
With You





“My armor? Oppa, will you be my armor?” Luhan went blank for a second. How was he supposed to answer Krystal’s question, without saying words that may hurt her feelings? Luhan could feel what Krystal was feeling for him; attraction- and for some reasons, Luhan does not know how someone could be attracted to him, seeing him like this. He was grateful to Krystal who saved him once but he couldn’t do anything to pay her back. Saying ‘yes’ won’t help, because that would be a total lie. If he would be an armor, he would be Hyunju’s armor, and only Hyunju’s. No one else’s but hers alone.


“I hate to interrupt, but Miss Jung, your father ordered me to bring you back this instant. I hope you understand.” Luhan mentally sighed as he was fidgeting on how to answer Krystal. He couldn’t be even more thankful for Krystal’s driver, or else-knowing Krystal-a sea of tears may follow.


Krystal nodded at her driver and turned to Luhan to bid him goodbye. “You still owe me an answer, oppa. See you!” Both of them waved each other goodbyes, which led Hyunju freezing by the sidelines, watching. “What did she tell you?” she asked after the car had left. “Something that concerns you.” Luhan winked and noticed that Hyunju wasn’t wearing her coat. Probably because she rushed to give the bag back to Krystal that she forgot how freezing it was outside. Without hesitating, Luhan took of his coat and placed it on Hyunju, grabbing her hand. “Wha-what is it?” Hyunju was afraid that her whole body would burn with the sudden warmth of Luhan’s hand. “You forgot your coat, so I gave you mine. Now be my gloves.” Luhan smirked and dragged a shocked-faced Hyunju with him.


“Where are you taking me?”

“To my heart.”

“To your heart?”

Luhan smiled and Hyunju found herself melting from the inside. “Silly, that café.” He giggled as he pointed at the café that says ‘My Heart’ on its entrance.  Hyunju felt most embarrassed than ever as Luhan adjusted his fingers interlaced with Hyunju’s, holding her hand tighter as he dragged her into the café. “Come on, you wouldn’t want to freeze out here, do you?”


It has not been a long time since Hyunju saw a light igniting from Luhan’s eyes that trapped her in a daze. It gave her a happy and relieved feeling, seeing her best friend like this; looking a lot happier than before. Hyunju wonders why, but whatever the reason is, she would never get tired of seeing Luhan being like this forever.










Baekhyun’s eyes and the whole school’s eyes could not believe what they saw the moment the morning school bell rang. Everyone had their eyes on Luhan and they won’t take their eyes off of him. The hallways were filled with “Is he new here?” “Look at that cute guy.” “I haven’t seen him before.” “Omo, are you sure he isn’t a celebrity?” and those phrases annoy the hell out of Hyunju. Starting from the way to school, through the hallways, in the comfort rooms, even in her classroom, and now in the cafeteria, she could hear Luhan’s name everywhere. Seriously, he just had his glasses off and styled his hair, what’s with the cuss? He is still Luhan.


“Hyung.” Baekhyun called for Luhan, as they took a seat in the cafeteria. “I mean, Luhan hyungnim-ssi. Are you really our Luhan?”


“God! Drop the sudden honorifics Baek, it makes my ears bleed. Whatever you do, he’s still Luhan.” Hyunju just couldn’t help it. Even behind her back, she knows she’s being talked about as well. Like, who was she to be with Luhan or something. “But hyung, seriously, can’t you see? Everyone’s staring at you. You never even existed in this school before, but now..”


“Baekhyun, it’s me. Hyunju’s right. Stop thinking about it and try starting eating your food.” Luhan replied as he constantly looks at Baekhyun in the eyes as he talks, way different from keeping his head down to prevent being picked on by bullies before. “It’s just.. fascinating. What happened to your glasses anyway?” Baekhyun tried, but he’s still playing with his food.

“I use them at home and I wear these clear contact lenses in school.” Luhan replied.

“Oh, right,” Baekhyun announced. “It’s Friday, aren’t the three of us hanging out, somewhere?”


“I-I can’t. I have soccer training after school. Sorry, how about I make it up next Sunday?” Luhan apologized and left Baekhyun and Hyunju’s jaws drop. “You accepted their offer?”

“Yeah, I wanted to try, since Minseok hyung pleaded me to do so.”

“Congratulations, then. For making it in the team.” Hyunju uttered with a tired smile on her face. It seemed like in just a blink of an eye, everything’s suddenly changing.

“But Chanyeol and I are going somewhere next Sunday, that’s not fair.”

“Oh, so now you’re dating my cousin?”

“No! I-it’s nothing like that.” Baekhyun denied but being flustered and flattered are all evident on his face as well as in the tune of his voice that left Luhan and Hyunju laughing and teasing him. “So, you’re spending the next Sunday with Hyunju then?”


“I won’t make it, I have to run an errand that day. Next Sunday’s a big day.”Hyunju replied. “Nevermind, there’s always a next time.” Luhan pouted.





The school day seemed like a frustrating day for Luhan. He was happy for starting the change he wanted to see, but he never knew how to cope with the people giving him special treatments. Perhaps he was used to people giving him their cold shoulder for being weird and all before. “Excuse me oppa,” Luhan turned around as an unfamiliar voice trailed behind him as he was walking along the corridors. “please accept this, I heard that you really love strawberry cakes.” The girl, who seemed like a junior, handed him a small box of strawberry cake.  He was shocked by the sudden interaction that he did not utter a word, but bowed instead, excusing himself for he has a class to attend to. Yes, he got the change that he wanted, but being treated like this never crossed his mind. Luhan wanted nothing but to change for Hyunju, but not for everyone else. Maybe this is a part of it, he thought. I just need to endure it.


Luhan thought that the cake he received earlier was the last, but then when he opened his locker, there were more. Letters, pictures, sweets that you could fit into the small spaces of the closed locker door, and other gifts filled his locker. He could feel eyes glued on him as he browsed to the things inside. Not just eyes, but a few cameras as well. Somehow, he felt like being stalked. Who would know that he is very fond of strawberry cakes and the like? This day is surely driving Luhan crazy.


And that’s not the end of it. He thought it will only last for that day, but as a couple of days passed, it got a whole lot worse. Luhan was sitting on his seat in his classroom, waiting for their next teacher, when the girl from before caught his attention from the window. She waved at him and pointed at another box of cake she handed a while ago. Luhan, being the cool guy, opened the box and had a taste of the cake. Sure it was tasty, but not as tasty as the one he and his mom makes. He turned his attention back to the girl and held a thumb up while munching on some of the remains in his mouth. The girl then squealed and ran off with her other friends.


“Look who’s got a fan.” Luhan turned his head and gave Minseok a confused look. “I mean fansss.”

“Stop it hyung, you’re not helping.”

“Well aren’t you happy? You don’t need to get bullied anymore, plus you’re apparently the school’s heart throb.”

“Says who?” Luhan frowned at his hyung. “Plus, I did not sign up for this.” He added as he motioned his head to some girls outside his classroom, holding their phone cameras.



A match is due in a couple of weeks, and until the practices, a number of girls where watching him play. He was thankful for the love and cheers they were giving him, but then he wasn’t used to it. Days are getting lonelier as his attention was all occupied with people he barely known of. Luhan was happy to have his friends supporting him with whatever he does, but still, hanging out with them is different. Hang outs were rarely done as soccer trainings were filling up his schedule, and Luhan starts to get apologetic. The only time they could be together are walking to and from school and lunch breaks. Other than that, they just spend those times to the fullest.



One school day, Hyunju had to stay in the library to finish her homework. She was almost done packing up when a guy plopped himself on a chair, facing her.

“Long time no see.”


Hyunju lifted her head up to see who was talking to her. “Kris? What are you doing here?”


“I just went by to see you.”

“Oh.” Kris just watched as Hyunju finished packing her bag when Luhan came by.


“Are you done? Let’s go. I’ll walk you home.” Luhan held out a hand to Hyunju.


“Actually, I was driving her home, right Hyunju?” Kris interrupted.


“Walking home is something we always do, if you don’t mind, Kris?” Luhan argued.


“Wouldn’t be driving her home would be faster?”


“Who knows if you might get into a car accident.”


The room was getting tensed, not until Hyunju stood up and ended their argument. “Will you two stop fighting?! I can walk home by myself.” And just like that, Hyunju left the two in the library, sending each other death glares as if they were having an intense staring contest. 




Heh, sorry for the long wait. I have been busy with accomplishing my dreams. ㅋㅋㅋ

New stories keep on forming in my imagination that I posted a one shot fic. Have you read it?-> My Angel

I also have another on-going fic -> It's My Friend, and I'm writing another Luhan fic. ㅠㅇㅠ[I'll notify you if I have already posted it.] 

Next update will be on Sunday. I promise. :)

And I'm deeply sorry.

And thanks for subscribing! 

BTW, You can imagine Luhan as the Luhan you see now. ;)

I really appreciate your comments and upvotes.












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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
Vivothna #3
Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
Krystal is always a '' everytime I read fanfic!
Vivothna #4
Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
Vivothna #5
Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
Vivothna #6
Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
Vivothna #7
Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
Vivothna #8
Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
Vivothna #9
Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?