chapter * 9 *

together ..always

The Autumn Festival  approached, and the schools usually interest in such events,

 saengi and kyu volunteered  in the Drawing team, while kimo  volunteered in Fencing team .. Either mini in Race Horse Power, Juni volunteered as a Server  the school  cafe...

 The five are no longer meet as often because of the training, the leader of the cafe asked Juni to  stay at the entrance to attract customers, because he was the handsomest boy between all the servers.

Mini was being trained on horse racing and has been well..because he has his own horse in his  home…he  is the son of a  rich family, and the same  case with kimo .. Fencing is  something was used to him and he  beat all Trainees during the exercises.

Kyu and saengii, including that they had been friends since childhood, entered the Institute for drawing together and their  skills somewhat equal and had been drawn by nature was elaborate and very well and had chosen to draw both one panel sharing their friendship … that their work would be very interesting in this way.

Junii felt   that he missed his friends …he  requested Little time to rest, carrying with him some chocolate candy bags, he began searching his friends  .the school was  Unorganized, and bustling with pupils who were attending their presentations, it has not been left for the ceremony only six days, he was walking and is looking for his friends and suddenly  he saw Kimo dressed like a  knight holding a sword between his hands  he approached him and call him .. kimo turned his head  and smiled to him and asked the two young men some time and got faster in juni

" Junah .. How are you doing with preparations? " (kimo)
" In fact, I will not do  anything.. I will stay at the  gate of the cafe to attract customers " (juni)
"Aigoooo .. Of course.. They will not find  better than you, you are the handsomest  " (Kimo )
" Thank You Hyung .. And you also look very handsome with this Knights Clothes " (Juni)
", uh, thank you Cutie .. " (Kimo)
", uh, I  brought you some Chocolate " (Juni holding one of the bags, giving it to kimo)
" He is you who made it?  " (Kimo clutched the bag)
"One of the girls helped me to make it.. Make sure that you eat it.. Huh.. " (juni)
"Well, Thank You I  bet it would be delicious just like you... Uh, did you see the others? " (Holding  juni ‘s cheek )
" No .. Not yet.. I'll look for them " (Juni)
" Well.. I should be completed the training.. See you soon " (Kimo after he heard his Colleagues calling to him)

Juni smiled at kimo  and completed his way toward art rooms and discussed at length in the drawing room that finally found the door and entered and found a large picture of a very beautiful natural, And a person  was in the bottom of the table putting the finished touches .. The boy turned.. He is young saeng.

" junaaah ! .. It’s  you? What do you think about the Drawing board? (saengi)
" Hyung it very wonderful . Wooooooow  you're very skilled " (Juni)
" Gomawa, why do you  come here?" (saengi)
" I  only Miss You and I brought you this " (Juni)
" Ooh my juni brought me chocolate candies  .. Thank you " (Saengi)
" Never mind , musn’t I find kyu jong hyung here with you ?? " (Juni)
", uh, he  said he will go to see Jung min, because, we finished our work early " (saengi)
" Then.. I will go search for them .. aniyo hyung  "( Juni )

Juni rushed out to search for kyu and mini , and on his way to school garden  he saw two young men lying on the green grass and when he  approached them they  were Kyu and mini .. Walking light steps so as not to have been aware that he is coming and when he  arrived, he saw them holding each other hand, with close eyes.

"I am here " (Juni very loudly)
the two Jumped of their places to find Juni smiles to them.. mini get closer  and hit Juni on the head lightly
" You scared me… disturbing boy  ... I want to relax a little bit ," (Mini)
" Hyung Junah .. Your  prank  is successful. I was really surprised " (kyu)
" ... lol really? What you are doing together here " (Juni)
" Rest a little  as I terminated painting and Jung min completed the training " (kyu)
", uh, I saw the Drawing-board it very wonderful " (Juni)
" So you met Young saeng  Hyung " (kyu)
" Yes.. And I met Hyun Joong Hyung also  " (Juni)

"I see you have met with all " (Mini)
" I Miss You So Much " (Juni)
" He has started his strange  behavior again. (Mini)
" What’s on Your  Hands? " (kyu)
" It’s  candy Chocolate I made it for you.. " (Juni)
" Great, uh, I'd like to thank you very much  for the chocolate Junah " (kyu)
" You did not put a dangerous thing .. kruchi ?" (mini)
" What are you talking about ? I  have followed the preparation steps carefully... Don't worry, there is nothing dangerous, but I have added something " (Juni)
" What did you add  ? " (kyu )
"I heard that the delicious sweets are not only if manufactured with love of persons who you love.. You must add the love to " (Juni)
" ... that is not so delicious this means you ... don’t love us " (Mini)
" But, after all, do not govern the taste.. The recipe fails in the first time when its experience "( juni uneasily)

“He will give up his word now " (Mini)
They Smiled warmly to each other…  Juni look at them  with  admiration
" You are very close to each other  " (Juni)
", uh, did you notice this now," (Mini)
" However… I see that your friendship very deep " (Juni)
"Do you know that kyu   confessed to me " (mini)
", uh, Minah!  I told not to talk about these things in front of  others .. It is our private /" (kyu )

" Uh, my kyu  feel ashamed, "" (mini kissing  kyu’s cheek )
" You have strange ways … I need to  go now, I have not completed the training yet " (Juni)
" Junah don’t forget to attend the race to support me " (Mini)
" Do not forget to vote on our drawing board  " (kyu )
" And you also, after the end of the event should  come to the Cafe, I will keep  you  cake and juice, don't forget that… I am going now " (Juni )

" See you.. And do not behave strangely in front of others… they  will make you a doll as you look  like puppets " (Mini)
" Jung min  stop  joking and make sure to no act with Kyu jong Hyung  this way in front of  others, ..Your good act make them believe you  big horse " (Juni  showing his tongue )
" hyung junahhhh!! Wait , ..Yah !.. Do you make fun of me... ? "( Mini)
Juni  disappeared, lightly mini face Kyu, who was laughing strongly
" Can’t you stop now " (Mini)
"bianéé .. But your scuffle is  very strange " (kyu)

"I enter real brawls usually, but this boy did not grow up yet " (Mini)
" Very innocent " (kyu)
"  Look like a puppet " (Mini)
"He is  handsome, if he was a girl .. I will make him my girlfriend " (kyu)

 "Really.. ?"(mini)
" I want to approached him more, but... It seems to me that he is hiding things from us ... In some cases ... during lessons I notice him distraught for a long time " (kyu)

"What if we asked him about the problem?" (mini)
"He may not want to answer " (kyu)
" And he  may want to speak with someone on the matter, and he does not want to disturb us. You know how he is reserved so as not be a burden" (mini)
" Yes, you are right .   Tomorrow after the end of the work  we will visit him in the cafe " (kyu)
"  arasso " (mini)


"Uh, I feel so tired, did not remain only three days of the festival," (mini fussy)

", uh, not Training after today, they asked me to rest, before the festival to be ready " (kimo)
" Me too " (mini)
" Including that the training stopped, we must have  a funny day before the festival " (Saengi)
", uh, I also thought that we would go to our  home meetings  and sleep there together we will enjoy " (Kimo)
" Good idea " (kyu)

The four can feel free now before the festival, good to have a time to relax after a great pressure,.
" Uh, I feel hungry, do you bring anything to eat?" (Mini)

 "I didn’t  bring nothing today, I was busy '( saengi)'
" uh, ottokaji  .... uh, I found it .. Let’s go to the  Cafe school " (Mini)
" The Cafe is open only on the festival ... you can’t eat there " (Kimo)
"Don't worry, we have someone we know there " (Mini)
" Ah.. You mean Hyung Jun" (kyu)
" Yes.. Let’s go..  If I ask him to give me some cake  he will not refuse  " (Mini)

"anniyohasseyo.." (the four together)
" Deh aniyohasseyo ... can I help you?" (one of the officers responsible)
", uh, we are looking for Kim Hyung Jun ... is he here? " (Kimo)
"uh, of course,he is  here, you want to see him .. Please follow  me " (responsible)
" Well... Thank you " (the four )
The four followed the girl  girls that  lead them toward the kitchen, where hyung jun was trying to  prepare some candy by himself, and when the girl opened the door of the  kitchen she  surprised everyone

" what happened here?


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Chapter 22: Update the story please ☺
Update soon! I'm missing this story... :))
Chapter 21: Yes, you improved on writing. But you're good at making a story. :)) please continue to update, author-nim. :)))
Chapter 19: Poor Jung Min, he doesn't have to blame himself. :(
Omo, where's Junnie? Please tell me he's safe....

Thanks for the update. Hehe
Chapter 19: Minah don't blame yourself too much.........
Hyungjoonah be safe arraso.....
Chapter 19: where's hyung jun??!!! :((
Chapter 18: oh!!! that's so sad...poor Junnie Fighting..
Chapter 18: What's this??!! Poor HyungJun. Why does he need to suffer??? Be well Jun-ah. :((
Chapter 18: poor junie... sigh... always the one getting hurt... but poor minnie also.. he regretted his actions... oh dear..please be together again..
Chapter 17: I'm happy they are gonnna be together again...