In time

Cope with all of it

U                     ( Krystal x Amber )

" Yoo Buddy!!!". My best friend was shouting on the phone. I thought my ear was gonna burst.

" Hey Jonghyun!! Why do you sound so happy?? Did you guys do IT again??!!". 

" No we havent done it again yet. But Amber I have another news for you!!." His voice was louder than before.

" What?? Are you two marrying??". 

" No!! Dont you remember tomorrow is the dance day. That's a good opportunity to ask her out.". I totally forgot about tomorrow. But Im scared!! Everybody said that she is an Ice Princess. One glare of her will kill you. 

" But Im scared!!! I dont think I can ask her out and I heard that She already has a boyfriend." 

" Yesterday Key saw them fighting. You're really silly Amber!! But still dont give up no matter what and maybe one day she will be yours!!". My face lightened up a bit when I heard that.

" Okk and thanks for reminding about that!! But now I have to review my math lesson."

" A geek is always a geek!!". 

" Yaaahh!!! Im not.". I shouted to the phone but he hang up. I put my phone on the table and resumed my reviewing again but I couldnt. I looked at the clock and it was nearly midnight. I took off my glasses and walked to my bed. I laid down and stared at the ceiling. I just couldnt close my eyes and I didnt know why. I closed my eyes and then I slowly fell asleep thinking about her being together with me.

 The next morning I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing violently on the table next to my bed. My hand slowly wandered on the table and took my phone.

" Umm..... Hello??". I said still closing my eyes.

" Amber!!! Where are you now?!!! Do you what time is it?!!". Jonghyun shouted that made me pull the phone away from my ear.

" Im at home and what time is it??". I started rubbed my eyes and yawned again. I guessed that Im still very sleepy.

" What the....!! You're still at home?? Now it's already noon and you're still at home?? You lose your chance brcause this morning I've seen many eyes is on her!!". I looked at the clock.

" Oh shoot!!! I'll be there in 5 mins". I hang up and quickly wore my uniform that was on my sofa. I ran out the door and walked down the stair. 

" Oh hey little Amber". My sister greeted and gave me a smile." I thought you didnt have class today that's why I didnt wake you up. But now you're in your uniform so that means you have class today."

" Today is not sunday Jackie!! Anyway I have to hurry or else my princess will be taken by someone else". 

" How about your breakfast or lunch??"

" Nahh it's okay I can eat it at school". I gave her smiled and headed to the door. I turned around to her and said good bye to her. She waved at me as a reply. I got on my bike and hurried drove to the school. I parked my bike in the school parking lot. I walked into the school. Many girl had their eyes on me but I didnt turned to looked at them because my heart is set on nobody beside Krystal. I ignored all the girls that were staring and even drooling over me like crazy. I walked to the class without making eyes contact with any of them. I walked into my classroom and saw Krystal was sitting alone at her place. I walked to my place that is next to Jonghyun. 

" Hey buddy!!". Jonghyun said as he stood up and hug me.

" Hey and about THAT did she agree to anyone yet?". I emphasized that word let him know what im talking about. 

" I dont know but before you came she went out for a while and came back with a little sad expression on her face but also had a faint smile on her face. I really wondered what happened to her". After hearing I took my courage and walked to her. 

" Umm... Errr... Krystal??". She turned and faced me. She's really stunning. I think I would faint one day because of her beauty. 

" Yeah??". She said as she raised her right brow.

" Can I ask you something??". She just nodded.

"Have anyone---"

" Hey Krystal!!!!". I turned to look where the sound came from. It was Kai. He is the most popular guy in the school and also he is my number one enemy. I didnt know why that made him hate me so much. His face was a bit apologetic.

" Oh hey Kai". Krystal smiled at him and turned back to me again ." So what do you to ask me about?"

" It's nothing!!". I went back to my seat and sat down. I looked at Krystal who was having a talk with Kai. It seems like Krystal is already taken. 

" Amber?! Are you okay?". Jonghyun looked at me with worry eyes.

 " Yeah Of course im okay!!". 

" But you look like you're not okay"

" I guess im still sleepy.". I faked a yawn and put my hand the table and rest on it. 

" Good bye beautiful!! See you tomorrow!". I heard Kai said. I lifted my head up and saw Kai was waving at Krystal who was doing the same. Kai headed to the door and highfive his friend. I looked back at Krystal. She was resting her head on her arms like I did before. After school Jonghyun wanted to go to buy tuxedo for tomorrow. I agreed with him because I didnt have anything to wear either. 

" Soo who are you going with?!". I asked him in the middle of walking toward the shop." Is it a boy or girl this time??!". 

" Yahh!!!". He punched my arm." It's key who im going with."

" And how are you going to dance when you're both a guy". 

"We don't need to dance!!". He smirk at me. We talked about different topic. We reached the shop in a short amount of time. We walked into the shop and we were both mouth opened when we saw  hundred of tuxedo infront of us. 

" May I help you?". A woman that seeme to be on her early twenty said. 

" Ohh we're looking for a tuxedo for tomorrow event". Jonghyun said without making eyes contact with her.

" Is it a ball??". 

" yes it is!!". 

" So can you please follow me to the ball section". She walked through the curtain of tuxedo that is right infront of us. We followed her into the other side. When we got there, I saw more tuxedo than before. I walked around the room trying to find at least one tuxedo but nothing interest me until I walked to the end of the room. I saw one white tuxedo hanging alone. It was very beautiful. I took it and put it infront of me. 

" It fits you well sir!!". The girl walked to me and glanced down. 

" Thank you and actually im not a sir!!". She opened her in suprised." You can just call me by my name Amber"

" Ohh Im sorry s-- Amber!!". She gave an apologetic smile. 

" It's okay!!". I smiled at her and looked over to Jonghyun who were picking some black tuxedo." Jonghyun you're already decided yet?? I already picked one.". He looked at me and shake his head.

" I didnt choose anything yet and Am..nice pick". He gave me a thumb up.

" Let me hold it for you Amber!!". I headed the tuxedo to her. I walked over to Jonghyun who was having trouble. 

" Need some help??". I stood next to him. He just nodded. I scanned through some of it infront of me and saw a black tuxedo with red collar. I took it and showed it to him.

" How about this one?? It looks cool on you". 

" Woow Nice picking Amber!! I think our job here is done!!". He said cheerfully. We walked to the cashier. We paid them with our credit card. 

" Thank you for coming and please come back again" the girl bowed to us. We walked around a supermacket finding something to fill our stomach and also we bought a pair of shoes that match our tuxedo. 

" Can I go back home now??". I yawned nearly 5 times now. 

" What?!! It's only eight o'clock!! "

" Yeah I know!! I've been sleeping very late lately and also I already called Key to come replace my place". His face turned a bit red when I mentioned Key's name.

" Ohh okay!!". He looked at me with a sad puppy eyes but I could that inside he's jumping around like crazy. I waved at him and walked out the super market. I was very sleepy that I couldnt walked properly.  After nearly 10 mins of walking I finally arrived at my house. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I guessed she havent arrived home yet or maybe she hang out with her friend after work. I took out my key in my pocket. I opened the door and walked up to my room. I throwed everything in my hand onto the sofa and plopped myself on the bed. Guess I was too late too ask her......

 The next morning my sister woke me up at exactly 7:30 am. 

" Amber wake up you still have class this morning!!". She then started to shake me. 

" 5 minutes more pleeaassee!!". I groaned turning away.

" Come on get up or I'll eat your milk tea!!". I quickly got up upon her mentioning milk tea." Still your weakness huh??". She chuckled and walked out of my room. I stood up and glace at the sofa where my tuxedo was. I wondered what will Krystal wear. I hope we match each other. "There's one hidden judge that dress as a student in among the crowded and she will choose the top couple of the night and there's a grand prize for them too". I suddenly remembered what my homeroom teacher said yesterday.  I quickly grabbed my clothes and went in for a quick shower. I brushed my teeth after taking a shower. I ran down as quickly as possible to drink my milk tea. 

" Hey where are you rushing to??". My Sis asked me right when I arrive at the table.

" Where is milk tea you mentioned earlier??"

" It's in the fridge!! And Amber what are you going to wear for tonight??". 

" You will see it later!!". I stood up and walked to the fridge and took out the milk tea and immediatly drank it in one go.

" Jackie?? You're not going to work today right??"

" Im not going today. Why?!!"

" Can I borrow your car please??! Only for today!!"

" Yeah you can!!". I smiled at her and ran upstair to take my tuxedo and ran back .

" Are you going to wear that?". Jackie said as she walked to me with her eyes widen. 

" Uh huh!! "

" Nice choice Amber!! I think every girl will have their mouth wide open!!". She smiled." Come on let's go and eat breakfast or you'll be late". We ate together like we normally do. After break fast I hugged and gave her a kiss in the cheek. 

" Take care Amber!!". She waved at me when I was in the car. I quickly drove to the school but suddenly the rain dropped. I had to slow down to be careful. As I drove , I saw someone was standing under the tree wearing a school uniform. I drove closer to see who is it. I realised that It was Krystal. I quickly stopped the car and grabbed my jacket from the rear seat. I got off the car and ran to her.

" Krystal!!". I said as I ran to her. She turned and looked at me with a surprise look. I stopped infront of her. " why are you out here in the rain??!"

" Oh hey Amber!! I was walking to the school then the rain dropped suddenly. I looked around but there was nothing that I could prevent from rain so I just came here under the tree. And Amber how did you see me?"

" Umm... As I was driving, I saw someone standing under the tree. I drove closer and realised that It was you". She became silence after hearing that. " Uhh.. Come on let's go or we'll be wet and late!!". I put the jacket on her and pulled her closer to me.

" How about you?!! You will be wet!!". She looked at me with a worried look.

" It's okay for me!! Dont worry!". I looked at her bag." Let me carry your bag for you!! It seems very heavy!!"

" It's fine. I can handle it!!"

" Come on let me help!!". I pouted. 

" okay then!". She handed over her bag. I hugged her bag with one hand while the other put around Krystal. I wish I could stay like this forever. I quickly opened the door for her. I ran to the other side and quickly get in. I put the bag on the rear seat and started the engine. As I was driving, the rain suddenly dropped heavier. I had to slow since I couldnt see the front road clearly. I looked at Krystal and saw her sleeping so peacefully. I decided to take a picture before it's too late. I pressed the button and it let out a loud click sound. She then slowly opened her eyes. I think the sound wake her up.

" We're there yet??". She said with a husky voice that I found it very y. 

" Nope!! I will wake you up when we're there so you can sleep more. She slowly closed her eyes once again. I turned my focused on the road again. After nearly 20 mins of driving, I've arrived at the school. I took a deep breathe before waking her up.

"Krystal ahh!! We're here!!". I said as I tried to shake her a bit. She slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She rubbed her eyes as she turned and looked around. I grabbed the umbrella from the rear seat and also Krystal's bag. 

" Stay here first!!". I opened the car door and open the umbrella. I put on Krystal's bag and carry my bag and get off the car. I went to the other side and opened the door for Krystal. She stepped out off the car and went quickly under my umbrella. When we reached the school, I closed my umbrella and shaked off the water.

" Krystal!!!". I turned to where the sound came from. I saw Kai was rushing to us. He stopped infront of Krystal. He was panting so hard that made Krystal patted his back. 

" I thought you didnt come to school!!". He hugged Krystal tightly closing his eyes like he hadnt seen her for many years. When he opened his eyes again, he broke the hug and pulled Krystal to behind him." And what were you doing with her??! You know she's already taken by someone who is richer smarter and more handsome than you!!". He said mockingly that made my clench my fist so hard that I couldnt punch him anytime. But I tried to keep it in because Krystal was infront of him. I turned and walked away. On my way to the class, I harshly punch the wall that made my hand bleed so hard. I bit off  my shirt and wrapped around my wounded hand. I walked into the class and went to my seat.

" Yoo Ambro!!!". Jonghyun saif as he stood up and put his arm around my shoulder. I brushed his hand off and sat down. He looked at me confusingly but remained silence. I didnt utter a word throughout the class. I just kept looking out the window since my place was next to it. I didnt notice that the time had passed quickly. *wriiiing*. The bell already rang but it felt like just 10 mins.

" Amber are you okay??!". Jonghyun walked toward me. 

" Yeah Im alright!! Come on let's go and change our clothe since it's nearly time for the ball!!". I said as I unwrapped the cloth. It was very red because of my blood.

" Why your hand is bleeding??". He said as held up my hand a examining it." It looks like you punch something very hard"

" Naaah!! It's okay. Come on let's go we've got only 35 mind left!! We better hurry or we'll be late". I dragged him to the women's changing room. 

" Hey Amber where are you taking me!! Im not a girl like you!!". 

" Ohh Im sorry!! So see you in  20 mins okay?!". 

" Okay!!". He left to the the men changing room while I ran to my car and took my tuxedo .I was walking into the women's bath and * phew* there's no one in it. I took off my clothes and went into the shower room. It was very painful when the water ran down to my injured hand. I got out off the room and dried my hair and my body. I carefully put on the tuxedo. It was very hard to put on the tuxedo because it had many layers to put. I put on my shoes after I finished putting on the tuxedo. I walked over to the mirror and checked myself. " Hmm not bad huh?!! Something is missing here!! Ohh right a partner!!" I thought as I looked to the mirror. I went out of the changing room and saw Jonghyun was standing infront of the door waiting for me.

" What took you so long?!! It only took me 20 mins but you took 25 mins!!". 

" Becausr Im a girl but now let's go!!". We walked through the hallway to the another part of the building. The people that we walked passed had their mouth open a bit and eyes widen. Looks like what my sister said is true. We ignored all thr whispering and staring. We kept walking without uttering a word until we got there. We stood infront of the bodyguards nervously.

" May I know your name?!". One of the body said checking through the list he held in his hand.

" Amber.. Amber Liu". He then looked at me and back to the list again.

" Okay!! And you??"

" Right Im jonghyun. Kim jonghyun!!". The bodyguard nodded and opened the for us. Surprisingly there were many people more than I expected. I checked the time and it still had 5 mins left before the ball started. A group of girls were staring at us but I didnt turn to look at them. We walked around the room looking around like tourist. I saw someone was waving to me signaling to sit with them. I didnt hesitate because I knew who it was. I dragged Jonghyun with me to sit there.

" Hey Amber Long time no see huh?!!". Yuri, my bestfriend since I was young, stood up and walked toward us and gave me a tight hug.

" Yeah but can you let me go now?! I cant breath!!". Then she immediately let me go and let us to the table.

" This is my best buddy Amber. Amber this my friend Tiffany, Taeyeon, and lastly my girlfriend Jessica!!". I bowed to them politely since they were all older than me. I took my place between Yuri and Jonghyun while Jonghyun sat next to an unoocupied seat. There were also two more unoccupied seat infront of me. I wondered whose seat was that. 

" So Amber how are you lately?!! We havent hang out for a very long while!!". Yuri said as she put some nuts into .

" Im fine how about you?? And how can you join this ball??". 

" me too!! And about that Amber remember when I told you that this school is my uncle'school?!!" 

" yeah I remember that!!"

" I asked him that can I come or not. He said yes and also he allowed me bring some of my friend!!". She said so cheerfully while looking at her girlfriend who was blushing. 

" Yuri whose seat is that??". I pointed to the two unoccupied infront of me.

" Ahh... it's Krystal and Kai's seat. I think you're already know them right?? And also Krystal is Jessica sister!!". I felt very uneasy. 

" Amber what happen to your hand??". Taeyeon said as she pointed to my hand. I guessed she saw my newly scab.

" I just accidentally punched the wall this morning."

" What?!! Why??" Yuri held up my hand and fondled it softly.

" No reason just wanna test my strength!!". I grinned and wriggle my brow at her. We chatted together like we usually did. I also learned that Taeyeon and Tiffany is a couple. While we were talking about our studying, the door suddenly opened revealing three people. There's none other than the last three people in our table. Krystal Kai and Key. My eyes widen itself when I saw Krystal. She was very stunning. She was wearing mini white and a bit black dress. She hooked her arm with Kai that made me turned my gaze back to the table.

" Looks like they 're all here!! Three in a row!!". Yuri said. The three walked toward our table making all prople had their eyes fixed on our table. I graoned a bit when I saw Kai's face . He was wearing a black fancy tuxedo and a black pair of shoes and also had his hair done. He pulled the chair infront of me fot Krystal then settle himself down infront of Yuri. 

 " Whao!! Kai I didnt even recognize you earliar My brother in law!!". Yuri stood and took out her hand.

" Ahh you flattered me!! Thank you". He stood and shook Yuri's hand. They both sat down at the same time. I noticed Yuri's face had changed a bit. She leaned in and whispered something to my ear that made me lightened up.

" You know what?!! I prefered you to be my bro in law than him!!". When the food arrived, everybody face seem to lightened up itself. I was the first one to dig in the main dish. Hmm it was very delicious!! I saw Kai take some of it and put on Krystal's plate. I looked down to the table avoiding the scene infront of me. I lifted my face back up and my eyes met Krystal's. She smiled at me and start eating. I just resumed my eating. We all ate until there's nothing left on the plate except the sauce. I turned to look at Ley and Jonghyun who was patting their stomach.

" When will the desert arrive!!". Jonghyun growled as he put a spoon into his mouth. 

" After we dance". Yuri said. It was very awkward for the three of them since today is the first day they meet each other. I glanced at Kai and Krystal. I saw Kai is tucking some Krystal's hair behind her ear. I took out my phone and started to play some games because this is very boring for me. 

" Umm Amber??". I looked up and saw Krystal was looking at me." Thank you for the ride and everything this morning". 

" Naah never mind that!! It's what friend do right?!". I gave her my dork smile. She just smiled at me. Suddenly I felt someone patted my shoulder. I turned around and saw Suzy who has a big crush on me.

" Uhh..Amber can you with me for one song??!!". Her face quickly tutned red as a tomato.

" I have to use the bathroom for a bit". She stood up and walked to the bathroom. I watched her stood up and vanished into an alley. 

" Soo...?" Suzy remained her smile.

" Yeah sure!!". I stood up and patted Yuri's and Jonghyun's shoulder to let them know. They both gave me a thumb up sign.

" Thanks Am!!". We walked toward the dance spot and Dj immediately played the first dance song.They played a rock n roll song that made everybody move their body to the beat. I looked aroung and saw everybody was shaking their body together . I turned my gaze back and was surprised to what infront of me . Suzy also shake her body ily infront of me. Her curve was almost perfect. She bit her lower lips while looking at me signaling me to dance with her. I didnt know what at first but the song seems pretty good so I just shake my body to the beat of the song. Suzy swayed her body around me. 

In the middle of the dance I glance to the table and saw Kai got up and walked to the alley that Krystal went earlier. I wondered what Krystal took her so long in the bathroom. I wish the song end sooner. Suzy wrapped her arms around my neck and continue to sway her body. I just put my hand on her waist without knowing because it's my habit. We looked into each other eyes. I thought she was Krystal when I looked into her eyes. When the song ended, Suzy grabbed hold of my hand.

" Amber can we dance for one more song?". She looked at me straight into my eyes without blinking.

" I dont think I cant but here let me give your phone number!!". I dont know Suzy to feel sad. She then quickly took out her and handed to me. I typed my phone number amd gave her back. She smiled brightly and quickly ran to her friends. I waved at her friends from distance. I heard them squeal but cut off by Suzy who bumped them lightly. They seeme very close. I came back to my sense and ran to the alley leads to the bathroom. I slowed down around the corner by a familiar voice. I peeked over the wall and quickly hide myself behind the wall. I just saw Kai was pinning Krystal onto the wall. I hesitated to help Krystal or not. 

" What do you want from me Kai!! We're already break up!". I heard Krystal said loudly that echoed all around the alley. So Jonghyun wasnt lying after all. 

" And why did you accept about being my partner??". His voice is in a mocking way that made my anger rose up.

" I promised myself that I will accept the first person who ask me but unfortunately you are that person!!"

" Maybe destiny set us up". I peeked oncr again and saw Kai was caressing Krystal's cheek. He then leaned to kiss her but she turned away. He tried to kiss her once again but she turned away. After seeing Krystal struggling so hard from Kai I rushed to them and push Kai away. I pulled Krystal to behind me. Kai got up and punch me but luckily I dodged it in time. I grabbed his arm and pushed him back down. He landed on his so hard. I turned back to Krystal who has been staying behind all along.

" Are you alright??". 

" Yeah Im alright!! Amber look behind you!!". I quickly turned around and received a punch on my face. It made me stumble backward a bit. I balanced myself and punch him back right in the middle of his face. I my lips and I could taste my blood. He fell down again and that made me curious what he so popular at school even of he's this weak. 

" Amber that's enough!! Let's go back to our table!!". Krystal said as she pulled my hand. I couldnt object her. I follow her lead back to the table. The music was so loud and I use my hand to cover my ears. I pulled a chair for Krystal with one hand. I sat next to her facing the dancing spot. I saw Yuri and the other were dancing around like crazy. Yuri then waved at me to go and join them. Jessica also waved at Krystal. I looked at Krystal who was looking at her hand under the table.

" Umm...Krystal??". 

" Yeah?" She then turned and looked at me.

" Do you wanna dance with me??". I gather all my courage to ask her.

" Of course sure!!". She sounded pretty excited. I wondered what made her excited. I stood up and let out a hand for her. She took my hand and stood up. We walked to the dance spot hand in hand. I think my dream finally came true. Once we stepped on the dance spot, the music changed into a slow one. I saw Yuri gave me a thumb up. I gulped and glance at Krystal. 

" Krystal?? Do you mind??". She then looked and shook her head. 

" It's okay for me!! Come on Let's dance". She dragged me to the emty spot near Yuri and Jessica who were dancing very romantically. Krystal wrapped her arms around my neck when we got next to them. 

" Amber !!!". Yuri called me." Put on hand on her waist!!". I gave her an Okay sign and turned back to Krystal. I slowly put my hand on her waist. She looked at me and quickly turned away. Maybe she's blushing. I signaled Yuri to come closer to me. I was very curious about the hidden judge.

" Yuri Do you know who is the judge??". I whispered to her without taking my hand off Krystal.

" Wait until you know who is it!!". She smirked. She then pulled me closer to her." And I forgot to tell you this!! Krystal loves you too. She always talk about you at home. So it's not one sided love!!". I leaned back blushing at what she said. I wanted to the truth and Why did Yuri know that I love Krystal?. I pulled Krystal closer to me and rested my head on her shoulder. She was surprised.

" Do you like me??". I whispered sofly into her ear. She didnt say anything at first. I bet she hasnt recover from the surprised earlier.

" I dont like you but.." She pulled me closer to her." I love you". My heart beated faster upon hearing what she said. Finally!

 She rested her on my shoulder and we remained like that until the song suddenly stopped. I turned to Yuri's place but she wasnt there.

" Sorry to interupt your peaceful moment!!". I looked to the stage. My eyes widen because Yuri and Jessica were on the stage.

" Do everybody remember what your teacher told you??". The crowd cheered."good then because we're the judges and we already decide who is the queen and the king for tonight ball. Do you wanna know who is it??". And once again the whole crowd cheered. Yuri you got some explanation to do tonight!!! 

" Do you wanna know who is it ?!!!". Yuri shouted into the microphone and made my ear nearly exploded because im standing next to the speaker. I rubbed my ears and glare at Yuri. 

" Once again Do you wanna know who is it!!!!". Luckily I covered my ears in time this time. The whole crowded cheered louder this time." Let my darling here annouce it then!!". Then Yuri stepped back and let Jessica took her place. 

" Thanks for letting me do this!!! So who is the couple for tonight??!! Please come up to the stage when I call your name. Congrats to who??".

" ME!!!!". The crowd screamed.  I think I gonna die one day. 

" Congrats to Amber and my sister Krystal!!!!". The crowd faced us and cheered for us." Congrats to both of you!! Please come onto the stage you two!!". I just froze in my spot. My mind was blank. I still cant belive this. It seems like a dream to me. Krystal then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the stage. Everybody quickly made way for us to pass through. The boys along the way pat my shoulder and said congrats to me. 

When I walked pass Yuri, I gave her a glare. We stood in the middle of the stage nervously. 

" So this two is the king and queen of tonight ball!! Any request to two of them??" Yuri said excitingly. I lightly elbowed her for saying that. Evrybody seems to be in a deep discussion. 

" Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss!!". The whole repeated again and again. I glanced at Krystal whose face is a bit red. I turned to her that made Krystal looked to me. 

" Krys------". My eys widen when I know that Krystal kiss me not the cheek but lips. I was very surprised at first but I quickly returned it. I put my hand around her waist an pull her closer to me. She then wrapped her arms around my neck. Looks like dreams has came true!!!! 




















Sorry for the late update!!!  I hope this chapter will make up for the last chapter!! My mind just came up with that Idea.

















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Bratz88 #1
Can't wait for the next chap author :)
alexacell #2
Chapter 20: Jessber is the sweetest
Chapter 20: Please update more #jessber
Chapter 20: Jessber all the way
kimster26 #5
JESSBER! Hmm. How about a moonsun x anyber crossover or moonsun X amber love triangle that would be fun :D
Chapter 20: Jessber!!
YourSmile-I #7
Chapter 20: Yassss!!! Go jessber!! Please updatw again thanks
am_251 #8
Chapter 19: Ish it Twice????? And so happy you updated heheheheh
YourSmile-I #9
Chapter 19: I love it....I hope jessber makes eachother whole again!!! Thanks
Yellowjacket #10
Chapter 19: I guess it's Twice?