"Arghhh !!!!! Can I just have my hair like before ?!!!", Jiyong screams could be heard from outside Bom's room. They're just arrive from shopping for his 'new' clothes and all his 'new' needs.



"Noona !!! I look terrible !!", Jiyong scream again. Bom has just finished doing hair extensions on Jiyong's head. Now he has a long black straight hair, instead of his short hair.






Aigooo, pretty  !!!! >.<



"Noona, I look disgusting !!!!", Jiyong yells again. He busily tries to arrange his now long hair to look more manly.



This is exactly the craziest things I ever did !!!



"Jiyong !! Stop it !!! You'll ruin my hair extensions !!!", Bom yells angrily.



"It's not your hair extensions noona !!! Mine !! It stuck in my head now !!! God !! Can I just have my own hair style ?!!", Jiyong yells angrily.



"There's no girl using your hair style Jiyong !! You're no longer a man, now you're a girl !!! A high school girl who like to put on makeup !!", Bom yells frustatedly.



"Can I just being a 'boyish' girl ?!! I can't stand this long hair noona !! Please at least, just as short as Ha Ji Won noona's hair on Secret Garden. Please, please, please!", Jiyong begs her as he pull her sleeve lightly.



"Ha Ji Won ??", Bom asks.



"Neh, please noona !!! At least, at least like her hair style", Jiyong whines desperately.



"Wait here, don't move !", Bom says as she walks towards her nightstand. She takes her phone and types something. Just in a minute, she goes back to Jiyong.



"Okay, I'll make your hair like her", Bom says as she begin to cut Jiyong now long hair. In another minutes, Jiyong had his hair short like Ha Ji Won in secret garden. But still, he didn't like his hair style even a bit.



GD with short hair as Gil Ra Im.. CUTEE !!



"Noona, I still look stupid", Jiyong cried frustatedly.



"Don't you dare to say that Jiyong !! I'm the one who made that, remember ! Now take your here", Bom yells loudly as she sits on her bed after she pull out some documents from the drawer.



"Here you go", Bom gives the documents to Jiyong.



"What is this ??", Jiyong asks cluelessly as he opens it.



"Well, it's your new identity Jiyong-ah",



"Huh ?",



"Aigoo, Do I have to explain it you ?!", Boms says frustatedly as Jiyong sits in front of her and stares at her blankly.



"Well, my cutey Jiyong-ah-",



"I'm not cute !!", Jiyong says angrily.



"Now you're cute !! You have to stand that kind of compliment !!", Boms says irritatedly. To add more the oil to the fire, Jiyong rolls his eyes then glares at his sister angrily. Bom is thinking for any other way to make her baby brother realize that he has to act as a girl, because all of the way she's been thinking now never success to make him understand that. Even though now he looks like one, but Bom really want him to act like one too !!!



Arghhh, this little dragon is really trying to get me crazier !



"Listen Jiyong, you have to act like a girl. A real one girl !! And I don't want you to not put your all in this. Remember that I gladly turn into your genie just for this ?! So you have to do this properly. Here is some guidance for you to act, I've wrote down some girl acts in many different situation. You have to read it and remember it carefully. I really don't want you to get busted okay", Bom says as she give Jiyong a book like diary with peach colored cover.



"And about your idea, for being 'boyish' girl.. I think it's good, because I know it'll be very hard if you have to act like a total feminine girl. So I'll get you into your boyish style then. Still, you have to know how to put makeup on. So I'll teach you later. Then, you have to wear all of those clothes that I have bought for you. No offenses !! And the most important thing, you still have to look and act like girl !! Not a complete boy, just because I said it boyish, okay ?", Bom says as Jiyong nods his head quickly.



At least, I still have some boy stuff on my body later. Even if it is just a T-shirt.



"And about your new identity. Your name is Kwon Jina. You're born in Busan, 18 August 1996. Your parents name is Kwon Lee Jae and Kwon Eun Na. You're moving from Busan, because your parents gone outside the country for work and you left with your aunty here in Seoul. Your aunty name is Kim Gummy, you should know that she's my best friends Jiyong. And for your information, you'll be staying at her house if you had school break. Don't ever go to this house for all those three months !! I'll send everything you need to Gummy's house. You just have to tell me, okay. And one more, you love music a lot", Bom says happily.



"My name is Jina ? And I'm just eighteen years old now ? I love music ? Well, it sounds um- uh- a bit l-like m-me", Jiyong mumbles.



"Mmm. I know you have left your hobbies in music after you started working. So just for three months I want you to enjoy your hobbies again, you know I really miss looking at you while you write down a song. You're so charismatic !!! So I decided to write it down in your profile", Bom says slowly.



"Uh.. Um- Thanks a lot noona", Jiyong reply softly.



"You're very welcome my brother. And about your voices, I write down in your profile that you have an accident a few years ago, so your voices had change. And Jiyong I really really forbid you to wear any kind of tight pants !!! You have to wear loose jeans or some short. You have to hide your umm- you know ughh-, Jiyong-ah. Because there's definitely no girls that have that, even though she is the most boyish girl out there. You have to keep that in mind",






"Good. Now we will begin your class",



"My class ?? What class ?",



"Class to be a great high school girl. We'll start with makeup class. Because we will stick with you being boyish girl, you just have to learn to put on mascara, eyeliner and powder. Here we go", Bom says as she start doing magic on Jiyong faces.



God, please keep me save from this crazy sister of mine. Please give strength and patience. Cause I really need that now, A LOT !!!






Hey hey hey !!! 

Here's the chapter two kekeke

Well, I'm imagining GD like he's in BIGBANG's Secret Garden..

I can't get tired watching that, it's so funny..

I get a bit dizzy to find a name for Jiyong female version. 

So I stick with Jina, cause it's a bit familiar for me.

I'll update the next chapter tomorrow..

Guess who will meet the dragon ?? kekekeke



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daragon_vip #1
Chapter 22: I can't click on the one shot sequel to this, is the link broken authornim???
Chapter 23: omg!! i love this.. u're awesome, author-nim..
Chapter 5: I just do not like the fact that because of the actions seunghyun makes in this story, i see him now as the bad-guy while i came for a sweet TOPBOM story, not the opposite, but that's just my opinion.
phEnxx #5
Chapter 21: very cute... thanks for sharing the story authornim :-)
Hachieyy #6
Chapter 22: kyaaaaa!!! i love this fanfic! jiyong is soo cuteeee <3
Amirum #7
Chapter 21: its soo cuteeee !!!! Jiyong is being too cheesy ! Haha >.<
iamnay #8
Chapter 22: im laughing like crazy and the ending is so cute !!!
addeww #9
Chapter 21: aawwww...... so cuuuuuuteeeeee... ♥♥♥♥ thanks unnie ^^
Nicoletan0000 #10
Chapter 21: Cute love it so much but why..end it so fast :(