Wedding Dresses

Last Time Destined Encounter

Hi suscribers!! So here is the second chapter of the fanfiction!! OH AND TO CLEAR THINGS UP for some people it may be confusing but yes this is 7 years and Nicole and Amanda are NOT yet married to Baekhyun and Lay kk?~ ENJOY!

"Ehhhh?.... IT'S TODAY?!" you half whispered half shouted not wanting to wake Baekhyun up. Nicki placed her hands on her hips, "Yes! I told you last week! Were you not listening to me?" You sheepishly smiled, "Whatttt~? Of course I was...." you mumbled. 


You stared intently at your phone trying to supress your inner fangirl as you watched a GOT7 performance (Any Got7 fans out there?~ YAYY) "Amanda~~!!" Nicki sang skipping into the room. "Hm?" you replied without looking up. "Next week we're going to a boutique to pick out dresses and such you know for the wedding photos." Nicki said. "Ok~" you giggled while watching the performance oblivious to what Nicki just said.

Flashback end~

"I can't believe it..." Nicki muttered. "Sorry....' you mumbled. ".....I can't believe you watched the GOT7 performance without me YAH!" Nicki pouted. You bit down on your tongue to keep from laughing. You gently slid off the bed, "Ok ok go out and wait I'll change." Nicki smiled, "Five minutes maximum if you take longer then five minutes you have to buy me bubble tea!" Nicki smirked before leaving. You sighed as you quickly changed out of your pajamas. Before you left you turned to see Baekhyun still sleeping peacefully. You smiled as you leane down to kiss him on the cheek when he suddenly leaned up catching you off guard. "Yah! Sleepy head...." you giggled as he broke apart.

"I have to go now oppa I'll be back~" you sang. As you got up to leave you felt Baekhyun's hand gently pull on yours. "Amanda?" he said. You turned to look at him, he suddenly smiled, "Pick purple look great in them~" You flushed red before walking out. Nicki smirked at you tapping her watch, "Eyyyy so close five minutes and thirteen seconds...." You face palmed, "No need to be THAT exact....." you grumbled. Nicki laughed sticking out her tongue, "Ok come on we can't be late!" You smiled nodding. 


"So here are a bunch of dresses you two can choose form. Be sure to choose 3 gowns but one of the gowns need to be shorter ok? If you have any problems just buzz my assistant Na eun ok?" the lady smiled before walking away. You turned to look at Nicki, "Well that's erm clear instructions..." Nicki laughed, "Neh Amanda.... should we do the usual?" You giggled, "You pick my dresses and I pick yours?" Nicki nodded. You laughed," I'm positive you know my style~" Nicki smirked, "Short y and sassy right?" ".....YAH! NO!" you exclaimed.


You smiled, "Alright Nicki go try it on~" Nicki raised her eyebrows, " Me first?" You nodded sitting back in your chair. Nicki tapped her foot on the ground, "How about we each change at the same time?" Nicki laughed, "Probably should have thought of that in the beginning...." You laughed as you walked into the changeroom. You took a quick look at yourself in the mirror unsure of the dress. As you walked out you saw Nicki in a beautiful pale blue gown that seem to sparkle with every move. 

<--Nicki's dress <----Amanda's dress

".....YOU LOOK SO PRETTY !!!" Nicki shrieked before you could even open your mouth. You looked down at your dress. You wore a pastel pink long gown with a few puffs here and there. You smiled, "You sure? I didn't think this colour would suit me...." nicki laughed, "It looks great on you." You smiled, "You look gorgeous in that dress." Nicki struck a pose making both of you laugh. "Let's wear the short one next~" you said. Nicki wiggled her eybrows at you to which you facepalmed. You quickly undid the dress pulling on the short one to which had a more elgant look. As you wwalked out of the changeroom Nicki did at the same time. You took in the sight of her wearing a sleek beige dress with a pretty bow giving her a more calm demeanor. Nicki looked you up and down. You wore a white short dress with a black bow.

<---Nicki's dress <----- Amanda's dress

"You look so cute...not really mature~" Nicki giggled. You face palmed, "Yah! You look so sophisticated..." you smirked, "Totally not like you." Nicki pouted, "Well that's true...." Youo grinned, "Just kidding you look great!" Nicki twirled around giggling, "You still look cute though~" nicki sang looking at you earnestly. "You're too nice you know that?" you retorted. Nicki chuckled while gently pushing you back into the changeroom. "Come on put on the last dress it's my favourite for you." You turned to face Nicki, "I'm guessing you hear from Baekhyun oppa?" Nicki nodded, "He's right purple does look good on you." You blushed remembering Baekhyun's words. you leaned into whisper, "Just saying I may or may not have gotten Lay oppa's preference for the last dress~" you giggled before running into the changeroom leaving Nicki dumbfounded. You glanced at the mirror as you gently smoothed out the dress. With a deep breath you walked out. You widened your eyes as you saw Nicki in the midnight blue dress you had picked out. With the delicate diamonds she looked beyond beautiful. Nicki had a huge grin plastered on her face as she saw you. "Woah look...soo good!" she said in awe. 

<----Nicki's dress <--Amanda's dress

You flushed red, "Nicki you look gorgeous..." Nicki smiled, "Well hey it's thanks to you for picking this dress out." You shook your head, "Actually it's thanks to our fiance's -EEP!" you squeaked as you felt a pair of hands wrap around your wiast. You turned to feel Baekhyun nuzzling your neck. "Yah oppa!" you turned to see Nicki laughing as Lay kissed her neck. You smiled as you turned to look at Baekhyun, "Why'd you guys come?" Lay smiled showing his dimple, "What?` we just wanted to see our beautiful fiance's in their dresses." Nicki blushed. Baekhyun took your hand gently spinning you around. Baekhyun smiled, "You look gorgeous in this dress....thanks for picking it out for her Nicki!" Baekhyun smiled. Nicki laughed, "No problem~" Lay looked Nicki up and down before giving you a thumbs up and a highfive. Nicki face palmed. Baekhyun gently ran his fingers throug your hair as he cupped your cheek. "Not long before I can forever call you mine..." Baekhyun whispered gently kissing you. 

Hi hi~~ Hope you liked the chapter! boy it was hard to find all these pictures of the dresses =_= ANYWAYSS~~  I'm sorry for the short chapter :( See you tomorrow?

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Sorry dreaming pandas! I have a fever and won't be able to update today! But no worries I shall recover soon


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Chapter 25: Oho, I'm squeeing, wondering who it'll be~ ^-^
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 18: O m g, I wish I was that amazing....But I'm not... -_- I think Dreaming Pandas is an excellent name!!!!!! On another note, this is random, but I have a friend who absolutely hates pandas. (SHOCKER) When he told me that, I almost fainted....HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE PANDAS?! IT'S PREPOSTEROUS. OTL.....Okay, *nods* I'm done..... XD
Chapter 17: Author nim! I noticed that you always call us suscribers :) I absolutely love your work so much and I noticed you have quite a lot of fans why don't you start using the fan name Dreaming Pandas? :) (Ye i made it up hope you like it!)
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #5
Chapter 13: *dies*
The feels.
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 11: See dear panda.. Since you don't tell me that u update these things I have to find out u update in the middle of science class during work time so I spent the past WHO KNOWS HOW LONG going crazy and loving this chapter ;) lubs
Chapter 8: "IT WAS MY FAVOURITE LIME GREEN CRAYON!" Amazing chapter girl~
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #9
Haha luv the story tho. :)
I love both the original and the sequel!
I've read the whole original one like 5 times already.
Can't get over the fluff! >0<
Chapter 8: Please update! This ish one of the best fics evar!!