First Meeting...

Got The Wrong Girl [Discontinued..]

-No one’s POV-

As Jinyoung, Taehyung and the other two boys made their way out of the kitchen, they spotted movement. Jinyoung was the first to realize what or should I say who it was.


She stopped in her tracks and cursed as she was too slow to move. Namji turned around and faced the four boys.

“Oh… J-Jinyoung what are you doing here?” Namji asked after giving an awkward laugh.

“Well, this is my house too Namji… V told me you were in an accident” He stated.

-Namji’s POV-

“A-Accident, I’m alr-“

“Why do you keep stuttering? Did you hear our conversation by any chance?” Taehyung clarified.

“Me? Psh, me listening to your conversation… of course not”

“Namji, I already told you that you fail at lying. I know you heard it” I heard Jinyoung say.

His voice sounded like a little echo. It was even creepier because I was looking right at him, his lips didn’t move one bit. What is this kid?

“We’re the same age! Don’t call me a kid” He stomped his foot.

“You alright there Jinyoung hyung?” Taehyun asked.

“How are you doing that?” I asked.

“Oh! I get it Jinyoung ssi was doing that telepathy thing!” Baekhyun analysed.

I forgot about that. Tsk, can’t believe this guy, he didn’t even tell me.

“I can still hear you Namji” Jinyoung stated.

“Aish! Stop it!”

-Taehyung’s POV-

“Oh! V, you still need to explain what this Ddomki thing is” Jinyoung hyung mentioned.

“True! You guys just started talking about it when all them creepy Ddomki-umni’s or whatever came” Namji agreed.

“Wait, how’s your arm?” Jongin hyung asked.

Shoot, what will he do if he sees that there isn’t a mark? They can’t find out that its gone.

“Oh, it’s alright I guess” Namji replied showing her arm.

Wait, what? That. I swear it wasn’t there! That was the exact place I checked too!

“V, I can hear you. You can explain later” Jinyoung hyung telepathically spoke.

“We’ll get Lay- um Yixing hyung to heal it” Jongin hyung stated.

“Alright, wait, you said Lay. Luhan yelled some ones name before. Lay? Who is that?” Namji asked.

“Lay? Oh… Um Lay isn’t a name? It’s a um…”

“Lay is a thing that helps Luhan hyung strengthen his powers…”

I took note that Baekhyun hyung and Jongin hyung were hiding something. They glanced at each other a few times.

-Kai’s POV-

“Explain what this Ddomki’s forsaken power story is!” Jinyoung butted in.

“Oh right. Jongin hyung can explain! I hate that story!” V complained.

“Me? Baekhyun hyung do it!” I also complained.

“Ugh, fine!” He sighed as everyone began to take a seat on the couches.

“Ddomki isn’t a thing. But a person. Ddomki’s Forsaken Power is about a cruel man that...“

Before Baekhyun hyung could continue, Namji all of a sudden stood up.

“Namji, you okay?” Jinyoung asked.

“If Namji must hear of Ddomki’s Forsaken Power. She has to witness it with her own eyes. You cannot stop me. She shall be mine for the time being” A deep manly voice came out from Namji’s mouth, before she fell on the floor.

“Namji!” The four of us screamed.

“W-was that…” V stuttered.

“I hope not”

“Yah! Namji!” Jinyoung panicked.

­“Kai, come pick us up now~” I heard Suho hyungs voice.

“I’m getting Joonmyun hyung!” I yelled before leaving them.

I was panicking. Namji is basically being controlled by Ddomki. I arrived in less than a second.

“Kids! Kai’s here! Let’s go!” Xiumin hyung mentioned.

“Wait, I can’t find my phone!” Chen hyung spoke.

“No Hyung forget about your stupid phone! We need to leave now!” I yelled.

“Yah! Kim Jongin that is no way to talk to your hyung. And for a matter of fact I need my pho-“

“What’s more important?! Namji’s life or your damn phone?!”

“W-What’s wrong with Namji?”

“I don’t know! There’s no time for this! Let’s go!”


Everyone quickly formed a circle before we all made our way back to Namji.

“Joonmyun hyung!” Baekhyun shouted noticing that we arrived.

“Omo! Namji!” I heard a few of the hyungs exclaim.

“What happened?”

“W-We were going to tell them what Ddomki’s forsaken power was. Then next thing we know, Namji’s speaking in a man’s voice” V explained.

“What did she say?”

“If she’s going to hear about the story, she needs to see it with her own eyes. Something like that” I spoke.

“C-can you stop it? Do you have anything to wake her up?” Jinyoung desperately asked between his cries.

“No. I don’t have any power over this. Ddomki is too stro-“

Before Suho hyung could continue, Jinyoung spoke in frustration; “I don’t give a damn if he’s too strong! I don’t want her dead! Namji better not die from this! You better tell me she won’t die from this!”

“I-I can’t guarantee that. That story is terrible”

“So you’re telling me! That she could die!? And we aren’t going to do anything!” Jinyoung cried.

“H-Hyung, calm down. I know you’re worried but please… Namji wouldn’t like seeing you like this” V tried to comfort him.

“She’s not even looking Taehyung!” He wailed.

“Namji could survive if she had powers. But she doesn’t”

“Then why is all this crap happening to her?” V questioned.

None of us answered. We didn’t know what to reply with.

-Namji’s POV-

“Ddomki isn’t a thing. But a person. Ddomki’s Forsaken Power is about a cruel man that-“

Before Baekhyun could continue the story, everything turned black. I heard a man speak;

“Kim Namji. Isn’t it nice that we’ve finally met? You want to know about my forsaken power, correct? Guess what! I’m the main character”

“A-Are you Ddomki?” I stuttered.

“Oh, such a good guess! I am the one and only, Ddomki!

“W-Why is it dark? I can’t see a thing”

“W-Why are you s-s-stuttering?” Ddomki teased.

I didn’t plan on replying. From the reaction from Taehyung and the others, this man was scary. Scary man and talking back… I don’t think that would be a good ending for me…

“When I count to three… we’ll be going back 500 year in time” He continued

500 year back in time!?


After a minute of darkness, I started seeing figures appear.

A lady was talking to a tall man, I couldn’t see his face since it was covered with a mask. They were both floating in mid-air, from the expression on the lady's face, I believed that the man in the mask isn’t very nice.

“Have you come back for another beating Ddomki?” Th woman smirked.

“That’s you?” I exclaimed to Ddomki. He didn’t reply.

“H-Hello?” I asked.

Did he just leave me here?




It's been so hard for me to not have wifi! I probably sound like an idiot for being overjoyed about this...


But in all seriousness... WHO IS DDOMKI?! WHAT IS HIS STORY?


I'v decided that I won't actually post a chapter once a week. But that doesn't mean I'll be posting every day or something.

kpop animated GIF

Once again! Thank you for reading! Thank you to my new readers! Thank you for those who have recently subscribed and upvoted! THANK YOU!


Peace Out~


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SausageWallet #1
Di...Discontinued? 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
TheWriter101 #2
Chapter 26: My heart literally just dropped when I saw the word "discontinued". But I understand. And I really do hope that you can write that "improved/organised version" even though I believe that this was wonderful :)
Good luck with your studies and this VCE thing that sound really disgusting!
avisdawn #3
Chapter 25: YOU DON't have to! I actually love your story okay?and it it is worth to re-read it :)
Just don't discontinue....
Love this chapter. might have to re-read it again before the next chapter comes out haha
Prancis #5
But i like it so farr updatee
Prancis #6
Ur story is like jumping everywhere ure not getting to the point sorry
YoonhunAddict #7
Chapter 10: I know your secret language author XD
You just turn the words opposite haha so smart
Taelin #8
Chapter 22: i really really love your story author-nim , i'm looking forward to the next chapter , hwaitiing
Chapter 22: Oh crap! That last gif of Jay Park BAHAHA!
And great chapter (^∇^)
Caren91 #10
Chapter 21: I love ur ff xp update plssss xp