Chapter 14: J-Hope

Our Way of Life
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It was past eleven when Rap Monster finally arrived at Hyun Jae’s house. With all the things that had happened at the restaurant they hadn’t even gotten the chance to finish talking about the favor she had asked him.

She felt a bit awkward at the moment and Rap Monster could sense it. She gave him a small smile “thanks for the ride.”

Rap Monster shook his head with a smile. “You don’t have to thank me but I do ask one thing.”

“What? Jay asked.

“That you don’t act so awkward around me.”

Jay sighed “well what do you want me to do about it? I’ve never been in a relationship. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act around you.”

“Like you always do… no wait” after thinking about it he regretted his statement. “I take it back. You should act a bit more familiar with me.”

“That’s strange considering I hardly know you.”

“Yet you like me” he said making her become quiet.  He laughed as he tried to lighten the mood. “Don’t worry that’s what dates are for. So we have to have one as soon as possible. Like maybe tomorrow.”

Jay was a bit hesitant but nodded. She just didn’t want to feel so strange around him. “Okay then if it will help. But now I have to go. Hara probably left already and Odette’s all alone.”

“Okay then see you tomorrow at school.”

“Bye” she said before opening the door of the car. She was suddenly stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She looked back at him confused.

Rap Monster smiled “you didn’t think you were just going to leave saying bye did you?”

Jay nodded; she was sort of trying to avoid this.

“It’s not like I’m forcing you to be with me. You agreed so you have to do what couples do and one of the most important things is to kiss when you leave.”

“F-fine” Jay mentally cursed herself for stuttering. Now he would be able to tell she was nervous. She faced him and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Ha-” she was stopped by his lips on hers. The kiss didn’t last long like the previous kiss they had but Jay felt the same feelings she did the last time.

When they pulled apart Rap Monster smirked. “That is how you say goodbye. Why would you kiss me like we’re strangers? You have to take in mind that the kiss has to last me until the next time we see each other.”

“Well now I know.” Jay knew she was blushing. “See you tomorrow.” She had to be with how hot her face felt. She got out of the car and walked through the gates. She didn’t look back for fear that he might see her bright pink face.

Odette opened the door before Jay had even gotten to it. “Oh my god unnie you’re finally back. I was about to call the others to see if they knew where you were.” Odette hugged Jay “I thought you were gone like Leah.”

Jay felt a bit uncomfortable but then began to pat her back.”You need to stop thinking everyone is going to suddenly die.”

“I’m sorry” she sighed. When she inhaled Odette smelled something strange. “Why do you smell like guy cologne?”  Odette gasped in realization “were you with a guy?”

Jay slowly nodded.

Odette backed away in shock. “No way! Do you… Do you have a boyfriend?”

“I just got one a few hours ago and I hoped to keep it a secret but if you could tell right away then Ace will surely find out.”

“You don’t want Ace to find out?”


“Why not?”

“It’s someone she wouldn’t like me being with. I do want to tell her but I need time to think of the proper way to tell her.”

Odette smiled “then I’ll help cover up for you until then.”

Jay smiled as she agreed. “Thanks Odette now let’s go sleep.”


It was midnight when Rap Monster got home. He entered the house to find Suga and Jimin passed out on the couch with the television on. He ignored them and went straight upstairs to his room.

When he the lights he found J-Hope sitting on his bed with his head fallen back asleep. “What are you doing in my room?”

J-Hope immediately woke up and stood up. “I wanted to ask you for help so I waited here. Why are you barely getting home now?”

Rap Monster’s lip curved up into a sly smirk. “I had dinner.”

“Judging by your smile I’m going to say it was with Hyun Jae.”

He nodded “that’s right.”

“But you’ve gone places with her before. Why do you have the grin on your face?” J-Hope then thought about it and his shoulders fell. “No, don’t tell me you two…”

“Yup we’re officially a couple. I finally got a girl to myself.”

J-Hope’s eyebrows furrowed “that’s it; I thought you were going to say you did it with her.”

Rap Monster shoved him by the chest. “Hey! She’s not like that. She couldn’t even kiss me properly so I had to kiss her.”

“You kissed her?”

Rap Monster held up two fingers “twice.”

“And she didn’t get mad or hit you?” J-Hope was confused how Rap Monster had kissed Hyun Jae and now he was happy saying they were together while he kissed Soo Mi and now he was here trying to get help.

“Why would she?” Rap Monster took off his glasses and placed them on his table. “She liked when I kissed her and thanks to that we are now together.”

“But I kissed Soo Mi today and she hit me. She even said she never wanted to see me again.”

Rap Monster couldn’t believe J-Hope had gotten the courage to kiss the girl he liked. He was use to seeing him fight with the girls he had a crush on. In high school J-Hope never got a girlfriend because of it. The only women he has gotten are those who threw themselves at him in the club. “I guess she doesn’t like you then. Unless it took her a while to push you away, then perhaps she likes you but doesn’t want to admit it.”

J-Hope began to think back to see if it had taken Soo Mi a while to push him away. “It did take a while for her to push me away.”

“Did she kiss you back or close her eyes?”

“Well her eyes were closed to begin with but she didn’t kiss me back. Once she woke up she pushed me away and asked why I kissed her.”

Rap Monster was at a loss for words at first. He couldn’t believe what he had heard. “Did you kiss her when she was sleeping?”


“Then what did you tell her when she asked why you kissed her?”

“I said because I felt like it.”

Rap Monster slapped the back of J-Hope’s head. “You’re still asking me for help when you put yourself in the situation. If you would have told her that you like her then it would have been different but you had to go and act tough.”

J-Hope rubbed his head “so what do I do now?”

“Tell her the truth obviously unless you’re okay with the way things are. Now get out of my room I want to sleep.” Rap Monster kicked him out.

J-Hope decided he would apologize to Soo Mi tomorrow but he wasn’t sure if he would confess to her. He didn’t think he could tell her something like that.


The next day when J-Hope got to class he sat in his seat waiting for Soo Mi to get there. She sat next to him so it would be easy for him to talk to her after class.

When Soo Mi entered the classroom she saw J-Hope was already seated. She walked to her seat like normal the only difference was that she wasn’t in her usual mood. She wasn’t looking forward to proving Ho Seok wrong. All she wanted to do was ignore him and pretend he wasn’t there.

J-Hope noticed how she walked to her seat and sat down without a glimpse to his side. He expected it to happen but it still felt strange.

As class started she continued to stay the same way. Never turning to his side or even looking from the corner of her eye.

The professor began the lecture. Once he was done he started to ask questions. Like always J-Hope raised his hand in hope of answering before Soo Mi. Today he won every single time. Soo Mi wasn’t volunteering to answer any of the questions.

J-Hope looked over at her and saw how her head was having difficulty staying up just like yesterday.

Ace couldn’t sleep the other day because of BTS and last night she couldn’t sleep thinking about the incident with Ho Seok.

Just like that the class ended and J-Hope finally thought he would have his chance to set everything straight with her. Ace on the other hand quickly gathered her stuff and left.

When J-Hope turned he saw her exiting the room. He quickly ran after her not calling out to warn her. Once he reached her he took her by the wrist and dragged her behind him to the front of the school.

“Let go” she shouted but the more she resisted the tighter he held on to her. He finally let go of her when he found a lonely area. He didn’t want a crowd forming like last time.

Ace rubbed her wrist trying to get the blood circulating again. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you bring me here?”

“I had to talk to you but since you told me never to talk to you I felt this way was my only choice.”

She stopped rubbing her wrist and began to grit her teeth. It was taking every bit of her s

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Chapter 19: Omg how can ace die.
No I refuse to believe this, I was cheering for ace and j-hope!!!!
My favourite couple noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
I am deeply wounded *cries a river*
Chapter 24: This gotta be one of my fav fanfics omg but why did you have to do this I'm crying too much death and I honestly thought hyunjae and namjoon would make it alive //flip table/ Thankyou for a great story, author-nim!
Chapter 24: You're cruel!!! I was so shipping Jay and rapmon! And-and this happens!! T~T whyyyyyy
And I so didn't expect all these deaths, like I'm going to hide!
But please make a sequel for odette but please oh please make this one not suicial? Like pretty pretty please with all kpop love?
But I have to admit this truly was a great story!
koreankimchibaby #4
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: ~T_T~ alot of ppl died here...why?! ::>_<:: i am crying as hard as rn!!! (;´ຶДຶ `) why did this have to happen??? First its ****, then *** then ****** then **** then * *** then lastly ***..i mean, this is TOO depressing for me...(ToT)..why do they have to die....this is too much...(┳Д┳) i cried so much....
Chapter 24: OMG PLEASE HAVE SEQUEL. And why jay died T_T
Joker_ #7
Chapter 24: OH MY GOSSSHHHH THIS IS SOOOO DAM AWESOME!!!! FCKING AWESOMMMEEEE but i really hope they all wont die tho.... i was actually expecting couples like jayXrapmon jungkookXodette JinXroyalT AceXJhope to have a happy ending maybe V and shorty can paire up lol leah too:( PLEASE HAVE A SEQUEL!!!! TELL ME IF THERES ONE!!!!! LOVVEVEEEEE IT!!!!!! HWAITING!!!!!
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 24: It's really good!!!

I really enjoyed it ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
yasminegirl12 #9
Chapter 23: This was a good ending to an awesome story. It that a Rap Monster died :'( and Jay :'( and J-hope :'(((((((. I'm also still kind of torn up on Ace's death. I'm happy that Minsoo is FINALLY dead because he was really getting on my nerves, I didn't really like from the moment he appeared in the story. Also it isn't fair that all the awesome people are dead and Lust is still alive!!!!! I that Rap Monster and Odette stopped Jay from killing her. Anyways thus was an awesome story and I just wanted to comment that. :-)
Chapter 24: seriously. all my fav members died esp jhope and ace. gosh T.T em sequel pleaseeeee TAT