First Sign

Frozen Heart [editing]

  D.O – Scream


Approximately 48 hours flew by with tense in nerves and stiffness in air. Sunlight peeked in between the loosely hung long curtains, casting hollow rays into the darkness of the villa. Despite the rainbow which twinkled under the beams of sun, the sight inside remained dreadful, tragic, and filled with agony.

The woman who was placed under a blind spell chose to stick in the household, along with a company of Xiu Min, who she eventually remembered. Luhan; the spell caster, had been kept away from Se Kyung as Chen tried his best in pulling the older man away from the cage of depression—which was the only way they could reverse an act of the telekinetic and return Se Kyung’s unreplaceable sight.

Despite Chen who strained himself in being an inexperienced therapist, the only man who was capable in healing humans – Lay, locked himself up in his massive lone room, which was located at the west wing of the villa. Li Yin, however, insisted to leave the healer alone, and placed a meal in front of his bedroom door every morning, lunch, and dinner time. Even though the meals always being served in different times, Lay never forget to thank Chen’s girlfriend for taking care of everyone—even though the healer knew about that fact that Li Yin was also depressed.

In between the silent tenses, they unintentionally forgot about the youngest one – Tao. Eventually, the time controller was left alone, locked up in the peak of his depression. As badly as he wanted to commit a suicide right then, Tao knew better than to put more pain in himself. At least, he could wait for his turn to leave the world—which will actually come very soon. Maybe Tao hasn’t tell Xiu Min about when will it be for his own time to go, which questioningly left a blank space for how his, Lay’s and Luhan’s stories would end. But that doesn’t means that the three of them will live longer. In brief—yes, Tao had witnessed his own death in the long travel of the future.

Boiling tears eventually faded away by the flying days. Despite the wonderful weather which continuously mocking them, their conditions remained the same. With Xiu Min trying hard to keep Luhan away from Se Kyung along with Chen who was losing his strength with each ticking seconds, regular meals which mixed with soft talks from Li Yin to Lay, and Tao who was left hanging with neglect from his friends.

A couple of firm knocks arrived at the broad door of the hushed villa. A man who was crouching in front of the scattered glasses—Luhan—averted his attention away weakly, before his palm pushed himself up from the floor and catch the trailing knocks. Navy uniforms and familiar symbols greeted his hollow sight as his muscles stiffened. It was the polices, throwing him a one second grin before the lead flashed Luhan a picture of a familiar young woman – Se Kyung.

Due to his lack of response and a slight shock which plastered on his face, the lead eventually spoke up in suspicion, “Her name is Baek Se Kyung. Her parents reported her missing for the last few days, and her stepsister—Ji Ae—claimed of witnessing her rushing down to this villa last week. Does it rings a bell to you?” The police’s eyes sneaked in a tiny gap between Luhan and the door, trying to find some clues. His gesture, however, was caught off-guard by Luhan, who shifted over on purpose to cover the man’s view.

Furrowing his eyebrows with a trained signal towards another staff, who was standing still behind him, the lead eventually shoved Luhan a warrant, showing him their rights in searching the villa. The poor man only shook his head with his first statement ever since the day died down on him, “No! I’m not letting you in.”

Of course, those syllables allowed the police to take another step forward, with an attempt in grabbing Luhan’s arms to push him away from their sight. In between the commotions, the young man desperately sparked up his telekinesis, and successfully controlled their minds in sending them back to where they belonged to, although with an utmost effort.

10 meters away from the door, was Lay with observing eyes when Luhan shut the door closed, before both of them locked their gaze together. Along with a range of knowledge which was widely being spread over the tip of Lay’s mind, he resumed watching the stiffness of Luhan, who stared back at him in hesitation of conversing. Perhaps it was due to a shock of Lay himself, who had just made an appearance in front of someone after Luhan’s incident. Of course, the healer did not stepped out of his prison only because of a mere curiosity of vibrations which echoed throughout the dead silent villa, instead it was an examination of Luhan’s act earlier, who indirectly found a new function of his telekinesis. Which was, controlling other’s minds. “You’re okay.” Lay’s voice was low and raspy—a retribution for not talking for days.

Puzzle greeted Luhan’s rationality, as he tilted his head to the side lightly, even without moving an inch from the spot. “What do you mean, Lay?”

“You’ve recovered.”

An expression filled with doubt washed away the earlier bewilderment, before Luhan slowly shook his head as his gaze rolled down his knees. “No, I haven’t.”

“I’m a healer, Luhan hyung. And I know.” Lay’s tone was quiet yet demanding—and somehow, Luhan realised that the younger man didn’t spoke to him only to make him feel better from the loss of control over his telekinetic, instead, it was a statement. A statement which was hinted with every bits of facts. With an intake of breath, Lay continued, “Can you cure Se Kyung?”

Slipping wind brushed against their cold fingers when Tao appeared from nowhere, staring down at them with a faint painful smirk. “No, Luhan hyung can’t. It’s impossible. I’ve seen it in the future. He can’t do it.” Every last syllables of his were emphasised, as if demanding not to be wronged.

Perhaps it was due to stress, which caused Lay’s blood to boil quicker than usual with Tao’s childish assumption, when Lay’s characteristic had always flowed calm and relaxed. “Stop interfering, Tao. The future which you’d witnessed had been changed ever since I’ve returned Se Kyung’s memories!” The healer’s eyebrows were furrowed, upon seeing the gesture of Tao who took daring steps toward Luhan.

Just when the youngest man parted his lips open to argue, a burning flame of furious mixed with boiling wails vibrated throughout the space with shouts and yells. As the pair of voices clicked inside of the three men, all of them eventually rushed toward the source of sound, with cold sweats rolling down their skin.

The moment when they barged into the couple’s room, was the moment when their breaths were hitched. It were Chen and Li Yin. That once merry couple were found fighting with each other. And Lay knew that there was no one to blame for their misery. Because secretly—deep inside—the healer believed that everything happened with a reason.

With an unpleasant sight of Chen, who appeared shirtless with torn jean hanging loose around his waist, and Li Yin who was a sobbing mess as she buried her face in the sea of her palms, Luhan blinked when a sour squeeze attacked his heart. “W-What happened?” His baffle rolled out in a hushed manner, but the answers which he got were wrapped with incandescent, as the couple shouted over each other with pointed fingers.

“Shut up!” Feeling a bruise creeping into his torn heart, Tao eventually snapped out at the top of his lungs, causing him to catch the oxygen after they fell silent. Tensed silence ran in a snail pace, and Lay let a palm to crumple his face as he croaked, “What happened to the once happy couple that I used to know?”

Startle met them as no one dared to collide with other’s gazes, which had been cascaded downwards, staring at their feet. From the corner of his eyes, Lay noticed an act of Luhan, who gently patted Li Yin’s back in an intention of calming her down. Of course, that woman had been treating all of them with carefulness and sincerity—no wonder why Luhan chose to comfort Li Yin than Chen who had steam of lightning all around him. And the healer also noticed that with Luhan’s tiny gesture of comfort, it symbolising him that Luhan had recovered from his shock of Kris’s death. So with a fast knocking heart, Lay eventually faced Luhan and spoke up, “Hyung, follow me.”

The telekinetic did nothing to question the healer, as his feet immediately made a sharp turn towards the door before both of them disappeared behind the porcelain pillar. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Lay was a healer and the one who took care of EXO M after Kris, which encouraged Luhan to obey with the younger man without any second thoughts. Everyone in the household knew that Lay had never been wrong, even if he was as depressed as ever, Lay would never take a risk of doing the false thing—because he was the healer. The one who paced down their furiously beating hearts when a fight occurred, and the one who created peace in the first encounter of their uncontrollable powers.

However, a slight dishearten reached Luhan when Lay urged him to come in a bedroom which had been specialised for Se Kyung. It was guilt which ate his confidence away from being close to Se Kyung, as the slip of control over his power rewind in his memory.

Consternation with the sight of Luhan—who was the source of agony to Se Kyung—Xiu Min anxiously stood up from the classic-designed couch as his figure faced Lay, even though his gaze will never leave Luhan. “What is he doing here?” The smell of dismay and hints of threat lingered around Xiu Min, as his predator eyes examined Luhan’s stiffened figure.

With eyes darting towards a woman who laid calm on the majestic bed, Lay firmly stated out, “Just watch, Xiu Min hyung.” His feet steadily graced towards Se Kyung, frown or hesitation were nowhere to be found.

Enraged, Xiu Min shot Luhan a cold sensation for him to stand still outside and not to come near. As Lay’s steps resumed to click closer towards the bed, his own steps were blocking a way for Luhan to enter. “I am not going to watch anything if this man is coming inside.”

“Xiu Min hyung, Luhan hyung is not dangerous anymore.”

Not dangerous? Did depression blew your mind off that you even forgot about what he had done to Se Kyung, Lay?!”

“Hyung, you have to remember that he never intended to pierce the blades toward Se Kyung in the first place. Luhan hyung was in a rage, just like us all.”

Exhaling a sigh, Xiu Min slowly shifted away from the doorframe, and nodded lightly towards Luhan. The latter took a few seconds before his feet carried him towards Lay, who was standing beside the bed. “What do you want me to do, Lay?” His tone was hushed and hinted with trembles, when Xiu Min slowly walked towards them from behind.

Locking gazes with Luhan, Lay carefully requested, “I think you can undo the act of your power.”

“What? No—!”

“Luhan hyung, trust me.”

The telekinetic’s lips quivered momentarily, as frown crept onto his forehead. “Why can’t you heal her instead?”

Gently, Lay plastered a palm against Luhan’s back in an attempt to calm his nerves down. “My power hasn’t recovered properly yet.”

“Mine hasn’t too!”

For the first time after the deaths, a faint grin graced upon Lay’s cracked lips as he confidently stated out, “You never had to recover from your power, Luhan hyung. It was your shock that needed recovering—and it finally did.” A silent agreement from Luhan could be felt from his relaxed muscles, and with that, Lay leaded the telekinetic to the front, facing Se Kyung who had her eyes shut even though all of them were aware that she was fully awake. “Now, concentrate on your power. Take back the nerve-control which you had done to Se Kyung’s brain for disabling her sight.”

So Luhan did. Accompanied by the ruckus outside which was mixed with a shout of ‘impossible’ and blinding glow from his own figure—which Luhan sure appeared straight from his heart—the telekinetic effortlessly followed Lay’s instructions as he found himself closing his eyes gently with the feel of his power.

And at the time when the rising moon replaced the falling sun, Se Kyung fluttered her eyes open, witnessing the room which had been showered in moonlight.

She could see again.




Strands of hair tied in a perky side pony, pastel orange dress hung low just above her knees, and a hand carrying an empty knitted handbag as her little steps leaded a way out of her house. By the help of Luhan’s power who was slowly recovering from the shock, Se Kyung eventually could acted as if nothing had happened for the past few weeks as she returned home safely and found her fake sister, Ji Ae, sitting on a man’s lap. Not bothering the stranger’s presence, Se Kyung flew straight to the bathroom and cleaned herself off from the stiffness along with the dry tears.

It had been a week since her sight returned. And during those periods, Se Kyung did nothing but to be present in EXO M’s villa—only to witness the trailing argues from Chen and Li Yin, who seemed to be drifting apart. As for Xiu Min, he was still paranoid whenever she was trying to approach Luhan in an intention of helping him recovering. Secretly, Se Kyung noticed the lack of appearance of Lay, who hardly be by Luhan’s side in order to help him. Even if he did, Lay barely do anything for the telekinetic. And she knew that Lay suffered from depression more than anyone else did, even though he had tried his best in fighting the dark emotions away. Tao, the youngest one, was a real puzzle for Se Kyung. Because one moment, he was gone—but then another moment, she found him standing quietly beside her. Of course, a surprised gasp always left Se Kyung’s lips whenever Tao did his little appearances, but as the time passed by, she eventually got used to it. Somehow, she knew where Tao will usually be present at—in Kris’s old bedroom. And with that, they exchanged a few words. But even with an honest intention of taking Tao away from shock, sometimes, Se Kyung found the sentences which rolled out of Tao’s tongue threatening—as he often mentioned about the sequences of death. However, Se Kyung chose not to snap at him, because she knew what he had been through. Perhaps discovering the fact about their powers were a huge knock on her, but slowly, the idea sunk into her mind which eventually leaded to acceptance. And Xiu Min was happier to acknowledge that.

A dark sensation which attacked her heart snapped Se Kyung out of her thoughts, as her perfectly functioning eyes darted to the front, and witnessed an approaching car which sped towards a man. Alerted by a possible future accident, Se Kyung dropped her knitted handbag away in the process of jolting towards the stranger. Her frail arm pulled the man’s figure to the side of the road just in time the mad driver honked away.

“Oh my God, thank you so much for saving me, Se Kyung.”

Se Kyung?

Bewildered, the said girl tilted her head upwards and was met with a pair of dark chocolate orbs. The doctor. “Kai?”

I’ve seen it all, noona—soon it will be the doctor's and Sica noona’s sister turn to go.

“Krystal has left me for Jessica, Se Kyung.”




 Humming_Bird said it was okay since this is my story now, lol. Oh well, anyway, I'm sorry for not updating during the holidays >< I was quite busy and I thought that I need a rest too. I think I will cut this story shorter than what I've planned before since I have more college life to catch ;_; hope you all understand.


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Chapter 32: So in the end Se-Kyung ended up with Xiumin and Luhan with Sehun. But what was that at the end?!!! Was Se-Kyung and Luhan cheating on Xiumin and Sehun with each other?!!!
Chapter 29: Read the whole story, and i like it very much! Keep on writing ^^
asdfghjkl1697 #3
Chapter 5: Hello! I'm a new reader of your story~ I'm currently on Chapter 5 ((gonna continue reading from there tonight)) Anyways, I KNOW I ONLY READ 4 CHAPTERS BUT THIS IS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE. I just know I would love this story! Even with 4 chapters, the flow is reallllllllly good! I think I'll be staying up late tonight to read this. Hahahaha. Good work on this story! I hope in the upcoming chapters, good things will happen ^^ Anyway, hwaiting! Looking forward to read this ♥
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 4: even though it is a sad story,, but i really glad i read this story.....
<3 <3 <3
omg. I found this book through a review, and I totally love it.
It's very well written! ^u^ good job!
Chapter 25: O.o This was a sad chapter......... Hoping for the best.
Chapter 3: Aww Luhan is such a cute clumsy boy!!
Chapter 1: PLEAse remind me to read this on my wall authir nim! I really wanna read it but I'll forget ><
Chapter 21: Love this story. Have a safe trip!