I don’t even know who that person was.


I was watching the rain drops outside my window… I wonder what that stranger has to do with me. The heart beat that remained placid since I woke up from the hospital was ruffled by merely getting a glimpse of his eyes.


I turned my head on the door when I hear it creaked opened.


Mother walked in holding a small box in her hand with a big smile across her face moving towards me.


I looked at her while she hand me the box. “Your father and I decided to buy you a new phone” mother said happily. This woman’s happiness seems to revolve around her daughter, ME. I am not sure what to feel.


I think the situation calls for some form of gratitude. “Thank you” I said. Mother smile broaden while she scuffles my hair. “My number and your father are on speed dial 1 and 2” she advised before turning around to leave the room. I just nod while looking at the box.


I took a deep breath before opening the box. I tilt my head slightly on the right. There was a nostalgic feeling at the pit of my abdomen when I saw the phone.


I stood up from the window and head for the swivel chair at the corner of the room to set up the phone.

But somehow I end up seeing a bleary part of my memory… smashing one… three… ten different phones. I blinked and the disheveled memory vanished.

Was I really a psycho before the accident?  I thought being indifferent is my nature. I wonder what foment such restlessness before the amnesia.





Taeyang took the little pup he picked up in his room and fed it milk and bread. The little pup seems happy enough and was the bottom of his feet as he sat on his swivel chair with his two hands behind his head.


He took a deep breath… there was this surging emotion other than total abhorrence to the blackmailers existence. What is it?


The little pup barked at him as if it wishes to be played with and does not appreciate being ignored. Taeyang looked down on the little pup barking on his feet, looking up to the sitting him.


He hushed the little pup while hunching his back down to scratch the litlle pup's belly. If the guys found out there is a dog in the dorm… Taeyang was still babbling in his own thought when his door was forcibly open.

Taeyang jilted as his eyes turns towards the door.


GDragon and Top both gawking at him with squinted eyes and wrinkled forehead “You brought another stray dog!” they both snarled.


Taeyang froze and kept his breath. If he doesn’t move, maybe they won’t see him… even though he was right in the middle of the room, exactly in front of the door.


GDragon stomp inside and grab the little pup from Taeyang. Top stayed outside the room… if he gets any closer, he will start sneezing incessantly. Taeyang kept still, pretending to be a statue.


GDragon checked the little pup’s collar, there was a number written behind the name tag. “Boss” GDragon mumbles. The little pup barked in confirmation of its name. GDragon smiled, “Good boy” while putting it down in Taeyangs lap.


GDragon took his phone out from his pocket and called the number.



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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!