
With You



   There were worries painted on Kris' face, trying to be concealed with a forced smile. He was successful in concealing those worries because Hyunju was not even watching. She was too busy worrying too; worrying with Luhan. Though she knows that Baekhyun is there with Luhan, she wanted herself to protect him from anything bad that may happen. As soon as they handed Mr. Kang the box and walked away from the Taekwondo room, they stopped for a while on the corridors. 


     "Let me thank you for helping me, with Mr. Kang." Kris turned to face Hyunju after breathing heavily. 


     "Well, you're welcome!" Hyunju replied. 


     "No, I mean, how about I treat you to an early dinner?" 


     "Oh." Hyunju uttered. Obviously, she wasn't focused. Her thoughts were currently divided with Luhan and Kris-but on Luhan mostly. "You really don't have to. A simple 'thanks' will do. I'm really glad to help a friend." Honestly, Hyunju was feeling a bit tired. She did not know why her energy suddenly drained out. 


     Friend. Just a friend. That's what Kris was worrying about. Worrying how he will end up with Hyunju as simple friends. Kris knew it was love at first sight, right there when he and Hyunju bumped into each other. He was ninety percent sure that he and Hyunju would work. But at some point, as the time went by, that ninety percent decreased to sixty percent. Then he thought of Luhan. It has always been about him. That boy. Especially the night when they went to Everland. Kris held his tears back with just the mention of the word 'friend'. He wouldn't want Hyunju to see him cry, so he thought of something. He wouldn't give up without putting out a good fight. 


     "Hyunju, you're starting to hurt my feelings." He kidded. Jokes are half meant, but this joke is more than half meant. "Plus I missed you when I was away. Please?" Kris clasped his hands together, like a kid begging his mom to buy him a lollipop. There was a pause before Hyunju agreed. Who wouldn't resist Kris when he pouted and added puppy eyes, just to get what he wants? 


     Same routine, just like what they did a few weeks ago. A high class restaurant, only they weren't with the others; just the two of them. After a waiter left as he took their orders, Kris wouldn't want to miss this chance to probably erase his worries. 



       "Hello Baekhyun?" Hyunju answered her phone, cutting off Kris. Baekhyun sounded so problematic that made her rose up her seat and talked to him on the phone. 


      "Sorry, I have to go." Hyunju muttered after talking to Baekhyun. With her eyes filled with concern, Kris knew what was up. 


     "This is about Luhan, isn't it?" It wasn't a question because he already knew the answer. And he was right. Hyunju nodded. "Sorry, Luhan needs me right now." She added as she turned her heel and darted outside the restaurant. Before she reached the door, Kris stopped him. 


     "Hyunju, wait-" Hyunju quickly turned around for she did not want to lose time. She did not say a word. She just had this questioning look on her face. 


     "Please," he breathed "take a chance on me?" He asked, eyes fixed on Hyunju and hands still holding her, not wanting to let go. He knew he sounded desperate, because he was.


      "Kris-" she answered. "I don't think that this is the right time to talk about this. I'm sorry, I really have to go." Hyunju took Kris' hands off of her and ran out. It felt slow-mo, for Kris. His hands were left hanging at the resto's doorstep. 


     "Your order-" the waiter said, trying to examine Kris. "sir?" Kris handed his card and left without it. He told the counter that he will get it back some other time and left with his car, driving to nowhere. Just out of this place. 



     It was hard getting a cab at this area, so Hyunju felt like dying with every second that passed. As soon as she hopped in the taxi, she quickly told the cabbie what Baekhyun told her earlier. 


     "New Seoul Seongmo Hospital. Please drive faster, it's really an emergency." She sounded really worried, so gladly, in fifteen minutes, she arrived at the said hospital. 


     Baekhyun was crying as soon as she reached the front of Luhan's room. Chanyeol was seating on one of the chairs leaning on the wall. Hyunju hugged him and tears she was holding back earlier, ran down to her cheeks. 



       "Well, he's not yet dead." Baekhyun kidded. 

     "Is he awake now?" Hyunju asked as she wiped away her tears and released Baekhyun from the hug. 


     "Aunt Mei is inside, talking to Luhan." Baekhyun answered as he gestured her way to the door. "Hyunju ah," he stopped Hyunju before she could open the door. "I'm sorry." he said and tears formed again in his eyes. "Sorry for not looking out for Luhan." In return, Hyunju squeezed both Baekhyun's hands, telling him that it's okay, that it wasn't his fault and twisted the door knob open.


     "Goodness Hyunju! I'm glad you came!" Luhan's mom pulled Hyunju into a tight hug. "I couldn't reach you. Baekhyun said you had a new number." 


     "I'll leave you two for a moment. Jihoon's waiting at the parking lot. See you later!" Mei said as she placed a kiss on her son's forehead and left the room. 


     Luhan smiled as Hyunju sat beside his bed and took his hand. "Sorry." she uttered as she examined Luhan's bruised and swollen face. He quickly wiped Hyunju's tears away, telling her that he's fine, even though he did not look like he was. 


     "I'm not going to leave you again." 

     "I'm not badly hurt. The doctor said I'll stay for the night, then I can go home tomorrow. Don't worry." he smiled while cupping Hyunju's face and started to wipe more tears away. Luhan was in pain in every move he does. Deep pain. Not only his face was swollen but also most of his body. He resisted the urge to groan because he was just so happy to see Hyunju with him, even if he can't see her clearly. His glasses were bad as a broken mirror when they ganged him up. 


       "Oppa, I bought-" The sound of the door and a voice startled Hyunju. When she turned around, she saw this redhead girl again, with two cans of coffee in her hands. 

    "What are you doing here?" Baekhyun said angrily as he barged in and questioned the girl. His startled face were the same as Hyunju's. Chanyeol followed right behind him, trying to stop him from whatever bad he might do. 


     "Oh, I forgot to tell you," Luhan sat up with the help of Hyunju. "she was the one who brought me to this hospital." he added. 


     The girl placed the cans of coffee on the table leaning on the wall and turned to everyone with her head down. They couldn't see her face but she quickly lifted it up and smiled. "Hello," she bowed. "I am Krystal. Krystal Jung. I'm your junior." she introduced herself to everyone in the room. Everyone was giving her a dirty look except for Luhan. He thanked her once more. 


     "Yeah, thank you for saving our friend." Baekhyun scoffed, and Chanyeol placed a hand onto his shoulder to calm him down. 


     "Right. Thank you for saving Luhan. I'm really grateful to you." Hyunju added.


     "It's not- well I'm glad to help when you were not there." Krystal replied that made the room quiet and Baekhyun balled his fists, trying to control himself.


     "Anyone want some pizza?" The door opened and Luhan's mom together with his step dad entered the room with boxes of pizza for everyone. Luhan quickly said he wanted some to break the silence and everyone followed. 







      "Dear, aren't those street bullies tired of beating you up?" the car was silent.


      "I'm having second thoughts of us, leaving this place." 


     "Mommmmmmm-" Luhan groaned at his seat at the back of the car, on their way home from the hospital. They actually spent two more nights at the hospital for abundant rest and for fast recovery. 


     "Honey, you know I'm kidding. You, leaving Hyunju? I wouldn't want you to die…" His mom chuckled at the front seat. She was almost out of breath.




     "Alright, alright. I'll shut up." she giggled.  


     As soon as they got home, Luhan headed straight to the bathroom to rinse off the smell of the hospital. Even though he was only there for a few days, he grew sick of the atmosphere in it. 

     Letting the water shower all over his face down to his body, Luhan's thoughts were bombarded of what a loser he was. Scrubbing off his entire body, still seeing the evidences of wounds and bruises, he cried. He can't stop himself from being like this. Luhan thought he was born to be like this; a wimp, a loser, a total nerd. Feeling hopeless, he felt sad for his family, particularly his mom, Hyunju, Baekhyun, and the other people around him. He also grew mad at himself that he threw a punch to the wall. 


     He turned the shower off, dried himself, and wrapped the towel around his hips. Luhan looked at his reflection in the mirror as he wiped the fog off of it. He stared at the tears that were running down to his face and wiped it. He told himself not to cry. He told himself to be strong. Luhan brushed his hair upward with his fingers, revealing his bare face. Without glasses. Without the hair that was always covering his eyes. He thought that maybe he could be like this. That maybe, just maybe, it wasn't too late to change. 


     "Mom?" he screamed through the closed door inside the bathroom.



     "Yes dear?" 



     "When will we visit Dr. Jeon again?" 











cliff hanger? ^^ 


Hey guys! It's been a while! I was up for another fic, a baekyeol fic. 

I hope you would read it while waiting for each update. ~> It's My Friend 


I would like to ask which do you prefer? 


KrisJu or JuHan? 















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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
Vivothna #3
Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
Krystal is always a '' everytime I read fanfic!
Vivothna #4
Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
Vivothna #5
Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
Vivothna #6
Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
Vivothna #7
Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
Vivothna #8
Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
Vivothna #9
Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?