
Frozen Heart [editing]

  Super Junior – Evanesce


Lay’s penetrating gaze bore into Se Kyung’s hollow brown orbs as the woman instantly stormed towards Luhan, before she pushed the man’s shoulder to the side, breaking the contact with his power. The healer watched the scene with a pair of glowing palms, controlling somewhat which he only knew.

“What do you think you are doing, Luhan?!” Se Kyung’s voice hollered throughout the villa, her grip on Luhan’s shoulder tightened as the fire of anger was evident in her eyes.

The latter only stared towards Se Kyung in shock, dark pupils widened upon seeing the sight which laid before him. From the corner of Luhan’s eyes, he could witnessed the weak body of Xiu Min, who slowly slid down the porcelain wall. “I—I—Kyungie—I only wanted to avoid the monster from arising in Xiu Min again.” His voice was squeaking with stutter, feeling small in the harsh grip of the woman.

Clenching her teeth, Se Kyung loosened her death grip on Luhan’s shoulder as her face hardened in exhausts. Her breath quickened, heartbeat steadily created its own personal rhythm in her ribcage, hammering in her eardrums. “Can’t you see it, Luhan?! You are the one who is turning into a monster here! What have I thought you about controlling your ing power?!” The tone which escaped her lips was high yet filled with anxiety, eyes refracted the fear in Luhan’s orbs.

Vibe of surprise engulfed the surrounding as it was the first time for them to hear those aggressive syllables from Se Kyung. Both Chen and Li Yin stared wide-eyed towards the younger figure, as a deafening silence halted their action. Only when Lay spoke up with trembles in his voice, that they began to gasped for the dear life. “Duizhang. It is duizhang in Se Kyung’s body.” The healer’s voice was low and hushed as he was stealing glances toward Tao, sensing an acknowledgement for the event to happen right then ever since the younger man travelled to the future, which explained his calm demeanour.

Xiu Min coughed out blood as he panted heavily, eyes were peeking from his sweaty bangs in that crouched position. “L-Lay… h–how did—”

“Don’t you dare to speak, Xiu Min.” The older man’s earlier syllables were cut off by a threatening squeeze from Luhan’s telekinesis, which harshly straightening Xiu Min’s weak postures from the ground to leaning forcibly against the wall. Luhan’s iris changed its colour from soft dark brown, to blinding light silver – symbolising the awaken beast inside of his soul.

“Luhan! What are you doing?! Where’d your respect gone?!” Chen’s voice of small authority (in comparison to Kris’s who was still their duizhang) hollered in Luhan’s ears, even though the latter never seemed to bother about the screams and shouts from his friends.

The unusually strong hands of Se Kyung’s body shifted Luhan away from Xiu Min, and just in a flash of a mere second, Luhan could see an image of Kris inside of Se Kyung’s figure, causing his beast-self to faded away for a moment. “Wake up, Luhan! Remember what I’ve thought you when I was alive before! Goddammit, Lu! What is happening to the innocent guy who I used to know before?” Kris’s voice shook lightly as his palms gripped onto Luhan’s shoulder once again, causing the latter to face him.

Sound of broken timbers collided with each other registered in the surrounding, as Tao’s feet kicked away the dusts from his rushed way towards Xiu Min. “Hyung! Don’t say it! Or else you will regret everything!”

With attention shifted towards the maknae, Li Yin asked along with tears pooling in her eyes, “Tao, what are you talking abou—”

“Hyung! Don’t test the beast’s patience!” Time was the only thing which mattered to Tao, and his fingers were itching to stop the ticking time, but due to his stamina which hadn’t fully recovered yet, Tao chose to not mess with the fate.

“Rewind everything, Tao! You knew what we didn’t know anything that you—!”

“Don’t say it!!”

Duizhang… is it—is it nice there, in the heaven?

A single sentence.

A single heartbeat.

A single snap of the beast’s consciousness.

Blinding light flashed from Luhan’s now silver orbs as he spun around towards the source of the voice – Xiu Min. The latter, however, only concentrated towards Se Kyung’s figure, staring into Kris’s soul as he weakly spoke, “I want to be there too—”

“Xiu Min hyung!”

“—so let Luhan ends my miserable life, okay?”


Within less than a second, the daggers of the broken pieces of shattered glasses flung up from the ground, and immediately targeted towards Xiu Min’s pinned figure against the wall. The eldest man only watched the vigorous act of Luhan blankly, already faded up by his life.

The only thing which arrived fully unexpected was for Kris’s soul to make a thunderous move in front of Xiu Min, blocking the unshaped daggers from piercing into the poor latter’s flesh—but in return, he smeared blood on all over Se Kyung’s unconscious body, replacing the impact which should be effecting Xiu Min’s figure.

Cracking his eyes open with the shattering mixed with grunt vibrations, Xiu Min then let a painful scream to escape his sore throat, upon seeing the badly injured body of his girlfriend. “Duizhang!! Why did you blocked Luhan from attacking me?! I don’t give a about my life anymore—but Se Kyung’s body—Kris!! What have you done to my girl?!” His voice trembled lightly along with tears dropped down from his once dried eyes. Xiu Min could felt the power raising inside of his vein, but ever since that incident, he was able to take control more of his power. Perhaps, losing someone who he depended on so much forced him to gather all of his strength in fighting the chained beast in his isolated, dark soul.

Knees wobbling and hands supporting the whole body up to stand against the wall beside Xiu Min, Kris’s soul slowly lifted the half-alive face of Se Kyung, facing Luhan who still had a pair of silver orbs on his glowing face. “Let him go.”

It wasn’t the authority in Kris’s voice (which eventually appeared) that chased the beast away from Luhan’s heart—it was the bloody eyes of Se Kyung’s figure which caused Luhan to startle as the beast slowly faded away from him. The view of terror which laid before his eyes was painful with the vivid colour of red, stood out from the rest of the surroundings. Trickles of blood slowly dripped off her pierced eyes as it flowed down her porcelain skin. The once bright eyes of Se Kyung, was now replaced by a dark, filled with blood ones.

Upon seeing the gesture of Luhan who eventually dropped Xiu Min back onto the ground, Kris slowly spoke up with guilt in his tone, barely facing Xiu Min, “I have to do this… to stop the chaos from keep haunting this group.”

“By sacrificing Se Kyung?! No, Kris! Do you even realise that it is Se Kyung who will feel the pain and suffer later on?! While you could just fly back to the heave—”

“Damn it, Xiu Min! You’ve killed my girlfriend—”

“I did not murder her! Jessica was the one who blocked my path from—”

“From what?! From murdering your own girlfriend again?!”

The last syllables from the former leader snapped something inside of Xiu Min’s scattered heart, as he bore his intense gaze into the back of Se Kyung’s head–he could tell that Kris resisted to show him the girl’s face which would highly be damaged.

Sighing, the soul continued, “I knew that you didn’t murder us, Xiu Min. It was all an accident. But the moment I saw Jessica froze at the tip of your fingers, was the moment when I swore to break your girl.” His tone was unwavering yet unyielding, though a sour feeling began to crawl into Kris’s heart.

An urge to fight with Kris rose inside of Xiu Min. However, his injured self along with the soul of Kris which hid inside Se Kyung’s body halted his dark intention, as Xiu Min only barked, “You in—”

“Return me to where I belonged to, Lay.” Kris’s commanding voice cut off Xiu Min’s rage as he faced the man, who had brought him there in the first place. As a former leader he was, Kris still knew that every decision that he did—including hurting Xiu Min’s own girlfriend, was the right thing to do since leaving someone unharmed in the middle of a chaos could lead to a worse condition. In this case, it was Luhan who was in the main picture of Kris’s view, as he intended for the beast inside of the innocent Chinese man to disappear. And Kris knew—that a short way in making sure to chase the monster away was by placing someone into pain, and Se Kyung happened to be the right person for that twisted plan. With a limited time to appear through the healer’s power, Kris was forced to took the desperate step, even though he knew that Se Kyung did nothing wrong to him nor Jessica. But sometimes, a person needs to sacrifice something important on purpose to save a greater thing. Perhaps Xiu Min will keep a grudge on him for not voicing out his desperate plan, but Kris knew better than to speak up, in order to save lives.

A sight of terror could be seen in Lay’s dark brown eyes, which refracted the pierced image of Se Kyung, before he weakly nodded. In a split of a second, the glow which shone from his palms disappeared, causing the damaged figure of Se Kyung to drop onto the cold tiles, and for Kris’s soul to fly away from the temporary frame.

“S-Se Kyung!” In rush, Tao dashed towards the almost lifeless figure, accompanied by endless tears, rolled down on his smooth skin.

Xiu Min’s body ached as a shot of pain stabbed his lungs, thus restricted the access of oxygen. He clutched onto his chest–his ribcage–as his eyes darted straight towards the beloved woman who he’d cherished before the chaos crept into their lives.

Raising up a palm with glow surrounded it, Tao cried towards Xiu Min in a hurt expression, exclaiming, “stop there, hyung! How many times do I have to tell you to stop?! How many times do I have to warn you, hyung?!” The bottled feelings which had been causing his tiny heart to ache spread out throughout the villa, whilst his power put a halt into Xiu Min’s action, slowing his nerves from registering the pain.

As fast as the lightning, Lay’s figure jolted towards the bloodied woman which laid on Tao’s laps, smearing redness onto his clothes. Her face was tilted to the side, silky brunette brushed across the paleness of her face, and body was too weak to even shape a proper state in lying down.

Once again, Lay’s palms highlighted his own figure just when both Chen and Li Yin scrambled at the spot, after they’ve made sure that Tao was doing a good job in trying to subsided Xiu Min’s pain. “Don’t look.” The stern command of Lay halted the couple’s intention from brushing aside the hair from Se Kyung’s face, as they pulled away their trembling fingers and stared towards the healer in fear mixed with anxiety.

Luhan had a crestfallen reaction painted on his features, as his eyes were glued onto the ground beneath the spot where he was standing at, which was back facing Se Kyung’s figure, but stood straight towards Xiu Min. Unstable pants escaped his chapped lips, creating pure vapour. As a man who had a tiny crush for the woman who he’d accidentally hurt, Luhan felt extremely guilty yet useless for letting the monster inside of him to appear. But this time, he didn’t let the childishness to overtake his rationally any longer, which meant that Luhan wouldn’t blame anyone for the unexpected miserable life, including Xiu Min. Slowly in wobbly steps, the telekinetic proceeded towards the eldest one, who had been paused from any action by Tao. He threw his arms around Xiu Min gently, as he was sure that the latter had to deal with the pain which he didn’t deserve from all of them, before Luhan eventually placed his chin as softly as possible on the top of Xiu Min’s shoulder, and broke down into tears.

A halt and a pair of furrowed eyebrows from Lay stopped Li Yin’s heartbeat for a second, before she concernedly asked, “Why did you stop, did something wrong happens?” She sensed a warm palm at the back of her spine, her in comfort – Chen.

With a sigh, the healer replied, “Everything wrong happened, noona.” The glow from his palm slowly faded away as he dropped his figure beside Se Kyung’s with tiredness written on all over his face. “I can’t heal her.”

Surprised, Chen widened his eyes with choked saliva, “What? Why?”

“My power has its limit too, Chen. My condition will only get worse if I continue.”

“But Se Kyung will stay hurt like this! Hyung, you can’t—”

“She won’t be bleeding or hurting, I’ve healed that part. But not the effect that those glasses had, when it cut her eyeballs—my power couldn’t do anything for the fact that she will be blind.”

Deep inside, Chen knew that Lay’s acknowledge in Korean language wasn’t as wide, but the fact that he used simple words in describing, were causing him to feel the impact stronger. “But can’t you heal her blindness after you’ve healed, hyung?”

With a weak shook of his head, Lay answered guiltily, “No. The major impact in her injury is for Luhan’s power to take it back – the source itself. Not me. I am not capable in doing that even if I try to the fullest.”



A brief stab of pain registered in her senses before it rapidly faded away, just when an unbearable headache attacked her mind. With a groan, Se Kyung clutched onto her head and felt something liquid. Sticky yet dried.

Curiosity crept into her as she cracked her eyes open—only to be greeted by darkness and tiny parallel lights. Breathing became hitched, heartbeats were halted, and everything in her mind froze as Se Kyung stretched her arms forward, trying to find any image as cold sweats began to roll down her skin.

“Se Kyung?”

Snapping her head up towards the source of the unfamiliar voice, Se Kyung cried, “Why can’t I see anything?”

“Se Kyung,”

“Why can’t I see anything?!”

“Se Kyung, calm down!”

The second thing that she felt was warmth being enveloped around her body, wrapping her shoulder from the front. She could tell that tears flowed from her numb eyes before her body jerked away from the figure. “Who are you? And what have you done to me?!”


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Chapter 32: So in the end Se-Kyung ended up with Xiumin and Luhan with Sehun. But what was that at the end?!!! Was Se-Kyung and Luhan cheating on Xiumin and Sehun with each other?!!!
Chapter 29: Read the whole story, and i like it very much! Keep on writing ^^
asdfghjkl1697 #3
Chapter 5: Hello! I'm a new reader of your story~ I'm currently on Chapter 5 ((gonna continue reading from there tonight)) Anyways, I KNOW I ONLY READ 4 CHAPTERS BUT THIS IS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE. I just know I would love this story! Even with 4 chapters, the flow is reallllllllly good! I think I'll be staying up late tonight to read this. Hahahaha. Good work on this story! I hope in the upcoming chapters, good things will happen ^^ Anyway, hwaiting! Looking forward to read this ♥
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 4: even though it is a sad story,, but i really glad i read this story.....
<3 <3 <3
omg. I found this book through a review, and I totally love it.
It's very well written! ^u^ good job!
Chapter 25: O.o This was a sad chapter......... Hoping for the best.
Chapter 3: Aww Luhan is such a cute clumsy boy!!
Chapter 1: PLEAse remind me to read this on my wall authir nim! I really wanna read it but I'll forget ><
Chapter 21: Love this story. Have a safe trip!