Starry Snow Angel (Kai special chapter)

Last Time Destined Encounter
Hi subscribers! Like I promised here's the special chapter! By popular vote it is chosen that you guys WANT a side story of Kai's past :3 sooo here you go! Sorry if it's not that good and just saying this is a bitttttt of angst
Kai twisted his pencil around as he sat behind the desk. "March 30 huh...." Kai softly breathed. Kai bent down and opened the drawer. He pulled out a leather covered notebook and flipped it open. Suddenly a small object fell out and hit the ground with a clang. Kai widened his eyes as he picked it up. "This.....can't be w-was here the whole time?" Kai whispered. The door to Kai's office suddenly opened and a tall man stepped in. Kai looked up and smiled, "Ah Yunho hyung help me take over today? I got some business to attend to..." Kai stood up grabbing his bag. Yunho smiled, "Yea sure no problem but you owe me!" he grinned. Kai chuckled before running out the door.
"Oppa.....wouldn't it be great if we had a live performance at our wedding?" you pondered out loud. Baekhyun smiled, "Yea that would be great." Chanyeol leaned forward, "Oh oh! I can be the live music~" he grinned. Tao rolled his eyes, "I'm pretty sure they want PROFESSIONAL music Yeol...." Tao pointed out. Nicki stretched leaning back against the doorway gasping for air. "Woah Kai you alright?" D.O walked over to him helping him over to the couch. " say..." Kai panted between gasps of air. Suho handed Kai a glass of water, "I can wait just calm down and catch your breath first!" Suho soothed. After a few minutes Kai caught his breath and was sitting upright against the couch. "So what's up?" Kris asked. Kai gulped nervously, "I-I have a confession to make....please don't be mad at me..." he quietly said. Chen nodded, "You're practically family Kai there is no way we would be angry at you for's ok..." Kai took a deep breath as he looked up at everyone, "I.....I'm married..." Kai whispered. You gasped as everyone else's eyes widened. "......What?!" Xiumin exclaimed. "W-wait come again?" Luhan mumbled. Kai held out his hand where a silver ring gleamed, "Is there something you'd like to explain?" Lay softly said. Kai took a deep breath, "I'm married....well I've been married for six years..." Kai quietly said. "To whom?" Sehun asked the question on everybody's mind. Kai squeezed his eyes shut, "Song Yu ra....." he quietly whispered. "Song Yu ra?...... Your ex girlfriend?" Lay asked. "Ok putting that aside for now...where is she?" Baekhyun asked. Kai twisted his ring around, "She....she's dead...." he managed to say. Everyone stared at Kai in shock to which Kai could only gently sigh. 
7 years ago.....
"Hey have you guys seen Yu ra?" Kai asked plopping down on his usual seat. Sehun shook his head sipping his bubble tea. Chen smirked, "You are so in love with her....." Kai grinned, "I can't help it she's all I ever wanted....." A chorus of awes rang through the cafeteria as the eleven other guys cooed. Kai turned red, "Aish shut up guys....." "Speaking of which isn't today your four year anniversary?" D.O pointed out. Kai grinned holding up a bouquet of forget-me-nots Yu ra's favorite flower. "Oppa~!" a sweet voice called out. Kai turned to see Yu ra walking towards the table. "Speak of the angel." Luhan teased. Kai stood up as Yu ra ran into his open arms. "SO NOW I COMEEEE TO YOUUUUU WITH OPEN ARMSSS!!" Baekhyun, Chen, D.O and Luhan immediately started singing causing everyone to crack up. "Happy anniversary snow angel." Kai gently kissed Yu ra on the cheek.Yu ra blushed as she saw the flowers. "Aw you remembered my favorite flower." she smiled. Kai grinned "Anything for you..." he softly said. "Aw....our little Jonginnie is growing up...I'M SO PROUD!" Xiumin teased putting his arm around Chen. "Shut up guys...." Kai flushed. "Alright alright we'll leave you two love birds alone~" Suho grinned as he stood up along with the ten others. Yu ra gently tapped Kai on the shoulder Kai turned, "Hm?"
Yu ra  looked down, "Sorry if it isn't much but....I made it...." Yu ra handed Kai a little pot with a small tree in it with a bunch of little stars and tags hanging off of it. Kai smiled, "What is it?" Yu ra shyly smiled, "These tags hanging on the branches have our dreams on it..." she softly said. Kai reached over and tightly embraced her, "This is amazing Yu ra....I love it....thank you!" Kai said. Yu ra blushed, "I love you Kai oppa..." Kai smiled, "I love you too Yu ra."
1 year later....
"Yu ra!" Kai called. As the girl appeared closer Kai noticed the girl's dark eye bags. "Oppa~" Yu ra softly sang. Kai frowned, "Yu ra....have you been sleeping? You look tired....and lost so much weight." Kai pointed out worriedly. "I'm fine..."Yu ra smiled. Kai reached over and gently intertwined fingers with her only to frown, "Yu ra! Your hands are so cold.....Are you sick?" Kai asked. Yu ra gave Kai a weak smile, "It's just a small cold....don't worry." "Yu ra we can cancel today just go home and rest you need it...." Kai said. Yu ra shook her head gently clinging onto Kai's hand, "Oppa please....." Kai looked down at the girl and couldn't help but smile, "Alright alright ...." he sighed. Yu ra smiled gently leaning her head against Kai's shoulder. As the day soon turned into night Kai turned to look at Yu ra who seemed completely worn out. "Yu ra you're tired I'll take you home." Kai ly to stop when he felt a tight squeeze on his hand. "Wait oppa before we leave this place can we please go on the lift? I want to see the stars...." Yu ra looked at Kai pleadingly. Kai smiled remembering how much Yu ra loved stars. " Alright but after this you're going home and sleeping young lady." Kai sternly said causing Yu ra to giggle. As the lift slowly went up closer to the stars Yu ra turned to Kai, "Neh oppa...." Yu ra softly said. Kai gently nuzzled her, "Hm?" "I....have something to tell you..." Yu ra quietly said. Kai gently took Yu ra's hand, "What is it?" Kai's voice soft. 
Yu ra bit her lip and looked down, "Kai oppa..... 2 years ago I went to the doctors and...I...I've been diagnosed with pneumonia ....I've already had too many organ failures...the doctors said I don't really have a lot of time....I'm sorry...I was afraid to tell you...but I'm sorry-" Yu ra's voice broke as tears began to flow uncontrollably. Kai felt his body numbing, he had no feeling left in his body. Kai slowly stood up and reached forward and gently held Yu ra's cold hand in his warm hand. Yu ra looked up eyes still wet with tears. "Oppa?" Yu ra widened her eyes as Kai slowly got onto one knee. Kai looked up at Yu ra just as a tear slid down his face. Kai gently smiled at her, "Song Yu ra....I'm only 18 ....I'm unemployed.... I know I'm not the perfect boyfriend...-" "Jongin..... Don't do this....I don't have much time left you know..." Yu ra softly said. Kai looked up at her with tears in his eyes, "What does that matter? I love you Yu ra ...I know we're still young and this is so sudden ...but I've already made up my mind to spend the rest of my life knowing I made the right choice....If you are willing to give me this chance...Song Yu ra will you marry me?" Kai hoarsely whispered. "Kai oppa...." Yu ra whispered. Kai smiled, "Don't worry...knowing that I'll spend the rest of my life married to you makes everything worth it." Yu ra smiled, "I do...." Kai wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed her.
"Hurry the patient's in need of critical care!" a nurse called. Kai watched numbly as he could only watch helplessly as Yu ra hoarsely breathing and panting on the hospital bed. "Jongin...." Yu ra managed to gasp holding onto Kai's hand. Kai smiled weakly, "You're going to be alright Yu ra I won't let you go...." he said. Yu ra looked up at him at his glassy eyes trying to hold back tears. "I promise we'll get through this..." Kai numbly said. Yu ra gently shook her head her loose curls framing her pale face. "Thank you for everything oppa...." Yu ra whispered. Kai shook his head furiously as if he wanted to wake up from this night mare. "For what? You're the one who has always been there for're the only one that can make me....feel this way.." Kai faltered as he blinked away his tears. Yu ra gently lifted her hand to gently Kai's cheek, "I love you Kim Jongin...." Yu ra softly whispered. "And I love you Kim Yu ra...." Kai whispered trying hard to fight the tears. Yu ra weakly smiled, "Kim Yu ra....In the end dream did come true..." Yu ra softly whispered before slowly closing her eyes. The hear monitor suddenly stopped beeping. Kai didn't look up nor did he want to. "Yu ra...Yu ra.... YU RA!!" Kai could only scream as he sobbed bitter tears. Kai looked up at Yu ra who was in a peaceful eternal dream. Kai gently let go of Yu ra's hand, as he did the ring on Yu ra's finger sparkled in the light. Kai leaned down and gently kissed Yu ra's hand. "Beautiful like an angel....a pure white....snow snow angel..." Kai whispered. "Sir we are truly sorry for your lost..." the nurse quietly said. Kai slowly stood up and bowed to the doctors and nurses a farewell. As he numbly walked out of the hospital his phone rang. "Hey Kai what up" Chanyeol's deep voice was hear. Kai took a deep breath, "Nothing..." "Hey what's wrong?" Chanyeol asked sensing something wrong. Kai stared down at his ring, "Y-Yu ra and I ...we........we broke up..."
Kai took a deep breath as he sat back on the couch. "You proposed to soon as you heard she had pneumonia...." Chanyeol quietly said in awe. "You knew what would happen....but yet that didn't stop you...." Suho gently said. Kai smiled, " I did I love her more then anything..." he softly said. Kris uncrossed his arms, "Why didn't you tell us?" Kris asked gently. Kai sighed leaning on his elbows, "I was a reality I didn't want to face....So pretending that she didn't leave me physically was the only thing I could do...." Baekhyun leaned forward to gently place a hand on Kai's shoulder. Kai looked up and smiled at everyone, "It took me this long to be able to admit to it because....I lost my wedding ring....shortly after Yu ra's death....I swore to never even call myself Yu ra's husband because I was so ashamed. But today I found it and realized.....I've been hiding for too long...." Kai confessed. Xiumin smiled, "Yah Kai there's nothing to be ashamed of even if you lost the ring it doesn't mean your love for her is any different. "Kai" you started. "So...." Nicki continued. "ROMANTIC!!" both of you squealed. Kai shyly laughed scratching the back of his head. "HEY!" Baekhyun and Lay yelled. "Love you too~" Nicki and you sang cracking everyone up
Kai smiled as he gently the little stars dangling off the branches. He suddenly brushed his hand against the small fold of the star. Kai squinted as he noticed small dots of ink. Carefully Kai unwrapped the star only to widen his eyes. On the strip of paper was a small letter.
Kai oppa....I'm not sure if you will ever see this but if you do please read it :) So I've been diagnosed with pneumonia for a year now....and I know I won't have much time left... I remember how you'd always tell me your dreams then it slowly turned into our future dreams. I wrote these dreams down...... these are all the dreams I wanted to accomplish with you. I know not all my dreams can be granted but my biggest dream in life has already been granted and that's being able to fall in love with you. I love you Kim Jongin you gave me 4 years and 5 months of happiness and absolutely no regrets
Love Song Yu ra
Kai smiled as he gently squeezed the paper, "Shine bright like a starry snow angel....." Kai whispered. 
I hope you guys liked this chapter :) It is quite new for me to write like this XD And a lot of people may ask why i portray Kai like this. Well in most fanfictions I've read Kai is portrayed as a bad boy ice prince playboy kind of guy. I wanted to portray him as a romantic kind boy different from what people would think he is like :) Next chapter shall be up no later then 3 days :) Thank you I LOVE YOU ALL
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Sorry dreaming pandas! I have a fever and won't be able to update today! But no worries I shall recover soon


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Chapter 25: Oho, I'm squeeing, wondering who it'll be~ ^-^
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 18: O m g, I wish I was that amazing....But I'm not... -_- I think Dreaming Pandas is an excellent name!!!!!! On another note, this is random, but I have a friend who absolutely hates pandas. (SHOCKER) When he told me that, I almost fainted....HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE PANDAS?! IT'S PREPOSTEROUS. OTL.....Okay, *nods* I'm done..... XD
Chapter 17: Author nim! I noticed that you always call us suscribers :) I absolutely love your work so much and I noticed you have quite a lot of fans why don't you start using the fan name Dreaming Pandas? :) (Ye i made it up hope you like it!)
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #5
Chapter 13: *dies*
The feels.
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 11: See dear panda.. Since you don't tell me that u update these things I have to find out u update in the middle of science class during work time so I spent the past WHO KNOWS HOW LONG going crazy and loving this chapter ;) lubs
Chapter 8: "IT WAS MY FAVOURITE LIME GREEN CRAYON!" Amazing chapter girl~
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #9
Haha luv the story tho. :)
I love both the original and the sequel!
I've read the whole original one like 5 times already.
Can't get over the fluff! >0<
Chapter 8: Please update! This ish one of the best fics evar!!