I Believe In Fate



The next week was spent day dreaming about Taemin, talking to Taemin, trying my hardest to pay attention in class, and avoiding the annoying bleach blonde girls. When we reached Friday, I was upset. I began to look forward to school, just because of Taemin. If school meant seeing Taemin, then I would live there. Everyday, it seemed like we got a little closer. He talked to me a little about how much he loved dancing, even dancing a teensy bit of 'Lucifer' just so I could see how good he was. During my study halls, he asked me to help him with his grammar assignments, because I was doing so much better than he was.

He would tease me about what a klutz I was, and I would about not being smart. Everyday, I liked him more, and it seemed to me like he got more perfect everyday, though I knew it wasn't possible since he was already perfectly perfect. I mean, how can one person be SO perfect?

I knew I would have to tell him sooner or later that I knew he was in SHINee. That I knew all along. But I wasn't sure how he would react, so I postponed telling him.


"Help me with this one! I really have no idea what I'm doing," Taemin pleaded, using his puppy dog eyes. 

Ugh, my poor heart.

"Well, you have to do some on your own!" I teased, but I still did the work for him anyway. I couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes.

"Excuse me, Taemin?" A girl in front of what looked like 5 girls said. They looked like they were in middle school or something. The girl who spoke had a photo of him in her hand and a pen. 

A photo of him and a pen?!

I knew very well what that meant, and it meant that I would have to stop postponing it and finally tell him once and for all that I knew who he really was. I looked down at my palms and did some yoga fire breaths like I read online. They didn't help at all.

"Ah, yes?" He said, not looking up from his paper until the last second. When he saw what she was holding he turned bright red.

"Could I have your autograph, oppa?" She said. 

'This is it,' I told myself. 'Just don't worry,'

"Oh...yeah...sure..." He said, stuttering. He quickly signed it and tried to smile, but right after they left, he shyly looked back down at his paper.

"Taemin..." I said, quietly.

"Uh huh?" He said, acting like nothing had just happened.

"I've known you're from SHINee, by the way. I just thought you should know... I mean, it doesn't matter anyway," I said, picking at the loose strings on my shirt.

He looked at me like I had two heads for awhile, and when I was about to ask him if he was okay, he started to laugh. Laugh hard. Really hard.

I couldn't understand this boy. It was like he had multiple personalities. One minute, he's worried out of his mind, and the next, he's laughing his off? It was things like this that made me realize day by day that he was just a normal person. Sometimes, I even forgot that he was in SHINee. 

Laughing with him made me forget everything. It just made all the stress and pain go away. Maybe that sounds cheesy, but right now, my life was so perfect that maybe it was cheesy. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything when I was with Taemin, except of course, him.

The bell rang, and we went to our separate classes, but this time he gave me a small hug goodbye. When he did, I didn't want to let go. I wanted to just stand there forever. He was so warm, and so skinny. But yet, he was so comfy to hug, like I was hugging a foam pillow. But, so that I didn't embarrass myself, I let go and walked off, feeling tipsy with what had just happened.

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Lioness-SHINee33 #1
Chapter 24: Pleaseeee Updateeeeeeeeee!!! SO amazing!
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhhh mah gawsh you gotta update soon!!!!!! I love this fic so much !!!!! ❤️
Chapter 24: Kyaaaa please update !!!!! ♥
yoongles #4
Chapter 24: i really really really liked it... pls. update as soon as possible. i want to know what happens next it's very interesting
foreversucks #6
wahahah!! lol at keys face!!
Tru_Otaku #7
I went to smtown nyc and another kpop concert in nyc ^^<br />
thank uuu~ i will ^^