YG Academy

... HEART ...

As far as I was informed, YG Academy is a high school for people who aspire to be in the entertainment industry, whether it is to be in front or behind camera. From scriptwriter, camera man to dancer, actor, singer et al. Thus, the academy is well funded.

So, why did they turn my locker into a garbage bin? The rotten smell reeks out as I stand in front of my open locker, while mosquitoes started flying out.

I hear some girls giggling not far away from me as they glance my way. I am wondering whether this sight is supposed to be funny. I don’t get it.

Then a book flew right past my face when I close my locker. If I hadn’t lean back a few inches away, that book would have hit me.

I picked up the book and turn around to where it came from. The girls who were giggling earlier seem to have been startled. I took a step forward but they started running away in panic. I wonder why.

I am not sure where the classroom I should be in is supposed to be.

I kept walking, looking around.

A professor walks up to me and was about to hit my head but my hand immediately catches his arm before he can lay his hand on me. I turn my eyes to him; I am not sure how I looked in his eyes but I felt a surging ill will inside my body, to hit the professor for trying to attack me.

The professor suddenly looked scared as he jerks his hand away, I let go.

Am I what you call a high school delinquent? I wonder. Is that the reason why I end up in the hospital? Cause I have been fighting.

‘Your room is just around the corner. Don’t be late’ the professor said as he took a step back.

I turned around and walked toward where the professor directed me to, Room A1…

I open the door, and the lady professor suddenly stopped talking and looked at me. I looked around ‘Where is my seat?’ I ask bluntly.

The professor stared at me for a moment.  ‘You are late!’ the lady professor said angrily. I just looked at her. I wonder why I am itching to slam the professor’s face in the white board behind her for glaring at me like that.

I might not just be a high school delinquent but a psychopath.

‘This better not happen again, even if you just got out of the hospital there will be no special treatment for you’ the lady professor said as she pointed at the back of the class, located in the middle, an empty seat.

I can notice the other students giggling again. Is there really something funny that I am not aware of? I cannot be indifferent. This may have been the cause why my mother worries so much, I thought. I should try to smile. But for some reason, I am having trouble doing just that.  Have I not done this smiling thing before? But when I think about it, the bones in my face barely move like it was nailed accordingly in place just like my emotion.

I sat with my back straight, my feet grounded on the floor with arms crossed over my chest. Stoned and quiet; one with nothingness… this feeling seems only natural.

When the lady professor turned around to write something on the board, the students started throwing some crumpled paper my way. My body dodged them effortlessly with my eyes steadily looking in front.

Is the trash can just behind me?         

One of the male students just on my left 5 seats away turned around and threw his pen at me, targeting my eyes. My hand moved, catching the pen 2 inches away from my eye socket without blinking. I rolled the pen in my fingertips and abruptly threw it on my right side seeing another student intending to throw another crumpled paper at me. The pen pierces through the crumpled paper and then it dropped on the floor. The lady professor turned around and started explaining what she wrote on the board. Everyone settled down.

Was that a class game?                         


Everyone started to leave but without eyeing me first when the bell rang.

I was also preparing to leave when I was called to the principal’s office. I am not sure where that is…

I walked out of the class wondering where to turn, left or right. I saw some male students laughing just outside.

When they saw me, they stopped laughing. ‘You should have not come back’ one of them said smirking. I turned right hoping it’s the right way to the principal’s office.

Then one of them grabbed my arm from behind, but somehow I manager to arc my own arm around his and grip him by the neck. He was suddenly struggling trying to remove my hold on him. ‘Where is the principal’s office’ I asked seriously.

He barely made the word out. ‘It’s on the other side’ he said coughing when I let him go.

I stared at him, waiting for him to compose himself.  ‘What?’ he snarled at me. I gritted my teeth while staring at him, he step back startled. ‘I… I’ll walk you there’ he said stuttering

That was a relief. It would have taken a while if I look for it on my own.

‘What are you looking at?!’ he shouted at his friends while scratching the back of his head, walking in front of me.

Students who are still in the academy started looking at us, murmuring as we walk passed them.

‘I am going to be in deep for this’ he mumbled while still walking in front of me.

Then, something caught my attention. The bulletin board… has my face on it with… who is that guy? Suddenly, I started feeling… what is this? I stood there for god knows how long, staring.

‘What? Can’t get enough of yourself?’ a female student appeared right beside me. She was sneering, with her hand across her chest. I looked at her ‘Who is it?’ I ask.

‘Who what?’ she suddenly shouted angrily. I thought she will attack, but she didn’t even take a step forward.  ‘Just because Taeyang chose you for his MV, does not mean anything’ she shouted pointing at me while taking a step back. I just looked at her, watching… wondering what this silly girl is doing. ‘TaeyangForeverSasaeng will crush you’ she kept shouting while running away.

Taeyang... that name ringing in my ears sound so familiar, like I’ve known him for so long. I guess, I am who they say I am after all.


POV of YG Students

She changed.

She was annoying before, looking so proud just because she was personally chosen by Taeyang. When the sasaeng  fan-students started bullying her, it was awesome. It is great to put her in her place.

When we heard she is coming after being in the hospital for two months, we wanted to give her a welcome by putting rotten food in her locker. We cannot wait to see that pathetic face of hers cowering in fear. But her reaction is different this time, she just stood there blankly. When that didn't work, we thought the violent approach will be more efficient. But...

Having her looked at us with those empty eyes of her gives us goose bumps. She scared the out of us. Is this the same girl we have bullied for the past 6 months? How can someone changed so much in just 2 months? Damn it!

There was rumor that she actually slit her own wrist because of the bullying,almost make us felt guilty. But seeing that face brings back all the cruel thing she has done to everyone around her.

But we wonder whether she secretly took a martial art class just to get back at us.


POV President of TaeyangForeverSasaeng

I will not let this go, that is back. How dare her come back? Taeyang is mine!

I will make sure she suffers hell for this. I was supposed to be the one by Taeyangs side… that stole that from me.

I will make sure … by the time I am finish with her, she will wish she were dead!


POV Male student guide to principal’s office

He was mumbling this and that; he stopped at the principal’s doorway and turned around just to be shocked. He was alone… he was talking aloud all alone!

‘That !!!’ he said furiously while walking back.






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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!