Our Fairytale moment

Last Time Destined Encounter

Hi dreaming pandas I'm back with another chapter! <3 Sorry for being so late but here it is! THE CHAPTER Y'ALL BEEN WAITING FOR LE MARRIAGE....or at least i think u guys are.....waiting for this.....I don't know...I should just stop talking GO GO GO~~ READ 

"Are you ready?" You took a deep breath and nodded. Soft music began to play in the background as Chanyeol took your hand and began to lead you down the aisle. You looked up shyly to see Baekhyun smiling at you his eyes tender and kind. You felt your heart beat faster a you gently climbed up the podium. Baekhyun reached out and took a hold of your hands. The officiant smiled as he cleared his throat, " I would like to thank you all for joining us on this special day. We will be hearing some words from the maids of honor and the best man." 
Applause rang through the audience. Nicki smiled as she walked up to the podium, "I remember the first time I ever met Amanda I thought....wow so this is the crazy girl who agreed to be the live in housekeeper of 12 idiots...." Nicki winked at you as you smiled. Laughter rang out in the audience. "I even still remember what I said when I saw Baekhyun oppa and Amanda I said, "Are you two dating? You look cute together!" Which of course both denied but I can tell there was this look in their eyes. 
Amanda slowly opened up to me about her feelings of Baekhyun oppa." You blushed as Baekhyun smiled at you gently squeezing your hand. "all these years spent with you amanda I certainly don't regret it and I'm really glad you two can finally tie the knot after so many years. " Everyone nodded and applauded. Nicki grinned, "Now I could go on forever with this speech but due to being notified on such short notice..." Nicki shot a look at you to which you winked, "I'm just going to wrap this up with my final wishes for the newlywed." Nicki turned to smirk at Baekhyun and you, "Hurry up! I'm waiting to be an auntie!" Everyone burst out into laughter as you turned red, "YAH! ZHANG NICOLE!" you exclaimed to which she winked.
Baekhyun laughed and looked at you, "Well let's make sure she doesn't wait long." Baekhyun whispered winking at you. You blushed even harder as you quickly averted your eyes. After everyone settled down Emma made her way up the podium. "Hello everyone I'm sure majority of you don't know who I am. My name is Emma Chin and I'm Amanda's childhood friend from when she still live in Canada." Murmurs of surprise and shock wavered through the audience. Emma continued, "Even though we didn't have many years together we still managed to keep in touch all these years.
"Every single day Amanda manages to find time to text or video chat or call me, she has never missed a day. Our conversations can vary from hours of endless laughter to just simple short and sweet greetings." You grinned as you thought back to the many questionable conversations you had with her. "Though it wasn't always fun and games.....it was only natural for me to long to see my best friend all these years but our timing was never right.." Emma softly said. 
There was a point where I thought to myself I may never have the chance to see her in person ever again." You stared down at your bracelet fiddling with it as you felt a pang of sadness hit you. "But that wasn't the case for I wouldn't be standing here right now.....feeling like my heart is going to explode any second because Amanda knows how much I dislike public speaking." Emma shot you a glare as everyone laughed. You gave her a thumbs up, "And what a wonderful job you're doing!~" you sang cheekily. "But this is one exception I'll make..." Emma continued with a soft smile, "I'm really happy that after all these years I can finally see you again and at the perfect moment as well. Congratulations to you two many years of happiness."
Applause rang out as Emma stepped off the podium. You made eye contact with Emmaa and flashed a thumbs up as she flipped her hair dramatically in reply. The officiant smiled as he clapped as well. "Now will the best man please step up?" Chanyeol smiled as he made his way up. "Haven't even said anything yet and he's already smiling like an idiot." Baekhyun whispered with a snort. You turned to look at him but noticed a soft gentle stare with his lips curved into a happy smile as he watched Chanyeol. "Aww...Baekyeol..." you giggled under your breath. (Hehehe yes guys I have to include my ship <3) "Hm? Did you say something?" he asked looking over at you.
You shook your head smiling mischievously to yourself. On the podium Chanyeol took a deep breath, "I still remember as if it was just yesterday that Baekhyun would get jealous over every single small thing the guys would do to the Amanda.....ahhh good times~" he chuckled as everyone in the audience laughed. "You know I still do right?~" Baekhyun whispered.
You giggled softly. "Though of course....we use to do it just to get on his nerves. We could see how much Baekhyun loves her and hey it was opportunity so why not?" he flashed a smile at the other guys who nodded in agreement. "Truth to be told....we've seen Baekhyun's ex girlfriends come and go....but we've never seen him fall this hard for a girl before." Chanyeol paused as the audience aw'ed in appreciation. Chanyeol grinned, "No....literally he fell of the stairs attempting to carry a bowl of strawberries for her..." 
The audience laughed as Baekhyun turned red. " I think the main goal of his speech is too just humiliate me." Baekhyun muttered. You giggled, "This is probably just him gettinng you back for the many MANY years of mischief." Baekhyun cutely tilted his head, "Well...I guess I deserve it then~" he sang. "Funny because Amanda and I actually first got closer before her and Baekhyun hyung did. At first she gave off kind of an innocent timid little girl vibe." The bridesmaids snickered as you shot them a look. Chanyeol smiled before continuing, "I soon found out that that DEFINITELY wasn't the case. Someone who we all thought was just going to be a housekeeper turned out to be someone who we all love and care about a lot.
Chanyeol turned to look at you two, "I'm really glad you two are a couple and I've never been more happy for you congratulations!" Everyone clapped as Chanyeol stepped down. You caught his eye and smiled, "Thank you oppa..." you mouthed to him to which he grinned back in reply.
The officiant smiled as he clasped his hands together, "Can the bride and groom please join me." Baekhyun gently took a hold of your hand as he helped you climb up the podium. The officiant smiled, "Today we are here gathered in honor of Amanda and Baekhyun's wedding. Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deeper your love for one another. To be successful, you'll need strength... courage patience and a really good sense of humor." The audience laughed. 
"Before we say the vows does the bride and groom have anything they would like to say?" You smiled, " I actually wrote something that I would like to sa..." you softly said. "These past years...has no doubt been the best years of my life and I know that it's only going to get better from today on. We've been there for each other every step of the way. After my mother and father had passed away....there were times where I was lost and I didn't know what to do because I felt so alone." You cleared your throat as you felt a lump rise. "I'd always had a negative view on my life and I was so sure that I'd never feel happiness again...until I met you." You looked up into Baekhyun's eyes.
Baekhyun smiled reaching forward gently wiping a tear trickling down our cheek with his thumb. You took a deep breath, "I love you...I really do don't ever forget that." you smiled. The audience applauded loudly. The officiant smiled as he turned to look at Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded, "I've said it once and I will say it again....I fell in love with you just within one day...not even 24 hours and you had already stolen my heart...." Baaekhyun stared into your eyes, "Chanyeol wasn't kidding when he said I fell hard....because I definitely did."
Baekhyun cocked his head to one side, "And yes in both ways I fell hard." he chuckled the audience laughing along. "I've always dreamt of this moment from the moment we began dating and now I can't believe that it's finally happening I love you Amanda." The audience clapped loudly you turned to look into thee audience to see Tao tearing up to which you quietly laughed.
The officiant smiled, "Will the groom and bride join hands please." Baekhyun reached forward gently holding your hands. "Byun Baekhyun do you promise to treat Amanda Lin with respect, kindness and love until death?" Baekhyun smiled, " I do." The officiant turned to look at you, "Amanda Lin do you promise to treat Byun Baekhyun with respect, kindness, and love until death?" "I do." you replied with a smile.
"Byun Baekhyun will you please slip the ring onto Amanda's finger?" Baekhyun gently slid thee ring onto your finger. The officiant smiled, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. Baekhyun smiled as he leaned in gently pressing his lips against yours. You closed your eyes as you felt his soft lips against yours. Such a familiar feeling but it always made you fall just a bit more in love with him.
As you two parted the audience loudly cheered along with thunderous applauding. Rose petals rained down surrounding you and Baekhyun. Amidst all the cheering Baekhyun held you tightly before whispering in your ear, "Now this....is our real fairytale moment." 
AAYEEEEE SO CHEESY hahaa my best friend always says she loves/hates reading my fics cause they're so cringe worthy and cheesy but she likes them still XD I'm really sorry for making you guys wait I had a huge writers block with the whole speeches thing. And yes there is a part 2 to the wedding but I am going to update the next chapter very soon! Until next time I love you guys really I do please subscribe and upvote!! (pstt comments I love reading comments :) )
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Sorry dreaming pandas! I have a fever and won't be able to update today! But no worries I shall recover soon


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Chapter 25: Oho, I'm squeeing, wondering who it'll be~ ^-^
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 18: O m g, I wish I was that amazing....But I'm not... -_- I think Dreaming Pandas is an excellent name!!!!!! On another note, this is random, but I have a friend who absolutely hates pandas. (SHOCKER) When he told me that, I almost fainted....HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE PANDAS?! IT'S PREPOSTEROUS. OTL.....Okay, *nods* I'm done..... XD
Chapter 17: Author nim! I noticed that you always call us suscribers :) I absolutely love your work so much and I noticed you have quite a lot of fans why don't you start using the fan name Dreaming Pandas? :) (Ye i made it up hope you like it!)
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #5
Chapter 13: *dies*
The feels.
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 11: See dear panda.. Since you don't tell me that u update these things I have to find out u update in the middle of science class during work time so I spent the past WHO KNOWS HOW LONG going crazy and loving this chapter ;) lubs
Chapter 8: "IT WAS MY FAVOURITE LIME GREEN CRAYON!" Amazing chapter girl~
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #9
Haha luv the story tho. :)
I love both the original and the sequel!
I've read the whole original one like 5 times already.
Can't get over the fluff! >0<
Chapter 8: Please update! This ish one of the best fics evar!!