Finding the Missing Pieces

Finding the Missing Pieces

The following day quickly passed by but came to a mere stop when Miyoung found a familiar looking letter tucked into the pocket of the jacket that she was wearing the previous day.

Her eyes only opened widely when she realized that she was suppose to open the envelope this very day.

She shakily held Donghae's letter in her right hand, thinking of what lied within it. Would she regret even opening it if the words written on the sheet of paper were the words that she didn't want to hear?

Even though she wouldn't admit it, she was scared.

Fear conquered her.

But it's not like it's anything bad,...

It's only just a letter... Right?

She took a deep breath in and opened the envelope.

The first few words on the paper immediately brought her to tears.


'On the first day of the second semester during our 1st year of high school, a cocky rich kid, named Lee Donghae, stepped through the front doors of the school feeling a bit angry since his father forced him to attend the school. He only had one friend and that friend was Kim Jaejoong, another grade 1 student. One day, when they were talking to each other in the cafeteria, he noticed a strange girl staring at him from afar. She wore thick glasses and she let her hair hang over her face. The sight frightened him and he refused to let a girl like her, like him. A week later, he received a random phone call from a random person. The girl on the other lines sweet voice instantly made him happy. He soon found out that her name was Hwang Miyoung.'


Her eyes widened from reading the last sentence. She clenched her head and tightly closed her eyes. "No... No..." She shook her head, "You're just playing around. You're not him. Right?.. Right?"


'They were the best friends; talking to each other on the phone everyday and even telling each other secrets that they wouldn't tell their other close friends. But once he found out how the person on the other line looked like, he pushed her away which caused her to be in pain. He made her feel pain for 2 years straight. But on a dark snowy day, she got into a severe car accident and all of the memories of the two meeting were erased from her mind. After spending 5 months in the hospital with a deep coma, she finally awoken. When she met eyes with him that day when all everyone gathered in her small hospital room to watch her wake up, Donghae was a bit worried that she'd tell him to get out. But she ended up saying the words that he never thought she would say , "Who are you?" Those three words slightly made his heart hurt. Thinking that she didn't even recognize her first love made him a bit wary, but he was happy that she didn't have to live through the pain he put her through. It was like a new start for him, instead of pushing her away, he wanted to see where this new friendship would go. But it ended going farther than what he had hoped. Spending almost everyday with her, constantly seeing her smile, listening to her cute laugh... He ended up falling for her. Hard. Whenever he'd be around her, he'd feel really happy, like his life was complete. But then, his world came crashing down when he found out that she was in love with someone else. As much as he hated this, he believed in her happiness and encouraged her to follow her heart, even though he knew that he'd be in pain.  Like an idiot, he watched her hook up with one of the people he hated the most in this world. Even after the two broke up, Donghae still wanted to hold her hand, embrace her from behind, play with the strands of her hair, kiss her soft lips...  , who am I kidding? '


Miyoung softened and she noticed a tear mark stained on the sentence where she was reading. No, it wasn't her tearmark. But his.


'All of this time, I've been waiting for you, Hwang Miyoung. I've been waiting for you to remember me. I wanted you to know that I'm the guy you actually loved, not Wooyoung, not anyone else. I was wrong about you. I really was wrong. You're not a 'nerd' or 'stalker' but the sweetest, most pure hearted girl I've ever met. I had no right to judge you, Miyoung I'm sorry. For everything. Don't you think that I'm a coward for not having the courage to tell you this in person? Yeah, thats right. I am a coward. A coward who's also running away. You'll definitely hate me after reading this. When I said that this letter was my final goodbye, I meant it.' 


She shook her head repeatedly, causing the tears that were streaming down her face to fall onto the concrete floor.

"Oppa~" She cried, "No..."


'You're probably crying right now? Don't you hate me?'


She covered her eyes and shook her head before taking in another breath to read the rest of the letter.


'By now, I'll probably be at the Incheon International Airport waiting to take a flight to New York. Just a couple of days ago, I found out that my dad had already bought tickets for me to study abroad right after graduation. I didn't think that I'd have the courage to tell you this because I knew you'd cry. But this is the best way to go since I've probably hurt you enough. Right? If you really want me to stay, try to catch me before the clock hits 4:45pm. If you don't find me there, then I'm probably gone already.

Oh, one more thing.




                                         Your first love, Lee Donghae'


She shook her head and the tears continued to run down the both of her cheeks at a fast pace.

She loudly pounded the concrete floor of her house with her fist and sobbed to herself.

Each and every pigment of what happened throughout the recent years, replayed in the back of her mind--

The day they she first layed eyes on him in the cafeteria--

The sound of his sweet voice when he answered the phone to her call--

When they bumped into each other at school--

The feeling of being humiliated when he poured the kimchi onto her head--

When he saved Sooyoung from choking and became the "hero"--

How she'd stare at his features everyday in class during her second year--

The feeling of being unconditionally in love.


All she could do was rock back and forth in the corner of her living room being cluttered with the memories that they created together.

What was she going to do?



Finding the Missing Pieces

The last chapter

"Were you happy?"

"I was happy."


"Can't you drive any faster?!!" 

"What's the hurry, young lady?" The taxi driver looked up at the rear view mirror and caught a glance of me glaring at him with swollen eyes.

"Drive damnit!" I impatiently stirred in the back seat.

He flinched at my cold comeback and stepped on the gas.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon~" I tapped my foot.

I looked at the time on my cell phone and rubbed my temples. 

"What's the rush, young lady?" He skidded to a stop sign and looked at me from the mirror.

"My boyfriend--"  I stumbled on my words, "I need to catch him before steps on the plane-- Please hurry, I don't want to loose him...."

He directed his attention towards the road again and stepped on the gas, "I understand, miss."

"When will we be there?" I finally layed back.

"It'll take a while since the airport is across town. You should rest."

I nodded and looked up at the ceiling of the car.

After a while, I found myself knocking out.


My eyes shot open to the sound of honking cars.

"What time is it?"

"It is-- 3:41--"

"Are we almost there??"

"We'll be there in about 30 minutes."

"30 minutes?!"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

"It's just that-- I have to catch him on time."

He nodded and pressed on the gas once more, "I'll do my best."


Once the car stopped in front of the airport, I threw whatever money I had with me at him and squirmed off, leaving him yelling at me. His loud yells were soon drowned out by the voices of the crowds that surrounded me once I stepped into the large building.

My eyes skimmed back and forth, searching for Donghae. But no luck approached when I noticed that the whole entire building was filled with large crowds.

'How the heck am I suppose to find him with all of these people here?'

"Damnit," I wiped the cold sweat forming on my forehead, "Okay-- I gotta be calm."

I pushed my way through the crowds of people, but that didn't get me anywhere. I always found myself ending up to the same area, if not, the places that I've already been to. 

I looked at the grand clock and sighed, "I'm running out of time." 

Blindly, I ran around the airport. 

Where the hell am I going? 

What the hell am I doing?

I'm helpless.

"Oppa!" I finally cried out, "Donghae Oppa!" I swiftly turned left then to my right, hoping that I'd spot a familiar face around me. But I didn't.

"Oppa~ Where are you?!"

I tried to calm myself down and took in deep breaths in.

Don't worry, Miyoung, everything will be alright... Right?

"Now where is the line that goes to America?" I mumbled to myself with eyes skimming around every direction.


"No--No, no no," I bursted out into tears, "Please don't tell me I'm too late. --You're still here-- I know it!" 

The people around me peered at me as if I were a crazy nut case.

"Passengers going on the flight to New York, please get up on board. The plane is ready for takeoff." A flight attendent sounded on the microphone.

My heart stopped.

"No-- He's still here," I mumbled to myself as I ran toward the woman sitting behind one of the attendent desks.

"Excuse me, uhm--" I hiccupped, rubbing my eyes. 

The attended covered her microphone with her right hand and gave me a small smile, "Yes?"

"Do you know if a boy named 'Lee Donghae' is already on board?"

She gave me another smile before opening up her computer screen.

I patiently waited on the other side of the counter with eyes still skimming around. 


"Mmm?" I smiled. 

"Lee Donghae is his name?"

"Yes, that's his name."

"The computer says that he's already in the plane."


She nodded and looked at the computer screen, "It says here that he's checked out and he's on board."

"No!" My eyes were starting to become watery again.

"I'm afraid he's already in the plane, miss~" 

"No-- No no no," I shook my head, "Please, are you sure he's inside there already?" 

"I'm sure, miss."

I pounded on the counter, starling the woman behind it, "Please, miss. Is there any way I can go inside the plane?-- There's someone in there that I need to get out."

She lowered her head and ruffled the hair out of her face, "You can't--"

"Please, I'm begging you."

"I'm afraid not...The plane is going to take off any minute."


"I can't just stop the flight."

I lost him.

Defeated, I flashed a quick smile before giving a 90 degree bow, "I'm sorry for the hassle..."

I quickly straightened up and turned around.

"Flight to New York taking off." The microphone sounded.

I lost him.

A plane suddenly appeared into plain view from the large window of the airport.

The plane slowly heightened from the ground, picking up dust into the air.

I quickened my pace so that I was directly standing behind the glass.

I pressed my hand against the glass and watched it fly away.

"Bye bye." I mumbled.

Even though the plane had already left, I remained in the same position. But after a while, my knees grew weak and I couldn't help but fall to the ground. 

'To think that I actually forgot you.

To think that I was dumb enough to not even realize that you were the guy I actually loved.

To think that--'



I froze in place when that familiar sounding voice rang in my ear.

I slowly lifted my head up and turned around. 

My heart stopped when I noticed a figure standing in front of me.


"Oppa!" I cried as I quickly stood up to run to him. My legs felt like giving up on me but he caught me with his arms before I could collapse. I looked up at him and I couldn't help but cry. 

How could I forget him?

He smiled at me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"So you decided on coming, huh?" His voice cracked.

I tightened the hug from hearing the sound of his sad voice, "Oppa. How could I forget you...."

"Well, you did."

"And I'm sorry," I pulled back and used my thumb to gently wipe away the tears that were sliding down his face, "I'm sorry for everything, oppa."

"No, don't say that. I should be the one saying that." He hiccupped, "I'm sorry for putting you through all of this pain. You must hate me--"

I nodded my head and gave a soft smile, "No. I would never hate you."

He cupped my face and wiped the tears that were falling from my face.

Tears began to stream down his face, “Just promise me—That you’ll never leave me.”

“I won’t ever leave you,” I smiled, rubbing his back as he cried.

He tightly held me close to his body as I softly whimpered in his arms.




"Nadu saranghae," He pulled back and looked at me in the eyes. "Close your eyes and don't peek until I speak again." 

I stuck my tongue out at him and my lids slowly dropped.

I could feel weight on my neck.

What is he putting on me?

He swept away the hair that hung over my ear and whispered into it,  "I was suppose to give you this on Christmas.”

I quickly opened my eyes to look down and see a familiar looking pendant placed where Wooyoung’s one dangled.

I cried, “Donghae oppa~” 

"Wh--Wae? Why are you crying?" He rubbed his head, "Do you not like it or--" He reached out 

"Yah," I pushed him away and stood up, "I didn't say I didn't like it~~~ I'm really surprised, oppa. When did you buy this for me?" 

His face quickly flushed, "Oh-- When I said to meet you at the bulgogi restaurant on Christmas day, I saw you standing alone in the street. I was about to approach you and give you your pendant. But OOOOH, Mr. Jang Wooyoung had to appear out of nowhere like a... NINJA and then what-- He pulls out the same necklace I bought you after I spent the whole damn day trying to find this pendant for you. Aigoo, and what made it even worse was when the snow started to fall and then I--"

He talks too much~

I jumped forward and tackled him with a hug. He lost his balance and fell nearly backwards.

Our bodies left no gaps in between us. His heart was beating really fast. I knew he could feel mine too, which was beating just as fast as his.

"--Oppa, I understand," I giggled, "Thank you, I really appreciate you spending the entire day just to buy me this pendant."

He rubbed my head and pulled back to meet eye level with me, "Promise?"

"Promise what?"

"--That you won't leave me for another guy?"

"I can promise you that, but that doesn't mean you won't leave me for another girl."

"Then I promise."

"Hm? Promise what?"

"I won't EVER leave you, even if people try pull us apart. I'll never leave your side."

I softly smiled at him and tip toed to hug him again.

He suddenly nuzzled my neck, which caused me to wince. 

"You silly girl," He snickered.

We stood there in silence, just embracing each other and enjoyed each other's warmth until I broke the silence.

"Ohh-- What about your flight to America? Isn't your dad going to kill you?"

"Oh, about that," He broke out into laughter.

"What? Tell me~" I whined.

"I gave the flight ticket to Channie instead."

"CHINCHA?!" I raised my eyebrow and softly tapped him on the back of his head, "Channie hasn't even graduated high school here!"

"Well, he can take high school there!"

I giggled at his cute remark.

"What's so funny?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Aigoo, oppa~ You're so dumb."

He pulled away from me and crossed his arms.

"Oppa~ It's nothing~~~~~"

"You're the cutest girl I've ever seen," He snickered, "It's fun to mess with you."


He pulled me into a soft embrace before cupping my cheeks and gazing into my eyes.

"I love you, Hwang Miyoung."

I smiled at his sincere words, "I love you too, Lee Donghae."

He leaned in to sweetly peck me on the lips. 

I tip toed to return the kiss.

He finally broke the kiss and pulled me into another warm hug, "Let's get outta here, Miyoung." 

I pulled back and nodded, "Let's go back home."

"Are you up for bulgogi?!" He blurted out.

"Aigoo, oppa~~~" I whined, "But sure, I'm up for anything as long as I'm with you."

"How cheesy," He mumbled under his breath.



1 year later

Just like he promised, he never left my side.

We both applied to the same university and luckily, we both got accepted. The entrance exam was difficult, but Donghae managed to pass it because he was determined to keep his promise of never leaving me.


I looked around my pink empty bedroom with a satisfied expression written all over my face.

My fingers skimmed the back of my neck, rubbing off the sweat but they ran across rough objects. 

I smiled when I realized that it was just Donghae and Wooyoung's snow pendants.  "Oppa's~" I sweetly hummed to myself. 

I’m not going to take Wooyoung’s or Donghae's necklace off.  I’m going to leave it on my neck, so that whenever I see the two pendants, it’ll remind me that they were both give to me by…

The two guys that loved me the most.

Although Wooyoung's already in a stable relationship with IU, I still cherish him dearly. I'll always cherish him with a great amount of my heart. Not as a lover, but as my best friend. Ever since we graduated high school, our friendship went back to how it use to be when we were little children. But of course, he wasn't the 'weak boy' like he was when we were little. He was a lot more stronger and could protect himself. Ahh, Wooyounggie. I ran my fingers through the soft fur of the teddy bear he gave me on Valentines Day, 2 years ago, and put it in the emptiest box I could find. 

"Miyoung!" A voice sounded from downstairs.

"N--Ne?" I quickly closed the box and ran to the railing.

"Are you done packing?"

"Ne, oppa!" 

"Araso! I'm coming up there my future wife~" Donghae said while puckering his lips , "And yes! I said it! You're my future wife, boo! You're even moving in with me and the other little Miyoung! WOOOOO!!!!!!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the snow  flake ring on my finger [ softly smiled, "You're so cheesy, oppa."

'But I love you.'


It’s been a long 3 years. The first two years were hard, but the last one was the most painful. I wasn’t even aware that my true love was right in front of me all along. 

It's been a bumpy ride hasn't it?

I've been through a series of odd events, like REALLY odd. 

First, I ended up falling in love for the first time but I also learned how it felt to have a broken heart. 

Then, I lost my memory, which made the guy I loved the most in the world hurt. 

But in the end, I finally found true happiness. 

My muse,

The key to me always smiling,

My soulmate,

Lee Donghae.


The end :3 


Wooo! I've FINALLY finished! 

It's been a hassle trying to make this story because school kept luring me into homework + studying T_______T

ASDFGHJKL! I feel as if I let a lot of you down at one point. You know... WHEN I DIDN'T BOTHER TO UPDATE FOR 3 STRAIGHT MONTHS. LOL. ah, but none the less, I'm still very grateful that you've all spent your time reading this story!

Well, this is it for now.

Thanks for reading 'Finding the Missing Pieces' ! <3 If you enjoyed reading this, please suggest this to HaeFany shippers! LOL. (:

Bye bye (:

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Chapter 37: One of the best fic i've ever read!

Milky couple hwaiting!!~ <3
i'm gonna repeat reading this fic someday!
Chapter 40: WAAAAHHH! :)) HaeFanyyy FTW! :)
I read all 40 chapters in 1 go.LOL.I love it.
I love this do much ;___; by the time i read chap 13 I was crying buckets. I loved how I kept on switching sides. First woo then donghae then woo then donghae again.

Haefany <3333
That was an awesome story! XD Love how you added 'milky couple' too, so Wooyoung is also happy :DD!
myungsoohot #6
That was a bomb of a story, I read it within 2 days since I first glance at ur fanfic <3ed the story line. Keep it up!! Do more fanfics!!!
mcdgee #7
i want a sequel! :(
I was looking for something to do, cause I was so bored. Then I found this. I read this story non-stop and I soon joined asianfanfics just to subscribe to this. So I want to say good job on this amazing story and keep writing! ^^
lil_ninjaa #9
AHHH. So cutteee. This is the best!!
love it!!!! HaeFany really satisfies my fanfic craving!!!~~ :))) <3<3<3
oh! can i have your permission to print this?! :)))) i'll add it to my HaeFany fanfic collections! hope you' approve! ;)))