Chapter 17: Azure

Our Way of Life
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Mavi walked through the dark lonely streets late at night. She had finally received the call she had been waiting for. The Boss was finally calling to ask about the information she had gotten. She had waited for this moment. The moment she would get to prove herself to one of the higher ups in Neon, one of the original Neon 6.

She had arrived to the club she was told. With a bit of hesitation she started her journey through the alley way of the club. As she looked ahead she saw a dim light shining down on a staircase and on that staircase she could see a figure looking down at the ground.

Mavi quickly ran over with a grin on her face. “Miss Boss.”

Dasom looked up when she heard the person approaching her. “What am I thirty?”

Hearing the displeased voice of her Boss Mavi became a bit more nervous. “I’m sorry Boss but Azure gave strict orders not to call you” she stopped and looked around to make sure no one was there “Lust.”

Dasom sighed “you really are a new one. Everyone knows not to call me that. Until I have my color back everyone calls me Dasom. Understood?!”

“Yes er-Dasom” Mavi was a bit nervous.

“Whatever now, tell me what information you have? I hope it’s something worth my time. It’s a very lively night in there tonight. Also Azure is inside. If you displease me I will have your hair taken in this very spot.”

Mavi shivered as she heard the threat. She knew this all too well. In Neon when a girl has done anything to harm or go against Neon they will be given the haircut of a lifetime.  “I’m sure you will see that it won’t be necessary.” She took out the four pictures she had gotten out of the photo album that belonged to Ace.

Wanting to get back to the party Dasom quickly snatched the pictures out of Mavi’s hands. A smile appeared on her face as she looked though them. “Yes! This is them!” She began to chant in happiness. “These are the girls I remember seeing them always around Young Woon Oppa and that Hara.”

“You did good newbie.”

Mavi smiled wider than ever before. “Does that mean I get to keep my hair?”

Dasom nodded “yes and you get to continue being my little spy.”

“Great then, what should I do now?”

“Give me your phone.”

Mavi took her phone out of her front pocket and handed it to Dasom. Dasom quickly took a picture of one of the pictures and handed it back to her. “Find her and kill her.”

When she heard her orders Mavi became a bit nervous. “W-wait Dasom, kill as in dead? I’m not sure I can do that. I never even knew I would have to do that.”

“Do you want to be a Neon?”

Mavi nodded enthusiastically.

“Then you must do what I tell you without question. Now, I told you to kill that girl. What is your answer?”

She looked down at her phone. She pressed the power button making the screen light up. Starring back at her was the picture of some girl she didn’t know. The girl didn’t even look like a threat. She looked like an innocent middle-schooler. At the same time she thought about how much she wanted to be accepted into Neon. “I’ll do it.”

“Good girl now run along.” Dasom shooed her with her hand. “I have a party to get back to and you have some work that has to be done.”  Mavi followed orders and left the alley.

Dasom stayed out there a bit longer to make sure Mavi was completely gone. She then looked at the pictures. “Oh you poor girls. You don’t know what’s coming to you. Enjoy your happiness while you can because I will take it away from you soon.”

The thought of revenge was greater than her urge to party. Dasom decided to leave and start the preparations for her comeback as Lust. It was just a matter of time until she could stop hiding her true self.


“Any luck” Nam Joon asked Jin. He was in front of Jay’s house talking on the phone with Jin. He wanted to see if a lead they had gotten on Minsoo got them any closer.

Jin sighed “sorry Jimin and J-Hope said there was absolutely no sign of him. I have to go now. My mom is making me take Aleyna dress shopping.” Jin hung up the phone and Rap Monster did the same.

Rap Monster put his phone in his pocket and got ready for what he was about to do. He went to the lock screen on the front gate and entered the password. It lit up green signaling it was correct and he could enter. “Thanks Odette” Rap Monster whispered to himself.

He had successfully convinced her to give him the code in case there was an emergency while Jay had her cast on. He had been using it the last two weeks non-stop. He would only get as far as the front door to meet Jay and help her get into the car.

But since she got her cast taken off he hasn’t been able to use it with that excuse. He was determined to go inside the house this time. He got to the front door and knocked.

The knock on the door alerted Hara. She had just arrived home from work a couple of hours ago and without knowing it she had knocked out on the couch. She got up and starred at the image in the mirror. She was in full make-up, her hair was a tangled mess from her crazy sleeping habits, and her clothes looked like a wrinkled mess.

She regretted having stayed after work to take a few shots with some of her co-workers. Only bartenders drink at six in the morning. Hearing the knocking on the door again she went over to it.

When she opened the door a beam of sunlight entered the house causing her to close her eyes. It was too bright for someone in her condition. She covered her eyes as she looked down at the ground. Once her eyes had adjusted she looked up at the person in front of her. “Oh Nam Joon, what are you doing here? Hyun Jae is probably still asleep upstairs. Were you two going somewhere?”

Rap Monster shook his head. “No, I came here because I wanted to visit her for the first time. Will you let me Hara noona?”

Hara was a bit tipsy but she was in her right of mind. She knew Jay hadn’t exactly put him on the list. “I don’t know Nam Joon. Have you and Hyun Jae talked about you coming in? I’m sure you are aware of all the rumors about this being the Lady Killers hangout.”

“Yes I know and she has told me they’re only here at night and leave before the sun is up. I figured it would be okay as long as none of them were here.”

Hara was still hesitant about letting him in without talking to Jay first. “Please” he said and Hara sighed once more. “Fine you can come in.”

Rap Monster smiled as he entered Jay’s house for the first time.  Right away he could tell the house was way too big for three girls to be living alone. It was obvious they held company there.

After closing the door Hara walked in front of him showing him the way through the house. When she got into the living room Hara sat on the couch and pointed at the stairs. “Go upstairs; Hyun Jae’s room is at the end of the hall.”

“Thanks” Rap Monster said before he started his way up.

“You’re welcome” Hara yawned before stretching herself out on the couch and submitting back to the dream world.

When Rap Monster reached the top of the stairs he counted about nine doors. He wondered what each room held inside but of course he only had his mind set on one room.

As he got closer one of the doors opened letting out a pink light. He stopped walking to see who would walk out of there.

Odette yawned as she stepped out of her room with closed eyes. She stretched before opening her eyes. She then noticed the person who was just an arm’s length away. “Oh my god! What are you doing here?”

“Shhh” Rap Monster signaled her. “I’m going to surprise Hyun Jae” he whispered.

Odette became quiet and shook her head already fearing Hyun Jae’s reaction. She continued to look at Nam Joon until he disappeared into Hyun Jae’s room.

As quietly as possible Nam Joon opened the door. The first thing he noticed was her bed was empty. He looked to around the room and saw her lying by the window. As quietly as possible he closed the door behind him.

Jay immediately looked over in the direction of the noise. She stayed still for a moment just blinking as she stared at Nam Joon. She then rubbed her eyes thinking it was her eyes that were playing tricks on her after having drunk a bit with Shorty when she went to visit her at her apartment.

Nam Joon too stood still but for different reasons. He was waiting for her reaction to seeing him inside her house but it never came.

“I’m imagining things now.” Hyun Jae looked back out the window like she was doing before she heard the noise. Her room was completely dark. The only source of light was that of the window she was at which made her believe the darkness was contorting into Nam Joon’s figure.

When he heard her he realized why she didn’t react. He went over to her and kneeled beside her, he poked her head so she could turn to him. 

Jay turned her face dangerously close to his. Now she knew he really was there. Her eyes slowly began to widen as she sat up. “What the hell are you doing here?!”

“Hara noona let me in.”

Jay stood up wanting to go ask Hara why she had done such a thing but was stopped by Nam Joon. He turned her around and placed her back to her original sitting position. “Are you mad?”

She nodded.


“Because you weren’t suppose to come in here. You already know that the Lady Killers”

“I know that” Rap Monster cut her off. “But they are only here at night so it’s okay if I come in the day right?”

“I guess it is.” Jay heard a noise coming from outside her door. She got up and opened the door in time to catch Hara and Odette run away. “Come back here unnie! This is all your fault.”

Hara ignored her and went downstairs while Odette got inside her room and locked the door. Jay closed the door and the lights of her room letting Nam Joon see it all.

Jay’s room was completely white, from the bare white walls to the white carpet. “I wouldn’t expect your room to look like this.”

“What did you expect it to look like?”

Rap Monster shrugged “I don’t know just not like this.”

“Well now if you don’t mind I need to change so…” Jay opened the door and pointed outside.

He smirked “I don’t mind watching.”

Jay immediately threw a punch at him aiming for his face. Rap Monster dodged it just in time and ran out the door closing it behind him. Just to be sure Jay locked it then got ready so she could leave and get Nam Joon out of her house. She didn’t want him seeing anything that would give away their secret.


“Why am I being partnered up with you again and why didn’t Jay just call me like always” Shorty asked as she sat in the passenger’s seat of Ace’s car.

Ace sighed as she pulled out of the parking space in front of Shorty’s apartment. “The truth is right now we are going against Jay’s orders.”

“What!” Shorty’s eyes widened. “Are you crazy?”

“The truth is Jay has told us not to bother you with any of the gang’s business. She said you weren’t capable of carrying out a mission yet.” Ace felt bad for lying but she needed Shorty’s assassin instincts for what she wanted to do.

Shorty gasped, “But I thought I told Jay I was completely fine and ready to go when she needed me.” She remembered Jay agreeing with her.

“I know you are fully recovered and ready to go so let’s just keep today a secret. Unless you want me to take you back home.”

“No!” She immediately shouted. “I want to be useful.”

Ace smiled happy to see her plan was working perfectly so far. The rest of the ride was silent. Once Ace parked the car Shorty looked around trying to figure out exactly what it was they would be doing.

“Why are we in a residential area?”

Ace put on her gloves as she began to explain the situation to Shorty. “A while back I had found out that over there” she said pointing to a house. “That house is the hangout for BTS. Along with that I have already managed to identify five out of seven of the members.”

“How do you know there are seven?”

“Remember I find out everything. Finding out how many members there are is easy compared to getting each and everyone’s identity.”

Shorty nodded to signal her she understood and could continue.

“We are here today to prove my suspicions.”

“Ace not to question your tactics or anything but isn’t there an easier way to prove your suspicions? A head on approach could backfire at such an early stage of a mission. By the

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thanks for the 500+ subscribers. Your continuing growth inspires me to write the sequel


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Chapter 19: Omg how can ace die.
No I refuse to believe this, I was cheering for ace and j-hope!!!!
My favourite couple noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
I am deeply wounded *cries a river*
Chapter 24: This gotta be one of my fav fanfics omg but why did you have to do this I'm crying too much death and I honestly thought hyunjae and namjoon would make it alive //flip table/ Thankyou for a great story, author-nim!
Chapter 24: You're cruel!!! I was so shipping Jay and rapmon! And-and this happens!! T~T whyyyyyy
And I so didn't expect all these deaths, like I'm going to hide!
But please make a sequel for odette but please oh please make this one not suicial? Like pretty pretty please with all kpop love?
But I have to admit this truly was a great story!
koreankimchibaby #4
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: ~T_T~ alot of ppl died here...why?! ::>_<:: i am crying as hard as rn!!! (;´ຶДຶ `) why did this have to happen??? First its ****, then *** then ****** then **** then * *** then lastly ***..i mean, this is TOO depressing for me...(ToT)..why do they have to die....this is too much...(┳Д┳) i cried so much....
Chapter 24: OMG PLEASE HAVE SEQUEL. And why jay died T_T
Joker_ #7
Chapter 24: OH MY GOSSSHHHH THIS IS SOOOO DAM AWESOME!!!! FCKING AWESOMMMEEEE but i really hope they all wont die tho.... i was actually expecting couples like jayXrapmon jungkookXodette JinXroyalT AceXJhope to have a happy ending maybe V and shorty can paire up lol leah too:( PLEASE HAVE A SEQUEL!!!! TELL ME IF THERES ONE!!!!! LOVVEVEEEEE IT!!!!!! HWAITING!!!!!
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 24: It's really good!!!

I really enjoyed it ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
yasminegirl12 #9
Chapter 23: This was a good ending to an awesome story. It that a Rap Monster died :'( and Jay :'( and J-hope :'(((((((. I'm also still kind of torn up on Ace's death. I'm happy that Minsoo is FINALLY dead because he was really getting on my nerves, I didn't really like from the moment he appeared in the story. Also it isn't fair that all the awesome people are dead and Lust is still alive!!!!! I that Rap Monster and Odette stopped Jay from killing her. Anyways thus was an awesome story and I just wanted to comment that. :-)
Chapter 24: seriously. all my fav members died esp jhope and ace. gosh T.T em sequel pleaseeeee TAT