Chapter 7:Jiho

Our Way of Life
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The next day Rap Monster arrived a few minutes earlier than usual. He went straight to his class expecting to see Jiho and Minsoo messing around like usual but was surprised to see their seats were empty. With them missing the room seemed so quiet.  

He sat in his seat waiting for them for once just thinking maybe they had partied too hard the day before. At least he would have one day free of Minsoo’s constant interruptions. Whenever he would talk to Jay Minsoo would turn around and take her attention away from him.

When the bell rang to signal the beginning of the class Rap Monster stood up from his seat and left from the back of the room. At the same time the professor entered from the front, not noticing one of his students just left he began to take attendance.

Rap Monster thought it was okay if Jiho and Minsoo were missing but Hyun Jae too? Something had to be wrong if all three of them were missing at the same time. If they had decided to go have fun instead of going to class like last week then Jiho or Hyun Jae would have told him. 

He walked out to the front of the school and took out his phone. The only way to settle his mind would be to call her. He scrolled down his contact list until he got to her name. After selecting her name he placed the phone to his ear waiting for her to answer.


Rap Monster sighed in relief hearing her answer. At least now he knew she wasn’t in any danger or anything like he had imagined. “Are you all having fun without me?”

This time he heard her sigh. “I wish.”

Hyun Jae sounded sad and disappointed to him. She always seemed so happy when they were out having fun and very tough too. She never went a day without punching Minsoo or flicking Jiho’s arm when they would annoy her. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you with the guys?”

“No, I was just on my way out to meet them at the hospital.”

“Why at the hospital?”

“Something happened to them and I have to be with them.”

“If that’s the case I’ll go with you.”

Hyun Jae giggled “I could sure use the ride; I don’t feel like walking much at the moment.”

“I’ll be there in five minutes.” He hung up the phone and went straight to his car. He drove above speed limit as he tried to get to her in the time he had said.

When he got to there he was surprised to find her waiting out front with a cigarette in .

Jay looked up from her phone when she saw a car stop in front of her. Seeing it was Nam Joon she threw her cigarette on the ground and stepped on it to put it out. She then got inside and tried to be as normal as possible. “Hey”

Rap Monster couldn’t take the image of her smoking out of his head. “I didn’t know you smoked.”

Jay shook her head. “I really don’t. I just do it once in a while when I need something to take my mind off things.”

“You have so many secrets.” He began to drive off to the hospital wanting to get there quickly and hopefully get caught up on everything that was happening.


Jay and Rap Monster entered the hospital through the main entrance. They quickly caught everyone in the waiting room’s attention with the way they looked. The nurse sitting at the front desk sat up straight as they headed towards her. “How can I help you” she asked with a bright smile.

“What room is Woo Jiho in?”

The nurse typed the patient’s name into the computer to check the room number. When she found the number she took out two sticker passes and wrote the room number on them before handing one to Jay and the other to Rap Monster. “Mr. Woo is in room 218. Second floor, room 18, it will be on your right.”

“Thank you” Jay peeled the paper off the sticker and placed it on her shirt, over her heart. Rap Monster did the same thing and walked to the elevator with Jay. Once they were inside she pressed the button for the second floor. It didn’t take long for them to get there and find the room.

When the two of them entered the room Minsoo stood up from his seat. He was glad to see she had finally gotten there. “Hyun Jae you came.”

She quickly went over to him and embraced him. She couldn’t help the urge she had to hug him. “I’m so glad you’re okay but what happened to Jiho?”

Minsoo let go of her and turned back to Jiho who was lying on the hospital bed with a breathing mask on his face. “He’s in a coma. The bastards from Big Bang tortured him till he couldn’t take it anymore. When we got there he was already unconscious in the van. The leader gave us a glimpse of him before we all started to fight it out.”

Jay joined Minsoo beside Jiho and felt a tear coming out of her. She held on to one of Jiho’s hands not wanting to let go until she felt emotionally stable again. At the moment all she could think of was crying. Because of her they got involved with Cray and Big Bang.

“I’m so sorry Jiho Oppa” she whispered. She would be devastated if she lost a friend because of her business.

Seeing her like that made Minsoo feel bad. “We’ll give you some time alone” he took Rap Monster with him outside of the room. Once he closed the door he turned to him “what are you doing here?”

“I brought Hyun Jae here.” Now that Rap Monster got a closer look at Minsoo he saw his many cuts and bruises that were being masked by the bandages. “Are you going to tell me how you got those?”

“None of your business” Minsoo said before he walked off.

Rap Monster caught up to him and stopped him. “Why do you always walk away from me and refuse to talk to me?”

Minsoo turned around “I don’t like you.”

“I know that, what I want to know is why you hate me.”

“Because I can tell what you are trying to do.”

“What exactly am I doing?”

Minsoo couldn’t take it anymore. Rap Monster always seemed so cocky to him. He always thought he was mocking him by getting to Hyun Jae before he could in the mornings. “You’re trying to take Hyun Jae from me.”

Rap Monster smirked, he had already suspected Minsoo liked her. It was pretty obvious to him because of how touchy and protective he was of her. Whenever he got close to her Minsoo would do anything to get her attention. “So you do like Hyun Jae.”

“Like is an understatement for the feelings I have towards Hyun Jae.”

“Well Minsoo I guess it’s only fair to tell you that I’m not taking her away from you on purpose. It just seems that the more I get to know her the more I want to be with her. She’s a very interesting person and I intend to stick around a while longer.”

Minsoo’s jaw clenched as he heard him. Rap Monster had just practically declared war on him. “So I was right, you do like her.”

“By the looks of it not as much as you but I am interested in her. It’s not like you’re her boyfriend or anything so she’s fair game.”

“Don’t think she’s an easy girl like the ones you’re use to. Hyun Jae isn’t just some you can have fall to your feet.”

“That’s why I like her.”

“Well I’m glad we got this out of the way.” He led the way back to Jiho’s room feeling a sense of relief. He had feared Nam Joon might want to harm Hyun Jae but now he knew he liked her like he did. That meant he wouldn’t hurt her in any way.

Hyun Jae turned to them and sighed. She felt better after being alone in the room. She w

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Chapter 19: Omg how can ace die.
No I refuse to believe this, I was cheering for ace and j-hope!!!!
My favourite couple noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
I am deeply wounded *cries a river*
Chapter 24: This gotta be one of my fav fanfics omg but why did you have to do this I'm crying too much death and I honestly thought hyunjae and namjoon would make it alive //flip table/ Thankyou for a great story, author-nim!
Chapter 24: You're cruel!!! I was so shipping Jay and rapmon! And-and this happens!! T~T whyyyyyy
And I so didn't expect all these deaths, like I'm going to hide!
But please make a sequel for odette but please oh please make this one not suicial? Like pretty pretty please with all kpop love?
But I have to admit this truly was a great story!
koreankimchibaby #4
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: ~T_T~ alot of ppl died here...why?! ::>_<:: i am crying as hard as rn!!! (;´ຶДຶ `) why did this have to happen??? First its ****, then *** then ****** then **** then * *** then lastly ***..i mean, this is TOO depressing for me...(ToT)..why do they have to die....this is too much...(┳Д┳) i cried so much....
Chapter 24: OMG PLEASE HAVE SEQUEL. And why jay died T_T
Joker_ #7
Chapter 24: OH MY GOSSSHHHH THIS IS SOOOO DAM AWESOME!!!! FCKING AWESOMMMEEEE but i really hope they all wont die tho.... i was actually expecting couples like jayXrapmon jungkookXodette JinXroyalT AceXJhope to have a happy ending maybe V and shorty can paire up lol leah too:( PLEASE HAVE A SEQUEL!!!! TELL ME IF THERES ONE!!!!! LOVVEVEEEEE IT!!!!!! HWAITING!!!!!
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 24: It's really good!!!

I really enjoyed it ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
yasminegirl12 #9
Chapter 23: This was a good ending to an awesome story. It that a Rap Monster died :'( and Jay :'( and J-hope :'(((((((. I'm also still kind of torn up on Ace's death. I'm happy that Minsoo is FINALLY dead because he was really getting on my nerves, I didn't really like from the moment he appeared in the story. Also it isn't fair that all the awesome people are dead and Lust is still alive!!!!! I that Rap Monster and Odette stopped Jay from killing her. Anyways thus was an awesome story and I just wanted to comment that. :-)
Chapter 24: seriously. all my fav members died esp jhope and ace. gosh T.T em sequel pleaseeeee TAT