Chapter 5: The Kim's

Our Way of Life
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The well groomed butler knocked lightly on the grand white door before entering. He entered and went straight for the long light blue curtains that stretched from the ceiling to the ground. Once he opened them to reveal the bright sunny day outside the girl who was fast asleep began to toss around looking for her blanket that she had lost throughout the night.

It was just what she needed in order to shield herself from the bright light that entered the room to wake her. “Please just give me a couple of five more minutes.”

“I’m sorry young Miss but your mother made it clear that you must go this time around. I am simply doing my job.” The butler continued to open the rest of the curtains in the room until all the room was filled with light.

Not being able to continue her sleep Royal T sat up with her hair undone and tangled.  “Come on Sebastian just a little longer.”

“Your mother will be waiting for you do hurry young Miss.” Sebastian bowed then left to continue the rest of his duties.

Royal T yawned as she got out of bed and headed to the half of her walk-in closet that was filled with clothes approved by her mother. This was the section she called: Autumn’s half. The other half was filled with clothes she wore when it didn’t involve her mom being with her.

It was the same for the other girls as well. Jay and Ace were frequently invited over to Royal T’s house by her mother. Those were the two friends Royal T had that her mother approved of. Shorty had a tendency of disappearing or flaking out on the girls and that made Royal T’s mother believe she wasn’t a good person.

There was also the fact that she had always ignored the rules of Royal T’s mother. She didn’t like dark colors and absolutely hated black. She was fond of pastels and even more of white which is why whenever the girls visited they had to dress by the code. Not to mention she loved seeing the girls in dresses.

Sometimes it was hard to fulfill her wishes but they could manage. Royal T was use to it already but she did try to get passed the code a few times but would fail every time.

After putting on a white lace dress with white tights Royal T combed out her hair so she could let it loose rather than her usual braids. Once she was finished she hoped down the stairs feeling much more alive than when she woke up. Now she was filled with energy and wanted to use some of it out before having to follow her parents around.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs she saw her parents were already waiting for her at the front door. “Hurry up princess” her father called out.

Royal T smiled, she loved hearing her father call her ‘princess’ because it was true. He treated her like a princess since the moment she was born. Being the only child to a wealthy family made it easy for him to give in to her every request. That being said Royal T wasn’t such a humble child.

She would take advantage and ask for many things never caring about anyone but herself. It was that way of thinking that got her isolated and bullied for the first twelve years of her life. Now thanks to the help of her friends she has become an almost completely different person.

Although she still asks for many things for herself and accepts all the love her parents give her, she now shares her good fortune with others. She helps out people she sees are in need and is always reaching out to those who she sees need help but are too proud to ask.

“Where are we going Daddy” she asked when they got inside the car that was waiting for them in front of the door. She sat in between her parents with her father on her right side and her mother on the left.

“Daddy has to take care of some business at one of the hotels then we will have a few visitors who will be joining us for lunch.”

Her mother began to fumble around with Royal T’s hair wanting it to resemble that of a porcelain doll. “While your father is taking care of his business I’m going down to the hotel spa to check on the new staff. I’ll leave you with your friend Hara.”

“Yes!” Royal T’s mood heightened hearing she would be all bored. Her parents owned numerous luxury hotels so she didn’t know which one they were going to but she always hoped it was the one Hara worked at. Now that it was confirmed they were going there she became happy. She could just go down to the bar and talk to her.

When they arrived at the hotel all the staff greeted them with only the best smiles. “Okay I have to go now, take care princess” he kissed her forehead goodbye before leaving with the hotel manager that was waiting behind him.

Royal T waved goodbye then followed her mother. When they got to the end of the hall they split to go their separate ways. Her mother to the spa and herself to the bar; when she entered she saw it was of course empty customer wise but the staff was there cleaning up from the night.

Once they finish cleaning and getting everything back to how it usually is they go home and come back until the night. At least that was Hara’s schedule. There was a different less extravagant staff during the day. The night belonged to the bartenders and baristas who knew how to entertain the guests while pouring them a drink.

She approached one of the staff members closest to her and asked for Hara. “Excuse me do you know where Choi Hara is?”

The girl scoffed and even rolled her eyes. “That ty delinquent is probably in the back getting ready to go home.” The girl took a look at Royal T and put her hand on her hip. “Hey aren’t you a little young to be in the bar?”

It was clear to Royal T that this girl was new. She didn’t know who she was, “I’m special and have special access to the place by the way I don’t like how you’re talking about my friend.”

“Oh yeah? I don’t buy it; if you are friends with Hara then you’re up to no good as well.”

Hara finished changin

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Chapter 19: Omg how can ace die.
No I refuse to believe this, I was cheering for ace and j-hope!!!!
My favourite couple noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
I am deeply wounded *cries a river*
Chapter 24: This gotta be one of my fav fanfics omg but why did you have to do this I'm crying too much death and I honestly thought hyunjae and namjoon would make it alive //flip table/ Thankyou for a great story, author-nim!
Chapter 24: You're cruel!!! I was so shipping Jay and rapmon! And-and this happens!! T~T whyyyyyy
And I so didn't expect all these deaths, like I'm going to hide!
But please make a sequel for odette but please oh please make this one not suicial? Like pretty pretty please with all kpop love?
But I have to admit this truly was a great story!
koreankimchibaby #4
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: ~T_T~ alot of ppl died here...why?! ::>_<:: i am crying as hard as rn!!! (;´ຶДຶ `) why did this have to happen??? First its ****, then *** then ****** then **** then * *** then lastly ***..i mean, this is TOO depressing for me...(ToT)..why do they have to die....this is too much...(┳Д┳) i cried so much....
Chapter 24: OMG PLEASE HAVE SEQUEL. And why jay died T_T
Joker_ #7
Chapter 24: OH MY GOSSSHHHH THIS IS SOOOO DAM AWESOME!!!! FCKING AWESOMMMEEEE but i really hope they all wont die tho.... i was actually expecting couples like jayXrapmon jungkookXodette JinXroyalT AceXJhope to have a happy ending maybe V and shorty can paire up lol leah too:( PLEASE HAVE A SEQUEL!!!! TELL ME IF THERES ONE!!!!! LOVVEVEEEEE IT!!!!!! HWAITING!!!!!
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 24: It's really good!!!

I really enjoyed it ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
yasminegirl12 #9
Chapter 23: This was a good ending to an awesome story. It that a Rap Monster died :'( and Jay :'( and J-hope :'(((((((. I'm also still kind of torn up on Ace's death. I'm happy that Minsoo is FINALLY dead because he was really getting on my nerves, I didn't really like from the moment he appeared in the story. Also it isn't fair that all the awesome people are dead and Lust is still alive!!!!! I that Rap Monster and Odette stopped Jay from killing her. Anyways thus was an awesome story and I just wanted to comment that. :-)
Chapter 24: seriously. all my fav members died esp jhope and ace. gosh T.T em sequel pleaseeeee TAT