
With You
"Hyunju ah!" Luhan smiled and waved as he approached his new friend. However, Hyunju ran away, ignoring the little boy. 

"Hyunju! Where are you going?" Luhan noticed that Hyunju ignored her mother as well. 

"Ahjumma, can Hyunju and I play outside?" Clueless little kid, Luhan, asked permission. 

Immediately, Mrs. Park's face relaxed as she nodded and looked down at the boy. 

"Luhannie!" Hyunju's mother called even before Luhan can run after Hyunju. The boy came back to where Hyunju's mother was. She knelt down as she looked into the little boy's eyes with deep concern. 

After releasing a deep sigh, she said: "Luhan,please make Hyunju smile again?" 

As soon as Hyunju went inside the house, the smile together with the curious look on her face was still there, wondering what's up with her best friend. She shook her head and headed to the bathroom. She had to get ready for her school that is about to start in an hour. 

"Wha-" Hyunju screamed as she felt hands covering her eyes from behind her while she was having lunch in the canteen.

"Stay still." the voice said. She knew she heard the voice before. She was just unsure who owned it. After a few minutes, Hyunju knew that she was lead at the rooftop of the school. 

"Ready?" he said and he released the hands from Hyunju's eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she turned to look at the guy behind her. 


"Surprised?" he replied with a gummy smile. She nodded and quickly turned to the open. Petals were all over the ground and she noticed an iPod connected to a speaker was playing a love song which she did not really know. 

"Hyunju, I just really want you to know," 

Know what? Are you confessing to me? No it cannot be. This is going too fast. Is this even real? No Hyunju, stop thinking about these. 



What? Speak now! 


"Hyunju! Hyunju! I need to use the bathroom!" 

And there, Hyunju flipped open her eyes and realized that she had slept in the tub. Quickly, she wrapped herself with a towel and opened the door. 

"Oh my god Hyunju, what took you so long?" Her mother asked as she moved her daughter outside and quickly slammed the door. 

. She looked at the clock hanging on their dining and almost swore. It's 6:55am and how the hell can she be ready in five minutes, knowing that she only has her towel around her? As fast as she could, she rushed into her room, got dressed, lifted her bag and headed for the front door. 

"Bye mom, I'm leaving now!" she shouted at their bathroom door and stormed her way out. And again, of all days, why today? Not a single cab can be found on the road. Without much further ado, she ran her way to the school. 

It's 7:10 when she got on the door to their first period. And oh, the whole class stared at her as she was catching her breath while she held onto the door frame. The feeling was new, it was here first time being late. It's like being a criminal and the whole world is eyeing you from head to toe. 

"This is not happening to me." she told herself as her teacher turned to face her.

"You know I hate late people Miss Park." The teacher said with an eyebrow raised and arms folded together. "Out." he added. 

Mr. Choi is their ever cruel math teacher who gives a to late students. Hyunju even remembered one of her classmates who was late for like fifteen seconds, did not let by the evil teacher attend his class. 

So Hyunju sat on the marbled floor of the hallway and leaned her back to the wall opposite to her classroom. Tired of all the misfortunes that happened this morning, she looked up to the ceiling and closed her eyes. It eased the annoyance she had within her. There she imagined herself lost in some field, letting the cool breeze push her to the ground, wait for the sun rays to kiss her goodbye and just lay down there and do nothing. 

"you late in class too?" Hyunju opened her eyes and almost jumped up when she saw Kris. 


"Kris?" she blinked her eyes several times to make sure that she wasn't dreaming. 

"Yeah? Why, were you expecting someone else?" He said. And yes, this is real. He is real. Hyunju hoped that the guy was not looking at her as he sat beside her and groaned, for she can feel that she's heating up inside and probably her face turned red by now. 

"Too?" she asked to break the silence. 

"Yeah, my calculus teacher hates late people in her class." he replied. "Tell me about it." Hyunju sarcastically said. 

"Why don't my calculus teacher and your math teacher get hooked up instead? I bet they can erase both bitterness within them and stay cool for life, not giving a a to their students, especially tha late ones." Kris kidded. 

"I don't think they will work. You know, Mr. Choi cannot really be called a mister." she whispered which made Kris laugh hysterically and really loudly. Seconds later they switch their attention to a man walking up to them, looking really annoyed by their sight. 

"Ehem." Quickly, Kris and Hyunju stood and bowed to the man. 

"Miss Park, may I ask what were you doing with Mister Wu? I thought I told you to not attend my class, but I did not tell you to flirt with your handsome sunbae." Mr. Choi said. Hopefully, he did not see how Kris smirked with what he heard and whispered to Hyunju:"I see, you're right." and chuckled. 

Hyunju was about to retort when the teacher raised a hand to stop her. "No buts Miss Park, I want you in my class now." And Hyunju was like what-I-thought-you-said-you-want-me-out-of-your-class?! Before she was forcefully pushed inside her room, Kris shot her a 'see you later'look. 

It was their 5th period that day before they were dismissed. Seeing that her science teacher is too immersed on writing down the notes on the board, Hyunju snatched her phone from her pocket as she felt it vibrate. 

      Feb 21 2014 2:31 PM

Indeed. Mr. Choi isn't a mister. 
Ms. Kim asked him out minutes
ago and he declined her. 
                        -Mr. Wu 

Her heart skipped a beat. She pinched herself and yes, it's real again. Her heart was like "Oh my god he just texted me?" 

        Feb 21 2014 2:32 PM 

How did you get my number? 

          Feb 21 2014 2:34 PM 

Hmm.. I just did. 

          Feb 21 2014 2:40 PM 

Hmpf. Forget it. 

          Feb 21 2014 2:40 PM 

I thought you slept in class. You replied
6 mins late. Ha. Ha. Ha. 

          Feb 21 2014 2:41 PM 

What? I did not. I'm not like you. :P 

Hyunju hid the phone behind her textbook. She would never let her teacher confiscate her phone or else she's doomed. She found herself smiling for the feeling of "rebellion" if that's what you call it by texting while the teacher is discussing. 

            Feb 21 2014 2:41 PM 

Well at least I am not smiling to 
a textbook while my teacher is 
writing down notes on the board.

Wha- How did--? Hyunju faced to her left and to her right in search for the guy. Just by the window, she saw Kris at the room across the other building, waving at her. Not too long after, she saw the teacher threw a chalk at Kris. Head shot. And he was sent outside the room. 

"Hyunju!" Luhan screamed as he swam through the sea of students along the hallway. 

"Oh, hey there." Hyunju turned around. "Be at the playground after your taekwondo classes."

"Yeah, sure." she replied and Luhan vanished. 

"Hey Hyunju!" Kris called. 


"Oh, you scared me." Hyunju replied as she closed her locker door. 

"Any plans for tonight?"

"Actually I have my taekwondo classes after-"


"Really? I just heard the taekwondo instructor will not be administering classes today?" What? How did he-

Hyunju's phone rang. After she excused herself, she talked towards to a friend on the other line, telling her that the taekwondo classes was canceled and that they will be partying at a noraebang instead. After the call, she turned around and faced Kris again. 


"My friend invited me to a party--"

"Oh, Minju did? That's great, we can go together, she invited me as well." Hyunju cannot believe what was happening. Earlier she was sitting, chatting, and laughing beside Kris. Then he got her number and texted her. And now… What is this? 

"Let's go?" 

Hyunju was like, woah, and aren't things going a little bit fast? but she erased this thoughts and replied,"Yeah, sure." 

It was all set up. He opened the oven and then cleaned their kitchen. He spent almost half an hour finishing baking Hyunju's favorite. He let it cool in the fridge for at least an hour. Luhan was done setting up and headed to the park. He sat on a swing and waited. He's holding a box on his lap and a few balloons on his free hand. Wanting to kill maybe, some time, he pulled out his phone from a pocket of his thick coat. 

Playground. Same place.|

He texted Hyunju. He lifted his wrist to check the time and it says 4:32PM- an hour more 'til her taekwondo classes ends. And so he waited. Luhan watched as the kids around him played. He remembered the old times, when it was them, Hyunju and him, were playing and tagging around the open space. His gaze switched beneath the slide where he and Hyunju first celebrated her birthday. He will never forget that day for it was mixed with both sadness and happiness. 


"Please make Hyunju smile again?" he remembered Hyunju's mother's words.
                                                     He ran beneath the slide where he found Hyunju crying. A few days ago, they were
                                  in the same place, beneath the slide where he greeted Hyunju a happy birthday. Usually the little girl
                                                              would jump for excessive happiness but today, she didn't. The day of her
                                                 birthday was also the day of his father's death. Her mom was worried for she does not
                                                                                       know how to bring back Hyunju's smile


Until now, Luhan took the responsibility of making Hyunju happy. And so he waited more. Some of the kids who knew Luhan in the playground, started to bid him goodbye as they ran to their moms who were calling them home. It's getting darker and colder. He brought out his phone once more to check if there were messages. But there was none. He checked the time and says it was already 5:55 PM. "Maybe their instructor extended for a few more minutes." he told himself and waited more. Luhan wished he wore thicker garments for the cold breeze is now breaking its way through his coat to his skin. 

The clock turned 7:15 PM and Hyunju was still not there. "Maybe a friend invited her to eat dinner outside." he convinced himself and waited more. 

The moon and the stars are now hidden. The sky was clouded and it became darker. Swinging back and forth, Luhan felt lonelier. He watched the smoke that he was emitting come in and out of his mouth. It was freezing cold. He lifted his wrist to look at the time and it's already 8PM. He then noticed a raindrop on his wrist watch. It started drizzling when a red mercedes benz suddenly stopped in front of the park. 

It was getting late and her friends were still having fun at the noraebang. Hyunju felt a little tired so she sat for a while and took out her phone. Luhan. 
Playground. Same place.
From: Luhan
Feb 21 4:32PM 



Oh my I forgot Luhan! She cursed herself. Quickly, she bid her friends goodbye and headed towards the exit not until Kris stopped her. 

"Sorry, I should be really going now."

"Let me send you home, it's late. It's not safe." Kris was right and she badly needed to go to Luhan. So she hopped in the car and gave Kris the directions. 

"Thanks, but I'll be walking from here." Hyunju said as they stopped at the park. Kris hopped out and opened the door for Hyunju. Hyunju bowed and thanked Kris but the guy insisted that he'll wait for Hyunju so he can send her home. "It's cold out here, don't stay much longer. You might get sick." Not wanting to waste time, she agreed, got the umbrella from her bag and ran to where Luhan was. 

Hyunju halted as she hold onto her chest to catch  her breath. "So-sorry f-for keeping you wait. I'm sorry." 

Luhan forced a smile as he stood up and handed Hyunju the box he was holding on his lap for hours now. "I hope the cold weather helped in cooling the cake well." 

Hyunju felt it. Guilt. She wanted to kill herself now. Staying out for too long with this kind of weather is impossible. Luhan on the other hand, ignored the pouring rain that is slowly pouring harder. 

"You should go now, we don't want Kris to wait for too long." Luhan said, still putting up that forced smile he had which Hyunju did not buy at all. 

"Come with us, I'll ask Kris to drop you home as we-" 

"I wouldn't want to mess his car with these soaked clothes. So, be on your way." Luhan said. Hyunju kept on insisting but she failed. 

"It's raining hard. You should go now." Luhan demanded. "You sure? Here." Hyunju handed Luhan her umbrella and Luhan retorted. 

"No, keep it. I wouldn't want you to get soaked when it rains this hard again." Luhan pushed Hyunju towards the car and sent her in. He watched as the silhouette of the red mercedes benz disappear through the pouring rain. 


"Happy birthday, Hyunju." Luhan told the disappearing silhouette of the car as he unclasped his hand and released the balloons to the dark sky. 

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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
Vivothna #3
Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
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Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
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Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
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Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
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Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
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Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
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Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?