Night At The Library

With You

It seemed like Hyunju was the only student left in the library that hour, that’s why she was surprised to see Kris around. The Kris who was allergic to the smell of the books in the library. (Though Hyunju saw him once or twice in the library when he and Luhan were arguing on which of them gets to walk or drive her home. Luhan.


“I suppose you have a project to work on, here at the library?” Hyunju asked, not bothering to look up Kris as she was rushing to finish the papers she were working on.


“No. Actually, I came by because of you.” Kris replied. It was a sudden thing to say that Hyunju inclined her head in confusion. But Kris just smiled and looked into her eyes. “I hate the thought of you being alone. Especially at this hour.” Hyunju had nothing else to say so she continued working as the guy watched her until she finishes. Occasionally, Hyunju would hear the latter yawn and whenever she spares a glance at him, Kris would struggle to fight the urge of dozing off and she couldn’t help but smile.


“What are you laughing at?” Kris would ask and Hyunju would shake her head in response, an act which would make the guy poke her with a pen on her forehead to force her to tell him what she was laughing at. As expected, Kris would let the topic go and let Hyunju continue with her project. It wasn’t a big deal knowing what she was laughing at, anyway. It’s just that Kris wanted attention and sometimes, when Huynju gets so much stressed; he wanted to drift her focus away from it for a second.


After some time, Hyunju finally finished and started to pack up. “Wait here,” she said. “I’ll just return these books to the shelves. Kris nodded and offered the girl that he would be helping her in cleaning up the desk while she returns the books. A few steps to one of the shelves, Hyunju heard a number of books collapsing. “Kris?” she called out. “Is everything alright?” she asked with a worried tone. But no one responded. Hyunju checked on where the books collapsed and to her surprise, she saw no one but the books lying on the floor. Maybe they were hiding in here. She thought since it was a secluded part of the library and she often catches couples doing their ‘business’ on that area. Hyunju was hurrying her way back to the desk where she left Kris when the lights suddenly went out. “No way,” she muttered then shouted Kris’ name.


“Hyunju ah!” Kris called out. “Where are you?”


“Here!” she shouted back. “I’m going there.” Hyunju was panicking. She had never been locked in the library, but she was thankful enough to have Kris with her or else she would be spending the night in scary and almost pitch-black library all night.


“What happened?” Kris asked as Hyunju came back.


“I think they’re starting to close the library.” Hyunju replied. “What time is it? Maybe we could still find an exit.”

“It’s seven fifty. I think we still have time.” He replied, grabbing Hyunju’s bag by its straps.


It was difficult finding a way out since the lights were out. Kris walked close with Hyunju and when they heard keys jingling near them, he took a hold of her hand and said, “Let’s make a run.” Kris’ touch surprised Hyunju. Nevertheless, she nodded and made a run to the door. But it was too late. The door was locked. The only door they have to escape the library. Hyunju began pounding the door shouting, “Hello? Anybody out there? There are still students in here!” Realizing that shouting and pounding the door was of no use, Hyunju sighed. “Sorry, the library closes at seven forty-five. I lost count of time.” She pouted.


“It’s not your fault. You just got to busy working on your project.” Kris replied but he could still see the worry in Hyunju’s eyes. Luckily, there was the moonlight illuminating some parts of the library.


“Hey,” He said, “You still have me here. Don’t worry.” He added, ruffling her hair.


* * *

Kris and Hyunju dozed off near the door. The latter woke first and was shocked to found her head leaned onto Kris’ shoulder, with one of his arm protectively wrapped around her. It was a sweet thing-the one Kris did. However, Hyunju felt wrong about it, so she gently took his arm away and gladly, he didn’t wake. He was snoring, as a matter of fact, and Hyunju thought, “Wow, this guy must really sleep well.”


As Hyunju got a hold of her bag and checked her things, she noticed that her phone was missing. She quickly rose up and went to the desk she used last night. Bingo. Hyunju found her phone but was shocked to have found it in someone else’s hand. Not just in someone else’s hand, but in Luhan’s hand. As soon as Luhan noticed her, he looked right into her eyes and gaped. Hyunju never felt so relieved to have seen Luhan after a few days, yet so sad because no matter how much she wanted to wrap him in her arms, she couldn’t. It was weird that apparently, both of them looked like they just got out of bed. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Luhan cleared his throat, snapping out of his thoughts saying, “Oh right,” He took a step towards the girl and handed her phone. “You forgot your phone.”


What time is it and what’s he doing here at this hour?” Hyunju thought as she reached for her phone, uttering a simple ‘thanks.’ Sneaking a peak at her phone, she checked the time and it flashed a blurred view of 5:47AM; the school, including the library, doesn’t open until six am. Her fingers brushed against Luhan’s and it was like a jolt of electricity ran to her whole body and struck her heart. Hyunju  hoped wondered if Luhan felt it too. Luhan just nodded and flashed her a sad smile. But as Luhan’s smile suddenly faded, Hyunju’s question in her mind earlier as to why Luhan was there, was answered when she heard an ever annoying voice. “Oppa.” Krystal called from behind her. So that’s it? That explains why there were books scattered last night? It was Luhan and Krystal’s doing? Before the welling tears in Hyunju’s eyes fall, she managed to escape from them. When she knew that she was out of their sights, she broke down to one of the bookshelves and cried.







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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
Vivothna #3
Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
Krystal is always a '' everytime I read fanfic!
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Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
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Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
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Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
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Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
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Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
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Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?