Mission Start

Last Time Destined Encounter

Wow how long has it been? Way toooo long I have definitely been putting this off T_T Sorry everyone! I've been really busy being a high school student and all huuuuu BUT I am back with a longer chapter this time! So sit back relax and hopefully enjoy~

"Suho oppa....Let's start!" you smiled unable to contain your excitement. Suho smiled handing you a small card. "Your mission begins here milady." he announced. You playfully rolled your eyes, Oppa you would make the worst secret agent ever." you giggled as Suho pouted.

You looked down at the card and smiled to yourself before looking back up at Suho who smiled back, "There's a car waiting outside for you ....good luck milady." he bowed gesturing towards the door.

You scurried over to the door before giving Suho a little wave. As you reached the front door your jaw dropped open as a sleek back limo was waiting for you. "Alright. I take it back...you'd make an awesome secret agent." you mumbled to yourself in disbelief. 

As you climbed in you instantly smiled as you saw a strawberry bubble tea waiting for you. "Where to?" a voice called out you looked up only to burst out laughing. Sat in the driver's seat was Kris wearing a taxi driver's hat. 

"Wait! when did you get your driver's license?" you asked. Kris smirked before turning around to face thew heel, "who said I needed one?" Kris chuckled. Your eyes widened, "Wait what" "HOLD ON!~" Kris laughed stepping on the pedal leaving you to protest loudly.

"See~ that wasn't so bad was it?" Kris grinned opening the door for you. You shot him a glare as you stepped out. "YOU SPED PAST THREE RED LIGHTS! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US!" you yelled. 

"But I didn't~" Kris smiled smugly, "Ah....anyways thanks..." you sighed. Kris tipped his hat before walking back to the limo. You watched as the limo zoomed off into the distance. You looked up at the store before pushing open the glass doors. 

"Welcome to cafe B.A.P~" a familiar voice rang out. You grinned, "Hyunseung oppa!" He looked up and grinned at you, "Amanda! I've been expecting you." You walked over to where he was when he suddenly held up his hand, "Stop!" you looked at him confused.

"First I have two questions for you~:" you nodded slowly. "First! Where are you?" he smiled. You raised your eyebrows, "Cafe B.A.P....." you said slowly. Hyunseung nodded enthusiastically, "Second~ Who's your bias in Bangtan Boys?" 

You smiled to yourself at the mention of BTS, "Jeon Jungkook." you responded. Hyunseung nodded again, "Alright that's all~ Now go order something." "What? That's it?" you asked confused. Hyunseung nodded. You slowly walked towards the cashier where Kiseop waited.

"Hey Amanda what can I get you?" "A latte please." you smiled. But Kiseop shook his head, "Try again~" You cocked your head to one side, "Wha-?" Kiseop leaned forward, "Psst think about hyung's questions...." 

"Cafe and Jeon Jungkook..." you murured to yourself. "and I'm suppose to order a drink right?" "Yeap." Kiseop nodded. Your eyes suddenly lit up, "Wait I know BTS has a song called cafe....but Jungkook?" .....drink...wait ...Jungkook's first lines in that song is caramel macchiato....caramel macchiato?" you asked hopefully.

"Kiseop grinned, "One caramel macchiatto coming right up!" You clapped happily smiling to yourself. Kiseop laughed handing you your receipt. You looked down at the words. 

Jagiya! Good job~ hehe great minds think alike don't they? Keke but~ on another note you're as sweet as caramel macchiato to me~ Ok now finish your drink in order for you to get to your next clue! Love you~
-Your loving husband Baekhyun

​You rolled your eyes at the cheesiness of the words. "Impressive isn't he?" Kiseop laughed as you made a face, "More like cheesy as hell." you groaned. "Well remember you married him." Kiseop chuckled gently pushing your drink towards you.

"Enjoy~ he sang. You smiled taking the warm drink before finding a place to sit down. Sighing contently you sipped the drink savouring the sweet taste, "He's quite the creative one creating this scavenger hunt eh?" Hyunseung asked taking a sweat in front of you.

You smiled, "One of the many reasons why I love him I guess you can say....along with his cheesiness." you admitted." You should have saw my face when he asked me to do this." Hyunseung chuckled. "I wonder how long it took himi to plan all of this..." you pondered out loud.

"A week to be exact." Hyunseung grinned at your surprised expression. "He sure put a lot of thought into this." he whistled leaning back on the chair. You nodded smiling to yourself as you played with your ring.

Hyunseung looked up at the clock and stood up, "Well I better get back to work now we're opening soon." he leaned forward patting your head, "Good luck dreamer." he smiled. You tipped your cup back to catch the last drop when you suddenly laughed at the tape stuck on the bottom with a message.

Jagiya~ Do you remember the day I said I was your boyfriend to protect you from those creeps? Where was it?~ ;)
-Your loving husband Baekhyun

You instantly smiled thinking back to that day (anyone remember that incident from First Times?) "Black pearl is only a few blocks away.. no need to call for my chauffeur who can't even drive properly." you mumbled to yourself. 

You turned to Kiseop who was busy with the coffee machine, "Oppa! I'll be going now~Thanks!" you waved as he waved back. As you stepped out of the shop you took a deep breath breathing in the sweet spring air. 

You had barely taken a few steps when a limo pulled up. "... you murmured to yourself as the window rolled down. Kris flashed you a cheeky smile, "Miss me?" You rolled your eyes, "Certainly didn't' miss your driving." you quipped back. 

Kris dramatically looked away putting his hand to his forehead, "I'm hurt!" You sighed, "I'm walking." you called as you began to walk away. Kris grinned, "I have chocolate covered strawberries." he called after you. 

Instantly you whirled around and in a flash you were in the car. You looked around in confusion, "Where are the strawberries?" Kris smirked, "I lied~ Consider yourself kidnapped." and with that the car sped off, wheels peeling mixed in with the sounds of your screams of protest.

"Stay safe~" Kris laughed as you stomped out of the car glaring at him. "Don't come back ." you muttered as the limo sped off. You pushed open the door when a voice rang out. "Welcome ID please~" You sighed reaching into your bag, "Every. single. time." you muttered.

When a laugh was heard, you looked up to see a tall handsome man grinning down at you. "YAH Junhong oppa." you whined. (Yah!!! B.A.P <3 I miss them...) Zelo smiled patting you on the head, "Aw I'm just playing with you shorty...by the way I told you to call me Zelo."

You smirked, "Right...your future stage name." Zelo looked offended, "Hey as an aspiring rapper I'm just preparing." he replied indignantly. He motioned for you to follow him to the bar. 

He suddenly grinned, " I can see it now ....bartender by day- he slid across the bar counter "-and famous rapper Zelo by night." he grinned dreamily. You snorted snapping your fingers in front of him, "Slow down Batman and stop fooling around or I'm telling Yongguk oppa that you're slacking off again~" you sang mischievously smiling. 

Zelo immediately stiffened as a look of fear crossed his face he looked at you wide eyed, "You wouldn't dare...." You leaned forward smirking, "Try me." After a few seconds of staring at each other Zelo threw his hands up, "alright I'll start making your strawberry martini." 

You looked puzzled, "But I didn't ord-" Zelo grinned, "Do you ever get anything else?" You smiled in defeat and sat back as Zelo busied himself making your drink,. You sighed as you leaned forward resting your cheek on your hand. "I wonder what this surprise is going to be..." you pondered when a voice jolted you out of your thoughts.

"Hey beautiful can I buy you a drink." You rolled your eyes as you turned to the owner of the voice, "Sorry I'm marrie- SEHUN!" you exclaimed as he burst out laughing. "Noona~ Happy to see me?" he laughed ruffling your hair. He turned to Zelo, "You just a beer for me." 

Zelo smoothly slid a beer across the counter into Sehun's awaiting hand. "Thanks man." Sehun called. Zelo nodded in acknowledgement. You couldn't help but giggle when Sehun turned to look at you. Sehun cocked his head, "What?" You grinned, "Nothing man" you emphasized on the word man.

Sehun pouted "Whyy it's just how I speak." You rolled your eyes, "the way you speak when you're around me or the other guys in comparison with your friends...you speak with like what-" "More swag?~" Sehun interrupted smirking.

You made a face, "sure...Oh swagalicious Sehun." you groaned when Sehun gave you a thumbs up. Zelo gnetly set your drink in front of you, "Trust me ....he uses aegyo sometimes around us." he winked. "YAH!" Sehun yelled but Zelo just laughed hurrying back to the bar.

You slowly swirled your drink around, "So I think I'm catching on but did Baekhyun oppa give al 11 of you a location and task to do?" you asked curiously. Sehun nodded tipping the beer bottle back. 

You smiled thinking about all the sweet things Baekhyun always did for you. "Soooo Sehun-ah what's your task?" you asked. He grinned at you, "to have a drink with you noona." you rolled your eyes playfully, "No really what is it?" Sehun pointed at your drink. "Finish your drink first and you'll see~" he sang.

You looked a tyour drink, "You didn't get Junhong oppa to slip something in there di you?" "IT'S ZELO OPPA TO YOU SHORTY!" Zelo yelled from the backroom. "DON'T CALL ME SHORTY!" you yelled back. 

Sehun looked amused, "No Amanda I did not get him to slip something into your drink." You relaxed as you sipped your drink, "Or did~" Sehun teased. You rolled your eyes as you picked up the strawberry. "You konw....this i quite nice..." Sehun suddenly said. 

You looked at him curiously. Sehun grinned, "You know noona~ Just out here....having a drink....aloneee~" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. You gave him a light flick on the head to which he yelped in pain. Sehun rubbed his head when he suddenly leaned forward, "Noona I need to tell you a secret but you can't tell the hyungs yet you promise?" he asked in a hushed tone.

You nodded, "I promise." Sehun nervously wrung his fingers, "Well remember that time you saw me walk through the door at like 3 am and you asked me why I was up so late?" he cautiously asked. You nodded.

Sehun nervously smiled, "Truth is for the past 6 months I would go out with Zelo to some underground rapping tournaments and dance battles. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head, "SEHUN YOU RAP?!" you yelled. "SHHH!" Sehun clapped his hand over your mouth.

"Right sorry..." you murmured sheepishly. You suddenly smiled, "Wow Sehun I'm happy for you!" Sehun grinned, "Thanks noona....I'm just waiting for the right time to tell them." You gently rubbed his shoulder, "I'm sure they will be really happy for you as well." you assured him.

Sehun gave you a quick hug before standing up, "Well my job is done here." You stood up and brushed off your shirt. "Wait where's my next location?" you looked out the window. You watched as the heavy raindrops splashed against the window. 

"Hey noona." You turned to see Sehun holding the little paper umbrella from your drink out to you. You took it inspecting the white polka dotted red umbrella when you noticed something written under the umbrella.

Upon closer inspection you read the words out loud, "find me." Confused you looked at Sehun who only looked at you with a smile before turning towards the bar. "Zelo! We're done now!" You reached into your wallet when Zelo came out, "Amanda come with me."

Sehun nodded gently pushing you forward. As you walked over to where Zelo is you pulled out some money for the drink. Zelo shook his head, "No need to shorty Sehun covered it." You turned to look at Sehun who was already heading out the door. 

Sehun turned and winked, "Told you I'd buy you a drink beautiful~" You laughed and waved to him. You turned to Zelo, "Alright lead the way~" he grinned as he led you to the back door. "You have the little umbrella right? he asked looking down at you.

You nodded. Zelo grinned opening the backdoor to which you widened your eyes. The backdoor led to one of the most lively locations in Seoul. Hundreds of pedestrians were walking all over the place carrying different umbrellas. 

You suddenly realized, "find me..." you whispered. Zelo grinned ruffling your hair, "Good luck shorty. "You turned and gave him a quick hug, "Junhong oppa I'll see you around arasso? And also....take care of Sehun." you grinned. Zelo nodded ," I will....I promise" he smiled before closing the door. 

You scanned your eyes over the colorful array of umbrellas. You looked down at the little umbrella in your hand before looking back up. You suddenly grinned as you saw a bright red umbrella with white polka dots that happened to be located just a bit higher then the other umbrellas. 

Underneath the umbrella you noticed a familiar pair of elfish ears. "Found you~" you whispered before taking off sprinting down the street.

Seriously though my fingers are frozen cold T_T BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT TYPING ALL OF THIS! I hope y'all enjoyed it <3 If you liked please upvote, comment, or subscribe! oh yea...so I realized I haven't really said anything yet.....but ...HOLY CRAP CALL ME BABY I LOVE IT <3 IN FACT I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW! <3 





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Sorry dreaming pandas! I have a fever and won't be able to update today! But no worries I shall recover soon


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Chapter 25: Oho, I'm squeeing, wondering who it'll be~ ^-^
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 18: O m g, I wish I was that amazing....But I'm not... -_- I think Dreaming Pandas is an excellent name!!!!!! On another note, this is random, but I have a friend who absolutely hates pandas. (SHOCKER) When he told me that, I almost fainted....HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE PANDAS?! IT'S PREPOSTEROUS. OTL.....Okay, *nods* I'm done..... XD
Chapter 17: Author nim! I noticed that you always call us suscribers :) I absolutely love your work so much and I noticed you have quite a lot of fans why don't you start using the fan name Dreaming Pandas? :) (Ye i made it up hope you like it!)
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #5
Chapter 13: *dies*
The feels.
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 11: See dear panda.. Since you don't tell me that u update these things I have to find out u update in the middle of science class during work time so I spent the past WHO KNOWS HOW LONG going crazy and loving this chapter ;) lubs
Chapter 8: "IT WAS MY FAVOURITE LIME GREEN CRAYON!" Amazing chapter girl~
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #9
Haha luv the story tho. :)
I love both the original and the sequel!
I've read the whole original one like 5 times already.
Can't get over the fluff! >0<
Chapter 8: Please update! This ish one of the best fics evar!!