Chapter 23: Odette

Our Way of Life
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3 Months Later

Royal T sighed as she exited her car in front of what used to be Jay’s house. It had been a house full of life before when it belonged to her uncle and she had just moved in. The life continued as Jay and her cousin filled it with the people they trusted and valued the most. Even when Jay lost her last family member she continued bringing life to the house.

Now when Royal T entered the house she sighed seeing the dark lonely rooms. Shoes no longer filled the entrance. There was only a lonely pair there and she knew it belonged to the person she was looking for.

“Odette” she called out as she made her way into the living room. It was spotless, the furniture covered in white linens to protect them from the dust. The dust that would surely accumulate now that no one was living there.

She heard small noises coming from upstairs and followed them. As she climbed up the steps she looked over to the wall that ran along the stairs. The pictures on the wall were of ex-gang members, they ranged from her uncle’s gang members all the way to the Lady Killers. All the deceased had a white ribbon wrapped around the picture.

It was sad for Royal T to see her friends’ pictures as she got higher up the stairs. She came across Ace, Leah, Shorty, Hara, and where she expected Jay’s picture to be was empty. She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought of what could have happened to it.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the sound o broken glass. She quickly made her way down the hall. She noticed the only open door was Jay’s room. When she entered she saw Odette crouched on the ground picking up pieces of glass. “Odette what are you doing?”

“I was taking this stupid cover off of the dresser and knocked over Jay’s make-up mirror.” Odette carefully made a pile of broken glass feeling sorry she had broken it in the first place.

“Odette I can see that but-” she sighed after stopping abruptly. “What I meant is why are you here in the first place?” As she looked around at the room she noticed all the other furniture had already been uncovered. The linens were already neatly folded and put on top of the bed. “

Odette got off the ground and dusted herself off. She smiled at Royal T wanting to let her know she shouldn’t be worrying. “Royal T you know the only reason I agreed to live with you was because we needed each other. You were having a hard time not just with Jay’s death but with your parents as well.”

Royal T nodded understanding. She was grateful that Odette had helped her through the pain she felt the day she got a call from the police telling her the news about her parents. They never made it back from their business trip because their plane had crashed. It wasn’t even a week after Jay’s death when she found herself preparing another funeral.

“But now” Odette looked around at Jay’s room. “I want to move back here. Your house is big and all but if you are going to marry Jin then you will need that house for your future family.” She placed her hand on Royal T’s shoulder. “You are going to marry him right?”

“I don’t know” she responded in desperation. “I don’t feel it’s the right time to be making those kind of decisions. I can’t bare myself to celebrate with all the tragedy that is around us. I lost my parents and best friend and Jin also lost his.”

The air was silent for a while as they thought about the most recent loss. Odette finally broke the silence with a small giggle. “Don’t worry about that. I’m sure Nam Joon is keeping Jay company. Knowing how they were I’m sure he found her and keeps trying to get her to say those three words he wanted to hear from her.”

“Yeah but I still feel like we could have done something to save Nam Joon. Jin was just

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Chapter 19: Omg how can ace die.
No I refuse to believe this, I was cheering for ace and j-hope!!!!
My favourite couple noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
I am deeply wounded *cries a river*
Chapter 24: This gotta be one of my fav fanfics omg but why did you have to do this I'm crying too much death and I honestly thought hyunjae and namjoon would make it alive //flip table/ Thankyou for a great story, author-nim!
Chapter 24: You're cruel!!! I was so shipping Jay and rapmon! And-and this happens!! T~T whyyyyyy
And I so didn't expect all these deaths, like I'm going to hide!
But please make a sequel for odette but please oh please make this one not suicial? Like pretty pretty please with all kpop love?
But I have to admit this truly was a great story!
koreankimchibaby #4
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: ~T_T~ alot of ppl died here...why?! ::>_<:: i am crying as hard as rn!!! (;´ຶДຶ `) why did this have to happen??? First its ****, then *** then ****** then **** then * *** then lastly ***..i mean, this is TOO depressing for me...(ToT)..why do they have to die....this is too much...(┳Д┳) i cried so much....
Chapter 24: OMG PLEASE HAVE SEQUEL. And why jay died T_T
Joker_ #7
Chapter 24: OH MY GOSSSHHHH THIS IS SOOOO DAM AWESOME!!!! FCKING AWESOMMMEEEE but i really hope they all wont die tho.... i was actually expecting couples like jayXrapmon jungkookXodette JinXroyalT AceXJhope to have a happy ending maybe V and shorty can paire up lol leah too:( PLEASE HAVE A SEQUEL!!!! TELL ME IF THERES ONE!!!!! LOVVEVEEEEE IT!!!!!! HWAITING!!!!!
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 24: It's really good!!!

I really enjoyed it ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
yasminegirl12 #9
Chapter 23: This was a good ending to an awesome story. It that a Rap Monster died :'( and Jay :'( and J-hope :'(((((((. I'm also still kind of torn up on Ace's death. I'm happy that Minsoo is FINALLY dead because he was really getting on my nerves, I didn't really like from the moment he appeared in the story. Also it isn't fair that all the awesome people are dead and Lust is still alive!!!!! I that Rap Monster and Odette stopped Jay from killing her. Anyways thus was an awesome story and I just wanted to comment that. :-)
Chapter 24: seriously. all my fav members died esp jhope and ace. gosh T.T em sequel pleaseeeee TAT