Jealousy begins

Back to School

You entered your house, threw your bag on the ground, and jumped into your couch. You told Jungkook to grab something to eat in the fridge if he was hungry, and closed your eyes to rest yourself. After 5 minutes you heard a noise on the coffee table, you opened you eyes and saw Jungkook sitting on it, eating popcorn and watching you sleep closely. You jumped a bit and said, "Am I a movie or something?!"

"But Noona! We have to do the project!" He answered complaining.

"Okay... tell me about it."

"Obviously you weren't listening at all!"He gave you a judging eye.

"So the teacher told us that we have to find a dance or a song that we both like, and present it to the class next week. Everybody found their ideas except us, that's why I followed you." He looked at you with his big puppy eyes.

I looked at him, blinked a few time and were about to lie again in the couch but before you could touch the soft cushions you felt arms wrapping you.

"It's not time to sleep!" Jungkook held you a few seconds, got you up and put his headphones in your ears. You could hear 'See through', the song you sang earlier.

"We should sing and dance on this song." He said while he put his hands on your hips, ready to make you dance.

He approached you and whispered, "It's also my favorite song." You blushed and you started to sing while Jungkook was making your body dance like crazy.

You danced for a long time, it was around 11pm when you suddenly asked him, "Omg, you parents must be worried. Go home now!"

"Don't worry my parents are not home, they're on a business trip, so I can come home whenever I want." He pat your head with a smile.

His parents too? We have that in common ... You thought, with a sad face.

"Aw, okay... Go whenever you want then. I'm a bit tired now so I'm gonna sleep. You can eat, or watch tv or whatever if you want to. Goodnight." You said with your eyes half closed.

"Goodnight, Noona." Jungkook winked at you and kissed your forehead. You, then, collapsed on your bed, falling asleep right away.


"Hmm?" You woke up after hearing your clock ringing, but your posture was quite unusual. You could feel another heartbeat, and felt wrapped like a christmas gift. You tried to look up and saw Jungkook's face upon yours. You tried to move but he was wrapping you really tightly, so you just enjoyed the moment and closed your eyes.

After a bit you heard your second clock ringing, and you knew that when this clock was ringing it was pretty late. So you started moving to get out of him but he was still sleeping so you just yelled his name.

"Jungkoooook! Wake up, you brat! We're gonna be late!"

He woke up, let you go and jumped surprised. You threw a pillow at him and went to the bathroom to prepare yourself. He hurried when he saw the way your were acting, and went outside at the same time as you. You saw your watch and realized it wasn't late, at ALL. Jungkook saw your face and took your wrist to look at your watch.

"Are you kidding me? We have one hour until school begin!" He sighed loudly.

"I'm sorry... but at least we have time to walk slowly to school..." You said looking at him to see if he was still angry.

He was pouting.

"I should be the one angry! You almost choked me! Why did you wrap me like this? I couldn't breath!" You said yelling.

"Aah... yeah sorry, I just didn't want to go home, it was so late. And I was cold so ..." He said embarrassed, scratching the back on his head.

We arrived at school without saying anything else.


"There she is! My new girlfriend!" you saw Baekho running to you and hugged you tightly. You could see Jungkook's face suddenly went blank.

Baekho grabbed your wrist and dragged you violently to a bench where his friends were. Jungkook stopped him and looked at him with an unusual daze.

"Let her go. You hurt her." He said, tightening Baekho's hand to let you go.

"It's okay, don't worry. I'll see you in class." You told Jungkook to calm him down.

"See? She's alright. Get out now, you little punk." Baekho said. During all that scene Baekho and Jungkook were looking at each other without blinking.

You followed Baekho to the bench and his friends introduced themselves to you.

"Hi! I'm Ren!" , "I'm the charismatic JR.", "I'm the handsome Minhyun.", "I'm the foreign, Aron." That's how it went. You laughed with them about things and stuff.

"I have to go now or I'll be late. Bye you guys." You kissed Baekho but he stopped you and said "Can't you skip school today? I wanted to have some moments with you."

"No I'm sorry, I have to go. My parents will know and they'll kill me, sorry."

"Pssh, whatever! Go to class now!" He angrily answered. You were surprised by that sudden change of mood but decided to go anyways.


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dyotokki #1
Chapter 23: Dimwit kookieee ><
dyotokki #2
Chapter 21: Heollll! Jiminnn's plan are totally working yeahhhh
Karinkatoki #3
Chapter 21: Ohhhh!! I thought Jimin really did like her but...... waahhh!! This story!! I love it!! Author-nim please update soon ~ •﹏•
dyotokki #4
Chapter 19: Omg! Jiminnnn like her or what?
Chapter 18: Okay this is great
Chapter 18: Poor kookie. Get well soon!
sourmuffin #7
souds intresting,im going to read it now hah