I like him?

... HEART ...

Taeyang was standing outside the house where the owner of the puppy he save lives. There must be something wrong? He thought. He kept looking at the address that JiYoung gave him... there was no mistake. But... what the hell?! He is standing at his blackmailer’s house. When he took time to actually think about what happened, she was running after someone or something yesterday... when he saw the little pup and he just rushed out to save the cute little thing. Could she be running after the pup?

Taeyang’s pupil expanded when the realization rushed to him... she is after the little guy. The b!tch is the owner... that technically made him a DOGnapper. How could he be so stupid? He reprimanded himself. Is he really one of the best assassins in the underworld? He angrily asked himself. He would have given himself a punch if he was not holding the little pup in his arms.

The little pup barked as if telling Taeyang it’s okay. Taeyang took a deep sigh before ringing the door bell; he purposely came early in the morning knowing that his blackmailer would already be in school.

Taeyang was still hoping that he got the address wrong but the little pup was barking at the door as if calling its owner.

The door opened and the blackmailer's mother stood in front of him with a welcoming smile across her face. “Boss!” she said while taking the pup from Taeyang. The pup keeps wiggling as if excited to be back home.

The woman gasped when she turned his eyes on him as if finally realizing who is standing in front her. “Oh, my... your part of that famous boy group!”She exclaimed.

“Come in, come in,” she said hastily putting the little pup down on the floor and aggressively pulling him inside the house before Taeyang can even refuse. She led him in the leaving room, “Sit, sit,” she said. Taeyang hesitantly complied. The woman seemed excited, “My daughter love you,”she blurted. She immediately covered as if she said something she shouldn’t have.

Taeyang smiled shyly while he thought yeah, right?! Your daughter has put me in such an ordeal, I oughtta slapped her around before killing her.

“Have you seen that book with many scribbles,” a female voice came from behind Taeyang.


“Look, Look!” Mother said full of excitement as she pulled me inside the living room to face the man that tried to kill me. Mother’s teasing grin was up to ears, I don’t get it. What is she so excited about?  I just came back for that book I am supposed to need for class.

“I’ll prepare something for you as thanks for bringing boss back,” Mother said to him and then winked at me, I wonder what kind of secret message that was.

After mother left the room, the man stared at me with those eyes making me hard to breathe. Sorcery in this day and age, I wonder.

I kept standing before him while he crouch his back resting his elbow over his knees, clasped his hand together over his mouth while his eyes glued on me full of bloodlust.

We were both on our guard... there was no opening for an attack until the little pup came wiggling around his legs while growling at me. His eyes momentarily moved and I immediately took the opportunity to take him down. My heart is already about to explode just having him in my living room.

I jumped with my left hand at the edge of the centre table in between him and I, my right leg flew sideways to his face with my left knee supporting my weight arch over the same centre table.

His eyes were off me but he manages to ward my kick as if his body move on in instinct. He grinned... as my leg brushed with the left arm that he put up over his face his right hand grab me on the same leg and tried to twirl me around in the air, and that while he was sitting down.

I allowed myself be twirled in the air forcing my body to land with my face over the table with both hands leaning against it to support my weight as I gave him a push kick with both foot but he leaned back as fast I stretched my legs towards him.

I tried to twirl around but he caught me by the ankles. I struggled but he was did not let go. That mut was no help as it bit me by the hand as if trying to protect the man trying to kill me. Seriously, this mut!

I can think of at least three ways to get away but before I can manoeuvre my way out of his strong hold, a loud sound of glass breaking as it hit the floor of the living room echoed. Mother’s face was all red with slightly opened as if she cannot believe what she is seeing.

He and I remained still while my mother’s face turned redder and redder by the second glaring at us. Is she mad?

I was face down on the table like I am doing some push up with my ankle in his hands over his face... I was in my uniform.

“Wha... wha... Wha...” Mother stuttered, lost for words. I think she wants to say something to me but decided to turn her attention to him, “Put her down!”She angrily told him.

His forehead creased a moment as if he was also unaware of mother’s sudden outburst. I felt his grip loosened, I immediately twirled my legs around and gently landed them back on floor. I stood and he sat in front of mother who was saying something in between breath as if exasperated.

“No matter how much you like him,” Mother said to me. Her voice trembles as if trying to keep herself calm.

“And you,” Mother turned to him, “How could you take advantage of my daughter like that?” she said through gritted teeth.

His eyes seem lost, he looked confused.

“I like him?” I seriously asked mother.

Mother turned her eyes on me. She seems to be studying my face, I wonder what she is trying to find.

“Then, why did you... his face... legs...  inside... skirt...” Mother stuttered.

I noticed his eyes suddenly expanding while listening to mother mumbling. It looked like he realized something, I notice him suddenly turning red. Seeing him flustered, I feel there is something hitting me by the gut... something soft and fluffy.

“I like him?”I asked again, “Is that the reason why I am having a hard time breathing as if my heart is about to explode at the sight of him?”

He turned even redder. Mother gaped as if she cannot believe I just said that. Mother swallowed hard before finally finding her voice, “Did... did... you attack him?” she asked. I nod, I did attack him.

Mother hastily turned to him and incessantly bowed her head while apologizing.

He kept waving his hands across each other, motioning it’s okay before shooting me a glance. I crossed my arms over my chest while keeping my eye on him.


POV of Taeyang

As soon as her mother left the room she attacked. She has an amazing kick, my arms hurt just by getting hit with the air pressure.

I manage to catch both her feet. I don’t care anymore; she is going to die today.

I was ready to throw her and start attacking when her mother came in. I cannot kill the mother. The lady is not at fault for having a b!tch blackmailer for a daughter.

I am not sure why the lady was suddenly yelling at me like I’ve done something wrong. It was her daughter who attacked me. I should be the one raising hell.

It was during the lady’s stutter that I realized what it might have looked in her eyes. Her daughter was wearing a skirt, I was holding up her legs in my face... I felt my face suddenly burning. What the hell? Why am I reacting to that memory... I looked at the b!tch and there was no reaction. Her expression cannot be duller. It makes me feel ashamed of feeling ashamed. Why am I the one that needs to be reprimanded? Why am I the one that is worrying? I am the guy here!

And then that b!tch said Is that the reason why I am having a hard time breathing as if my heart is about to explode at the sight of him?

That caught me off guard... I felt my heart skipping quite a bit just to hear her say those words so straight forwardly. But I know the true color of the b!tch hiding behind that expressionless face.


When her mother asked her if she attacked me she nodded, Grrrr... She could have lied but she purposely told the truth giving her mother a false understanding of things.

She kept watch as if waiting for a chance to devour my existence... just try b!tch!

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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!