"Oh Jiyong-ah, please!! You have to help your noona", Kwon Bom whines like a kid. She stands in front of her baby brother, Kwon Jiyong with her cutest pleading eyes on.


"THAT ACT WON'T DO ANY EFFECT ON ME, NOONA", Jiyong yells frustatedly. He sends his most dangerous glare to his beloved yet crazy sister as he walks towards the window.


"But it effected on Tabi...", she mumbles. Jiyong  glances back to her frustatedly.


"I'M NOT YOUR FIANCEE, FOR GOD'S SAKE !! I'M YOUR BROTHER !!!", he snaps at Bom. Sometimes, he didn't know what kind of things are floating on his sister mind. But, he clearly knows that his sister are such an 8-dimensional girl who intend to do crazy things.



But I never know that she had no limit to that craziness !! Aish ! I never thought that she could be this crazy !!!



"Jiyong-ah~ Please help me. I won't ask for more. Please, just this time", Bom plead to her baby brother again. She needs someone to do this. And she knows well that her baby brother will suit this perfectly.


"WHY SHOULD I DO THAT ?! WHY DON'T YOU RENT SOMEONE ELSE ?!! WHY IT SHOULD BE ME ?", Jiyong yells desperately. He clearly didn't know where her sister's right mind has gone away.



She is definitely crazy.



"Because, I trust you the most !!! And I know you won't do anything stupid or careless !! And in fact, you wouldn't touch my Tabi at all !!", Bom says a bit loudly, making Jiyong jerks away from the window and stares at her weirdly.


"So you choose me, because I won't flirt on your fiancee ?!! Why don't you rent some guy out there ?! WHY ME ?!", Jiyong says angrily.


"I won't really know are they really won't flirt with him. What if the guy that I rent is a gay ?! I won't take the risk Jiyong-ah. So you're the perfect role !! I know you are very straight", Bom says. Jiyong again looks at his sister weirdly.



God, my sister really had gone crazy.



"How could you be so sure about that ?! What if-",


"SO YOU'RE SAYING THAT YOU ARE GAY ?!!!", Bom yells at Jiyong, before he finishes his sentences.


"I DIDN'T SAY THAT !!", Jiyong yells back.


"THEN WHY ARE YOU SAYING SOMETHING WEIRD LIKE THAT ?!", Bom yells again. Thinking that her baby brother might be a gay were success to switch her into the bominator mode.


"WHICH ONE IS MORE WEIRD ?! I'M SAYING THOSE THINGS OR YOU'RE ASKING ME TO GET INTO GIRL SCHOOL DORMITORY ?!!", Jiyong yells. He completely can't hold it on anymore. How could his beloved sister ask him to join all girl high school just to spy on her fiancee. It clearly didn't make sense to him.


He turns his back on her and stares to the window. Trying so hard to control his anger. He's waiting for his sister responds, he thought she will yelling at him and telling him that he's never love her. But instead of hearing those, he heard sobs from behind. He glances towards her sister and found her crying like a baby on her bed. And with that, guilt starts to crept on his heart.



Am I to harsh ?..



"Noona", he calls her as he walks near her. Instead of stop crying, Bom's sob are getting louder which is success to bring Jiyong into the panicking mode. He sits beside her and tap on her shoulder lightly.



"I j-just n-need y-you t-to k-keep eyes on my fiancee. I h-heard that he's having affair behind my back. H-he's having affair with a high schooler Jiyong !! Don't feel my heart break ?! I competely will lose with the girl. I'm far older, while she must be brighter. I know I'm pathetic. B-but you know how m-much I love him right ? If I could do it myself, I'll certainly doing it. But, you know I'll get busted right away.. Please Jiyong, you're my hope", she sobs. Jiyong just sits there, freezing.



So that b*stard is cheating on my sister !! How could he do something like that to her ?!!!! Did he really want to die ?!!!



Jiyong is still too absorbs into his thought. While Bom is crying harder, thinking that her brother still has no pity on her.


"Jiyong-ah~ Pleaseee...",


"What will I get from this?", Jiyong ask coldly. In a seconds Bom has stops crying and now looking at her brother with wide eyes.


"Stop staring ! Aish, Seriously !! What will I get?", Jiyong asks frustatedly. But instead of answering him, Bom  hugs Jiyong tightly. Look like trying to squeeze Jiyong's soul away from his body.


"I'LL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING !!!", Bom yells right beside his ears. When she pulled away, she stares at him lovingly.


"You want that new maserati, right ?? Or those ferrari from the showcase ?? I'll buy it, BOTH OF IT, for you", Bom says happily.


Jiyong just stare into his sister eyes deeply. Shock is written all over his face. He knew well that his sister definitely didn't like his hobbies for collecting sport car. He's been doing that since college and now he got five sport car in his garage. And last month he brings his sister to car showcase, but she clearly showing that she hate that. And know she's saying that she'll bought those pretty car for him.


Is she ing serious ?!!


"I'M SERIOUS JIYONG !!! I'LL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING", She yells again, this time happily. But instead of answering her, Jiyong just stares her  blankly.


"Seriously Jiyong, I will buy you those two pretty cars and I'll fulfill one of your wish. You know, Your noona is a kind of Genie right ?", Bom says as she took Jiyong's hand on hers.  


"Noona... You don't have to..", Jiyong says slowly. He absolutely knows that his sister was a very generous woman. Money is not a problem for her. Well, with ten of her brand clothing branch all around Asia and US, its not difficult right ? But, buying him two sport car and fulfill his wish, aren't that too much ?


"No !! I want it !!! I want to give everything you like Ji. So, it's a deal right ?", Bom says happily.


"Yeah.. I'm on it.. But-",


"No no no !! No buts !!! Now you have to sign here brother. And we can start the mission as soon as possible", Bom says sternly as she gives Jiyong a paper and pen.


"How about the term ?? I- what should I do and don't", Jiyong asks as he read the paper.


"It's written there. Before the mission start, You just have to do it my way Ji. And after you start it, its up to you. As long as, you got the information. I don't care how, you have to know this girl that everyone talking about and you have to make sure that they didn't having affair on my back. And one thing for sure, Tabi will not back away from our marriage in three months. That's it", Bom says.


"How long I have to do this ?", Jiyong asks.


"Until my marriage, Ji. And after that you're free".


"Okay.. Uh, how about my job ?? Can I still go to work ?", Jiyong asks.


"No !! Are you kidding me ?! You're going to stay in dormitory !!! So there's no damn way you could go to work.. Well except in weekend, cause this school allow you to get out from dorm on those days", Bom explains.


"You say that I can go to work on weekend ?!! Hell, there'll be many paper on my desk then !!! Are you want me to die soon ?!", Jiyong screams loudly.


"Aish Jiyong !!! Can't you have some of your employee to did it ?!! You're a CEO for God's sakes !!!", Bom says frustatedly.


"NO!! What if they'll mess up things ?? What if-",


"Aish !!! Can you stop being so perfectionist ?? Give them your trust Ji, just this once", Bom cuts him off.


Jiyong is always a perfectionist. And that side of him success to make him as a workaholic. And for sure, Bom hates it the most. After Jiyong goes up to be a employee in their father company, KwonIndustries, Jiyong always put his all to his works. He start as being a staff there, and after five years working as regular employee, their father decided to make him as a CEO, replaced him. And it's not that easy for Jiyong to have the title. He survives in his own feet to get into their father trust. Well, all those hard way he passed, had turn him to do his job with his all. Even if it's mean he have to go to more than five meetings in a day or having no sleep at all to take care of many appointment. He will do it all.


"But-", Jiyong mumbles.


"Can't you just had Youngbae to take care of it ??", Bom asks irritatedly.


"Yeah !!! You're right noona, I'll go call him now", Jiyong answers happily as he walks to tthe door.


"Jiyong-ah !!! We'll start it tomorrow okay ?! We're going to did it my way first !!", Bom screams loudly from her room.


"As you wish noona !!".






First update !!! kekeke


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daragon_vip #1
Chapter 22: I can't click on the one shot sequel to this, is the link broken authornim???
Chapter 23: omg!! i love this.. u're awesome, author-nim..
Chapter 5: I just do not like the fact that because of the actions seunghyun makes in this story, i see him now as the bad-guy while i came for a sweet TOPBOM story, not the opposite, but that's just my opinion.
phEnxx #5
Chapter 21: very cute... thanks for sharing the story authornim :-)
Hachieyy #6
Chapter 22: kyaaaaa!!! i love this fanfic! jiyong is soo cuteeee <3
Amirum #7
Chapter 21: its soo cuteeee !!!! Jiyong is being too cheesy ! Haha >.<
iamnay #8
Chapter 22: im laughing like crazy and the ending is so cute !!!
addeww #9
Chapter 21: aawwww...... so cuuuuuuteeeeee... ♥♥♥♥ thanks unnie ^^
Nicoletan0000 #10
Chapter 21: Cute love it so much but why..end it so fast :(