"W-what ?", Jiyong says as he steps back.


"You don't have to pretend anymore, Jiyong. I knew it’s you, I have heard every conversation you had with that boy and your noona", Choi Seunghyun whispers. Jiyong stands there still completely absorb in shock.


"You better come with me and start explaining. Before, all the students will hear my outburst", Seunghyun says as he walks towards the stair. Jiyong follows him quickly, a thick silence enveloped them both. No one bother to say a thing, until they both reach the roof. Seunghyun gestures Jiyong to get in first while he's following behind. Seunghyun locks the roof door and stares hardly at Jiyong's back.


"Explain", Seunghyun says sternly. Jiyong turns around and face Seunghyun with a blank face. He takes a deep breath and stares back at Seunghyun.


"As you already know, I'm Kwon Jiyong. Your fiancee, Kwon Bom's younger brother. The reason I'm here now are not because I'm a girl or a ert. Noona asks me to get in here to spy on you. She heard a rumor about you're dating a students here. And she's really scared that you'll leave your wedding for this woman. That's why I got here in the first place", Jiyong explains.  


"Spy on me ?? Dating a student ? Are you kidding me ?! I never cheat on her !! Not even in my crazy mind I want to date any other girl", Seunghyun yells angrily.


"Arra. I know that. As what I say before, I've been spying on you, Choi Seunghyun-shi. And I knew you didn't cheat on my noona", Jiyong says.


"Good if you know that. But still I'm very disappointed with this !! How could she didn't believe in me ?? Am I look like sort of a playboy ?!", Seunghyun hisses as he sits on the ground.


"Yeah, you looks like one", Jiyong says shortly.


"What ?!", Seunghyun yells.


"Really, you looks like a playboy type. But, I knew you love my noona a lot", Jiyong says as he sits beside him.


"Aishh, It never enough for her right ?? She didn't have faith in me", Seunghyun says sadly.


"She has faith in you, really. It's just getting too bothersome when this rumor reach her. All of it seems to complete the puzzles. You like to work a lot. You rarely pick up her call or reply her messages. And last, she's preparing this wedding alone, when you're still busy with your work. It really seems like you had another woman behind my noona's back", Jiyong states as he watches the cloud.


"I-It's not because I want to. I have to complete my work early so I can get my leave for the honeymoon, isn't that what your noona's want ? Having two weeks holiday ? I'm working like this, to get this finished. And furthermore, there'll be some Olympiad soon. And I have to guide them well. I do this because of her, not because I have another woman. How can she thinks like that ?", Seunghyun says sadly.


"Hey hyung, just think this way. If you're in my noona's positions, won't you do the same ? You're preparing the wedding alone, just having some phonecall in a weeks, and rarely meet each other ? Won't you get suspicious ? Just think that way. I know my noona is sort of crazy in her own ways, you supposed to known that. But I know, she loves you a lot", Jiyong says.


"Yeah, you're right. It's funny to hear you call me hyung in that kind of clothing", Seunghyun says as he laughs and watches Jiyong from head to toe.


"Aish, I should have change before", Jiyong hisses, making Seunghyun laugh out out.


"Hey hyung, This is a very awkward meeting, isn't it ? This is the first time we really have a talk, and I'm wearing girl things", Jiyong says.


"Yeah, it's. You're really a busy person, Ji. Bom often bursts in anger because of you. She's always worry about you. She said that even you both still living in your parents house, you rarely seen each other",


"Yes, I wake earlier than noona then gone to work without meeting her. When I'm home, it’s been very late. Usually, I came home around two or three in the morning while she's sleeping. And lately, I've been out of country a lot. So we grew more rarely seen each other. Actually, It hurt to think that I make her worried about me. I really don't want her to feel that way", Jiyong says sadly.


"You better meet her and talk to her. Having some brother-sister's day out won't hurt, right ? Despite of my fourteen months relationship with your noona, this is only our third meeting. Isn't crazy ? Our first meeting is on your noona's birthday party. You just come for five minutes, you hug her, give her the present and leave shortly after that. You're a really workaholic Ji. It’s not healthy", Seunghyun says.


"I knew that. This monday I've to go to Bangkok for three weeks. I bet, I just arrive here on your wedding days. Hyung, I believe you deserve my noona and I trust you to take care of her. If you hurt her, don't ever forget that I know many ways to torment you", Jiyong says.


"Okay okay, I'l remember it", Seunghyun says as he smiles widely.








"Yes, noona ?", Jiyong answers the phone. Seunghyun watchs Jiyong intently.


"I'm in your headmaster office. You better get here quickly",


"Oh okay", Jiyong says as he hung up the phone. He stands up and walks towards the door.



"Your noona is here ?", Seunghyun asks him.



"Yes, she's in the headmaster's office. You can come with me, hyung", Jiyong says as he open the door.



"But please, don't be angry at her in front of me. It'll take my eternity to not punch you in the face, got it?", Jiyong says as they both walks down the stairs.




Hello !!! Chapter eighteen everyone~~ !!!

Another short chapter I've here...

I'll hold a bit Dara's reaction kekekeke

Love you all !!


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daragon_vip #1
Chapter 22: I can't click on the one shot sequel to this, is the link broken authornim???
Chapter 23: omg!! i love this.. u're awesome, author-nim..
Chapter 5: I just do not like the fact that because of the actions seunghyun makes in this story, i see him now as the bad-guy while i came for a sweet TOPBOM story, not the opposite, but that's just my opinion.
phEnxx #5
Chapter 21: very cute... thanks for sharing the story authornim :-)
Hachieyy #6
Chapter 22: kyaaaaa!!! i love this fanfic! jiyong is soo cuteeee <3
Amirum #7
Chapter 21: its soo cuteeee !!!! Jiyong is being too cheesy ! Haha >.<
iamnay #8
Chapter 22: im laughing like crazy and the ending is so cute !!!
addeww #9
Chapter 21: aawwww...... so cuuuuuuteeeeee... ♥♥♥♥ thanks unnie ^^
Nicoletan0000 #10
Chapter 21: Cute love it so much but why..end it so fast :(