Taeyang's Secret

... HEART ...

Bigbang members were prepping up for their concert.

Seungri notices Taeyang looking at his phone and then would sigh deeply. Before Seungri can ask what is going on with Taeyang ‘What’s up?’ GDragon beat him to it.

‘It’s been more than a week since I receive a twit from her’ he said sulking like a kid.

‘From who? You have a girlfriend’ Top asks in surprise. ‘Is it that girl with no name?’ GDragon guessed, Taeyang just sighed. ‘Why did I not know about this?’ Seungri protested.

Daesung was just listening while thinking these brothers (not by blood) of his are idiots. He was the only person who read the last page of bloody Mary’s profile. He just shook his head… bloody Mary’s idol crush is Taeyang of bigbang. They manage to easily track her because she was the one who came to them. Taeyang was practically the bait to fish her out. Considering the timeframe there is a high probability that the person who has been sending twit to Taeayng is the same person that Taeayng himself killed, bloody Mary. Daesung didn’t see any point to tell them what he knows;   it is not like it would change anything.

‘By the way, CEO is still furious about you choosing that girl’ Top suddenly remembers looking at Taeyang.

Taeyang just leaned over his arms anchoring on the table in front of him and close his eyes as if exhausted. He just remembers something that left a bad taste in his mouth – hypothetically speaking.

He was told that he needs to choose the ambassador’s daughter for his MV, the contest was a facade. The girl has been chosen from months ago.

But on that day when he was supposed to choose the winner, he was cornered. A female YG student showed him his picture doing his ‘extracurricular’ activity. He could have easily taken care of her, making it look like an accident but she said there are more. She hid it somewhere, even if he destroys the one she is showing him at that time. That sly girl sneered at him like she trapped a mouse, how he wanted to ripped that sneer off from her face right there and then.

He was blackmailed… and for an MV. Is this girl for real? Does she know what kind of danger she is getting herself into for one freaking MV? Against the CEO’s instruction Taeyang chose her, he thought he can just take care of her once everything is settled.

There is no way that he will tell his team members about being helplessly blackmailed by a teenager… he will be a laughing stock in the history of the underworlds  hit man.

He will take care of it alone but before he can take care of it they were suddenly commissioned from one country to another. Their last job was in Paris.

Suddenly, bloody Mary’s death played in his head. Why did she smile at him like that? Every time he finds time to think, he would suddenly see her face… that soft eyes looking at him as he shot her. Has he finally developed some guilt? He shook his head.

There is no time for guilt. What he needs is time to investigate where that female student hid the copy or copies of his incriminating photo, with him soaking in blood… sitting on top of a dead body while lighting up a cigarette.

When that is done, he will make sure to return the favor tenfold. She will know what fear mean after he is through with her.

First, he will dig her eyes out from their socket. Then she will cut off her tongue… then watch her choke on it… her death… he will make sure it is slow and painful.

No one blackmails him and get away unscathed.


‘Let’s go!’ GDragon call out, their concert is about to start.

Taeyang stood up, passed his phone to his manager and followed his team members. Time to put up an act… their million fans deserved it.


The five members smiled innocently… playing happily on the stage like it is their playground while the crowd cheers for them.






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Thekatsmeow #1
Chapter 23: So good to see you back! I think they're both a little stunned!
Thekatsmeow #2
Chapter 22: There is so much tension...I think they are going to combust!!
alyssasarah #3
Chapter 21: Please update soon. I thought I am not gonna like this story. Boy, I was wrong. I love it!! It is different from the story i have read so far. Can't wait to see what's next!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 21: Haaaaaaa! Great POV's!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 20: Loved TY's self criticisms!!!