A Birthday Surprise

Finding the Missing Pieces


"Hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung~"

I woke up that morning to my brother jumping on my bed.

"Yaah, Channie, what're you doing?"

"HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY, HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He laughed, still jumping on my bed.

"Birthday?... Today?.. Wait, what day is it?"

"Did--did you forget today was your birthday or something?" He paused, "It's October 15th."

"Holy crap... Where did the time go?.." 

Well, that's right, I'm 18. Today's my birthday, whoopee!!! But, I have a feeling that today's going to be like any other day. 


"So what'd you get me?" 


"WHAT. Aish~" I whined.

"Hyung, don't worry~ I invited some of your friends over, it'll be okay ^^" He smiled.

"Sweet," I gave a slight smirk, "So who's coming over?"

"Hm, there's Miyoung--"

"Miyoung?! YAY!!!!" I rolled around in the sheets to my bed in excitment, "Go on~"

"I also invited Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun, BoA, Sungmin, Jaejoong, and I forgot the name of the last person I invited..."

"Channie!! You have no idea much I love you right now," I smiled, rubbing his head like a little puppy.

"Hehe," He rubbed his head, "I sorta invited some of my friends over too--"

"Really? Really? ._."

"Yeah... But! Don't worry, we'll just be chilling in the other room, playing DDR."

"Good boy. Good."

"Well..." He giggled, "They'll all be here in about 10 minutes~"

"What?! Aigoo, why must you always notify everything to me so late?"


I hurridly picked myself off from the bed and ran into the bathroom to get ready. 

Miyoung's coming... Oh my gosh... All I could think about was what her present for me might be. What if--What if it's a kiss? Holy crap. She GON' kiss me! I better practice how I pucker up. Geez, calm yourself down, Donghae. Like if she'd kiss you... Ah, what's her gift for me?

"Hyung," Channie complained, loudly pounding at the door, "Can you hurry up please? You've been in there since FOREVER~"

"Be patient, Channie," I laughed, "I'm just trying to look handsome for my Miyoung. She's gonna kiss me. Heehehehe..."

"She's gonna kiss you?"

"Most likely not, but I hope so."

"Ayyyaaaa, come out Hyung, I needa peeeee~~~~~~~~~" He whined.

By the time I came out of the bathroom 5/8 of the people who were invited were patiently waiting in the living room, one of them being Miyoung. 

"Yaah, we've been waiting for 20 minutes for you to come out of the bathroom," Taeyeon complained.

"Oppa!!!!!!!!!!" Miyoung yelled out, running towards me with open arms, "Happy happy birthday<333~~"

"Aw, thanks," I smiled, holding her tightly against my body, "So.. Where's my gift? :p"

"Oh, that's right," She giggled, "Well, here's my birthday gift from me to you. I hope you like it."

A kiss? :3

Please let it be a kiss.


All of a sudden a maltese-yorikie puppy mix came out running towards me. I fell to my knees and played with the baby puppy.

"Thank you so much, Miyoung!" I giggled as the puppy my face.

"So what're you gonna name it?"

"I'm going to name it..." I paused, "Miyoung."




"Because you're annoying like a little barking dog who won't shut up."

"Waaaaaah~" She whined.

"And because you're adorable." 

Everyone in the room either shrieked with an "Aww" or "Ewww." Miyoung was one of the few who said "Ewww," while everyone else thought that it was cute. Slowly, everyone who was invited arrived to my 'party' or what I like to call 'social gathering,' by this point, Miyoung, Seohyun, Sungmin, Jaejoong, Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and BoA already arrived and were making themselves comfortable around my house. But there was 1 person missing and stupid Channie forgot that person's name. Aigoo, what if he invited a random hobo to my party, thinking that he was my friend? Oh well. The more the better, right?


Its been 37 minutes since my party started and I'm really bummed out! I'm hardly getting any "HaeFany" time with Miyounggie~ Aigoo. This is so sad, I mean... It's my birthday! C'mon, all I want is for us to have alone time together. Boo... Worst birthday ever. 

I watched from a distance as she'd play some board games with all of the other girls. Jaejoong and Sungmin were a couple of feet away singing karaoke. And I, I was just at the dining table, banging my head against it, because this party is HORRIBLE~ 

A couple of minutes later, the door bell suddenly rang, I was filled with excitement because maybe, the person behind this door is my last guest! I jumped up from my seat and ran to open the door. My arm freely swung the door open; revieling the person.

"Oh god." I grumbled.



I stood in front of the idiot's doorway with a present in my hand. He looked like such a weirdo, standing there with a shocked expression pressed against his face. 

"Happy Birth--" 

At that moment he shut the door in my face. "Aish!" I grumbled.

I pulled out my cellphone and dilaled in Miyoung's number, to which she answered with "Oppa! Where are you?"

"I'm outside, like literally, I'm outside."

"Did you ring the doorbell?" She giggled.

"Yeah, I did but the stupid birthday boy closed the door on me" I laughed, "Can you open the door, please?"

She couldn't help but giggle at me, "Yah! Donghae," She yelled, "Quit being mean to Wooyoung~"

"What--" He whined in the background, "I didn't do anything~~~"

"Aigoo," She grumbled, "If you don't apologize, I'm gonna take 'Miyoung' away from you!"

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. It sounded like she was scolding him like he was a little boy whos always causing trouble. Hahahahaha!

After a couple of seconds passed, the door finally opened. Donghae held the door open with Miyoung standing next to him.

"Now apologize, oppa~" She giggled to him.

"Yah, I'm sorry, I guess."

"You guess?" She asked, whining.

"Aigoo~ Okay. I'm sorry." He said, while trying to keep a straight face. "It's alright," I laughed, "You're such an idiot."

"Yah!" He yelled. "Happy birthday, Donghae," From behind my back, I pulled out a present.


My eyes widened as I saw the wrapped gift, it was being held in a box, so I couldn't quite tell what the gift was.

"Thank--Thanks," I mumbled.

"What," He mockingly asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"Ah, whatever," I grumbled, I ran to my bedroom and tossed the gift onto my bed, then ran back into the living room to make sure nothing was going on between Miyoung and Wooyoung. Not long after, everyone all formed in a circle. I was left, confused as always, and tried to squeeze between where Miyoung and Wooyoung sat; like how we sit in class, she was in the middle of us. Channie came out of nowhere holding a bottle in his hand. Whats going on?

"Lets jazz this party up!" Sooyoung suddenly said, while dancing. "Okay, so first, we're gonna play Truth or Dare!" Channie giggled. "Yah! Who said we're going to play games?" I complained. "Oh c'mon, we all saw you pouting by yourself, hyung~ So lets do something that ALL of us can contribute to!" "Aish, fine..." Miyoung made it all better when she placed her hand on mine and whispered in my ear, "Trust me, oppa. Everything going to be alright."

My heart would only beat faster when she tried to make me feel safe. Its nice to know that she cares.


The bottle began to spin and slowly, everyone in the group was chosen, excluding Wooyoung and I. Most of everyone who were chosen chose to be dared, because they were too embarassed to tell the truth. Jaejoong was too embarrassed that if he revealed that he had the biggest crush on BoA, she'd be disgusted. Of course, Sooyoung was up for anything. She even ran around outside wearing one of my bear costumes that I had to wear for a party a while back, because she was dared to. Haha, knowing Seohyun, she only chose the option "truth." As for Miyoung, she only chose to be dared. In fact, she was chosen the most out of everyone. Its cute though. There was this one time when she was dared to eat something out of my garbage and I was really surprised when she actually did. Afterwards, I took her to my bathroom and made her brush her teeth.

"Yah, are you crazy?" I complained, "Who eats out of the garbage?"

"Wahh~" She whined, "I do!"

"You're crazy."

"No! I'm awesome."

"No, you aren't."

"Aigoo, you're just jealous~," She whined, marching out of the bathroom and into the living room where everyone else was. I shortly followed behind her. Everyone's voices echoed though the hallways of my house. It was to the point where I no longer could hear the footsteps of her shoes. No movement stirred and all I could hear were the voices of the people talking. But I didn't bother to listen to them. By the time I caught up with her, she stood still and watched the group from a distance. I snuck up from behind her and she didn't even budge or notice me there. My eyes paced from her and to what she was staring at. But then my eyes widened when I finally listened to what everyone was talking about.


"Do you like Miyoung?" 

My heart pounded.

"Yeah, I like her." I camly said, "I've liked her for the longest time..."


Miyoung stood still. Her eyes would only widen as she'd watch Wooyoung confess his love for her. 

"Ever since we were little, I'd always have a crush on her." Wooyoung began, "But for now, I'll just see how everything plays out... If I find out that she likes me too, then I'll make my move."

Silence echoed the hallways, not a movement was made. Everyone seemed so interested in what he was talking about; Miyoung didn't speak but still watched from a distance.

"If only she knew that I loved her... Then my life would be complete." He laughed.

"Oppa..." Miyoung whispered to herself, "I--I love you too." My eyes widened. My fists tightened. My eyes became watery. It was then when I felt an ache in my heart; it was then when I had a reality check.


Miyoung slowly began to walk in the living room. I tried to stop her or at least call her name out because I didn't want her to do this, but my body just wouldn't fidget, not even my mouth. I watched her from a distance as Wooyoung turned around surprisingly to see Miyoung walking towards him as if she didn't even hear all the things she heard a while ago.

Miyoung, please don't do this... 

"Oppa..." She silently said to him. "I like--"

No, please. My heart hurts.

"Ne-Nevermind," She smiled, "Just forget about it." My eyes widened. Everyone's eyes did too. "Oh..Okay," Wooyoung laughed, "Uhm--Where's Donghae?" Hurridly, I walked into the living room, trying to make everything less awkward as it already is.

"I'm here," I laughed, "What---Whats going on here? Why's everyone so silent? Aren't we going to play more games?" A long silence halted everyone from speaking. "C'mon, its my birthday!" I laughed, "Lets do something! Like--"

"7 minutes in Heaven!" Sungmin suddenly said. 7 minutes in heaven? I worriedly look at Miyoung and Wooyoung. What if those two get chosen to go in the closest together? Damnit. I crossed my fingers and prayed that they wouldn't; now that I know that they both like each other. ----- The first two times the bottle spun, Jaejoong was chosen to be with BoA. Who knows what happened in the 7 minutes... But all I know is that when the 7 minutes were up, they both came out blushing. I'm happy that they're hitting it off, finally! He's liked her for a while but was too afraid to tell her. Hm, sounds familiar, doesn't it?

The third and fourth time it spun, Sungmin and Sooyoung were chosen... No, nothing happened... I think. But anyways, it looked like they had a pretty good talk with each other because they looked like best friends by the time they walked out of the closest. 

Well, now, the bottle is spinning for the fifth time. Hopefully I'll get chosen. 

It spun around for a while, the long wait for it to stop was killing me. I closed my eyes because I couldn't bear to look at it. Once I heard the bottle stop from spinning, I slowly open one of my eyes to peek a look at who it pointed to. It was Miyoung. A smile appeared on her face because possibly, she I noticed that she kept looking at Wooyoung when the bottle was spun the second time. My heart could only clench when I realized that there was a 50/50% chance of me being chosen... Or Wooyoung.

Once again, I closed my eyes because the thought of it was sickening. Just imagining Wooyoung and Miyoung together... In a cloest. Alone. Who knows what might go on in that closest. Aish, it's just so sicken----

"Yah! Donghae!"

My eyes opened.

Before my eyes, the bottle stood in front of me... Pointing right at me. 

I looked up at Miyoung, who looked at the bottle in shock and Wooyoung; who looked like he wanted to murder someone.

Let's see how this plays out.

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Chapter 37: One of the best fic i've ever read!

Milky couple hwaiting!!~ <3
i'm gonna repeat reading this fic someday!
Chapter 40: WAAAAHHH! :)) HaeFanyyy FTW! :)
I read all 40 chapters in 1 go.LOL.I love it.
I love this do much ;___; by the time i read chap 13 I was crying buckets. I loved how I kept on switching sides. First woo then donghae then woo then donghae again.

Haefany <3333
That was an awesome story! XD Love how you added 'milky couple' too, so Wooyoung is also happy :DD!
myungsoohot #6
That was a bomb of a story, I read it within 2 days since I first glance at ur fanfic <3ed the story line. Keep it up!! Do more fanfics!!!
mcdgee #7
i want a sequel! :(
I was looking for something to do, cause I was so bored. Then I found this. I read this story non-stop and I soon joined asianfanfics just to subscribe to this. So I want to say good job on this amazing story and keep writing! ^^
lil_ninjaa #9
AHHH. So cutteee. This is the best!!
love it!!!! HaeFany really satisfies my fanfic craving!!!~~ :))) <3<3<3
oh! can i have your permission to print this?! :)))) i'll add it to my HaeFany fanfic collections! hope you' approve! ;)))