The conference room is in chaos, everyone trying to give their idea. But Jiyong just sit quietly. His eyes aren't focused on anything. He wore his usual blank expression. Youngbae is busily talking with all of the head member, trying so hard to make them a bit chill out. He kept glancing on his best friend who seems really absorb in his thought. When suddenly Jiyong hit the desk, making everyone in the room gone quiet.


"You guys better think about a good idea and write it down. Then you can give that to my secretary, Ms. Gong. I'll evaluate the idea on tomorrow's meetings. Dismiss", Jiyong says sternly as he walks out the door. Seems a bit panicking, Youngbae re-explains what Jiyong had said. Then after that, he rushes to his best friend suite.


Jiyong has change into a black shirt and black short. He lays on his bed lazily, didn't bother to greet Youngbae who just get into his suite.


"You can't be like this Ji, it's been a week you act this way. Your badmood will surely infect this important meeting", Youngbae says as he sits on the couch near the window.


"This is because it's been a week Bae", Jiyong says as he puts his arm on his eyes.


"Huh ?",


"It's been a week and I still have no info about Dara from Bom noona. I keep calling her, but there's no answers. Bom noona says she can't contact her. Bae-ah, w-what should I do ?", Jiyong asks sadly.


"J-just wait a little longer Ji. This time, just this time believe in your noona. I know she will do anything to make that girl understand your circumstance", Youngbae says.



Just this once, I'll believe my fate on my noona.

God, please make this easier for me.

I can't feel a thing. My body, brain and mind have gone numb.

This is freaking me out.




Jiyong sits on his seat quietly, and Youngbae is chatting with some business friend again. They currently having a party that night. The hotel provide an open bar near the swimming pool for this business meeting. Feeling that he has to be in the party to respect his business partner, Jiyong reluctantly joins the party. Even if he's just sitting on the corner and just listening to the music, it's still count that he joins the party, right ?



Today is no better for Jiyong. His noona still can't find Dara, and can't contact her. Bom even calls late yesterday night, just to say that Dara's not on school. They said she's going to her hometown for her cousin's wedding. And with that information, Jiyong's mood get worse than before. Even in the meeting, Jiyong tends to just listens or yells. He's really become a scary dragon. Well, that his nickname from all of his companion.


"Ji, you can't keep sulking like this", Youngbae says as he sits beside Jiyong.     


"I'm not sulking", Jiyong states softly.


"You're Ji. You're scaring our business partner", Youngbae says.


"I just don't want to talk with them. Their performances really didn't fulfill my expectation", Jiyong hisses.


"Well, obviously nothing will fulfill your expectation if you're not telling them what to do Ji",


"I don't want to talk with them", Jiyong hisses again.


"Aish, as you wish Ji. As you wish", Youngbae says as he slumps on his seat wearing a frown in his face.


But Jiyong just shrugs it off, he knows well that Youngbae won't stay like that in a long time. He stands up and walks to his suite alone, didn’t bother to saying goodbye. He walks slowly with his mind wandering around.


"Ackk…", some voice comes from Jiyong's back. He turns around to find an empty hallway. And again he just shrugs it off.


Must be some drunk people.




"Ji, seriously. You looks like a zombie", Youngbae says worriedly.


"What do you mean ?", Jiyong asks irritatedly. They currently sitting on hotel lounge. Youngbae takes Jiyong there with a thought that drinking some fresh drink maybe can refresh Jiyong's edgy mood. Well, it didn't work well.


"You each day.. Aish, you're getting scarier and moody. And now you have a very big dark circles below your eyes. You don't sleep well ? Do you want to move to another suite ?", Youngbae asks.


"No, the suite is good. I'm just not in the mood Bae, nothing more",


"Is this still because of Dara ?",


"Is there any other reason ?", Jiyong hisses.


"Ah, it's her. So, there still no information ?", Youngbae asks.


"No. And it’s been ten days", Jiyong mutters darkly.


Jiyong had tried to control his want to just fly back to Korea and forget about this work. But each day it passed, it’s getting more difficult. And all of his body and mind screaming 'just fly back to Korea, and make us in comfort'. Yeah, it's been ten days since he left to Bangkok. And still, there's no news from his noona. Jiyong never had a single comfortable sleep, and a proper meal. He keeps thinking abou Dara. Dara. And Dara.


"Just hold on a bit more Ji. Really, I want to send you home now. But you know, I can’t. This deal has to be made by your own. Just a bit more, Ji", Youngbae says as he pats Jiyong's back.


"Hn. I know that", Jiyong mutters slowly.




Jiyong and Youngbae turns towards some plants near the balcony. Youngbae just shrug it off, but Jiyong keeps his eyes there for a couple minutes.


"Ji, it’s just wind", Youngbae says calmly.


"No.. I don't think so. I-I felt being followed this three days", Jiyong states.


"Being followed ??", Youngbae asks.


"Hn", Jiyong mumbles as he kept his eyes on the plants.


"Uhh-, Ji. If you're being followed by, I must've known that. You have many bodyguard and security all on this hotel. Just relax okay, we won't let you hurt",


"Ah, okay", Jiyong shrugs as he drinks drink once more time before he walks back to his suite. Once again, locks himself in the same thought.




"Noona, you said you'll take care of this !!" Jiyong whines.


"Arra !! Just give me another days. Can't you a bit patience ?!!", Bom hisses.


"I already give you many days noona !!",


"Aish ! Just stop whining. You're the one who will be extremely glad with my job. So stop calling. Bye", Bom says as she hung up the phone.


"Aishhh !!", Jiyong hisses loudly.


It's been long enough for him to being patience and wait for his noona do her job. Jiyong has tried to control his emotion, and not cursed at his beloved noona. But well, it's obvious that his noona doesn't helping at all right ? Jiyong stands from his seat and decides to talk a walk around the hotel.  


A juice will freshen my mind.


He walks lifelessly with his usual blank expression. Giving a small nod to every hotel staff who greets him. He orders the drink and brings it with him for a walk outside. Sure, everything are look pretty fabulous. Bangkok surely has a great panoramas. But, it just doesn't amaze Jiyong for now. Cause his mind currently figuring the same pretty brunette girl who took his heart away.


Dara… Where are you ?


Jiyong stands still on the corner of the hotel's backyard, his eyes gazing through the horizon. All of this just so damn beautiful, but still Jiyong doesn't feel complete. He needs her, more than he ever need anything. It's a bit shocking for Jiyong to find himself barely could live like he used to without Dara. In his little mind, he keeps on chanting that Dara is just a common teenager, and nothing about her could destroy him. But of course, in the other side of his mind, Jiyong knows how much Dara meant to him. And yes, that thought are more stronger.


Damn, I love her this much.




Again a rustle can be heard from his back. Jiyong turns around quickly. This kind of stuff really had bother him for days. He knows that someone has been following him. But the sight before him really stupefied him. Jiyong just stood there and fix his gaze at the familiar person.


"Umm- E-excuse me.. A-are you K-kwon J-jiyong ?", a barely whispers comes from the petite girl. Jiyong stares at her in disbelieve. World has seems to stop rotating, and it's start to feel a bit suffocating.


"E-excuse m-me. A-are you Kwon Jiyong ?", the girl asks softly.


"Y-yeah", Jiyong mutters shakily. His gaze still fix on the girl.


"Ahh !! I'm right !!", the girls makes a little celebration by herself. Jiyong couldn't help himself to stop the smile in his face.



This girl.



"U-uh.. Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Dara. U-uh.. If you're Kwon Jiyong. Then you must known where is Jina. Where is she ?", Dara asks happily, a warm smile plastered on her pretty face. She seems pretty tired but her eyes still look alive and warm.


"Huh ? J-jina ?", Jiyong asks.


"Yes, Jina. She is my umm- best friend. Her cousin, Bommie unnie says that she is going with you here. So, because I haven't say my goodbye, Bommie unnie gives me a ticket to come here to say my goodbye. So please, can you tell me where she is ??".


Jiyong again stares at her with disbelieve.


Had I do wrong to make noona fixing my problems ?


She doesn't tell to Dara WHO I AM ?!!! 



Chapter nineteen everyone !!

It's not end yet kekekeke :") 

I like to tease you !! I've got a bit more chapter to end the story..

So don't be sad and keep supporting this story^^


2NE1 is coming to my Country yesterday.. It's so sad I can't watch it T^T 

Huuulll, Maybe the other time..


Btw, please subscribes, upvotes and comments !



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daragon_vip #1
Chapter 22: I can't click on the one shot sequel to this, is the link broken authornim???
Chapter 23: omg!! i love this.. u're awesome, author-nim..
Chapter 5: I just do not like the fact that because of the actions seunghyun makes in this story, i see him now as the bad-guy while i came for a sweet TOPBOM story, not the opposite, but that's just my opinion.
phEnxx #5
Chapter 21: very cute... thanks for sharing the story authornim :-)
Hachieyy #6
Chapter 22: kyaaaaa!!! i love this fanfic! jiyong is soo cuteeee <3
Amirum #7
Chapter 21: its soo cuteeee !!!! Jiyong is being too cheesy ! Haha >.<
iamnay #8
Chapter 22: im laughing like crazy and the ending is so cute !!!
addeww #9
Chapter 21: aawwww...... so cuuuuuuteeeeee... ♥♥♥♥ thanks unnie ^^
Nicoletan0000 #10
Chapter 21: Cute love it so much but why..end it so fast :(