
With You

"You're what?!" Baekhyun who did not believe what he heard, shouted with all his might as they were walking home from school.

"Keep it low Baek.." Hyunju demanded, annoyed by Baekhyun's deafening voice."I said I think I'm in love." she added with a low voice. 

"Hyung, can you slap me." he told Luhan with a blank face.




"What? You told me to slap you!"


"I-- what, I did not literally told you to do so!"


"Oh stop exaggerating Baek. It's not like it's nothing normal." Luhan said. "It's Hyunju we are talking about. How can it be normal?!" Baekhyun who still cannot believe what he has heard, replied while rubbing his now throbbing red cheeks. 

"Oh just forget it. Maybe I was just infatuated…" she butted in as she stopped in her tracks, making the two stop as well. "… it's really not a big deal anyway." she added as she walked again, with rushed steps this time, leaving Baekhyun and Luhan behind. 


"Hey, wait up!" they shouted as they keep up with their now irritated friend. And so they walked with normal speed again, never bringing back the topic they had a while ago. Twilight came. Stars slowly showed up. The cold breeze started to brush them as they came to a stop when they reached Hyunju's house. 


"It's cold outside, do you want to come in and drink something warm? I bet mom made some hot cocoa before she left." Hyunju offered her friends as she was unlocking the door. 


"I would like to, but I still have to drop by my mom's shop." Baekhyun pouted. "I'll get going now, see you!" he turned the other way after bidding them goodbye.


"Oh, maybe next time. Luhan, let's go." Hyunju said. 


Luhan was used to being in Hyunju's house since they became friends when they were still young. Not always allowed by her parents, Hyunju had to stay indoors, leaving her no choice but to invite Luhan over instead. Being like brothers and sisters, Park's residence became Luhan's second home and vice versa. But today, it felt really strange. Though he wanted to follow Hyunju inside, he didn't felt like doing so. 


"Uh, Hyunju, maybe next time. I think I should get going now." he said. 


"Oh, I forgot that you still have fresh wounds and bruises. You know, you should really tell your parents about this. If they asked me what's wrong again, I will really spill them your lies." she said with a disappointed and worried look in her eyes. 


"Yea, sure…" No. He thought. Being the only son, Luhan did not want telling such things to his parents. He thought that saying such will make him look weak and he did not want to disappoint them. So every time he gets into trouble and ends up going home with bruises, the i-ran-into-a-closed-door reason became his friend and pleads Hyunju not to tell the truth to his parents. 


"Go inside, I'll be leaving soon." Luhan told Hyunju who was still on her doorstep. 


"Are you sure you'll be fine? You should've left with Baekhyun earlier." Hyunju answered, worried that his best friend might get into trouble again. 


"Don't worry, I'll be alright. Now go, make sure you lock your door and don't let anyone in not until--" 


"--not until my mom gets home, I know, I know." she continued what he was saying because she knew too well and memorized everything Luhan told her for the past years when she's home alone. "bye." he said as he waved at Hyunju. 


"Bye. Be safe." worry in Hyunju's eyes was still evident yet she flashed Luhan a warm smile as she waved back at him and eventually closed the door. 


His face lit up at the sight of a smiling Hyunju. You don't see a smiling Hyunju anywhere. Seeing her smile was really rare. 



It made him relaxed as he heard Hyunju locked the door; meaning she followed what he said. He felt strange again. Placing his hand on his chest, he felt his heart thumping hard again. It thumped as hard as when he watched Hyunju being helped by the guy pick up her things. It thumped as hard as earlier but with a different feeling. The feeling was relaxing now, the complete opposite of what he felt before. 






Everyone was busy as they dress up for their next class - Physical Education. Most of the class were ready though some were still finishing tying up their shoelaces and others were just chatting on how they were excited having basketball in PE class; though some were not and Luhan belonged to those some. It wasn't just his thing. He remembered how he at playing the game when he was in third grade, making him a laughing stock for the whole year. And he didn't want to repeat the history itself. 


Luhan nearly lost it as he heard rubber shoes squeaking on the newly waxed floor of the gym. 

"Minseok ah, would you please stop making that noise?" 


"What? It sounds really funny." Minseok teased but quickly stopped as Luhan glared at him. "Oh come on, I was just kidding, what's with the face?" Luhan sent the guy a tired smile. Minseok belonged to the few of Luhan's close friends. He is older by a few months so he did not bother if Luhan calls him hyung or not.


"Okay class, ready for basketball?" the coach's voice filled the entire gym and soon joined by the class as they answered "yes sir". Before they even start, he can even hear some of his classmates bully him for being such a noob in basketball. He did not mind them, not wanting to bring home fresh bruises again; he had enough. 

"Would you shut that foul mouth of yours." Minseok argued. "You're like kids, laughing over a not-so-big-deal matter. How do you kiss your moms with those mouths of yours." 

"Minseok, don't. It's alright. Don't bother." Luhan whispered on his back, trying to stop Minseok from saying things which may initiate some trouble. 

"Well I just can't let them say such things to my friend." he answered, eyes still fixed to those guys with unstoppable foul mouths. "But the next time this happens again, don't stop me." Luhan with his index finger raised his glasses as they were almost hanging down to his nose. "Alright." 

"Ehem." the coach cleared his throat. "I want you to meet your new classmate." Everyone in class turned to face their coach with this tall and handsome guy holding a ball on his side. 


Luhan gaped as he saw the guy. With his handsome features, tall and toned body, and charming gummy smile anyone will have their hearts melt with the sight.



"He's cool." Minseok whispered, earning a nod from Luhan. The guy seemed familiar to Luhan, he did not know how.


"Our school imported this student from China as the basketball team's captain." their coach added. Luhan can hear his female classmates spazzing on how the guy was really cool and charming. He can clearly heard how they wonder if the guy's taken or not, making Luhan roll his eyes. 


"Relax. Go, introduce yourself." the coach told the guy. 





"Hello. I am Kris Wu, your new classmate." he said as he bowed. Screams from the girls echoed in the gym leading the male population of the class to groan for they were really unfortunate to have Kris in their class. I mean how can they pick up girls they like if they are all eyes on this new student? 

Luhan was in deep shock as he heard his voice. Now he clearly remembers. 




"No, it's okay, I was not being careful as well. Here let me help you." 



"Here, I'm really sorry."


His eyes widened in shock as he realized that Kris was the guy who bumped into Hyunju a couple of days ago. 

His thoughts were snapped when the coach whistled and divided them into teams for a warm up game. Luhan frowned when Minseok was assigned to the other team. Kris was in his team though. The coach whistled once again as to signal the start of the game. Luhan did not know how the ball came to his hands. He was nervous as he was dribbling the ball to the ring only to be stopped by the opponent. The opponent playing a dirty game, pushed Luhan as he stole the ball and scored for his team. Luhan felt the pain as he fell on the ground, spraining his ankle as his glasses were thrown away. 

"Are you alright?" He looked up, only to find Kris in his blurry image, who held his hand out so Luhan can reach. Luhan held out his hand only to be reached by Kris while his other free hand went in search for his glasses.

"Sorry, I can't see well."


"Luhan! Are you alright? That jerk, just wait until I lay my hands on him!" Minseok stormed to Luhan, helping his friend to get up while almost cursing the guy who pushed Luhan. 

"I see your glasses from here, it's broken and I don't think it's functional anymore." Kris said as he and Minseok helped Luhan up. 

"Sorry, but would you mind helping me bring Luhan to the nurse?" Minseok asked. 

"Sure." Kris replied as he asked permission to the coach and left to the clinic. The coach then, declared a foul and finished the game. 




"Oh dear, what happened?" Luhan, not seeing things clearly, heard a woman in her 30's speaking to them. 

"I think he sprained his ankle." Kris answered politely. "Some pushed him as we were playing basketball in class." Minseok added with a pissed tone. The nurse narrowed her eyes and had a disappointing look on her face. "Tsk. Kids these days." She said as she looked for cure while Kris and Minseok placed Luhan on the bed leaning by the wall of the clinic. 


She brought out an icepack and pressed it onto Luhan's sprained ankle making the boy in pain screech. "Apply this for atleast 30 minutes for 2 days and this will be fine. If you feel pain, take these." The nurse said as he hand out some painkillers to Luhan. "He will be fine, so you may leave him here and go back to your classes." Minseok and Kris thanked the nurse and hurried back to their class. 





"Luhan! Are you alright?" he did not need to look to know whom this voice came from because he already knew. The voice calmed him. He felt his heart thump again, only harder. He really is curious why he would feel such. He cleared his thoughts and his throat before answering. 


"Hyunju, what are you doing here and how did you find me?" he asked out of curiosity. "Umm, are you forgetting me?" He heard Minseok come in. "She asked me where you were and so I took her here with me." Luhan never felt so relieved before. Having Hyunju with him at times like this made him forget about the pain. He felt like he can fly and-

"I called your parents and told them to pick you up since school has ended because I don't think going home by yourself won't do good to your sprained ankle." the nurse interrupted his imaginations.


"How is your ankle, Luhan?" Luhan's heart stopped as he heard Kris. This is a big problem. 


Hyunju gaped as she turned around and saw the guy again. This went unnoticed by Minseok. "Oh… Hyunju, this is Kris, our new classmate. He helped me in bringing Luhan here earlier. And Kris, this is Hyunju, Luhan's best friend." 

"Nice to meet you." he held his hand out and smiled.

"N-Nice to meet you too. A-And thank you for helping Luhan." she said as she quickly reached out for Kris's hand for a handshake, not wanting for the guy's hand to hang there for a long time.

"Are you alright? Your hands feel cold." Kris noticed. 

"No, I-I'm perfectly fine." the girl replied. 

Even he can't see clearly at the moment, he felt the pain again. Just hearing them conversing like this again without seeing them crystal clear brought the pain back he felt earlier. He didn't feel like he can fly anymore, it even made him feel like a bird losing its wings as it falls from the sky- falling without someone below to catch him. 



He felt jealous.This may not be the right thing to feel at a moment like this. At the moment when you realize that you're indeed, inlove


a/n: hooray for this has been the longest chapter so far! ㅋㅋㅋ I enjoyed writing the chapter as I add angst to this story's tags. Anyway, I don't know when I'll be updating again. I just hope you enjoy reading my story and please do comment so I'll know how my fic is doing. ^^


Gladly appreciating upvotes, comments, and subscribers! 정말 감사해요 그리고 사랑해요! 




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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
Vivothna #3
Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
Krystal is always a '' everytime I read fanfic!
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Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
Vivothna #5
Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
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Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
Vivothna #7
Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
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Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
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Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?