
More than Two

Chapter 5: Finding


[Tuesday March 5th, 2013]


- "Annyeong (hi) BamBam!"

- "Yugyeom!"

- "BamBam-shi! Yugyeom-shi!"

- "That's Yugyeom and BamBam right?"

- "Yugyeom is taller than I thought,"

- "BamBam looks like a little kid! He's so cute!"


These kind of greetings and comments are all I hear as I enter the school building.  I just see Yugyeom and BamBam —obviously— walking in the hallway, not minding anyone around them while others start talking about them.


How did they get so popular on only the second day of school? Then again, they're friends with JB and Jr.


- "Yunhee!" BamBam calls out to me, totally ignoring a girl that was approaching him.

- "Euh... Annyeong?" I manage to say as I eye the girl that now looks sad.

- "Did you enjoy the party yesterday?" Yugyeom asks me.  I then remember what had happened the day before.



[Monday March 4th, 2013]


Jackson pushes BamBam's hand off his faces as he starts to get mad.  The little boy runs away in fear while his hyung chases after him.


- "Yunhee-shi!" Jr says my name as he passes by JB and approaches me.  "We arranged a party for all the first years. We're celebrating their first day of high school. Are you coming?" he asks me.

- "Uh... I'm not sure if–" I begin.

- "Please come! It'll be fun!" JB pleads as he pushes Jinyoung to the side.

- "I have to go some–" I try to explain that I must go to the park.

- "Yay! Let's go now! So you can be the first one there!" Jr shouts happily, pretending I said yes.


He wraps an arm around my shoulders and drags me away.  Yugyeom and Mark follow as Jaebum pulls BamBam and Jackson with him.



[Tuesday March 5th, 2013]


It was hard to get out of Jinyoung's grip.  But at least the party wasn't bad.  I met a lot of nice people there.


- "Ne (yes). I had fun," I answer with a nod.


Of course, I didn't go to the park yesterday.  I couldn't anyway.  But I'm planning on going today.  Hopefully, no one will stop me from–


- "Ah Yunhee! Yugyeom and I are going to a restaurant after school with the hyungs. We were wondering if you wanted to come," BamBam interrupts my thoughts.

- "I don't think that I–" I start.




- "We'll talk about this later. Got to go!" BamBam says as he runs away.

- "Annyeong!" Yugyeom bids.  We also hurry to our class, hoping we don't arrive late.




I chew on my food, savouring the delicious taste.  It's peaceful sitting alone, with no one bothering me.


- "So about later," BamBam says, suddenly appearing beside me at the cafeteria table.  I jump slightly, surprised at the sound of the collision of the tray and the table.  Not long after, Yugyeom sits down at my left.

- "You're coming right?" Yugyeom asks me.

- "I don't think I–" I try to decline their invitation.

- "BamBam! Yugyeom! Yunhee!" Jr calls our names.


Do I really talk that bad for people to always cut me off when I speak!?


- "Do you mind if I sit here?" Jr sits down in front of me, without waiting for an answer.  "So you're coming later right?" he questions as he starts to eat his food.

- "Actually... I can't go," I hesitate in speaking.  I'm still surprised that a celebrity attends the same school as me.

- "Aw! Why not?"Jinyoung whines cutely.  The two younger ones snicker and he glares at them.  They quickly return to their meals.


Just as I'm about to talk, a girl and few of her friends appears next to us.


- "Oppa! Can we sit with you?" one of them asks Jr.

- "Oh, uh..." Jinyoung looks at me, knowing I was at this table first, and wondering if it is okay that they stay.

- "Oh! Ne! You can sit!" I confirm while standing up, wanting to get out of this situation.  They all take a seat.  BamBam grabs my hand and I look at his confused face.

- "Where are you going?" he wonders.  I smile at him.

- "I'm going to leave now. I'm done eating," I lie without having second thoughts.  Clearly, my lunch isn't even close to finish.  They all look down at my tray.

- "But you still have some food," Yugyeom stats.

- "I...I'm not hungry anymore," I continue to mislead them.  It's weird saying that my appetite is gone because that doesn't happen... ever.

- "Then you wouldn't mind me taking this, right?" Jr steals one of the bowls I had, in hopes of making me have it back so I can stay.  I bite my lip to hold in my scream as I see the dish being taken away.




I silently sigh while looking away.  I've never shared my food with ANYONE.


- "A-ani (no). Take all you want," I mumble slowly and pushing the tray in the middle of the table.  I turn around and run away.  I can't stay to watch everything being devoured.




"So Yunhee, what are you going to order?" Jinyoung searches through the menu.


How did I end up here again?  Oh right, now I remember!  My stupid stomach kept on growling for food so I got dragged by Jinyoung to this restaurant.


- "I'm sorry but I'm not ordering anything. I have to go somewhere," I try to refuse the offer politely.

- "Come on. It won't hurt to just stay for a bit," JB says.


Actually, it will. It hurts my heart to not have the locket with me at the moment. Knowing that someone probably threw it in the garbage or something.


I don't know why I am the only person invited.  Not only that; I'm the only girl here.  And I am somehow placed next to BamBam and Jinyoung.  The four others —Yugyeom, JB, Mark and Jackson— are sitting next to the two, around the circular table.  They are all looking through menus, deciding on what they'll order.  All of them except BamBam.


- "So where is this 'somewhere' you need to go to?" BamBam whispers to me.  I quietly explain to him about how I lost the locket.  "Wait. Is the locket heart shaped?" he asks.

- "Mh," I confirm with a nod.

- "I had a feeling it was yours," he digs in his pocket and pulls out the precious object.  "I found it on the ground the other day. I was suppose to give it to you yesterday but I guess I forgot," he hands it to me.  My eyes widen.

- "Gamsahabnida (thank you) for finding it! This is very important to me. Gamsahabnida!" I bow slightly.

- "Cheonmane (you're welcome)," he responds.

- "I guess I can stay now," I grab a menu for the both of us.

- "I'm curious. Who's the person in the picture? If this is too personal, you don't need to answer," he reassures.


I start to tell him about Youngjae without shame.  When we order and when the food comes, he is somehow very attentive the whole time I talk.




I close the door of my bedroom after entering.  I had a good time at the restaurant.  I managed to eat four large servings, which amazed all of the boys.  I also learned a lot about them.  I found out that BamBam, Yugyeom, Jackson and Mark are trainees in JYP Entertainment.  They are planning on creating a group with the JJ Project duo.  I was surprised to hear that.  I wonder how talented they are...

Hello! I'm back! This time I updated faster than usual.  But I'm not very proud of this chapter like the other ones though.  I just needed to briefly explain that BamBam and Yugyeom are popular because that will be important to know in the future chapters.  I also had to show that BamBam had the locket and she talked a bit about Youngjae to him.  And finally, she (and you readers as well) needed to find out that during this time, BamBam, Yugyeom, Jackson and Mark are trainees.  I added some stuff to at least make it kind of entertaining.

I hope you liked it more than I did!  And if you didn't, then please continue to tell me what you thought by commenting.  Also look forward to the next chapters!  I promise they'll be better!  Well that's it for now. God bless you all!


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Chapter 1: I completely understand about fighting parents. Mine fought frequently when I was growing up, but now that I'm an adult (and live in a different house), they don't seem to fight very much. I definitely feel her pain of wanting to escape. I'm glad she found a friend, too. Youngjae seems like a nice guy. I hope they stay close.
I'm so curious about who she will choose!
Young jae and bambam omgeeeee my two got7 biases
teddysenpais #4
Chapter 16: sobs, i've been so emotional over this amazing fanfic! ;________; can you think of making a second ending for yunhee and youngjae, perhaps? ^-^
outofmymind7 #5
Chapter 16: craziness going on here. I think I'm getting my bam feels. this kiddddddd. thank you for updating author-nim. :))))
2good4you6 #6
Chapter 16: asdfghjkl!!!! Bambam. He's so cheese this kid. I like him best. :) But Younjae is a cutie XD
wonderbang_9pm #7
Chapter 16: That Yunhee and Youngjae moment tho.... ahhhhhhhhh! I can't anymore. It's too much. Too many feels for me to hangle. hsaaddashadsdashuoiadsdffghjk
got7babiesyo #8
Chapter 16: Great update!!! author-nim I missed you. Watched Dream Night too!!!