My Body Against Yours ; Day 1

Finding the Missing Pieces


May 22

Today is the day of our class trip. The Technology department has been planning this trip for several years and have been saving money for a while. Why? I honestly don’t know. Seriously. Maybe because their brains hurt from thinking too much and they want to relax? Who knows. I'm just going for the fun of it.

It involves staying at a hotel for 3 days, along with a day at the beach and traveling around Busan. Sounds sorta fun, doesn’t it? Miyoung’s going as well, along with Wooyoung. None of mine or her friends tagged along, so I guess I'm going to be surrounded by nonstop WooFany moments. I t's like having front row tickets to a neverending "Woofany movie." I'm one of the main characters, of course. ARASO? Araso. Hehehehe.

Day 1

Mr. Park loudly played a song on the stereo of the bus to wake us all up.

Slowly, every student began to wake up.

I was one of the last ones.

The sun from the window blinded me and made me flinch when I finally bothered to open my eyes up.

I turned around to check on Miyoung, who sat with Wooyoung a couple of seats back. She sat there, calmly resting... Aigoo~ Cute.

“Come one, wake up kids. We’re here.” The teacher said.

“Where?” One student, named Yunho, yawned while he stretched.

“We’re at Busan.”

“Busan—Already?!” He smiled.


All at once, everyone, including me, got up from our seats and roughly made our way out of the bus; pushing, shoving, pulling hair. Everyone yelled and shouted at eachother. I looked back at Miyoung, who was still in the back with Wooyoung.

Because I really wanted her to be there with me when my eyes finally see the beauty of Busan, I reached out and grabbed her by the hand to pull her in the front with me. 

She looked up at me and gave me her signature eye smile.

"Thank you," She whispered.

We all ran out of the bus like a bunch of little elementary schoolers, amazed by our surroundings. A beach stood before our eyes.

Miyoung realized that we were still holding hands and quickly let go. 

"Isn't this place really pretty?" I suddenly asked.

"It is really pretty, Oppa." She chuckled, "Like you."


"Yah!" I immediately responded.

"Oppa, it's a compliment. Say thanks or something."

"Ah... Thank you." I grumbled.

She turned to me and smiled, "You're welcome ^___^!"



"Tiffany!" Wooyoung yelled out, pointing out at the ocean which swayed in front of us, "Come here~"

"Araso, oppa!" She laughed, "I'll see you later, Donghae oppa!" She ran off to Wooyoung.

I was left by myself while everyone chatted amongst themselves to their friends.

This is great.


"Mr. Park," I made my way towards him, "When are going to the hotel?"

"In a couple of minutes, why?"

"I'm just wondering-- So do we get to choose who we're rooming with or what?"

"Nope. I've already assigned each indivisual with a roomate."

"You have?" I whined, "Araso... Oh, one more question.."

"Go for it."

"So only girls can room with girls and guys can only room with guys, right?" I asked.

"Of course." He laughed.

Good, that way I won't have to worry about Miyoung and Wooyoung from being together.

Who knows what would happen if their in the same room?


"Oh-- CLASS!" Mr. Park yelled out to everyone, "Donghae just rememinded me."

I blankly looked at him with my mouth open.

What's he talking about?

"I have assigned you all with your own roomates--"

The whole class groaned.

"Listen--Listen--" He continued, "I'm going to call out two to three names. The person you hear your name with is going to be your roomate for the entire trip. Araso?"

"Araso!" Everyone yelled back at him.

"Ga Eun, Na Seoju, Dam Jihae," He announced.

For the next few minutes, he announced to everyone who they'd be rooming with. 

Most people were dissapointed by his pairings, while others cheered because they were paired with their friends.

"Wooyoung, Chansung, Junsu," He said.

Wooyoung sure looked happy when he found out who he'd be rooming with. 

I still haven't even heard my name or Miyoung's yet. 

My eyes skimmed around the whole class, in search for the people who hadn't been paired up with someone and it looked like everyone had already been called, excluding Miyoung and I.

Something's fishy here.


"And that's all," Mr. Park smiled.

"Oh-- Teacher--" I approached him, "You still haven't called my name."

"Or mine either," Miyoung joined.

"I didn't?"

"No," We both said at the same time.

"Oh! That's right," He laughed, "I forgot to add you guys on the list."

"YOU WHAT?!" I face palmed my forehead, "Then what now?"

“Tiffany—Donghae—There’s only one bedroom—“ The teacher laughed, “Would it be okay if you guys shared it together?”

The class began to chatter amongst themselves, but Wooyoung stared at both of us, hesitantly, “Can’t you room Miyoung with a girl and Donghae with a guy?”

“That’s a good idea,” Mr. Park laughed, Wooyoung’s face began to lighten, “But there’s no way that they'd fit in any other rooms since their already full."

"But there has to be another way, right?"

"Do you really want your girlfriend to be sleeping on the floor while 2 other girls have their own beds?"

"It's better than making her sleep in the same room with a guy!" Wooyoung whined.

“I’m okay with it,” Miyoung suddenly spoke up. Wooyoung stared at her with a surprised expression, I did the same.

"Are you sure--?" I sternly asked.

"I don't mind~ You're my best friend and I trust you."

"Okay then, it's official!" Mr. Park laughed, "You two will be sharing a room together."

Wooyoung shoved his way towards her and tightly grabbed her hand,"Fany, are you sure--" 

"What-- You don't trust me?" She said in a serious tone.

He let go of her hand and looked at the ground, "Fine then. I'm okay with it."


"Okay kids, we're going to go to the hotel now~" Mr. Park joyfully said.

"Where is it? I don't see it..." One student mumbled.

"Ah, it's because this big bus is in the way," He pointed directly at our large bus, "It's right behind this bus. Araso?"

"ARASO." Everyone grumbled.

"Let's go!" 

Like a bunch of little kids, we all rushed on the bus at one time, trying to get ahold of our luggages. Again, pushing and shoving occured when we exited the bus. 




Being the immature grade 3's (seniors) that we are, we ran into hotel building, with our baggages in our hand; still mesmerized by how nicely everything was presented.

"Oh-- Miyoung,"  I smiled when I noticed her enter the building, "Let's go to our room."

"Araso," She eye-smiled.

I took her by the hand and we both ran up to our room, without Mr. Park's guidance, and flopped onto our beds once I opened the door.

"Oppa, I'm so excited for this trip! ~" She rolled in her covers, "I can't wait to go on the beach and take selca's--"

"Will I be in your selca?" I interrupted her with a fake manly voice.

"Aigoo--" She whined, "Sure, but don't ruin it."

"Yah! I won't ruin it!" I stood up from sitting on my bed.

"Araso. Araso." She repeated, "I just want to remember this day.


"Yah-- Don't interrupt me while I make a memorable speech~" She threw her pillow at me from across the other side of the room.

"Ah," I laughed, "Araso~~~ What were you saying?"

"I want to cherish the memories I'll create during the trip," She paused, "I'll make sure that they won't be forgotten."


The door suddenly opened.

Both, Miyoung and I, flinched.

"Kids," Mr. Park laughed, "What are you two doing here?~~ Aish..."


"It's alright~ Anyway, you two should change into your swimming attire. We're going to the beach."

"Chincha?~~~" Miyoung stood up, "Right now?"

"Ne!" He nodded, "See you guys at the beach!"

"Wait-- You're not going to wait for us, teacher?" I scratched my head.

"Pshhhh, no. I'm gon' go to the beach! See ya!" He closed the door and ran off.

Miyoung and I stood there, just laughing at what just happened.




I paced back and forth outside of her room.

From inside, I could hear the two giggle.


Wooyoung, you can trust her.

You can trust her.

She won't do anything.

But what do you know?

Something might happen.

The thought of them sharing a room together for 3 days just bugged the hell out of me.

Nothing's going to happen.

She loves you.

Not him.

Nothing's going to happen.


"Wooyoung oppa--" Miyoung said, with wide eyes when she opened the door. Donghae stood beside her with his eye widened, "What are you doing here?" 

"I'm just waiting for my girlfriend," I bowed, "Miyoung, are you ready to go?"

"Ne--" She stuttered.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her away from Donghae's side.

He glared at me.

I glared back.



I just watched as he'd drag her away from me.

This trip is going to be long.

--Just what I need.


The sand smoothly slid through our toes as we'd run to the beach, barefoot. 

The fragrance of the ocean filled the air.

I swayed my hand in the water and spinned in a circle several times in excitment.

Miyoung weirdly stared at me if I were some kind of idiot.

"Yah!" She called out.


"You look like a weirdo..."

"A--Arasseo." I stopped from my spinning and we both began to laugh.


Most of the day was spent with me staying as far as possible away from the ocean, since I can't swim... Aigoo. Oh-- Anyway, being the cool guy that I am, I made a bunch of sand castles.  

Miyoung kept pulling her camera out randomly and took pictures of us together, without me being ready. Whenever I'd tell her that I didn't want a picture, she'd take one. When I'd tell her that I was ready, she'd take pictures of herself, rather than us; together.

She even took photos of my horrifying sand castle before knocking them all down. Then after she'd destroy them, she'd take a picture of herself posing in front of the crushed sandle castles.

Time seemed to quickly pass me by because I was having too much fun, trying to delete all of the embarassing photos she took of me. If I had to total the amount of photos she took of me, it'd probably be over 300+. Who knows? She'll probably take more to tomorrow, or the next day... Or maybe when I'm sleeping. 

Aigoo. Don't tell me I'm going to have to sleep with my eyes open?


"Ne?" I blinked my eyes several times in response to the flash of her camera blinding me, "YAH!!!!" 

She stuck her tongue out at me and ran away, I chased after her.



The remainder of the night was spent with us all sitting around a large campfire, either telling scary stories or singing old Korean trot songs.

It was basically something that a bunch of little kids would do.

But it was fun.


Since the weather was getting a bit chilly, 1/3 of the class went back to the hotel while the remainder of us played around. 

I played football with some of my classmates; Kibum, Eunhyuk, and Yesung. But I could help but notice that Miyoung was sitting by herself. It threw me off that the ball hit me on the head twice.

"Yah Donghae!" Eunhyuk yelled, as he ran towards me while I layed on the sand, "What's the matter with you?"

"Eh?" I laughed, "What are you talking about?"

"You got hit on the head twice!~ Aigoo.."

"Nothing's wrong~"

"There obviously is something wrong," He patted me on the back, "Look. I know you're worried about Tiffany."

"I--I'm not!" I denied.

"Ahh... If you want to talk to her, go ahead. Nothing's stopping you."


"Go, now." He laughed, "DO IT."

"Araso ~ Araso." He helped me pick myself up from the ground and pushed me towards her.

She stared at the firepit, expressionless. 

Aigoo, she's so cute.

I cleared my throat before shouting out her name,"Tiffany-- Ohh--" 


I could suddenly feel something wet dripping down on me. I stopped myself from continuing to walk towards her and looked up at the sky. Raindrops gently fell upon my forehead.

A large crowd of girls began to scream as it dripped down on them too. 

Little drops of rain began to pour down on us all.

Some girls shrieked, because they were afraid that their hair would get wet.

As for the guys, they’d all calmly walk into the areas that the raindrops weren’t present.

Most students went back to the hotel to go to sleep.

I just looked up at the sky and stuck my tongue out like how a kid would.

I looked over at Miyoung, who surprisingly was doing the same thing that I was doing. But she looked much more cuter when she did it.

“Oppa~” She smiled, when she noticed me staring at her, “What does it taste like to you?”

“It tastes like water, idiot.” I laughed.

“Anio~” She laughed, still looking up with her tongue sticking out, “It taste likes tears.”

“Yah! No, it doesn’t!” I mockingly teased, flicking her on the head.

“It tastes like tears .. Just without pain.”

I blankly stared at her.

“… No, it doesn’t!” I laughed.

“Oppa! It does!”

“To you it does,” I smiled, “Because you’re a weirdo.”

She suddenly broke out into laughter and not long after, I joined her.

Just then, a sense of connection mended us together as we’d bond without even speaking.

It was a nice feeling.

I felt safe around her.


“Fany!” Wooyoung suddenly yelled across the beach from us, “You’re going to get sick! Come inside the hotel!”

“Oh—Araso.” Miyoung mumbled under her breath, “Oppa,  you should come inside too. I’m afraid that you’ll get sick too.”

A smile appeared on my face, “Thank you.”

We both began to make our way towards the hotel, but took our time; walking at our own pace. Wooyoung, on the other hand, was frustrated and just took off, not bothering to even wait for us.

When we finally arrived at the hotel, Mr. Park advised us to go to sleep since it was getting late.

We sneekily tip-toed to our room, trying not to be too loud.


After I opened the door to our room, she advised me NOT to go in the bathroom because she was going take a quick shower and change into her pajamas. I changed outside, putting on a pair of baggy pants and a tank top. But before I could even put the top on, Miyoung opened the door, walking in while I was shirtless.

"Oh--" She quickly turned around, "Mianhe~~~"

"It's alright," I laughed as I watched her try to not look at my body. 

"A--Are you done?" She embarassingly said with her back to me.

"Yeah, I'm done," I quickly slipped the shirt onto my torso, "You can turn around now."

"Araso," She shyly turned around and stared at me for a while, "Cute~"

"Cute?" I blushed, "Wae?"

"I've never seen oppa in pj's, you look cute." She giggled.

"T--Thanks," I looked away, "Um-- Good night."

"Good night!" She smiled, turning off the light. 

I tucked myself underneath the layers of blankets the hotel provided and watched as she'd do the same. 

Rain would be the only thing you'd hear.

It was so quiet.

I looked over at her as she peacefully layed on her bed.

My body turned the opposite direction towards the wall. 

I should really stop staring at her.

It makes me feel like a stalker.

I turned to look back at her, and closed my eyes.

The raindrops from outside made it easier to go to sleep.

But then, it began to pour harder, transitioning into the sound of thunder.


The thunder from outside loudly rumbled, causing Miyoung to screech.

"Oppa~" She whined, "The thunder scares me."

"Yah, stop being a scaredy-cat and just sleep," I laughed.

"I can't," She worriedly looked out the window, "I can't go to sleep with the thunder--"

A lightning bolt shadowed our room with bright lights.

"Oppa~~" She whimpered.


"I can't go to sleep..."

Yet another lightning bolt struck.


I uncovered myself from my sheet to look at Miyoung and noticed that she was hiding under her blanket.

"Are you really scared?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Ne." She mumbled, under her sheet.

"Then why don't we switch beds; You sleep here and I'll sleep on your bed. So that way you won't be so close to the window." 

She shakily lifted the blanket from her face and shook her head, "But if you sleep here, then you'll be bothered by the thunder."

"I'm okay with it," I laughed.

She shook her head again and repeated herself, "You'll be bothered by the thunder."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Why don't..." She mumbled, "Nevermind."

"Tell me."

"Anio~ It's stupid."

"Miyoung-ah, tell me." I repeated.

"Why don't we sleep together?"

My heart thumped.

"Why don't I sleep with you in your bed?.." She mumbled.

"Are you sure you want to sleep with me--?"


Our room lightened when another bolt struck.

"Oppa, please?" She whined.



She lifted the sheets from her bed and tiptoed her way toward my side of the room.

"Are you sure--"

"I trust you." She softly whispered.

My heart raced at an unstoppable pace.

She shakily stood beside my bed, wearing only a thin tank top and shorts.

If this is really what you want, then I won't regret anything.


I pulled her in the bed with me and wrapped my arm around her waist.
“Don’t say anything. Just trust me, I won’t hurt you.”

A thunder bolt loudly roared outside.
She pulled my body close to hers and began to whine.
“Don’t be scared. I’m here.”
“Thank you, Donghae oppa.”
Whenever the thunder alarmed, she’d tug onto my shirt and hide under the blanket.
I’d be beside her, trying to comfort her and make her feel comfortable.

She looked up at me and smiled.
I smiled back.


"What is it?"

"You make me feel safe." She mumbled, pulling my shirt away from my chest.

"You make me feel safe too."

Her lips suddenly met mine as she leaned in and pecked me on the lips.
At first, my eyes widened, but then slowly began to close.
Her lips are so soft and soothing.

This is nice.  

My tongue slowly made its way into as our kiss deepened.
We gasped for a breath before she pulled me in for another kiss.
I guess she wanted more.
As much as I enjoyed it, I couldn’t help but think about her relationship with Wooyoung.
He loves her.
She love him.

So what’s going on here?
I slowly pulled her lips away from mine, “Are you sure this is okay?”
She smiled and pecked me on the lips before speaking.
“Good night, oppa.” She whispered as she cuddled in my arms.
My right hand tightly held her against my body and my left hand was burried under her shirt.

I looked up at the ceiling for a while and thought to myself, "Is this a dream?"

Soon, my eyes shut and I fell asleep a couple of minutes later.


HaeFany. Kekekeke :3

I know, I know. This is a HaeFany fanfic but for the past 30+ chapters, I haven't given you any ACTUAL romance, right? :P I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Baiii baiii(: 

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Chapter 37: One of the best fic i've ever read!

Milky couple hwaiting!!~ <3
i'm gonna repeat reading this fic someday!
Chapter 40: WAAAAHHH! :)) HaeFanyyy FTW! :)
I read all 40 chapters in 1 go.LOL.I love it.
I love this do much ;___; by the time i read chap 13 I was crying buckets. I loved how I kept on switching sides. First woo then donghae then woo then donghae again.

Haefany <3333
That was an awesome story! XD Love how you added 'milky couple' too, so Wooyoung is also happy :DD!
myungsoohot #6
That was a bomb of a story, I read it within 2 days since I first glance at ur fanfic <3ed the story line. Keep it up!! Do more fanfics!!!
mcdgee #7
i want a sequel! :(
I was looking for something to do, cause I was so bored. Then I found this. I read this story non-stop and I soon joined asianfanfics just to subscribe to this. So I want to say good job on this amazing story and keep writing! ^^
lil_ninjaa #9
AHHH. So cutteee. This is the best!!
love it!!!! HaeFany really satisfies my fanfic craving!!!~~ :))) <3<3<3
oh! can i have your permission to print this?! :)))) i'll add it to my HaeFany fanfic collections! hope you' approve! ;)))