... HEART ...

               The men started kicking and throwing merchandises away. The boss’s buildings are infested with vendors that are disruptive to its businesses.

                I was overseeing the men doing what it takes. When I turned my head around, there was an old gypsy looking at me, right into my eyes. She did not blink even for a second; she was just staring at me like she knew something that I don’t. She was sitting still, unafraid of the men coming towards her. Her tarots and crystal ball was laid down in front of her.

My feet brought me in front of the old gypsy. I squatted myself in front of her. I was looking at the books that she also have. The ruckus the men were making, to kick the other vendors out of the way, temporarily vanished from my ears.

                 ‘… I need a spell’ I told her.  She flinched as if she knew exactly what I was talking about.

                ‘Spell for what?’ she ask in that low gruffly voice. I told her what has been happening to my inside for the past months. All of them are caused by one person named Taeyang… an existence truly formidable against my own.

                The old gypsy open her lips and closed them again… no words came out. Her eyes were wondering around, as if fearful of something unseen to me.

                Her hands are already shaking when she suddenly turned her gaze at me, like possessed by some spirit. She then mumbled ‘… love at first sight’

                I think I need to have my ears check.




The old lady saw few men in suits kicking and beating the male vendors close to her. She knew she would be next. She was ready to get up and ran away but when she turned her face around, there she was, the infamous mob princess. Suddenly, her knees started shaking. She could not stand up. The mob princess was gawking at her and she cannot look away. She cannot even blink… she was too scared. She heard of her temperament… any sudden movement from her might just trigger the mob princess to go berserk.

Then the princess suddenly sat before her. The old lady thought she is going to die… the princess was just staring at her, emotionlessly. She was startled when the princess spoke ‘I need a spell’.

The old lady gulped, trying to sum up the courage inside her to ask. She fears that if she says anything wrong, her head will be blown off in a second, just like what the rumor said. With running dry she mumbled ‘Spell for what?’

The old lady’s jaw almost dropped after listening to the mob princess. She thought it was a joke, but the princess was blankly staring at her… her dull eyes seems to be searching for an answer. She looked around, and she saw the princess’s men open mouthed.

She suddenly felt more danger. If she lies, she dies. If she tells the truth… she… dies? She was nervously scrutinizing her option in her head.

‘…Love at first sight’ She croaked.

There was no change in the mob princess expression but the old lady faint when the murderous aura leaked out in every pores of the princess’s body.


                The men started kicking and throwing merchandises away. The boss’s buildings are infested with vendors that are disruptive to its businesses.

                The men saw the mob princess walking towards an old lady vendor. The boss’s has ordered to keep a check on her as her temperament might lead to bloodshed, the cops will definitely get involved. The boss’s do not want to deal with the aftermath. They were rushing to get to the old lady first before the princess can get to her but then they stop after seeing the princess suddenly sitting in front of the old lady.

                They were on standby, to stop the princess if she suddenly goes berserk.

                The men did not intend to eavesdrop… but they did, very intently.

                And their jaw dropped when they heard what seems to be the princess confessions. Her voice was toneless… flat… there was no hint of emotion; Nothing, nothing at all.


Taeyang… that name will forever be engraved in the men’s mind… Who the is he?



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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!