... HEART ...

‘What are you smiling about’, Gdragon ask Taeyang

Taeyang smiled while holding his phone, ‘There is this fan, she has been sending me good night message almost every 1 AM or so…’

GDragon raises an eyebrow, ‘That is something new to you?’ knowing for a fact that there are so many fans doing that.

‘Not really’ Taeayng snickered ‘It’s just it has been a while but I don’t think there is any day that she missed saying goodnight’

GDragon sat beside him and check out his phone ‘No name? Just another girl huh?! You interested in a fan now?’ he said teasingly, Taeyang push him aside and started paying attention to the fashion show.




‘Taeyang Hyung, I am in TenBelles now… I am looking at this girl, I think she is just your type’ Taeyang chuckled when he read Seungri’s message.

‘What the hell is that Seungri doing here?’ GDragon said after Taeyang showed him Seungri’s message. ‘I’ll go alone Ji’ Taeyang said as he stood up hoping no one will notice him leaving the fashion show.

Taeyang immediately saw Seungri outside TenBelles Cafe, he was pointing towards a girl ‘Hyung!’ he kept shouting.  Taeyang shook his head while walking toward Seungri, that guy don't know what discreet mean. Taeyang gave Seungri a smack in the head before seating across him. Seungri just scratch his head and then nudge Taeyang by the side ‘See? See? I told you… just your type’ Seungri kept teasing.

The girl was wearing a hooded jacket with dark shades on, and it seems she hasn’t notice them. She was drinking macchiato for over two or three hours.

When she suddenly stood up…  Seungri was up to his feet but Taeyang kept him seated. He motioned for him to stay still and that he will be the one to follow her.

She was walking brazenly, like she wanted to be followed. Taeyang smiled to himself.


He saw her turned to a corner, and he knew she would be waiting for him there.

***BANG*** BANG ***


Daengsung was at the YG building checking the profile that the CEO gave them for their new ‘project’. Daesung eyes widened when he saw the last information on the sheet they were provided, he immediately called Seungri ‘Where is Taeyang Hyung?’ he ask.


‘Oh! He is completing the project…’ Seungri answered while munching on an Oreo cheesecake. Then Seungri’s other phone vibrated, ‘Oh! It’s done.’ Seungri continue to tell Daesung. Daesung sighed in disappointment. Those idiots always skip to read the last part, he thought.


Taeyang cannot believe that this is the girl they call Bloody Mary. The profile their CEO sent to them was nothing like what he read about. It says she was cold blooded to the extent that no one that crosses her manages to live. He was not expecting this to be this easy. It was brief but he saw her hesitate as he took a shot in her heart and she smiled as he shot her in the head. He was expecting something more devious… there was a rumor that just being in front of her will cause terror to ones senses. He didn’t expect to meet just another girl.

He sat next to her and saw a tear drop from her opened eyes.

He put his hands in her eyes to shut them closed.

He took his phone out and texted his team members ‘It’s done’.

Top stood up from the building overlooking the entire area with his sniper gun. He has been marking the target the moment she step foot in Paris, his back hurts.


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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!