Lucky Charm

Last Time Destined Encounter

*Puts head down to the ground I'M SO SORRY EVERYONE! IK I'VE BEEN PUTTING THIS OFF FOR A LONGGGG TIME Please understand I've been up to my ears with homework lately T_T My exams are coming up soon! So please bear with me :( Thank you everyone for the support....T_T It's been a great journey with you throughout not just first times but this fanfic as well! No don't worry this fanfic isn't near the end :) Prepare for a lot more drama in this fanfic I guarantee you!

"Found you." you whispered to yourself. Grinning from ear to ear you sprinted down the busy sidewalk. Ducking and dodging the oncoming crowd of people you chased after the red and white polka dotted umbrella.

"CHANYEOL OPPA!" you yelled. Chanyeol turned around and grinned at the sight of you running through the crowd, hair streaming wildly behind you. "Hey-WOAH!" Chanyeol laughed as you crashed into him. You grinned pulling out the little paper umbrella twirling it around in your fingers.

Chanyeol grinned taking it from you before scanning you head to toe before holding out a bag. "Here you're completely drenched I brought some clothes for you." he grinned. You smiled gratefully, "Thanks oppa." you chirped shaking your wet tangled hair.

Chanyeol looked around before pointing to a nearby cafe, "Let's go there." he grinned. You peeked into the bag, "Oh did Baekhyun oppa get my clothes?" you pondered out loud. Chanyeol flashed a toothy smile, "Nope I got them." 

You smiled and nodded before continuing to walk slowly. Chanyeol suddenly leaned down next to your ear and whispered, "I didn't know you were into that type of underwear~" Your face turned red as you slapped Chanyeol's arm, "Y-YAH!" you stuttered. 

"ERT!" you yelled as Chanyeol laughed cheekily. He put his hands up defending himself, "Arasso arasso~" he smiled. You relaxed and continued walking. "But that black lace-" "SHUT UP!!" 

You crossed your arms and glared at Chanyeol as he took your bag of wet clothes. "Can't believe you..." you muttered cheeks burning. Chanyeol grinned, "Blame Baek he was the one who told me to get your clothes" You sighed as you quickened your pace to catch up with Chanyeol. 

" I appreciate the clothes you picked out...but you could have picked shoes that would have been easier to run in." you complained as you looked down at your flats. Chanyeol smiled down at you, "Keep up~" he laughed.

You glared at him, "Not my fault you long limbed titan." you growled. Chanyeol suddenly came to a stop causing you to bump into him. "We're here." he announced. You peeked your head over the side of his shoulder. You cocked your head to the side, "A park?" you questioned. 

Chanyeol playfully nudged you towards the bushes. You squinted and suddenly grinned at the sight of the bushes with strawberries hanging in clusters. Chanyeol handed you a small basket with a red ribbon attached. Upon closer inspection you spotted a small tag attached to it. 

"Jagiya~ You made it this far~ keke do you like how I matched the umbrella colors with a strawberry?~ Your next mission is to go thte berry bush on the far right and pick off all the berries! But there's a little something attached to each berry ;) Happy picking!"

P.S Be sure to have Chanyeol with me! You'll need his help later~ Love you!

You giggled slowly shaking your head. You tugged on Chanyeol's sleeve, "Oppa~ let's go!" you smiled before running off to the berry bush. Chanyeol watched grinning at your small stature running off excitedly.

"Aish...such a child." he laughed before joining you. Your eyes scanned the tall berry bush before reaching forward and gently grasping a berry firmly in your hand. With a pluck you pulled the berry off. As you turned the berry around you tugged at the tag attached to it. 

"Noona~ I've always wanted to get a drink with a pretty girl~....You want to help me fulfill that?~ ;) 

​You rolled your eyes but nevertheless laughed. "I sense a  jealous Baekhyun~" Chanyeol sang. You grinned, "Sehun-ah...he's never going to change." you sighed happily. "Yeap he's forever going to flirt with you married or not." Chanyeol agreed to which you playfully nudged him.

You carefully tilted your head to the side as you counted the number of berries with tags sticking out. "Exactly from each of you?" you smiled asking Chanyeol. He flashed a cheeky smile, "I don't know~ figure it out yourself." he smiled. You shook your head before reaching for another berry.

"I don't regret the fact that I did at one point fall in love with you.....But I couldn't be happier seeing you with Baekhyun :) We all love you~
-Lu deer

You sighed happily, "Those were the chaotic days..." "We still are chaotic!" Chanyeol piped up. "Ain't that the truth." you giggled before continuing with the picking.

"Hey you promised me one day we'd write a song together and duet! Still waiting =3= (Keke joking~....not really >_<)

"I promise you last time it was because I let you win in mario kart....let's play together sometime and I'll show you what I got!" 

"You know babe if the marriage doesn't work out I'm always here~ JUST KIDDING! ;) I'm really happy for you two~

"Ace sends his congrats :)"

​"I still haven't forgiven you for watching Tokyo Ghoul without me! >_< 
(Yes I am quite the otaku if you can't tell XD)

"To the best dongsaeng eve~ Keep smiling kiddo~"
-The best oppa ever (Channie~)

"Hey pretty lady~ I'm so happy that I met you you're like the sister that I've never had! Good luck with the scavenger hunt~"

"I would give up all my gucci bags for you...well...maybe not all......JUST KIDDING~ I would! :)"

"Don't tell D.O but...your cooking is a lot better~ :)"

"Baekhyun definately found the right girl :) Come visit us anytime!" 

You looked up at Chanyeol with an arched eyebrow, "From the best oppa ever hm?" you smiled amused. Chanyeol shrugged nonchalantly, "Not my fault it's the truth~" You suddenly turned wrapping your arms around Chanyeol's waist giving him a hug.

Chanyeol, surprised stumbled a bit but recovered with a big smile. "You all are the best oppas..." you mumbled happily as Chanyeol patted your head. " You really are the best dongsaeng as well..." Chanyeol murmured before gently nudging you towards the last berry. 

You smiled pulling the berry off with ease. "Look up~" you read out loud confused. You looked up and gasped. Hanging on the branch above your head was a strawberry charm glistening in the sun. You suddenly frowned when you pulled out the note you go that was attached to the basket. 

"And I see that jerk still finds every opportunity to make fun of my height..." you growled before looking up at Chanyeol with pleading eyes. Chanyeol grinned before he reached up and pulled the charm off with ease. "Madame~" he grinned handing you the charm. 

"Hehe I told you you would need Chanyeol's help~ Remember this charm? I know you lost this charm after it fell off a few months ago and you were devastated ....well I found it as you can tell ~>_< This is also why I made sure Chanyeol packed the charm bracelet along with your outfit~ Anyways...jagiya I love you~ You're getting closer! Good luck with your next destination!"
-Your loving husband

You smiled as you inspected the little god strawberry charm before clicking it back in place on your bracelet. You looked down at your basket filled with strawberries, "So what do I do with these now?" you asked puzzled.

Chanyeol grinned, "You bring them to your next destination~ Your ride should be arriving annnyy second now..." you widened your eyes, "No...please don't tell me my ride is-" As if on cue a familiar black limo pulled up. The window rolled down showing a grinning Kris.

"Hop in~" he said smugly. you looked at Chanyeol with a pained expression, "Oppa...if I don't make it....tell Baekhyun oppa I love him." you mumbled. Chanyeol laughed patting your head, "Will do Amanda...will do... ad good luck!" he gave you a quick hug before you climbed into the car. Kris turned and grinned at you, "Hold on tight~"

"See that wasn't so bad?~" Kris laughed as you glared at him slamming the door shut. You watched as the limo sped off along with the faint smell of burnt rubber. You looked up at the restaurant in front of you before pushing open the door and entering.

You looked around before spotting a sign attached to an arrow. " Follow the arrows~" you read before walking alongside the arrows. You stopped in front of a table and smiled at the little card on the plate. "Sit here~"

As you took a seat you lookedd down at your strawberry charm fiddling with the link before a familiar voice rang out. "Mind if I join you?~" 

I apologize for the shorter chapter today! I'll be updating soon I promise! If you like please comment subscribe or upvote~ <3

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Sorry dreaming pandas! I have a fever and won't be able to update today! But no worries I shall recover soon


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Chapter 25: Oho, I'm squeeing, wondering who it'll be~ ^-^
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 18: O m g, I wish I was that amazing....But I'm not... -_- I think Dreaming Pandas is an excellent name!!!!!! On another note, this is random, but I have a friend who absolutely hates pandas. (SHOCKER) When he told me that, I almost fainted....HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE PANDAS?! IT'S PREPOSTEROUS. OTL.....Okay, *nods* I'm done..... XD
Chapter 17: Author nim! I noticed that you always call us suscribers :) I absolutely love your work so much and I noticed you have quite a lot of fans why don't you start using the fan name Dreaming Pandas? :) (Ye i made it up hope you like it!)
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #5
Chapter 13: *dies*
The feels.
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 11: See dear panda.. Since you don't tell me that u update these things I have to find out u update in the middle of science class during work time so I spent the past WHO KNOWS HOW LONG going crazy and loving this chapter ;) lubs
Chapter 8: "IT WAS MY FAVOURITE LIME GREEN CRAYON!" Amazing chapter girl~
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #9
Haha luv the story tho. :)
I love both the original and the sequel!
I've read the whole original one like 5 times already.
Can't get over the fluff! >0<
Chapter 8: Please update! This ish one of the best fics evar!!