
With You


 "What if I knew about what?" And there they saw Kris, who was wiggling his hands below to dry off his wet hands.







"What if I knew about what, Luhan?" Kris stuck an arm out to the wall, seeing to it that he won't let both Luhan and Baekhyun out of the room without getting an answer. However, Baekhyun and Luhan remained rooted at their spots and fidgeted at the tall guy's presence.




"Fine. I won't pretend that I haven't heard everything you've talked about.."




"Why are you even listening to us in the first place, huh? You think you're someone who could just do whatever he wants just because of being cool.. You think you're everything? Well you're not! Be thankful for everything that had happened tonight. Or else I might've planted you satisfactory bruises all over your face!" Baekhyun gritted his teeth as he balled his fists because he is about to blow. Of course he did not say that. Not when Hyunju nor Chanyeol is around here somewhere. He was proud of himself that he had controlled himself, knowing when and which ones should be said.




"Thank you for 'helping' me by doing this favor. But I guess, we're now in separate ways." Kris added and both continued staring at him while Baekhyun held onto Luhan's left arm, not wanting possible blood-spilling events to take place. "Let's have a fair battle." Kris said as he handed out a hand for a handshake and Luhan unexpectedly reached for it. "Deal." he said and Kris as well.






"Yah! Yah! Yah!" Chanyeol came out of nowhere, like he hadn't interrupted something. "What took you so long? Hyunju's getting the tickets and I went to check on you."



"Ah.. Sorry, there were lots of people around here earlier, and we were at the end of the line. So-uh. Let's go!" Baekhyun said as he clung onto Chanyeol's arm and led him outside, leaving Luhan and Kris alone in the comfort room. "But it seemed like you were the only ones in here.." Chanyeol said innocently as he was being dragged out of the scene. "Aish. Let's just go Chanyeol!" Baekhyun said and they vanished.





As soon as they were left there, Luhan did not want to stay anymore. What he meant was, who wants to stay there? Especially with this kind of situation, right? So he swallowed his pride and let out a heavy breath before saying, "Let's go, they're waiting for us." Luhan walked out of the room first, but immediately halted when Kris muttered: "I won't go easy on you." and walked pass Luhan.




















"No hyung! Not that balloon! The other one!"



"The pink one! The pink one!"



"No stupid, shoot the green one!"



"Kids. Kids. Quiet down. I know what I'm doing." Luhan kidded as he kept his right eye closed and the left one opened when he aimed for the red one and popped three balloons that were worth a prize.




"Aigoo, as expected from Luhan hyun! Who wouldn't win after playing this for years now?" Baekhyun praised Luhan as he glared at Kris. Even the kids around the place were noisy as they cheered for Luhan, and they all wanted him to get them a prize as well. They were all focused with the prize that Luhan was about to receive so they didn't notice the death glares Baekhyun were sending at Kris' direction.




"Here you go kid." The man said as he handed out a huge teal teddy bear with a fuchsia pink ribbon tied around its neck. Hyunju grabbed it as soon as she saw it and beamed at it. "Waaaahh! It's really cute. And it's so fluffy!"



"--I'm gonna die!" Baekhyun added with a little girl's voice plus an annoying face. "Since when did you become Agnes?" he added, and everyone laughed, except for Hyunju who pouted and hit Baekhyun on his arm which surely hurt.




"You can keep it." Luhan said and Hyunju's eyes widened as she heard it. She gasped and squealed, "Really? Omo, thank you very much!" Hyunju hugged Luhan with the bear in between them. Both Kris and Luhan's eyes widened while Baekhyun smirked at the scene.













Stars were blocked by clouds and city lights that night, so it was regretful that though they were right under the night sky, they couldn't see that wonderful scenery above every time they turned their heads up above. Instead, they saw a huge 'NEW!' sign with blinking lights placed higher on their way ahead and raced for it. As soon as they got to where that sign was, they saw two basketball rings and several balls in the stall. The shooting places were about the distance of when you shoot half court and the basketball rings were higher than the usual height.



"I'll pass." Hyunju gestured as she saw the huge distance from the shooting point to the basketball ring. "I'll have Baekhyun shoot for my turn, so it'll be fair enough."




"Wha-Yah! Hyunju! This is not cool. Not cool!" Baekhyun almost shouted so he can be heard because Everland was too noisy. "Go Baekhyun! Go Baekhyun! Go Baekhyun!" Hyunju cheered on Baek. Chanyeol followed as well, making Baekhyun sigh and agreed instead.




Baekhyun and Chanyeol tried it first and as expected, Chanyeol earned more points and won the game which had a prize, even if Baekhyun jumped as high as he could every time he shoots and tried his best to score. However, Chanyeol gave the prize, which was a mini Loopy doll, to Baekhyun. At first, he blushed, thinking that Chanyeol gave it to him thoughtfully. But then, he remembered of when he danced to Pororo's song earlier. "Is this an insult?" He turned to his side to look at Chanyeol and pointed at the doll with a raised eyebrow. Chanyeol laughed and Baekhyun frowned. "Of course not." Chanyeol leveled his head with Baekhyun's and smiled as he placed his hand on top of the shorter guy's head and ruffled Baekhyun's hair.




"Y-yah. Yo-you're ruining my hair." Baekhyun blushed as his eyes shifted from Chanyeol to somewhere else, flinched Chanyeol's hand out of his head and finally fixed his hair by himself.





"You're cute when you're red." Chanyeol said and Baekhyun quickly covered his face with the doll. But Chanyeol removed it from Baekhyun's face and quickly turned to look at the next players (Kris and Luhan) instead, because he himself can't resist the sudden blushing of his face; he did not want Baekhyun or anyone see that. And the two of them are now standing stand side by side as they watched the next game.






The facilitator whistled and when the timer started, both started shooting. Kris scored first, and then Luhan caught up. It was hard shooting with a long distance, so their scores even tied. The night's cold breeze did not even bother the two as they went more serious with the game. "Easy there, this is just a friendly game." The man said as he noticed the serious looks on Kris and Luhan's face. "Friendly, huh?" Kris said under his breath though Luhan quite heard him for they were not that far from each other. Luhan scored a bit more, but in the end, Kris won.




"Nice!" Chanyeol raised both of his hands and gave Kris a high-five. Then Hyunju did the same thing and said 'congratulations!'.



"Oh wait, I think my mom's calling." Baekhyun said when his turn came to give Kris a high-five. And so Kris's hands were left hanging for a millisecond when Baek turned around and 'answered' his phone.



"Oh mom! Yes! Yes! We’re having a great time!" Baekhyun made it louder so it'll sound true, like he was really talking to his mom.















After they've tried various games, one ride was left untouched by them. It is the first thing you'll notice upon entering the amusement park. No, not even upon entering, but from a far view outside the park, you can see it, and know that it really is Everland.






"I'll wait here." Luhan announced as he stared nervously above.





"Yeah. We know that hyung." Baekhyun said as he looked up and placed an arm around Luhan's shoulder and patted it.










"Luhan hyung has an acrophobia?" Chanyeol asked.




"Why Luhan? Haven't tried this roller coaster yet? You're giving up with this ride already?" Kris sounded a bit innocent at first and then smirked after. Of course when only Luhan could see.




"Yeah. Luhan suffers from acrophobia. So he'll be waiting down here for us." Hyunju replied as she got herself ready for the ride.




"Too bad." Kris said before he went up a stair to the ride while making a 'tsk. tsk.' sound with his mouth.






















"No, I'll go." Luhan said and made everyone gasp.




"Are you out of screws hyung?" Baekhyun said with a concern in his voice though he sounded sarcastic.




"Luhan, are you killing yourself? You don't have to do this." Hyunju said.





"Well we understand tha-"




"I said I'll go." Luhan said before Kris could even finish what he was saying. No one can stop Luhan now. Especially when he had this tone of voice. He won’t let himself lose on Kris. And also, they didn't want to make the other guests wait as they argue whether Luhan will come or not, so they were left with no choice but to let Luhan ride this deathly ride.





Luhan paled even before the ride started. He kept his eyes closed through the ride but it did not work. He paled even more and looked nauseous when they got down. Quickly, Hyunju hopped out of the ride and ran towards the nearest sweets bar and returned with a strawberry shake.




"Here, drink this." Hyunju gave the drink to Luhan but he threw up even before he could have a sip. Chanyeol rubbed Luhan's back and Baekhyun handed Luhan tissues to wipe off the stains on his face and some on his clothes.




"I told you Luhan! I've warned you! You know yourself! You knew that you'll end up like this! But still-" Hyunju scolded Luhan like a child as she wiped Luhan's face with a damp towel.



"Hyunju, you're not helping." Chanyeol said and Luhan's vomiting can still be heard.



"I mean- look at you Luhan!" Hyunju well, sort of stopped but still kept on nagging.



"S-sorry. I-I…" Luhan uttered and continued throwing up.





The night ended with Kris sending everyone home, including Luhan who kept a plastic bag in his hands (whenever he needs to throw up) because they wouldn't want to stain Kris' car.







2:2 (?)












Hyunju went to school earlier than usual because she had to submit some papers. It was six and a half in the morning so it was expected that the hallways will be empty. But to her surprise, she saw a girl walking in a rush through the hallway. She wasn't sure if the girl saw her because she continued walking to one of the lockers, like no one saw her. Hyunju froze when the girl stopped right in front of Luhan's locker. She did not know why she was annoyed. Like she wanted to crush the girl with her very own hands. She really did not know why. Hyunju was so irritated that she thought she had to do something.








"Ehem." Hyunju cleared as she walked to her locker and opened it, right beside Luhan's and pretended that she was getting something from her locker. She was pretty sure that the girl almost jumped out as she heard her gasped. Like she was caught committing a crime. "How may I help you?" she added with a sound of being annoyed.







However, the girl remained still and took her hands off of Luhan's locker door and got ahold of the strap of her body bag. "Ah-umm.." the girl nervously uttered.







"I said, how may I help you with Luhan's locker?!" Hyunju slammed her locker door close and turned to face the girl.
















Who could that girl be?

And I hope you remembered when Luhan said “No, I’ll go.” in Not My Thing.^^




Hello to my dear readers and subscribers! You have no idea how I was surprised and touched by your comments. ( ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ ) I'm so glad that you liked With You and kept on supporting it. However, I felt so pressured than ever because I'm not so sure if you'll like the future chapters as well as you liked the previous one.. But don't worry, I'll work harder!



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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
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Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
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Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
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Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
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Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
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Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
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Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
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How dare you!
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