Once in a Life Time

Last Time Destined Encounter

It's definately been a week......Ermm...I can explain.....You see.......Sorry!!!!! T_T Too much homework to catch up on BUT......I shall be updating more recently now :3 so don't worry!

"Can I visit them yet?" "No...." "How about now?" "No." "Now?~" "No!" "Now-" "NO!" Sehun was bouncing ont he couch next to Kris who had his hand massaging his temples. Sehun stopped bouncing and pouted, "Hyung....you're no fun...." Sehun quickly stuck out his tongue. Kris facepalmed as a vein began pulsing. Baekhyun leaned over to Suho, "So....you're sure Sehun is 23 right?" he whispered. Suho shook his head, "I'm not even sure anymore...." Baekhyun gently cradled your body against his as you had quickly fallen asleep. Kai smiled fondly looking at you, "wow....one couple out and another to go.... but I must admit I'm going to miss having two lovestruck fools around...." Baekhyun scrunched up his nose, "Hey amanda's not a-" "I was talking about you and Lay hyung...." Kai grinned evily. The guys snorted with laughter as Baekhyun threw a pillow at Kai's face.

"Hey guys I just got a text from Lay and Nicki they said their house is going to be ready soon and we can go over to look. "Xiumin said as he walked in waving his phone in one hand while holding a latte in the other. "YEAH! LET'S GO-MMPH!" Sehun fell onto the couch as Baekhyun tossed a pillow at his stomach. "SH! HELLO? SLEEPING FIANCE!" Baekhyun half shouted half whispered. Luhan shielded Sehun carefully from the scary hyung. "Dude calm down...." Chanyeol laughed. "Sehun-ah he said soon not now so be patient." Kyungsoo pointed out. "But-" Kyungsoo tossed Sehun a cookie whom eagerly ate it. 

"This is a miracle....Sir you are the very first to be able to tame the wild Sehun. How do you feel?" Tao grabbed the remote holding it in front of D.O pretending it was a microphone. D.O fake wiped a tear. He took the remote, "It feels absolutely amazing....I would like to thank my mother....and father-" Everyone cracked up in silent laughter as Sehun growled angrily chomping on his cookie. Everyone suddenly froze as you stirred on Baekhyun's lap. Kris waved his hands around frantically shushing everyone. "We weren't even making any noise...." Xiumin protested. Chen sneakily grabbed Xiumin's latte and began sipping it. Kai and Sehun couuld barely contain their laughter slapping the ground gasping for air. "Oh! The forgetful couple says it's ok to go over-"

You immediately sat up, "Great! Let's get going then~" "GAHHHHHHHHHH!" the guys screamed clutching their chests. You burst into a peal of laughter, " AW MAN! You guys should have saw your faces....." you giggled. "NOT COOL AMANDA!" Luhan gasped his face pale. You stuck out your tongue, "That's what you guys get for being so loud!" you sang. Baekhyun nodded firmly, "She's right you know." You grinned, "But then again I may or may not have been faking my sleep." "Why you-" Baekhyun grabbed you by the waist and began tickling you. "YAH!" you squealed as you tried to stop laughing. Baekhyun growled when he suddenly leaned down kissing you. "......We should get going now...." Suho awkwardly clapped his hands together. 

Baekhyun smiled pulling you up. "Ah Xiumin oppa?" Xiumin turned, "Neh?" You smiled, "You might want to finish off your latte." "AH! Thanks-.....where's my latte....." All eyes travelled to Chen who rocked back and forth on his heels a visible cream mustache on his upper lip. Chen grinned cheekily, "Je ne sais pas~" he sang with a french accent. Everyone burst into laughter. Xiumin smiled sweetly at Chen, "Voulez-vous mourir?~" he asked softly. Chen tilted his head, "Kris hyung what did he say?" Kris smirked. "Translation......Run now Chen!" "AH!" Chen sprinted out the door with an angry Xiumin hot on his heels.


You reached out and swiped at Chen's mouth with a napkin. Chen grinned sheepishly, "Thanks~" You laughed, "Pabooooooo~" Chen held up his hands, "In my defense that was one delicious latte!" Xiumin pouted, "That's cause I made it.....and maybe cause I'm a barsita!" "Guys! Would you two shut up?" Kris muttered. Luhan smiled, "Didn't have much sleep..." he whispered as you nodded knowingly. Suho  reached over and rang the doorbell. "COMING!" a voice called out followed by the pitter patter of footsteps. The door opened to reveal a breathless Nicki smiling brightly. "Nicki hey-" Chen was cut off as Nicki breathlessly ran past him hugging you tightly. "AMANDA!" "NICKI!!" The both of you laughed hugging each other tightly. Lay slowly wlaked out with a towel in hand wiping a cup. 

"HYUNG!" Sehun jumped onto Lay clinging to him like a koala bear. Lay groaned shifting Sehun off, "Sehun ah I love you....but GET OFF!" Lay grumbled. Xiumin reached over to pull Sehun off. "You guys all settled in now?" Kai asked looking into the house. Nicki nodded smilling, "Yeap~ it didn't take as long as we thought it would....come on! We'll give you guys a tour." You slipped your hand into Baekhyun's as all of you began to pile into the house. Inside had a distinctive dark blue and purple theme (courtesy of Nicki and Lay's favourite colours) There was a white couch with dark blue and purple cushions lying on it. On the wall hung numerous photos of Lay and Nicki along with everyone else.  A gray granite coffee table was placed in the middle of the living room. "Woah when did you guys purchase all this furniture?" Kris whistled looking around. 

Suho grinned, "It came with the house~" he said contently. You widened your eyes, "Wah Suho oppa....you bought all this?" Suho laughed ruffling your hair, "Naturally~" Lay and Nicki looked over at Suho, "Hyung....we're going to pay you back for all this....we have to!" Lay said firmly. Suho shook his head, "Absolutely not! This is my wedding gift for you two!" Nicki slowly nodded," Yea but it's ....just to much we can't possibly accept this!" suho gently smiled, "Please? I have never given you guys really anything and it's a once in a life time occasion-" "Well unless you guys get divorced and get married to someo-OWWW!" Chen howled as Baekhyun and Kris elbowed him in the ribs.

"AS I was saying...." Suho shot a glare at Sehun. "It's a once in a lifetime thing......so enjoy it." he grinned at the couple. Nicki looked at Lay and vice versa. "Well....if you put it that way.... " Lay smiled showcasing his dimple, "How can we say no?" Nicki finished. Suho turned towards you and Baekhyun, "I think it's somewhat obvious if I bought Nicki and Lay a house as their wedding gift....I'm pretty sure you two can guess what I got for you two...." You widened your eyes, "You did not...." Suho grinned, "Oh....but I did~" "YAH! You lovable hyung?" Baekhyun tackled Suho with a hug to which everyone laughed. "So....wait if the house already came with all the furniture and stuff...why did it take you guys a week?" Kai pointed out. Lay turned to look at Nicki with a sheepish smile, "Well....eh......" Nicki turned bright red. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~" everyone suddenly sang in unison. Everyone started laughing as the couple turned red. "WAIT!" Everyone turned to look at Sehun. "....I don't get it....."

Yeap innocent Sehun strikes again! hope you guys liked this chapter <3 XOXO!



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Sorry dreaming pandas! I have a fever and won't be able to update today! But no worries I shall recover soon


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Chapter 25: Oho, I'm squeeing, wondering who it'll be~ ^-^
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 18: O m g, I wish I was that amazing....But I'm not... -_- I think Dreaming Pandas is an excellent name!!!!!! On another note, this is random, but I have a friend who absolutely hates pandas. (SHOCKER) When he told me that, I almost fainted....HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE PANDAS?! IT'S PREPOSTEROUS. OTL.....Okay, *nods* I'm done..... XD
Chapter 17: Author nim! I noticed that you always call us suscribers :) I absolutely love your work so much and I noticed you have quite a lot of fans why don't you start using the fan name Dreaming Pandas? :) (Ye i made it up hope you like it!)
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #5
Chapter 13: *dies*
The feels.
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 11: See dear panda.. Since you don't tell me that u update these things I have to find out u update in the middle of science class during work time so I spent the past WHO KNOWS HOW LONG going crazy and loving this chapter ;) lubs
Chapter 8: "IT WAS MY FAVOURITE LIME GREEN CRAYON!" Amazing chapter girl~
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #9
Haha luv the story tho. :)
I love both the original and the sequel!
I've read the whole original one like 5 times already.
Can't get over the fluff! >0<
Chapter 8: Please update! This ish one of the best fics evar!!