A Formidable Existence

... HEART ...

                She has been fasting for three days now with no sleep. She was sitting silently in the middle of her room with her eyes closed. She needed to calm her mind, body and soul …

                … But his face seems to have stamped itself in her mind.

                She abruptly opened her eyes and grabs her samurai lying next to her. She need this to end.


                The boss took a peek at the mob princess’s room. He was worried for her. It has been three days… but what awaits him was a murderous aura emitting through her, it was terrifying.

                She suddenly opened her eyes, staring straight at the door where he peek his head into. His knees quaver. That glare was perilous… for a moment he thought he saw a laser beam coming out from her eyes.

                She stood up and went for the door. She stopped at the doorway. She looked at boss who seems to have planted himself in her doorway for good. She hesitated for a moment… before monotonously saying ‘You are in my way’. The boss laughed and moves aside while scratching the back of his hair. He still remembers that cute little puppy he picks up… he cannot believe that a pup can grow up a lion, and not just any lion but the king.

                The men behind the boss started bowing their head while she walked passed them. The boss sighed. His men seem to have more respect for her than him now-a-days. Has he grown weak? No. She has just gotten strong.

                ‘Call the men out to the training ground’, she ordered.


                100 men of the organization came out to the training ground. 86 of them were newbie’s who are unaware of what it means to meet the princess on the training ground.

                It took 5 hours…

                The newbie’s are quite fearless. She was beaten half to death… or closer to it. She can no longer move her body. She was just lying on the ground, feeling nothing. She closed her eyes… finally.

                The boss shook his head. The newbie’s are all messed up … but there are 0 casualties. That is an improvement.

                All the bodies on the ground have been moved to the hospital, except that of the mob princess. Nobody is allowed to touch her, if they don’t want to lose an arm.


                I opened my eyes relieved; the peculiarity that puzzled my being has been put to an end. The night sky is as dull as it should be.

                I stood up from the ground and walked towards the mansion. I headed for the kitchen, it has been three days… four, including today. I caught all the new recruits all cover up and bandaged. They were laughing again… boss has put a new television in the kitchen.

When I walked in, the kitchen practically became a dead zone. It was not my intention to stay; their laughter is only an annoyance in my ears, but…

                It was too late when I realize, they were watching a Korean channel.

                … And there he was, AGAIN!

                … My chest itches… my heart started making that deafening sound again, that sound that only I can hear. There was somehting ticklish inside that is turning my stomach upside down.

                ‘Gun’ I ordered holding my hands out.

                … Before I can destroy the cause of this unfamiliar emotion, I heard the host calling out his name ‘TAEYANG’ of BIGBANG.





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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!