Pain is never good IV

Cope with all of it

“Yah! Give me your phone!!” Jessica gritted her teeth and hissed at me. “Give it or elseee!”


“Or else whaat?”. I jokingly replied. I childishly stuck my tongue out as her glare got more vicious. I avoided her eyes and took out my phone secretly. I dug my head under the table and sent her the picture. Jessica probably got my text since she looked under the table and met my eyes. I grinned innocently and immediately try to go back up but I did too fast that my head hit the table so hard. Jessica gasped and quickly ran to my side.


“Amber are you okay?”. Jessica asked with concern. I was still under the table rubbing the crown of my head. Jessica motioned for me to move from the under the table and placed my head on her lap softly. She rubbed the sure spot for me soothingly as I groaned in pain. We stayed in that position for god knew how long but I felt a bit better after a while. The old lady came to our table and gave us our foods and an ice pack for my head.


“Take care of your girlfriend okay? Enjoy the food.” I heard she told Jessica. I immediately straightened my back and looked at the old lady.


“Yes ma’am I will take care of her. Thank you for the food.” Jessica replied with a smile before I could deny anything. I looked at Jessica shocked but thanked the old lady politely before looking back at Jessica.  After the old lady left, Jessica smiled at me innocently.


“Come on let's go! I’m starving.” Jessica whined as she got up and took the food. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car. She then let go of my hand and went into the car waiting for me. I came back to my senses and proceeded to drive us to her apartment in silence. She caught me glancing at her for a few times. She would giggle by herself.


“You can park underground. Just use this card for the entrance.” She told me as I took the card from her hand. I swiped the card and the metal pole immediately lifted up. I parked the car near the elevator and got off right away to help Jessica with the foods. We went up the elevator since her apartment was on the ninth floor. I tapped my foot to the music to keep myself busy. Maybe it was just me who was overthinking and still thinking about it. I let Jessica get out of the elevator before I followed after. She typed in the passcode at the door and I went in after her. It was a quite a big condominium for two people but it looked very cozy. The interior was surprisingly plain. I bet it would be all pink if this was Tiffany’s. I followed Jessica to the kitchen where I put the food on the counter while she was taking bowls and plates but last and not least she did not forget to take out some glasses for the soju. We transferred the foods into bowls and plates.


“Where do you want to eat Am?” She asked while taking out chopsticks and spoons.


“Hmm in the living room is where I usually eat so can we eat there?” I replied. I saw her nodded as she took a tray and gave it to me. I shook my head after I figured out what she wanted me to do since she walked to the couch and sat there comfortably after i took the tray from her. Tsk tsk lazybutt. I placed all the bowls, plates and glasses not forgetting the soju and my ice pack. I put the tray on the table and Jessica immediately dropped herself on the ground. I sat myself beside her.


“Here.” She handed me the chopsticks and spoon earlier.


“Thank you.” I smiled at her. She the TV and changed it to Netflix.


“What sort of movie do you prefer?” She asked, her eyes glued to the screen.


“I like anything except horror.” I answered as I put the ice pack on top of my head. She nodded and continued to go through all of her list. She let out a little gasp and chose the movie called “A Monster in Paris”.


“Is this movie okay with you?”. She looked at me, her hand reaching for the bowl of jjajangmyeon. I nodded and put the bowl she was reaching for in front of me. She silently thanked and started to eat her food. I took the tteokbokki and began eating it. The atmosphere was nice. The movie was beautiful. The foods were excellent. Jessica finished her jjajjangmyeon then she began eating the kimbap with tteokbukki. I had just finished mine though and was just reaching for the jjajangmyeon. She ate fast like really fast. She must be really hungry.


“Amber is your head feeling better?”. I looked at her and nodded.


“Yeah much better because of the ice pack.” I smiled.


“That's what you get for taking a picture of someone without their consent.” She scoffed and resumed eating.


“But I sent it to you though. It's not bad at all.” I pouted looking at her.


“That doesn't work on me so just eat your food.” She plainly stated not even a glance at me. I sulked and ate my food. “But I was a really good picture.” I grinned upon hearing that from her. She opened a bottle of soju and drank it straight from the bottle. Why did she even bother taking the glass out then. She got up and laid on the couch taking the soju bottle with her. She took a sip after another until she emptied the whole bottle and I just sat staring at her eating my food.


“Hey you think I’m a bad person for doing that to the person I love?” She looked up to the ceiling and sighed. I knew then that she had a lot of things in her mind. I shook my head and let her continued.


“I was only doing that for her own sake. She wanted to leave the group to follow me but I couldn't allow that to happen.” She paused and looked at the soju bottle in her hand. “But now she's happy with her and that's all that matters to me.” She smiled at me.


“Wait so Yuri has a new girlfriend??”. I was shocked to hear that.


“Yeah they got together like nearly a year ago. You didn't know?” She sat up and chuckled lightly. “You’re so slow sometimes Amber.” I pouted and turned to the TV. I opened a bottle of soju and poured it into my cup. I emptied the cup in one go and poured some more. Damn, it had been a long time since I had tasted it. It felt weird when it passed through my mouth and went down my throat. Why did it have to be so strong.


“Hey Amber, are you feeling okay?” Jessica came and sat down next to be and felt omy forehead. “You are like burning right now and why is your face so red?” She cupped my face in her hands. I looked at her and grinned.


“I am feeling just fine. Don't worry.” I told her as I took her hands and placed them on her laps. I drank a bit more and ate some kimbap. Jessica opened the last bottle and poured some into a cup.


“Cheers!” We said as we crashed our cups together. We refilled our cups and continued watching the movie. By the end of the movie, Jessica was already asleep, her head resting on the table. I was quite sober since I only had one bottle unlike her.


“Jess...Jessica.” I tried to wake her up. I shook her body lightly but she was dead asleep. “Yaaah, wake up and go sleep in your bedroom.” I tried to shake her one more time but she still did not move a tiny bit. I looked around the condo to see which room was hers but that didn't matter. It was her own condo anyway. I leaned her backward so that her head was resting against the sofa and lifted her up. She really should eat more. She was so light that I could carry her around every day and it wouldn't tire me. I opened the door of the nearest and put her on the bed carefully. I could tell that the room was hers just by seeing all the makeup and sunglasses everywhere in the room. I pulled the chair and sat beside the bed. I covered her with the blanket worrying that it might be too cold for her. She still had her makeup on. I pondered for a bit about what should I do. I pulled open the drawers of her desk and found the wet towel for removing makeup. I took one out and began wiping her face. She wore a thin layer of makeup so it was kinda easy and a good thing. 


I found some new small towel in her closet and went to the her bathroom to wet it a little. Her bathroom was neat and quite spacious too. I sat back down on my chair and began wiping her face gently. I hadn't seen her bare face for so long. She looked innocent, calm and peaceful sleeping with slightly open. Krystal slept exactly the same way as her. I smiled at the thought. I went to the living room and gathered everything to the kitchen. I wrapped the leftover kimbap with cling film and put it in the fridge. I scraped other leftovers into the trash. I washed everything for her and put them on the racks for them to dry. I tied the trash bag and kept it aside and replaced it with a new one. Seeing everything was clean and neat, I went and peeked at Jessica and found her still asleep.


“Bye Jessica! See you later.” I whispered quietly. I closed the door carefully and took my stuff including the trash bag. I threw the trash into the chute nearby and went down to my car and drove back home and slept peacefully until I was woken up by someone calling me. i groaned as I took out my phone and answered the call.


“YAAHHHHH!! Do you know how many times I called you?!” Jessica shouted into the phone. I grimaced as I pulled the phone away.


“I’m sorry ice queen. I was asleep.” I grinned.


“What?! Ice queen? Wait until I get my hands on you. You llama!”


“Llamas are cute so thank you.”


“I don't care about them. Now I forgot what I was gonna say to you.” Jessica hissed. “Ahh! Hey Amber...are you free this afternoon?”. How could a person change their tone this fast…


“Yeah! I’m always free considering I am not working or writing songs.” I replied.


“ I got tickets for this movie that just came out. Do you wanna watch it with me and my friends?”. She suddenly sounded so shy.


“Of course! I’d love to! When and where?”.


“Uhh I think the movie starts at 5:15 at xxxx theatre and I’m going to meet up with my friends around 4:30. What do you think?”.


“Yeah that sounds good. I’ll see you there then.” With a smile on face, I ended the call after she said goodbye. I yawned and stretched out my body and laid back on the bed staring up at the ceiling blankly. “Why did I even come here in the first place?” was all I was thinking about. All of sudden, I got the ache to write a song. I went and grabbed my guitar and began strumming some random chords. I took a blank paper and a pencil so I could write everything down. After everything was in ready, I breathed in and began playing.


It felt like I was playing for a short amount of time but in fact, I played for almost 4 hours and the paper was filled with words and letters. It was safe to say that I almost finished the whole song. I just needed to write down the lyrics after this.


“AHHH!!” I exclaimed loudly as I finished going to through the whole song for one last time. I leaned back on my bed putting on the guitar at my side and closed my eyes. I woke up and immediately looked at my phone and saw that it was already 3:15. I got up quickly and went to the bathroom to prepare myself. I opened my closet and wondered what clothes should I wear. In the end, I chose a graphic dark grey sweater with my black tight jean. I checked the map and the theatre was quite far from here. I hurried to my car and left the house. Come to think of it, she didn't tell me what movie we were going to watch. It took me around 45 minutes to get to the theatre. I got out of the car and immediately called Jessica.


“Hey Jess, where are you now?” I asked while making my way into the theatre. It wasn't that busy as I thought it would be.


“I’m in the line waiting to get some popcorn. Did you just get here?” I could heard her friends asking who was she talking to.


“Yeah sorry it took me quite a while to get here and ooooh I think I see you. Bye!”. I put the phone in my pocket and jogged over to her. She was so busy looking down at her phone that she didn't notice me crouching down behind. I motioned for her friends to not tell her. I stood up and did what I do best.


“BOOOO!” I said loudly putting my hands on her shoulders. She let out her dolphin causing everyone to look at her strangely while her friends started laughing. She turned around and slapped my arm so hard when she realized it was me.


“Yah! Didn't I tell you not to do that again?” She glared at me and hit me at the back of my head. I pouted and rubbed the sore spot.


“You didn't say that though.” I whispered to myself but Jessica was quick enough to catch it. Poor me..


“What did you just say Amber?” She was smiling threateningly.


“Umm I didn't say anything so what are you gonna get? It's your turn next.” I inverted the conversation.


“Probably just some kettle corn and a coke. Do you want something?”. And she was back to being normal again.


“A coke please thank you!” I said, smiling at her. Then, it was her turn to order.she made me hold the bucket of kettle corn she just bought with my left hand and my coke in the other one. I followed closely behind Jessica who was walking to her friends. They were all girls and it was not surprising at all. Jessica introduced me to her friends who seemed to already know me. They wanted to shake my hand but I couldn't.


“Hey Jess, what movie are we watching?” I asked while we were walking toward our room.


“Ghostbusters.” She simply stated without looking at me. I nodded my head and said nothing back. Her mood was cold. I was the last one to go into the room so I was seated right next to Jessica and nobody else. She would grab my arm which was on the armrest between us when the creepy scene came on but that made me jumped and Jessica would do the same. She would also hit me laughing and clapping when there was any funny scene. It was quite an adorable and incredibly rare scene for me. After the movie, we parted ways and it turned out that Jessica had her own car but she was too lazy to drive it yesterday to the park. I gave her a hug and said goodbye to all of her friends before leaving. I couldn't wait to go back home and finish my song.










Yooo what is up my lovely friends? It's been kinda a long time isnt it? :(( I couldn't keep my word that I would update often. School is just crazy man this year. I had to to write in school in my google doc and to avoid any like attention, I changed my title from "pain" to "la douleur" XD it's basically pain in French. 

Just recently I have the motovation to write again and it's all because of one girl group. If any one of you guesses it right by the end of the day, I will update the V part tomorrow and I ensure you that you are going to love it a lot or not. I squeal and shout so loud at home when I wrote that one part particularly. HInt: They are not that old. They are the gayest girl group nowadays. *winked* 

I have a question for everyone who is still reading and waiting for my update. Does anyone of you speak French or is currently learning? Hit me up if you do XD


As always, thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it! See yaa later! Hope you get that question right because weeelllllll I want to update as I can for you guys so all you have to do is guess :)) Im gonna stop blabbering now and do my reading assignment. Bye guys!!

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Bratz88 #1
Can't wait for the next chap author :)
alexacell #2
Chapter 20: Jessber is the sweetest
Chapter 20: Please update more #jessber
Chapter 20: Jessber all the way
kimster26 #5
JESSBER! Hmm. How about a moonsun x anyber crossover or moonsun X amber love triangle that would be fun :D
Chapter 20: Jessber!!
YourSmile-I #7
Chapter 20: Yassss!!! Go jessber!! Please updatw again thanks
am_251 #8
Chapter 19: Ish it Twice????? And so happy you updated heheheheh
YourSmile-I #9
Chapter 19: I love it....I hope jessber makes eachother whole again!!! Thanks
Yellowjacket #10
Chapter 19: I guess it's Twice?